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16th Region
dozerdawg707 Wrote:I find it odd that he played in the Freshman AIT last year and pretty much dominated it and now he plays for Ashland. Could it be that they are using their own tournament as a recruiting tool?

Of course not. All this is strictly a coincidence.Confusednicker:
Let me get this straight now. Ashland whines when Rose Hill and others get transfers and apparently from the tone of these posts everyone else whines when Ashland gets a transfer.....Gotta Love it..........
No, we laugh at the hypocrisy of Ashland and some of its posters on this site. Ashland has recruited for years but when someone out recruits them they go whining to the Khsaa and when they get their way they fill their rosters with the players from those schools.
The One Man Wrote:Let me get this straight now. Ashland whines when Rose Hill and others get transfers and apparently from the tone of these posts everyone else whines when Ashland gets a transfer.....Gotta Love it..........

You are apparently not familiar with the Sixteenth Region. All schools recruit to one degree or another. That is not unlike the other fifteen regions. That is fact.

Dozerdawg707, one who is obviously familiar with the region, expresses the feeling of many in the area. The fact is that, while all schools indulge, only Ashland plays the "holier than thou" role. If you look at history, Ashland is the primary "indulger". Check the history of their rosters.

While no one tends to report information on Ashland, Ashland runs to receptive ears at KHSAA at most every opportunity. So you may ask why the other schools don't unload on Ashland? The answer is most believe that KHSAA won't be particularly receptive. Right or wrong, that is the perception from what I have been told.

Therefore, the reason posters take shots at Ashland is because Ashland is seen by many as an arrogant hypocrite. And, unlike Ashland, most of the other schools will admit their indulgences from time to time.

Anyone believing Leaping Lee's spin on how the Dixson boy got from Huntington to Ashland is naive at best and stupid at worst.
The One Man Wrote:Let me get this straight now. Ashland whines when Rose Hill and others get transfers and apparently from the tone of these posts everyone else whines when Ashland gets a transfer.....Gotta Love it..........
Ashland gets A transfer you must not look at their rosters over the years ...Gotta Love it......
Someone correct me if I am wrong on this. (I am sure they will) Did anyone on Ashland's roster attend high school at Rose Hill? I understand they attended grade school or middle school. As for Dixon, if his mother was the manager of a chain store and she got transferred to the Ashland store would that then make everything ok? Just asking.
washed up Wrote:Someone correct me if I am wrong on this. (I am sure they will) Did anyone on Ashland's roster attend high school at Rose Hill? I understand they attended grade school or middle school. As for Dixon, if his mother was the manager of a chain store and she got transferred to the Ashland store would that then make everything ok? Just asking.

Washed up must be a barber. He is good at splitting hairs. Is he only using this year or is he including last year, the year before that, the year before that, and the year before that? As for the transfer, just what chain store are you claiming she managed? And, while you are at it, if what you say is true, which I doubt, was the "transfer" arranged before or after the "situation" was finalized at Ashland? Give us an answer as soon as you get your balance back from all your spin and barbering.

No one is condemning Ashland's practices. They are condemning Ashland's stonewalling. They should, like others, admit what they do and move on. It would make them much more tolerable in the eyes of others.
I must have struck a nerve. Where did I say I knew anything? I was just looking for answers and I all got was questions. Reminds me of what its like when I ask my wife a question and if she knows the answer she avoids it. By the way I am bald and don't need haircuts.
The fact that they got them before their 9th grade year technically makes it legal but that really is a blurred line that is crossed.
FBALL Wrote:The fact that they got them before their 9th grade year technically makes it legal but that really is a blurred line that is crossed.

Hey FBALL you're a Russell guy, would the Hayes kid have crossed the same blurred line? What if a kid was in the school district left and came back before high school would that make a difference when it comes to the line?
washed up Wrote:Hey FBALL you're a Russell guy, would the Hayes kid have crossed the same blurred line? What if a kid was in the school district left and came back before high school would that make a difference when it comes to the line?

You prove our point, washed up. Whenever Ashland is caught with its pants down, you guys start pointing fingers at everyone else. Obviously, you have no defense. Just admit what everyone knows and gain a little credibility for honesty.

FBALL is correct. I checked it out a little and discovered that, although the three you boys depend on now left Rose Hill prior to entering high school, all three played high school varsity or high school junior varsity at Rose Hill the year before matriculating to Ashland. That tends to dampen your spin.

As for asking you questions about Dixson, you are the one who "suggested" that the missus was a manager of a chain store and was transferred to Ashland from Huntington. Your failure to substantiate your statement proves that it is nothing more than untruthful spin.

You boys ought to try telling the truth once in a while. I realize you boys have an ultra high opinion of your program. Unfortunately, most see it as an example of the emperor with no clothes. Try the truth once in a while.
washed up Wrote:Hey FBALL you're a Russell guy, would the Hayes kid have crossed the same blurred line? What if a kid was in the school district left and came back before high school would that make a difference when it comes to the line?

Googie moved here from Mayfield. That's 390 miles and 6 1/2 hours away. Thats quite a move to relocate. Not a 15 minute trip. That's a pretty clear line.

