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Belfry 21 Harlan County 12
First of I all just want to congratulate a wonderful Belfry team and fan base. You guys are great! Your kids showed a lot of heart and determination last night. I believe this game was won in the trenches on both sides of the ball. With Belfry being so young there and the way they dominated the line of scrimmage is scary. 3A better watch out!

As for us, we will get better. This game hurts to lose but it will only make us better. We have 3 more brutal games to go in this 4 game gauntlet. Our kids have to regroup and I believe our wonderful coaching staff will make that happen. I was so proud of all the Harlan Countians that came out last night. Just goes to show you that this county loves their football and wants to support our young men.

Next week will be no easy task either. This will be a totally different Knox Central team that came in here during the grid a couple of weeks ago. We need to all be back at Coal Miners' Memorial Stadium next Friday night and cheer on our Bears!

Good luck to Belfry and I really believe you all will get Central this year and I hope we get to join you in BG come December.
I think some of you guys laughed a little when I mentioned our special teams group, even though I did throw that in jokingly I think y'all understand exactly where I came from. Those two kids are good, and hopefully they continue to be good and get better. I love it. Harlan County was beautiful and aside from the track around the field probably my 2nd favorite facilities I've been to so far. The people were great and I got to meet Granny Bear so that was cool. She's probably the first non-Belfry BGR member I've met personally. Belfry still has a really long way to go. The Pirates have to catch passes. The last two weeks margins improve significantly with caught passes. Still got to get better at the counter part of the play book, as well. The defensive ends continue to improve and by the seasons end that should be promising. One big concern is the poor play against Wilson, which I really thought we'd have been ready for in the second half. I had heard he wasn't a durable kid though. Good to see X Willis score, nice to add a 4th horse to our stable. Not to mention Davontae Dari has been better this year. As I said before, Belfry has a ton to work on but this is definitely a good indicator that this team could be special. It's up to them, though!
skully03 Wrote:I've already posted once about the game and I just wanted to say again that was one HECK of a game. I am proud of my Belfry Pirates. HARLAN CO. allow me to say that you have a beautiful campus that you should be very proud of. I love the way the field sets back up in the hollar. Like one poster said I'm a Bear fan now. I will be rooting for you all as long as you are not playing Belfry lol. The atmosphere was amazing last night. It def felt like a playoff game. It has been a long time that I actually got chills running up and down me during a game because of such an electric atmosphere for a ballgame. Once again you all have great team and wonderful campus. Hope you all go far in the playoffs. God bless and GO PIRATES!!!!

I'm gonna say this ONE time....it's holler!!
Geez, city folk!!!!
I would first like to say that the Harlan County fans were gracious and respectful throughout the night. I hope we as Belfry fans get the opportunity to return the favor next year. Now as for the those Mighty Pirates, I would have to say that this team is showing just how unselfish and team oriented they really are and that in itself will take them as far as they want to go. Many of these boys have been asked to make position changes that will reduce their chances to acquire college offers from bigger programs, due to the fact that they are better for the team in that position and they have done it without pause or complaint. Barnes loves defense but has been asked to play offense and the young man has said "I will do whatever it takes and play where my team needs me to win." Trenity was asked to pack on pounds last year to play fullback last year and then asked to slim down and become quicker to move back to tailback this year and
the kid done it without one word or mumble. Joey Duty has been asked to fill a spot at linebacker and he has done a wonderful job without an complaint. These seniors have set the example to the younger guys of what leadership is all about and that is why we are seeing a young Pirate team gel so quickly this year. Keep up the teamwork guys and the Pirates will sail right back into Bowling Green. Oh yeah, "Sons just do what the sun do" - Rise! BALLGAME!!!!!!
Granny Bear Wrote:I'm gonna say this ONE time....it's holler!!
Geez, city folk!!!!
Sorry GRANNYBEAR. Lol its still said the same.
No no no.
Hollar ain't a word. It's like some body from Boston trying to enunciate the word "holler".

It's just so wrong.
First and foremost I'd like to congratulate Pond Creek Nation on a great and hard fought win.

On one of the most historic nights in Harlan County my body decided to let me down with sickness, however I'm much better today. HC Fans know that I was near death ( not really ) or I would have been there. I actually almost drove up there even though I hadn't moved off the couch in two days.

Saying that I did not get to see the game first hand, rather had to listen on the radio. I can't comment on Belfrey because I honestly couldn't even to begin to visualize what their team looked like, how they line up ect. One thing I know though is they made every big play in the second half and we obviously wore down.

As previously stated by my BB Cuz HC is clearly not the same team offensively or defensively without Wilson. I think we made so mistakes on special teams and looked for things that were not there. The other thing I noticed was penalties at inopportune times. If you look at big games HC has lost....Bell County 2011, Morristown West 2012, KC 2012 and Cooper 2012, all involved penalties that killed scoring drives that probably otherwise end up as HC wins.

