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Holding kids back
What are the benifits and bad things from holding a middle schooler back?Whats your opinon?Heard from a few different familes of kid that could be held back this year.I am from NKY.So im talking about NKY Boys.
your kid will be more mature when he get outta highschool and goes on though life.I know sevarl that have held back that have no regrets.And on the other hand know sevarl that didnt that wish they did.
I am a student planning to stay back myself I think It will be a good chance for me to mature and prepare for high school years!
To mature....
Start them late when they are 6 and turning 7 in kindergarten, simple solution
Basically makes in unfair for other middle schoolers.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Basically makes in unfair for other middle schoolers.

"Unfair" would mean that other kids are doing it, but yours can't. Thats not the case. It's a matter of some parents holding their kids back to better them and not worrying about what other ^^ people think. Then you have the other side that is dying to hold their kids back, but are too busy worrying about what others will think about them and would rather set back and bash the ones that did hold theirs back.
If I had a son I would start him a year early in school if I could and hold him back twice. This would let him get acclimated to the talent at a younger age and when you hold him back he could improve that much more.
hitter Wrote:If I had a son I would start him a year early in school if I could and hold him back twice. This would let him get acclimated to the talent at a younger age and when you hold him back he could improve that much more.

Oh....I misunderstood I thought you held them back to mature and academics.
Don't like it at all!
I agree, although i do not like how in the boone county system you cannot play up.
raisedseams Wrote:"Unfair" would mean that other kids are doing it, but yours can't. Thats not the case. It's a matter of some parents holding their kids back to better them and not worrying about what other ^^ people think. Then you have the other side that is dying to hold their kids back, but are too busy worrying about what others will think about them and would rather set back and bash the ones that did hold theirs back.

Parents hold their kids back to gain advantages at the local levels in sporting events. It is not fair for the other kids who are 1-2 years younger and have not matured as much as the 6"4 RB that should be a Freshmen. I have seen it done. Its not fair to everyone else. And especially to the kid who is not going to graduate with everyone of his long time friends. If you hold your kid back for academics that's one thing. But to hold them back so they can feel better at a sport with less and younger competition. Then your lying to yourself and your kid.
Wont much matter now, if you hold back your kid will be ineligible going forward.
I am pretty sure it just applies to your hold back year. You will no longer be able to holdback and play the year you are held back. Most schools around here are already that way anyway so it wont effect much. plus most people hold back before middle school anyway.
Hold backs will not go away. Kids will just be held back in grade school.
Some kids need it... Some kids don't...

I was held back myself and it helped me a lot, not just in sports but in school.

It helps kids mature, I'm for it in some cases..
Not staying back was the worst mistake me and my parents made. 17 graduated. Took me a year or two in college before I honestly really knew what I wanted to be. That extra year may of made the difference and saved me thousands of dollars. Kids get out to early and are unprepared for college. College can be tough.
Age requirements will be in effect. Also, non KHSAA tournaments like the KBA one in Lexington will be against rules. 24 game regular season. Things will change.
I was at state yesterday and watched a young NKY Legends team vs A what seemed to be a much older Lex Celtics team.Legends Biggest player at about 6'3 Celtics at about 6'4 but I also saw a boy who was on the Legends who was about 5'10 and was only 13 in the 8th grade dunk in warmups.He also went on to score 27 in the Legends 82-57 win.So holding back actually could not matter.But it also isn't fair sometimes to hold kids back...
And in my opinon he was probably if not the best one of the best players in the tournament.
Hey Baller I think I know who you are talking about and if his parents want to hold him back then please do, but dont get on a board and pump up yourself. I would love to see you dunk though. Legends got beat in the tournament game I watched and the reason was not because of an older team.
they lost to ky storm and hardin county who was clearly older!ky storm had to be 15 year olds across the board and hardin county was only up 3 at the half and then legends just fell apart.
and if you know then which kid am i talking about?
KY STORM actually has a 6th grader on their team
From a players standpoint, I don't like it. I mean, I'm 6'1 and 13 and in 7th grade. Never got held back. But when we go to play teams like Bell Central it is obvious they have players that are older than Middle School Age.

M'boroYellowJacket Wrote:From a players standpoint, I don't like it. I mean, I'm 6'1 and 13 and in 7th grade. Never got held back. But when we go to play teams like Bell Central it is obvious they have players that are older than Middle School Age.

Forgot to add, and we get beat by 20 by those teams.


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