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Hazard at Perry County Central 1/11
Ugh, all I have to say is I hope Perry wins and no stupidity erupts. I hope the schools never play each other again in any sport.
geauxtigers75 Wrote:Ugh, all I have to say is I hope Perry wins and no stupidity erupts. I hope the schools never play each other again in any sport.
And people like you are who ruin this match up between friends. Most of the players on both of these teams are friends and hang out with each other off the court, why would they not play? OH yeah, because of idiot adults that are the ones that caused all the problems in the first place, ridiculous!
Are Pray and Olinger going to be playing. Bryant from Whitley was told he Could NOT go play in the Whitley vs Corbin basketball Friday night! Sorry, from the Border Bowl.
I really would love to see Hazard and Perry teams play, especially at the grade school level. There may be some controversy but there is always controversy, dont matter who is playing. A day or two later, the Perry and Hazard people are friends again. We need this rivalry. Good for the area, good money for the schools, good competition for the kids.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Capacity for Perry Central's gym is 4,500. No way they can crowd 5,000 in there. Now, at Knott Central,capacity 5,000, they could.

Two years ago in the district final it was announced on the radio over 5000 people. Not all were sitting and they were packed in like sardines. 4500 is the sitting capacity. They were standing all around the top and in the lanes leading to the bathrooms and restrooms. Peace be among us. Brother Cecil.
Perry by 6. Think Cornett will have a big game.
I heard Hazard and PCC have 500 tickets they are selling in advance starting at the respective school at 1:00 this afternoon in an attempt to avoid "traffic jams" at the door on Friday. I don't know about the other two school (Breathitt and Knott).
Johnny_Ringo Wrote:I really would love to see Hazard and Perry teams play, especially at the grade school level. There may be some controversy but there is always controversy, dont matter who is playing. A day or two later, the Perry and Hazard people are friends again. We need this rivalry. Good for the area, good money for the schools, good competition for the kids.

Would definitely be a big money maker for the both schools. It seem when this was first stopped the incidents at district a few years ago caused it. If I remember the Hazard schoolboard initiated some kind of resolution stopping play between the two school districts. Is this still in effect or does anybody out there know. Also as stated on here it is more to do with some adults than the kids. Peace be among us. Brother Cecil.
zaga_fan Wrote:We can park them at Perry Central and take buses to Hindman to drop everyone off at the door.

It would be faster than walking from Pro-mart like I had to do for the Hazard game over there.

Everything was played at Hindman last year. The big games the rest of this season will not be played in Hindman. Peace be among us. Brother Cecil.
Brother Cecil Wrote:Two years ago in the district final it was announced on the radio over 5000 people. Not all were sitting and they were packed in like sardines. 4500 is the sitting capacity. They were standing all around the top and in the lanes leading to the bathrooms and restrooms. Peace be among us. Brother Cecil.

Announcing a number is one thing. It being the actual figure is another.

Same thing happens with the height of players on the roster. There's a lot of 6'6 high school kids that suddenly become 6'3 in college.
Wall4president Wrote:And people like you are who ruin this match up between friends. Most of the players on both of these teams are friends and hang out with each other off the court, why would they not play? OH yeah, because of idiot adults that are the ones that caused all the problems in the first place, ridiculous!

People like me? Just what the hell did I do exactly to 'ruin' anything? My school didn't call the rivalry off in the first place. I have no animosity towards Hazard or anyone affiliated, I just said I wish the rivalry would be discontinued.

Anywho, whoever got the idea to sell tickets in advance definitely has the right idea, that gym will be absolutely packed for both games.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Announcing a number is one thing. It being the actual figure is another.

Same thing happens with the height of players on the roster. There's a lot of 6'6 high school kids that suddenly become 6'3 in college.

