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Mayfield vs Williamsburg 1A State Title
64SUR Wrote:endure what want to explain.what about Williamsburg fans enduring you all season,talon can have mayfield and it doesn't shows true heart his heart should be on the east side of I-75 Confusederiously:

His heart is on the East side that is what he said. Don't know why tho with all the other East fans calling them out for recruiting. So his heart is with East but is brain is with the West
He knows he was there last year. He remembers that bravado and confidence that the burg is feeling right now. He also remembers that that only matters for about half a quarter then football ability and coaching takes over.
mysonis55 Wrote:No fan should have to deal with what happened at his school. By the way, maybe they should be asking my opinion over yours. Just look at our pickem scores. You are a whole week behind me.

Only reason I forgot to play one week,I beg for a bye week Confusednicker:
rednblackattack Wrote:Yeah and the eastern KY posse had The Wood leaving BG with a tiltle last year at the end of that game all you could hear on that side was the pitter patter of a running clock!

No shame in leaving BG state runner up, all I am saying Lit ratings don't mean shat...
[quote=smoke1015]Wayne's 2 touchdowns better than any team in 1A in my opinion, their best game against the other teams best. Although Central has had a "down year", Wayne's "Eastern speed" held up pretty well. But then again Wayne isn't exactly East, they are more south central or slightly south western, but regardless...

Funny how this stuff is totally reversed in middle school. For example, Bowling Green, Glasgow, Louisville middle schools, all the "Western Teams" go in and get manhandled by tough hard nosed Eastern teams, mostly mountain teams. I watch Corbin just smash teams like Bowling Green, speedy athletic teams and they are having 2 and 3 players carried off the field in one play. I just don't understand it. For example, my son made the all-star team, East/West thing tomorrow, and he'll be on the West (with all this "superior speed"), and we KNOW we are going to get hammered by the East because that's the way it is every year.

The funniest part of football, well, any sport is the fan that think certain players are over age, etc.. Filming the video and talking with a lot of state guys for the middle school playoffs, it seems that many western or northern people, (city/urban schools) feel that the mountain teams are all over age, a bunch of 16 and 17 year old middle schoolers out there. As one guy said, "with these mountain teams, you just never know"...lol. So if I am over talking to the "mountain schools", they are saying the same thing. "Some of these bigger city schools, man some of their kids have to be 2 and 3 years older than the age limit, it's crazy". It's the same BS for everyone, everyone, in the end, has the same excuses, and pretty much are wrong the same way. I personally still think Lebron James was 25 years old his senior year of high-school...[/QU
Ofn course that is your opinion since Wayne manhandled The Burg. However I don't think Wayne could even beat Mayfield let alone by 2 tds. Not many teams in the whole state could.
McCracken county a very good 6a team is ranked over Wayne in every state ranking. Mayfield beat them. I'm sorry Wayne is a great team just not the world beaters they are being made out to be in order to make Williamsburgs bad loss to them look like everybody else would lose like that to them. I don't think Wayne could beat Mayfield and I think they would struggle with Russelville. The other one a school who is better than every 1a school in the East.
rednblackattack Wrote:His heart is on the East side that is what he said. Don't know why tho with all the other East fans calling them out for recruiting. So his heart is with East but is brain is with the West
He knows he was there last year. He remembers that bravado and confidence that the burg is feeling right now. He also remembers that that only matters for about half a quarter then football ability and coaching takes over.

I have been using those ratings for years and they mean a lot around this time. You almost never see one where a team is rated 14 points or more ahead of their opp, lose to that opp. That is providing there are no key injuries or turnovers problems. That being said Williamsburg is a suitable opp and I expect them to give us a good game. We had a game just 2 years ago where we lost to a team that had a lower lit rating.
And dreaming you will continue to do 64. Red & Black, might as well let it go. WC is a very good team. There is no way either of us could prove we could beat the other this year. Besides that it don't matter. We just have to beat the burg.
mysonis55 Wrote:And dreaming you will continue to do 64. Red & Black, might as well let it go. WC is a very good team. There is no way either of us could prove we could beat the other this year. Besides that it don't matter. We just have to beat the burg.

