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Knox Central 35 Harlan County 8
EKUAlum05 Wrote:That's actually my thought.

Who is it that HC wants to bring in as their Coach that will take them to the next level?

Especially with the new alignment coming out who would want the undertaking of a rural EKY program, that will have a playoff path that requires beating Pulaski County...then Highlands and/or CovCath...just to reach the Finals? All in an area with a dwindling economy thanks to government regulations on Coal.

Also people want to talk about opening the offense...but in order to become a championship program whatever offense you plan to run needs to be successfully implemented first at the Feeder School level.

Here is what I do know... the 2014 Harlan County team simply do not have the athletes to be a passing team. Of the teams Belfry has played so far HC has by far been the slowest of foot and had the weakest collection of skill players.

Changing offensive philosophy only makes sense when you have the talent to support the change. Right now the only offense suited for HC is to try and run behind their big OLine. Losing Massey was a major blow. Had Massey stayed I think HC would be 2 TD's better per game simply because hey had a gamebreaker that defenses had to account for every play.

IMHO, the best thing HC can do right now is invest heavily in their feeder system from a time and coaching standpoint. Make sure what skill guys you have are working hard on speed training in the off season. I also think HC's schedule ended up being a bit too much to chew. You only get better playing great competition..bu there are very few teams in the State that could navigate the 5 game stretch HC has had without at least two losses...and with a bit of lull in the talent pool the past two years have resulted in numerous losses and with it the lack of momentum being displayed in this thread.

I agree EKUalum. And, Pulaski runs the same offense style that they have over the past 4 years. In 2010, PC whipped the Bears in the first game of the season then the score was reversed with the Bears taking them down ending the maroons season in the regional championship. Same thing happened in 2011 and 2012 Black Bears ruled. Go Black Bears!!!!!

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