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Hazard @ Harlan 10/11
Chad isn't a teacher, Harlan would have to create a job for him. Harlan has plenty of qualified established alumni. Frank Shope would be a good choice.

And for the record I can't stand Harlan but I am for every kid in Harlan County getting the best opportunities possible. So I hope ol JB sticks around for a while!
Quote:Chad isn't a teacher, Harlan would have to create a job for him. Harlan has plenty of qualified established alumni. Frank Shope would be a good choice.

Actually, Chad doesn't need a school system job. With his career choice, he has plenty of options in healthcare facilities in the county. The school system would actually save

This is all hypothetical anyway. The rumors are definitely flying that JB is leaving. If he chooses not to, then I sure don't think he should be forced out. We're all just talking the "what-ifs" of if he does leave anyway.
It never ceases to amaze me how some folks "think" they know what goes on behind every closed door.
bear claw Wrote:Where do I start with this JB retiring or just hiring Chad Wood as offensive coordinator? Harlan's numbers are at a all time low. They are grasping for everything including hiring a popular county head coach to get kids from the county to go to the city. I know I am going to take a lot of flack for this but here it goes, Harlan Ind. has ALWAYS begged, borrowed and stole from Harlan County just to stay afloat. Harlan County BOE helps Harlan Ind. and KILLS there own district by giving Harlan Ind. an unfair contract. This contract is up again this year. What will happen? Well, I will tell you what happens. The S.O.S!!! Harlan County board will give the Ind. a contract that will help them and hurt the county. WHY? The City puts the money in and buys the county board members. I don't give a DAMN what the city or even county folks say about this but it is the TRUTH! It is time for County folks to stand up and say enough is enough! I am tired of losing teachers. Before you say the economy and loss of enrollment has to do with the loss of teachers I will say this, giving the city a contract that gives them the upper hand and KILLING the county is absolutely CRAZY!!!! Sad to say I don't see this board or new superintendent changing things because the former superintendent fought his heart out for this county and trying to stop this craziness but the city continued to buy our own board members. He was fighting a losing battle. We get what we deserve and that SUCKS!!!!!!!!

This is by far one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever seen on here. It is misguided and misinformed at the very least and just shows a huge ignorance of what is really happening.
Bibbs, I respect your opinion but tell me how the contract is fair for both districts. It is not! The County is screwing themselves. No matter how you look at it that is a FACT Jack. Don't care what you say.
I have to say that I have had 4 boys play for Chad and Britt and I have the greatest respect and appreciation for them. They teach the boys beyond just the game of football and are both personal friends of mine. I can't even begin to express the gratitude I have for them and the job they done with my boys over the years. I appreciate their hard work more than they will ever know. I must also say that JB is also a coach that teaches beyond the game of football and has always tried to teach his kids values that will last them way after high school. He is also a personal friend of mine and I have a lot of respect for him and the way he runs his program.

Lastly I would like to say I HATE THE HARLAN RUMOR MILL...people should stay out of other people's business. If any of these coaches decided to make a personal or professional decision, it's their right and none of anyone else's business.
I do apologize to the dragons for commenting like this on your site...Good Luck in your game this week.
bear claw Wrote:Bibbs, I respect your opinion but tell me how the contract is fair for both districts. It is not! The County is screwing themselves. No matter how you look at it that is a FACT Jack. Don't care what you say.
Well since you say the "fair" word. Lets talk about "fair". "Fair" would be me paying taxes like I do for Public Schools and having the choice to send my child to any school I like and have my tax money pay for their education. The newest contract has impacted the Independent schools greatly and I have no doubt the next one will cut even more. The State needs to pay for the large schools it has funded and academic quality evidentely doesn't play in, so the Independent schools, if something doesn't happen to rectify this "fairness" issue will eventually close. Then I'm sure you will celebrate, but then look at what is left. I am not getting into a big debate with anyone who says "Thats a fact Jack, I don't care what you say" because your mind is already too closed to hear anything other than the diatribe you are regurgitating, which I doubt has any root other than what someone has told you. How is it every time there is proof of the quality of the Independent Schools program, someone says "its not fair". Then the parameters change and still they say "its not fair". Just no basis in fact. If you don't want your kid to go to Harlan, great, don't send them. Thats your choice. Too bad the long waiting list of parents who want into the City Schools don't have the choice "TO" send their children. The contract which you say leans toward the City, says they can't.
You are a class act Mama Bear!

Black Bear Mama Wrote:I have to say that I have had 4 boys play for Chad and Britt and I have the greatest respect and appreciation for them. They teach the boys beyond just the game of football and are both personal friends of mine. I can't even begin to express the gratitude I have for them and the job they done with my boys over the years. I appreciate their hard work more than they will ever know. I must also say that JB is also a coach that teaches beyond the game of football and has always tried to teach his kids values that will last them way after high school. He is also a personal friend of mine and I have a lot of respect for him and the way he runs his program.

Lastly I would like to say I HATE THE HARLAN RUMOR MILL...people should stay out of other people's business. If any of these coaches decided to make a personal or professional decision, it's their right and none of anyone else's business.
I do apologize to the dragons for commenting like this on your site...Good Luck in your game this week.
Hazard big!!!!!!
My last post on this thread. What is a fair contract is 1 for 1 and that is not the way it is right now. Hazard HUGE!!!!!!!
Good luck to the Green Dragons but it will be Hazard by alot...
bear claw Wrote:My last post on this thread. What is a fair contract is 1 for 1 and that is not the way it is right now. Hazard HUGE!!!!!!!

"But we will meet them in battle nonetheless" Theoden, King of Rohan
The state is on a mission to close the small independant schools. With the problems in the coal industry it will be hard for Harlan City to stay in viable. The population and tax base is shrinking. A very fine institution is being squeezed out. Harrodsburg and Monticello have already met their demise.

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