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Williamsburg 2014
What would you say the slit is? I'm guessing 70% Corbin, 5% Williamsburg, 5% Leslie Co, 5% Belfry, 5% Whitley Co, 5% Harlan Co, 3% Mayfield, 2% undecided.
I get this sinking feeling that 55 has something down deep for 64.
Now that's funny. I like it top notch. Finally someone lightens up.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Its amazing what 64 has done for the Wburg program. He has given them more PR and attention than going to BG did!

Williamsburg fans will be back on BGR soon. Jacket fever is alive I know what this team has. HEARTS :worthy:
I think this Yellow Jacket team has what Raceland, Pikeville, and Hazard have. Enough tallent and ability to make it to BG, but Idk if any of them can beat MF or BW.
Now yall are starting to concern me. Where is the fierce loyal Williamsburg fan base. Last year yall hadn't even been to the big dance and you were world beaters at this time in the year. Now yall went and it didn't turn out so well, so now your just good enough to possibly get there. This is absolutely no fun guys.
55 I wonder how much crowing you would be doing if your school was half the size of Williamsburg. Burn more coal
Mayfield dresses out more boys on the football team than Williamsburg has boys in school.
So Williamsburg has less than 60 boys in high school? Who is crowing? I'm simply trying to get you guys talking.
topnotch Wrote:55 I wonder how much crowing you would be doing if your school was half the size of Williamsburg. Burn more coal

I didnt know california chromes owner was a williamsburg fan.
Are you kidding, 64 has more money than him.
California Crome owner has always been a Williamsburg fan.
mysonis55 Wrote:Are you kidding, 64 has more money than him.

At its peak the city of Williamsburg boasted more millionaires per capita than any other city in the nation:truestory:
I believe the teams in the East will be better than last year. However, all roads to BG goes through Williamsburg.
pjdoug Wrote:At its peak the city of Williamsburg boasted more millionaires per capita than any other city in the nation:truestory:

You and topnotch hitting the crack pipe way too hard..............Confusednicker:
jetpilot Wrote:You and topnotch hitting the crack pipe way too hard..............Confusednicker:

He aint lying.
Considering it would only take about 2 or 3 for the small amount of people in that town, think about it.

To bad they didn't invest there Confusednicker:
pjdoug Wrote:At its peak the city of Williamsburg boasted more millionaires per capita than any other city in the nation:truestory:

Dont forget the most excuse makers per capita in the nation. Hence the california chrome comment. More on here picked the burg in the polls and bragged how they were world beaters but after they got beat down then you act like it was expected cause they had less boys.
killbilly usmc Wrote:Dont forget the most excuse makers per capita in the nation. Hence the california chrome comment. More on here picked the burg in the polls and bragged how they were world beaters but after they got beat down then you act like it was expected cause they had less boys.

The only fans who talk about world beaters are mayfield fans. 64SUR we do vote in eastern kentucky. :poker face:
64, you need to roll through the posts from last year. I remember all the, west is weak and it's our year posts. How soon you forget.
mysonis55 Wrote:64, you need to roll through the posts from last year. I remember all the, west is weak and it's our year posts. How soon you forget.

Guess what i'm saying it again west is weak. :betterthanexpected:
You go SUR!!!
Granny Bear Wrote:You go SUR!!!

Granny bear needs to worry less about pumping up 64, and worry more about if hear bears can keep the score within 20 points of belfry this year.
What else would you like for me to worry about kill billyusmc??
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:He aint lying.
Considering it would only take about 2 or 3 for the small amount of people in that town, think about it.

To bad they didn't invest there Confusednicker:

NOW< NOW< NOW Don't knock your home town, you know what will happen.:HitWall::
topnotch Wrote:NOW< NOW< NOW Don't knock your home town, you know what will happen.:HitWall::

Its never been my home town and never will be.
Now tell me, what will happen? Another ridiculous assumption?
killbilly usmc Wrote:Granny bear needs to worry less about pumping up 64, and worry more about if hear bears can keep the score within 20 points of belfry this year.

Killbilly usmc you could be sitting up in a tree stand for a longtime if Granny Bear gets mad. You could miss football season. Confusederiously:
Apparently the west is always weak until the big game at BG. That seems to be the method you use there 64.
mysonis55 Wrote:Apparently the west is always weak until the big game at BG. That seems to be the method you use there 64.

The big pictures mysonis55 you was wrong last year when you call Williamsburg a pretender last year in the east. :Cheerlead
Mayfield is the west. It is a long time since anybody but Mayfield has represented the west.
Mayfield has been since 09,10,11,12, and 13.. So 5 straight years..
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