I think both teams will get there, Belfry looks poised to bring it home. I think HC will be fine.

One last thought...I read and heard a lot of criticism of our players and coaches...people we played our butts off and got beat by an excellent team. Don't even criticize if you couldn't begin to walk in their shoes.

Bear Paw Out
Granny Bear Wrote:No no no.
Hollar ain't a word. It's like some body from Boston trying to enunciate the word "holler".

It's just so wrong.
:thatsfunn Exactly right, Granny. Some people h'aint got nary a clue about proper grammar and spelling rules. :biggrin:

I love you Hoot Gibson!!
Granny Bear Wrote::lmao::lmao:

I love you Hoot Gibson!!
Your comment reminded me of my own maternal granny who spoke a now rare dialect of English that included frequent use of words like h'aint, nary, and poke (a synonym for sack or bag). To my mamaw, a couch was always a "davenport" and she always called a refrigerator a "frigidaire," regardless of the brand. TV and other media, along with death, has almost wiped out such colloquialisms from our language.
How much of that was the old Elizabethan dialect??

nary, over yhan way, pert nert, etc.

Just trying to learn these folks something.
Granny bear, even I remember some of that language from my late papaw. I can barely remember him but I remember the way he talked and my dad still uses to this day. Brings back memories.
My grandma calls the orange peanut butter crackers "Nabs" and the fridge a "Frigidaire" as well. She also says thing that stink "smell like kyarn"..whatever kyarn is or however it is properly spelled. The kicker is she taught Elementary School English for 41 years HAHA.

Granny, I would like to formally extend an invitation that you can be an honorary member of Pond Creek Nation anytime you want.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:My grandma calls the orange peanut butter crackers "Nabs" and the fridge a "Frigidaire" as well. She also says thing that stink "smell like kyarn"..whatever kyarn is or however it is properly spelled.

Granny, I would like to formally extend an invitation that you can be an honorary member of Pond Creek Nation anytime you want.
I 2nd that.
Kyarn is hillbilly english for carrion, EKU. If you don't know what carrion is, think rotting animal. Nothing smells worse.
Granny Bear Wrote:How much of that was the old Elizabethan dialect??

nary, over yhan way, pert nert, etc.

Just trying to learn these folks something.
I don't know, but I think that you are absolutely right about many of the words that our ancestors used originated in the "old country." My grandmother's surname suggests that her ancestors migrated from England but I have never been able to trace her genealogy very far back. Like many other people from eastern Kentucky, most of my ancestors trace their roots to either England or Ireland.

I often listen to Irish radio while I work and the similarities between some of the Irish phrases and music is sometimes pretty strong. The number of Irish songs featuring whiskey and beer is amazing. Despite my best efforts, I have never been able to develop a taste for beer. I don't see how sober people can drink a pint of Guinness but I do love Irish pub music. :biggrin:
I have a first cousin living in Norcross Georgia that's a true genius. I don't know what happened to me when they were giving out brains in the family, but anyway, she did our genealogy some years back. You won't believe this, but she traced one branch of our tree back before the year 1000. If you've interest, I'll be glad to give your her name and contact information.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:My grandma calls the orange peanut butter crackers "Nabs" and the fridge a "Frigidaire" as well. She also says thing that stink "smell like kyarn"..whatever kyarn is or however it is properly spelled. The kicker is she taught Elementary School English for 41 years HAHA.

Granny, I would like to formally extend an invitation that you can be an honorary member of Pond Creek Nation anytime you want.

EKUAlum, I am humbled and nonplussed. You won't see that from me very often, either.

I absolutely loved the folks we met Friday night; they were so genuine and so much like the folks that live in Harlan County with their love of family and passion for their football. I already feel like part of that family.
Tell you something, IF both these teams make it to BG this year, with the mutual respect that we have, we are gonna have a mountain throw down like you've never seen.

Should that happen, I would like to formally extend an invitation to you to attend...game???
Granny Bear Wrote:I have a first cousin living in Norcross Georgia that's a true genius. I don't know what happened to me when they were giving out brains in the family, but anyway, she did our genealogy some years back. You won't believe this, but she traced one branch of our tree back before 1000. If you've interest, I'll be glad to give your her name and contact information.
Thanks for the offer, Granny but I have not done any genealogy research in years, it is just too time consuming. On my father's side of the family, I was able to trace my ancestors back to Ireland but a courthouse fire or flood destroyed records that might have enabled me to trace my grandmother's roots further back.
panther nation Wrote:^^
Fence jumper!!! Gotta love your style gut, always go with the winner!!

You cant go wrong that way :biggrin:
Buc-a-roo Wrote:I agree 100%. I try not to respond to trolls, but this time I am going to make an exception.

RUITG, you are a schmuck. Your pitiful little routine was childish and silly and on top of that it wasn't funny.

