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Johnson Central 61 Holy Trinity 7
I wish Shelby County had stepped up. That would have been a much better game. But...they would not.
Useing my i phone so if my spelling is bad don't jump on me!!! JC should scimmage there own school up by orter. If these rummors our true :lame::lame:
Meant Porter!
We should make this a j v game and play bowling green since there game was called of . Play both games sat .
Except that BG is already playing at St X on Friday night. I mean, I'm sure they'd consider St X just a little warm up for us as they happily drove five hours across the state to Eagle Field...
eagles2011 Wrote:We should make this a j v game and play bowling green since there game was called of . Play both games sat .

Earl where do you come up with this crazy stuff?
Tiger Fever Wrote:Earl where do you come up with this crazy stuff?

Hey TF. He gets ideals the way:pondering: JC gets these football teams to come here and play!
I said to bad we couldn't get a team like Bryan station or bowling green since they only have a 9 games now :
So is the game for sat on or did they call it off
The game is on for Saturday at 2:00

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