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North Laurel Vs Southwestern at the RES 9/26
Forever Maroon Wrote:That's a different coach. This one was a coach at Somerset last year, before coming to SW this year.
Is the coach that has 2 DUI's on the SW or Somerset coaching staff, if so was there no background check performed?
The coach was at SHS last year and SW this year is the one arrested the other day. The DUI had nothing to do with this guy. That's another coach at SW.
jim rome Wrote:Here is a fact for you..N.Laurel wins this game by a couple of scores.

doesn't seem much like a fact.
Walt Longmire Wrote:I think they were talking about the arrest this week of a star player's parent, not the former head coach.

Thanks for clarifying. Okay, so a current coach was arrested this week, but he is NOT the former coach who also has been arrested recently, right? And a third/separate coach with two DUI's has also recently been hired?


I still like the Warriors over the Jags by a couple scores. I hope they can get their staffing issues resolved.
Wow. Sounds like a "win at all cost" situation there. Nevertheless...Warriors should win this one at home 26-14. SW is a dangerous team who could surprise come playoff time.
Warriors 34
Jags 20
Slotback22 Wrote:Wow. Sounds like a "win at all cost" situation there. Nevertheless...Warriors should win this one at home 26-14. SW is a dangerous team who could surprise come playoff time.
Please don't pass judgement on SW because of the actions of a couple of coaches. The coach that was arrested was a VOLUNTEER that had a son on the team and coached at another school in Somerset last year. Win at all cost...Please!!!
For selfish reasons I want to SW come out and destroy North Laurel, I want them to look the freaking Seahawks.

SW - 35
NL - 20
I hope the serious football posters on this thread can keep it on topic. Those of you who want to make it about something else can start another thread or better yet, head on over to Topix to get your daily dose of he said/she said.

Hopefully the Warriors can play some mistake-free football tonight and get a little revenge on the Jags. Good luck to both teams tonight for an injury free game.
Thats all fine and dandy but when there are distractions as far as coaching and the uncertainty if a star running back has left the team then that becomes a huge part of predicting the outcome of this game which basically is the topic of this thread.
jim rome Wrote:Thats all fine and dandy but when there are distractions as far as coaching and the uncertainty if a star running back has left the team then that becomes a huge part of predicting the outcome of this game which basically is the topic of this thread.

A couple of different posts on another thread allege that one of Southwestern's running backs (Doan) has left the team and is transferring to Somerset. Don't know any other details, but the Warriors will be fine once they get through these distractions. Things like this can help pull a team closer together when they handle it the right way.
From what they say at work is Doan is playing and not transferring, I guess some don't know that. He isn't going back to Somerset
former Wrote:From what they say at work is Doan is playing and not transferring, I guess some don't know that. He isn't going back to Somerset

You should probably find another job. He's a Jumper again.

As far as SW goes, it could go either direction for them. Could be bad or could be a blessing in disguise. I still think they'll beat NL, but it may be a bit closer than anticipated. Still a lot of good players there to work with and I still expect them to have a pretty good year.
former Wrote:From what they say at work is Doan is playing and not transferring, I guess some don't know that. He isn't going back to Somerset

Better tell that to whoever enrolled him today at SHS, I doubt the kid is much concerned with football right now.
Wildcat18 Wrote:You should probably find another job. He's a Jumper again.

As far as SW goes, it could go either direction for them. Could be bad or could be a blessing in disguise. I still think they'll beat NL, but it may be a bit closer than anticipated. Still a lot of good players there to work with and I still expect them to have a pretty good year.

That's weird, a couple of sw dad's work here and said otherwise
JumperPride1 Wrote:Better tell that to whoever enrolled him today at SHS, I doubt the kid is much concerned with football right now.

I'd say you are spot on. Good luck to him.
I'm family, he's now a jumper. Please leave it at that and get back to football. The mods need to get control of this site, it's no better then topixs. Jordan is very respectful, great student, and even better athlete. So leave him out of this nonsense.
Forever Maroon Wrote:The coach was at SHS last year and SW this year is the one arrested the other day. The DUI had nothing to do with this guy. That's another coach at SW.

So SW has a coach with 2 DUI's and is allowed to coach. Does the principal, AD, or the board office not know this. Something just doesn't sound right. Here in Clay County we get rid of middle school coaches for getting seen drinking in public.
I think N. Laurel is a very overlooked team in the region. I look for them to come out on top this Friday.
Southwestern 28
North Laurel 14

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