Let it go? What fun is there in that?. I don't think we will walk all over Williamburg. I do think we win going away even similar to Frankfort. I will come on here and eat crow if we don't. Besides I haven't been on here much and 64 missed me and he needs the trash talk since u 2 are all nice to each other now. Lol!
Honesty I don't know why us mayfield fans and ex football players waste our time trying to arguing something that's inevitable When we are playing these games. we know our boys and how they played all year against tough ranked opponents but come state there's always some guys from the other side of ky pretty much claiming were delusional. As soon as that score is final and they get beat you never see em on the thread again. Always happens. Mayfield always hopes on the threads and win or losing give the opponents credit where it's due.
Yeah, but most of their fan base gets too offended when we pick at 64.
rednblackattack Wrote:Let it go? What fun is there in that?. I don't think we will walk all over Williamburg. I do think we win going away even similar to Frankfort. I will come on here and eat crow if we don't. Besides I haven't been on here much and 64 missed me and he needs the trash talk since u 2 are all nice to each other now. Lol!

One thing I have learn in 3yrs about mayfield fans is y'all want admit to crow,Just who you beat during the season and winning state title 30 or 40yrs ago over an over again an again.I guess now Wburg's name will be mentions in your future plan :lmao: come on get upset BBQ :biglmao:
Excuse me I have already admitted to having to eat crow once this year. I don't want that again. Also, I already upgraded yall to contenders after the Hazard game, check the thread on that game.
mysonis55 Wrote:Excuse me I have already admitted to having to eat crow once this year. I don't want that again. Also, I already upgraded yall to contenders after the Hazard game, check the thread on that game.

:thanks: I get cold chill just hearing you say we are contender myson :betterthanexpected:
I couldn't until you earned it. That was the part I was trying to get thru to you. You have earned it, so I don't mind saying it.
MayfieldCardinal Wrote:Mayfield is alot better than N Laurel and a little better than Wayne. 64 stay at home and save yourself the $ and sad and lonely drive home. You can buy yourself a nice Xmas gift with the $ you will save. Take that $ and buy a combo pack at the local tshirt shop. Get the district champs shirt, regional champs shirt and state runner up shirt. If you buy all 3 they should cut you a great deal Confusednicker:


That is the funniest thing I have ever read on this site.
You are nuts if you think you are anywhere close to being as good as Wayne.
You couldn't even get past Caldwell.

Say what you will, but Wayne County would take it to any team in class 1A, 2A, and even 3A. Belfry will be way outmatch this weekend, and you think Mayfield could beat Belfry? No.
Lot's of opinions. That doesn't make someone crazy. Who knows, on any given Friday.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote::biglmao:

That is the funniest thing I have ever read on this site.
You are nuts if you think you are anywhere close to being as good as Wayne.
You couldn't even get past Caldwell.

Say what you will, but Wayne County would take it to any team in class 1A, 2A, and even 3A. Belfry will be way outmatch this weekend, and you think Mayfield could beat Belfry? No.

Thank you RIUTG :rockon:
I believe we'll beat by 2 tds I agree russellville was prolly our toughest opponent were going to see at all seeing the fairview eliminated themselves from the state finals rematch. No disrespect just my opinion.
Edited: Sorry I meant to quote someone. Delete this comment when you can. Thank you
rednblackattack Wrote:Ofn course that is your opinion since Wayne manhandled The Burg. However I don't think Wayne could even beat Mayfield let alone by 2 tds. Not many teams in the whole state could.
McCracken county a very good 6a team is ranked over Wayne in every state ranking. Mayfield beat them. I'm sorry Wayne is a great team just not the world beaters they are being made out to be in order to make Williamsburgs bad loss to them look like everybody else would lose like that to them. I don't think Wayne could beat Mayfield and I think they would struggle with Russelville. The other one a school who is better than every 1a school in the East.