If you want a blurrier line at Russell I guess it would be Evans. But with his dad getting a job at Russell and the fact that they do actually live in the district it is a given he was going to be allowed to transfer for his senior year.
Please guys, I never said I knew anything, I merely suggested a couple of scenarios that could dispute some of your theories. Truth is everybody is looking through glasses that are tinted with their respective colors. I would say true Hayes was a long distance move but if you think that the destination was a mere coincidence you are nuts and I would have to see where the district lines are to agree with Evans living in the Russell district. I don't know about dozer dog but if he is a Lawrence fan surely he know that the Dalton boys began the year at Tolsia in WV and if I am not mistaken left, went back, and left again. Was Dixon at Huntington last year yes, is he at Ashland this year, yes. Where does his mom work? I actually do know the answer to that but it is her information and not for me to discuss publicly. The truth is with Hayes and Evans Russell is a more complete team, with Hunt, Boyd is a contender, with Dixon, Ashland is a contender, with the Kings, Fairview is better, with the exchange group, Morgan is better, Fleming has a kid from Mr Sterling, and I am sure I have left somebody out, heck Rowan is the two time defending champ and Townsend made them a contender. These things just make March more fun don't you think.
FBALL Wrote:Googie moved here from Mayfield. That's 390 miles and 6 1/2 hours away. Thats quite a move to relocate. Not a 15 minute trip. That's a pretty clear line.

If you want a blurrier line at Russell I guess it would be Evans. But with his dad getting a job at Russell and the fact that they do actually live in the district it is a given he was going to be allowed to transfer for his senior year.

Who was Googie's AAU coach when he moved the 390 miles? I'll hang up an listen.
FBALL Wrote:The fact that they got them before their 9th grade year technically makes it legal but that really is a blurred line that is crossed.

Please explain.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Dozerdawg707, one who is obviously familiar with the region, expresses the feeling of many in the area. The fact is that, while all schools indulge, only Ashland plays the "holier than thou" role. If you look at history, Ashland is the primary "indulger". Check the history of their rosters.

Anyone believing Leaping Lee's spin on how the Dixson boy got from Huntington to Ashland is naive at best and stupid at worst.

Harry, your first paragraph isn't factual in the least. Reading between the lines I believe you are looking from the Rose Hill perspective. If that is the case then I'm sure you are aware that more than Ashland took the "holier than thou" attitude. For the record I thought Ashland took a terrible approach toward the Mayo era. However, Boyd also took the same approach as did Russell and East Carter, did they not?

Furthermore, did dozerdog's beloved Lawrence Co. accuss Rose Hill of stealing from the district tournament?

As far as spin, I could be way off but I'm sure the Dixson drove to Ashland, I suppose they could have taken I-64 to US 23.
Nobody ever questioned the fact that all schools get transfers. The main thing that rubs people the wrong way is that Swift has The khsaa on speed dial. Don't condemn the practice when you have been the biggest beneficiary of it and the only problem you have with it is somebody got something you didn't.

The only problem I had with any of this was dragging race into it.
That's some nice spin though by trying to list other schools transfers. It has succeeded in changing the trajectory of the conversation.

If all else fails just blame someone else.
:biglmao:Morgan's transfers are a result of humanitarian efforts....
FBALL Wrote:Whetzel

What about Whetzel?
FBALL Wrote:That's some nice spin though by trying to list other schools transfers. It has succeeded in changing the trajectory of the conversation.

If all else fails just blame someone else.

Pot meat kettle. Who was Googie's AAU coach when he transfered?
FBALL Wrote:Nobody ever questioned the fact that all schools get transfers. The main thing that rubs people the wrong way is that Swift has The khsaa on speed dial. Don't condemn the practice when you have been the biggest beneficiary of it and the only problem you have with it is somebody got something you didn't.

The only problem I had with any of this was dragging race into it.

So if the only problem you have is dragging race into it then why include your first paragraph or your post that followed? You are a walking talking contradiction.

But let's address your first paragraph. I will be the first to agree that Ashland handled the Rose Hill situation poorly. However, many forget or choose ignore that Boyd Co publicly joined the boycott and Russell refused to schedule them.

Remember this is the same Boyd that annexed the Ramey Home for athletic benefit and the same Russell that would win a regional championship as a direct result of out of district Rose Hill transfers.

So do you have a problem with Boyd and Russell now taking transfers like Hunt, Burgess, Hayes, and Evans? Or do you wish to continue your own personal hypocracy?
For all of those crying about the Dixson transfer please explain to me the difference between his transfer and the Burgess transfer the prior year to Boyd Co.

Both transfered after their freshman year, both came from West Virginia, and niether played varsity the year before. So what's the difference?
Potted meat is nasty.

Yep. They moved 400 miles just to play on the same basketball team. If you really believe that is the only reason he is here that's pretty shallow and proves everybody's point. Even if that was the only reason it's a legitimate change of address and eligibility was never an issue.

You said to add to the list. I added Whetzel.
Leaping Lee Wrote:So if the only problem you have is dragging race into it then why include your first paragraph or your post that followed? You are a walking talking contradiction.

But let's address your first paragraph. I will be the first to agree that Ashland handled the Rose Hill situation poorly. However, many forget or choose ignore that Boyd Co publicly joined the boycott and Russell refused to schedule them.

Remember this is the same Boyd that annexed the Ramey Home for athletic benefit and the same Russell that would win a regional championship as a direct result of out of district Rose Hill transfers.

So do you have a problem with Boyd and Russell now taking transfers like Hunt, Burgess, Hayes, and Evans? Or do you wish to continue your own personal hypocracy?

Do you have a problem with reading comprehension.
FBALL Wrote:I will not speak for him but I think it's in response to half of Ashland Blazer's roster being former Royals last year.

I do not dispute that nearly half of the region benefitted from the mass exodus after Mayo and entourage bolted from Roberts Drive.

Just for LL
FBALL Wrote:Googie moved here from Mayfield. That's 390 miles and 6 1/2 hours away. Thats quite a move to relocate. Not a 15 minute trip. That's a pretty clear line.

If you want a blurrier line at Russell I guess it would be Evans. But with his dad getting a job at Russell and the fact that they do actually live in the district it is a given he was going to be allowed to transfer for his senior year.

And again for LL
I take back my smart ass comment.

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