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Danville 35 Somerset 23
This loss may cause Somerset a trip to Floyd County for a first round playoff game.
What has happened in the Briar Patch this season? Such high expectations, only to find themselves struggling to cross the finish line. Could much of this be attributed to the difficult schedule earlier in the year?
64, if that is what is causing this please don't pick my team.
Paula Dean Wrote:What has happened in the Briar Patch this season? Such high expectations, only to find themselves struggling to cross the finish line. Could much of this be attributed to the difficult schedule earlier in the year?

3 reasons

1. injuries
2. injuries
3. hard schedule with a lot of injuries
Definitely had to do a double take on this score. Good job ADS. I will take my crow lightly marinated with some onions and peppers.
Breaded and fried is a little easier to digest. I've got a full ration myself on this one.
Middlesboro wins the district now. As long as Middlesboro don't shoot themselves in the foot. This is the best team they've had in a long time. I am excited to see the Jackets play the next two weeks
teampaul Wrote:Middlesboro wins the district now. As long as Middlesboro don't shoot themselves in the foot. This is the best team they've had in a long time. I am excited to see the Jackets play the next two weeks

I think your exactly right this is definatley Middlesboros district to loose. I don't think they will have any problem winning the district Danville is not a good team they are young and inexperienced with a new coach. Somerset has crumbled like a cookie this year. Middlesboro is much better then Danville I think they will have more trouble with Somerset if the real slim shady shows up.
I wouldn't speak so quickly. Danville just may be ready to reascert themselves.
mysonis55 Wrote:64, if that is what is causing this please don't pick my team.

I guess from hear on,I will start picking mayfield to win :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
Please just let us be there 64. Or is it 44 this week?
mysonis55 Wrote:I wouldn't speak so quickly. Danville just may be ready to reascert themselves.

As much as this loss stings us Somerset faithful, it's got to give the Danville fans a glimmer of hope for Clevenger moving forward.
Buffalo Bildos Wrote:I think Danville realized there wasn't a Slaughter on the field anymore.:Sad04:

You are definitely on to something there. Those kids owned Danville and it would seem there was definitely a void left in their absence in this game. Toughness was lacking to say the least. I've still got hope for this Jumper team but time is running out for improvement.
RoShamBo Wrote:You are definitely on to something there. Those kids owned Danville and it would seem there was definitely a void left in their absence in this game. Toughness was lacking to say the least. I've still got hope for this Jumper team but time is running out for improvement.

I agree time is running out on this Team. The toughness of this Team is not there like the last few years. Yes Somerset misses the Slaughter Boys. This team also misses Mcgargle,, Bridge, and Williams. Hard to replace 4 kids like that. also Lang has not played in any full games. Still enough talent to win, but they cannot just show up and say we hear. Must put forth effort and be physical.
i perosnally didn't predicted this outcome because somerset is a winning state worthy team if the A team shows up there isn't anybody who can beat them but if it is like it was firday and the b team shows up and they feel intitled like they do they will lose
I'm tired of hearing excuses for this team. Injuries, tough schedule, whatever. This team needs to start caring about playing for each other and the front of the jersey and quit worrying about where they'll be playing next year. The parents have been awful this season and seem to only be worried about their kids stats. The previous 4 teams won district and regional titles because everyone pulled together instead of being worried about individual numbers. This team is the exact opposite. It really saddens me to see a team care more about their individual stats than what the team accomplishes. They've got 2 weeks and the playoffs to change their attitude or they'll go down as the most disappointing team of the past 25 years. I hate to trash my team but in this case they deserve it.
Well said.
fernpence15 Wrote:i perosnally didn't predicted this outcome because somerset is a winning state worthy team if the A team shows up there isn't anybody who can beat them but if it is like it was firday and the b team shows up and they feel intitled like they do they will lose

Ohh I think there's a few teams in the west, that I would pick against the Jumpers, everyday of the week.

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