No they are not. Wayne beat PT who only lost to Mayfield by 6. Wayne beat them by 4 touchdowns. That's the same Paducah Tillman that beat McCRacken this very season. Your logic isn't right here, or you have misread some ratings. Wayne county would beat any 1A team barring a horrible game or a major case of the injury bug.
dt812005 Wrote:I believe we'll beat by 2 tds I agree russellville was prolly our toughest opponent were going to see at all seeing the fairview eliminated themselves from the state finals rematch. No disrespect just my opinion.

Guys we are not fairview,We are Williamsburg who you are playing give us some RESPECTS.:HitWall:
U can not compare any score between Mayfield and PT out. It is a huge rivalry game one of the oldest in the state. The score is rarely what it should be in paper. As McCracken that was their first game ever as a football team. They should have won that game against pt. I'm telling. Its all silly anyway. We go head to head with teams as good as Wayne all the time we win some we lose some. We hardly ever lose by 2 TDs vs anybody so I'm sticking with what I say. We have proved we can hang with the big boys as a 1a program. Wayne was the only out of district team of any not the burg played and u got waxed. We would not have.
Should we expect more of the same panter we hear out of you ever year?
Are you a Mayfield hater or just a Eastern Homer?

Mayfield makes a case for being better than Wayne and I stand by it
Has Williamsburg won a title? How recent? Just curious.
OldJacket Wrote:Lit ratings had Raceland by 9 and we all know that didn't happen...


Here is the Lit difference
Williamsburg 89.9
Raceland 90.6

A toss up, less than a point, nowhere near 9
64,I'll give them respect after the game. Win or lose and if their classy.
MayfieldCardinal Wrote::please:

Here is the Lit difference
Williamsburg 89.9
Raceland 90.6

A toss up, less than a point, nowhere near 9

Maybe he meant .9 :lmao:
This is what I have learned on here this year...Mayfield will win Class A, probably could win 2A, could win 3A, would make a run at 4A, might win 5A...Your bigger, faster, and better than Wiliiamsburg...You would beat anybody we lost to by a billion...
Mayfield is defending champs and I have the upmost respect for your program, there's no question you have a very good team...You may very well beat us by 50, I have no idea...Williamsburg has heard all year long how we are pretenders, small, slow, and don't play anyone...Well look where we are now, headed to BG to play Mayfield...
News coming out of Wiliiamsburg today is not good and you may have just gained a big advantage...
Win or lose it has been a great ride and we have a good shot to get back next year...
Good luck to you and see you in BG...
MayfieldCardinal Wrote::please:

Here is the Lit difference
Williamsburg 89.9
Raceland 90.6

A toss up, less than a point, nowhere near 9
My bad .9, but still no where cole to the predicted Lit outcome
Well, you had to know this was coming. I will lay it out for you. This is how the two teams compare on paper. Maybe something different on green, but on paper here it is. I think there is too much of a difference.

Williamsburg 11-2 Lit 89.8 Results Record Cal Preps rating 66

Halls, Tn**********n/r****43-14***0-10****n/r
North Laurel*******88.9***14-31***8-3*****70****(this was in the sun in orange)
Pike Co Central*****81.2***48-26***7-6*****89
Wayne Co********104.1***12-40***14-0****16****(and I must say impressive team)
Harrison Co********70.8***50-20***3-8*****111
Lynn Camp*********36.4***53-0****3-8*****197

Mayfield 12-1 Lit Rating 108.7 Results Record Cal Preps Rating 20
Fort Campbell****89.9********37-21***5-7****95
McCracken Co***115.8********35-34***9-3****25
Graves Co*******98.4********49-21***10-3***36
Marshall Co******70.9********64-28***1-10***149
Fulton Co********42.6*******63-0*****1-8***214
Caldwell Co******109.5*******41-48****12-1**31
Holy Cross********73.9*******35-0*****6-6***140
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