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WWE Royal Rumble PPV Results
Orton is RKOing everyone
Ryback eliminates Orton
Ziggler eliminated

Sheamus, Cena, Ryback
Cena and Ryback two left...
And your winner is JOHN CENA.........Are you F'n kidding me?

Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid
Promo with "I'm coming home" showing superstars going to their hometowns
The Rock vs. CM Punk for the WWE Championship is next.....I would almost bet that Rock wins....Why would they let Punk win and go on to lose it to the Rock at Elimination Chamber? That's not setting up Wrestlemania, What would be setting up Wrestlemania is having Rock win and going on to defeat John Cena at Elimination Chamber.....If it's any other way than that then WWE is just stupid
The Rock's mom is in attendance...
CM Punk is out first
Punk in control
twice Paul Heyman has gotten envolved, probably won't be long til he's tossed
Rock going after Punk's injured knee
Rock locks in the sharpshooter but Punk gets to the ropes
both trading punches
lights go out and the shield come out and triple powerbomb Rock through the announce table, Punk punting rock back into the ring
CM Punk retains.....ARE YOU F'N KIDDING ME????

Looks like Punk will be stripped
Vince comes out and tells Punk that he could strip him but the Rock says no that's not how this night's ending, Rock says your not taking it from him I am, Vince says re-start the match...Match is restarted
And your winner is THE ROCK....New WWE Champion

Alberto Del Rio © def. Big Show to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

Team Hell No © def. Team Rhodes Scholars to retain the Tag Titles

John Cena won the Rumble match

The Rock def. CM Punk © to win the WWE Championship match....

Boring PPV....the only good part was Rock finally shutting up Punk..
It was a great show, albeit fairly predictable.

Man, Chris Jericho got the loudest pop of the night.

I'm curious now, if he's signed a mini deal to stick around until Wrestlemania.
^ Ditto, completely predictable! But I thought the event was booked incredible even though we knew what was coming with each match! I loved the pops for Y2J! It was refreshing to see both he and Dolph stick in the match for so long. I loved the way they allowed Jericho and Orton to clear the ring before they were eliminated. I felt it kept them strong, even though they were eliminated!

The Rock/Punk outcome presented NO DEVIATIONS from the original plans back in the summer. Everyone knew Rock would go over on Punk. What was a surprise was the amount of support Punk received throughout the match! He was the clear-cut fan favorite. Yes, the crowd went nuts when Rock won, but that was because the fans knew they just witnessed history. But Punk came out of that match even stronger than he was before!

I will miss Punk at the top. He has finally made "being a champion" relevant again!
Seen on twitter that a custom title design for The Rock has been done but didn't know if it would be used or not.
I thought the PPV was done well. Punk had a great run as champion and lost the title in a way that doesn't cause his star to fade as it did with Miz. (Boy, did he ever fall, lol)

The Rumble was good but I was expecting Taker. The Godfather's entrance and exit was Soooo funny.

Jericho did not show a lot of ring rust and I too enjoyed him. Orton is yet again the most strange situation for any WWE wrestler. He is a 9-time champ but he is little more than a high Mid-card guy. Is the WWE admitting that they pushed him way too hard and way too fast? Will he be a champ again? Will he ever sniff a PPV main event again?
Orton wants to be a heel badly and WWE is fixing to let him be what he wants
IMO.... The Royal Rumble is just a shadow of what it used to be. After McMahon won it in 1999, it just hasn't been the same.

1990, 1991 and 1992 are the best Royal Rumble's in history.
I'll go on record and say that last night's Royal Rumble after just one viewing would already crack my Top 10 Royal Rumble matches of all-time.

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