On behalf of the Pond Creek Nation, kiss my a$$.

You came really close to hurting my feelings.
It didnt happen, but still kudos for the effort.

I would never jump on the Belfry bandwagon.
I know Central will be waiting for them.

And know matter how hard you try, second place is never a winner.
Congrats on the "king of the mountains". If you have time, take a picture of the trophy they give you for that one. :hilarious:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:You came really close to hurting my feelings.
It didnt happen, but still kudos for the effort.

I would never jump on the Belfry bandwagon.
I know Central will be waiting for them.

And know matter how hard you try, second place is never a winner.
Congrats on the "king of the mountains". If you have time, take a picture of the trophy they give you for that one. :hilarious:
First it was Harlan Co. going to beat Belfry and now its Central. LOL. I thought this site has really matured over the years with the changing of mods but this is good example of how to run people off......again. Put a person who would rather be childish and not only start the nonsense posts but also continue to further them. RIUTG, a true mod. I have NEVER witnessed a mod on a "good" site even attempt the things RIUTG seems to do on a daily basis. We are all here for a good time but when threads get continously hijacked by someone who has no dog in the fight and is in the thread to only stir the pot then I believe we have a problem. Yes, RIUTG I am talking about you. You kept posting crazy predictions on the Belfry/Harlan Co. prediction thread only hoping to agitate someone and get something started. To top that off you have stayed in this thread with no apparent reason. All i can say is WOW!! How much longer do we have to put up with your childish antics?? Maybe hiding behind a computer screen with the big bad "mod" title attached to you has you feeling all high and mighty, kind of reminds me of the guy with the small p***s that has to have the fast car. You can get up with me in a PM if you feel you need address these comments.
Lets keep the small Johnson fast car comments to a minimum please...lol
Granny Bear Wrote:I have a first cousin living in Norcross Georgia that's a true genius. I don't know what happened to me when they were giving out brains in the family, but anyway, she did our genealogy some years back. You won't believe this, but she traced one branch of our tree back before the year 1000. If you've interest, I'll be glad to give your her name and contact information.

Granny Bear...forgive the butting in on the conversation, but I would appreciate your cousin's help or guidance on genealogy. I've been interested in tracing mine for a long time, but clueless. Would pay her for her efforts.
I was at the game and I think what hurt Harlan county the most is they play to many kids both ways ; and when number 2 got hurt he was there big play maker belfry ran a bunch of players in and out of the game belfry keep there players fresh . Both teams looked really good but I think for the mountain teams to play with the teams down state we need a off and deff ft Thomas does my eagles the same way buy the third quarter we r sucking air they have enough players to platoon stay fresh . So what can we do as mountain teams to fix this problem
Well if you read the article that was posted, you'll see where Coach Larkey says that he had people in the game who wern't supposed to be when #2 got injured. That was the words that he used so I'm not putting words in his mouth. He said #2 was the only one who got any reps at his position all week in practice. To me, you have to have your backups get reps in practice so they are mentally prepared and arn't clueless and confused when they have a situation occur like what happened when #2 got hurt. Anyone who has a chance from playing on Friday nights for Belfry, whether they will play one play, 10 plays, or 50 plays will all get reps in practice. Coach Haywood always has ALL his players prepared. And he has the freshman on the other end of the field (the freshman who don't play any varsity) having they're own practice so they're not just standing around doing nothing during practice.
Eagles2011 it is simply a numbers game. And, IMO, it is a problem we have with the feeder programs in the eastern part of the state. We simply do not conjure up enough inyerest to drive the numbers up. Our feeder programs here in eastern Kentucky are very unorganized and that hurts as well. Belfry has done a better job than anyone I know of of crating a tradition and atmosphere that prioritized football and continues a em
phasis on academics!
Belfry0304 Wrote:I think some of you guys laughed a little when I mentioned our special teams group, even though I did throw that in jokingly I think y'all understand exactly where I came from. Those two kids are good, and hopefully they continue to be good and get better. I love it. Harlan County was beautiful and aside from the track around the field probably my 2nd favorite facilities I've been to so far. The people were great and I got to meet Granny Bear so that was cool. She's probably the first non-Belfry BGR member I've met personally. Belfry still has a really long way to go. The Pirates have to catch passes. The last two weeks margins improve significantly with caught passes. Still got to get better at the counter part of the play book, as well. The defensive ends continue to improve and by the seasons end that should be promising. One big concern is the poor play against Wilson, which I really thought we'd have been ready for in the second half. I had heard he wasn't a durable kid though. Good to see X Willis score, nice to add a 4th horse to our stable. Not to mention Davontae Dari has been better this year. As I said before, Belfry has a ton to work on but this is definitely a good indicator that this team could be special. It's up to them, though!

If Harlan has the 2nd best facilities you've seen, I can't imagine who would be #1. Only thing was the lack of locker rooms for the teams at the stadium.
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