All I know is that it was announced on Hazard radio station. They said over 5000 people were in there and the fire marshal stopped allowing any more. I was there and they were packed in there so tight you couldn't even move. But maybe you know or just think you know. Peace be among us. Brother Cecil.
They gave all 4 schools for Friday night 500 pre-sale tickets to sell today, the rest will be sold at the door! Then you have the pass gate where it's untelling how many get in without even being counted. So if there are 4500 paid in at the door, i'm sure the total will be way over 5,000, because there is a heck of a lot more than 500 coming in the back door for free. Smile
The one thing I know for sure is that if you want in and want a seat you had better come early and be prepared to sit tight. GOOD LUCK to both teams. Also GOOD LUCK to Breathitt and Knott. Peace be among us. Brother Cecil.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Capacity for Perry Central's gym is 4,500. No way they can crowd 5,000 in there. Now, at Knott Central,capacity 5,000, they could.

You are not factoring no standing room. The gym seats 4500, plus they can cram another 1000 to 1500 along the top. But the fire marshall will not let that happen. A couple of years ago the fire marshall actually cut the off at 5000. the radio said it. It will be a record attendance. If you listen to the radio they will hit 5000. Also people talk about the bottom 3 rows pushed back. all that does gives them reason to allow more people to stand. The last thing I am gonna say about the gym is you better come early. Let's talk about basketball. i think it will be a slobberknocker. But you have to give perry a slight edge because of the home court advantage. -TURN YOUR FROWN UPSIDE DOWN CAUSE SMILEY'S COME TO TOWN:ChairHit::argue:
Worst part about the crowd isn't the fire marshal, parking or seating, it's the fact that gym will be so dang hot with that many people in there. Ever been to a PCC graduation? By the time you get to the stage to get your diploma you're 100% dehydrated Confusednicker:.
geauxtigers75 Wrote:Worst part about the crowd isn't the fire marshal, parking or seating, it's the fact that gym will be so dang hot with that many people in there. Ever been to a PCC graduation? By the time you get to the stage to get your diploma you're 100% dehydrated Confusednicker:.

Someone passes out EVERY year lol
Brother Cecil Wrote:All I know is that it was announced on Hazard radio station. They said over 5000 people were in there and the fire marshal stopped allowing any more. I was there and they were packed in there so tight you couldn't even move. But maybe you know or just think you know. Peace be among us. Brother Cecil.

Well, if that's the case then Knott Central, if you include standing room only packed to the hilt crowd, will seat 5500 to 6000. It just seems from observation that 5000 seems like a lot for Perry's gym. But you're right, I don't know. All anyone can go by is the capacity figures and work from that. Do you think they will pull out all the rows in the front section?

For my part I'd much rather have the tournament at Perry's gym. For one thing it is a shorter drive for me (50 miles as compared to 80). In addition, I like Perry's parking situation much better. Knott can park a multitude of cars but they can't get them out after a game is over....everything bottlenecks at the front entrance, which is the only entrance/exit to their venue unless they've changed something in the last few years. I haven't been there in a while. And the seating difference is not so much different that it is a big deal, with Knott seating about 500 more than Perry.

But back to the game.
This game should be a close one, but I think Hazard has a little too much depth and speed for Perry. The Bulldogs will press you from the moment your team steps off the bus. If Perry has trouble protecting the ball it's going to tilt a close game in the favor of Hazard. It's important for Hazard that Hudson does not get in foul trouble. If that happens the Bulldogs will have issues with Perry's size.
After watching the games last night I feel Hazard will win the game in a close one and If Perry wants to win many more games and make a run in the region they must work inside out.. Johnson's points last night were mainly off offensive rebounds and free throws.. I think he should get the ball every possession and have the defense collapse and it will open up more jumpers/floaters/layups for Beverly and the Rest of the Commodores. Good luck to both teams.. It definitely will be worth the ticket price..
I can guarantee there will be 5000 people at the games on Friday. If you factor in the huge standing room capacity they will get what the fire marshal allows them to have. I would not dispute KCC getting 5500-6000 with standing room for the right game. But back to the game I think no one has mentioned that Hazard could be trapped and pressed especially without Hollan. I think one of these will be tried and I also think PCC can matchup man to man with the bulldogs and should. The guards for Hazard are mostly set shot shooters and should be guarded tight and forced to drive. If Hudson gets 20 he will earn it and I don't see any of their other post threat hurting PCC too bad. The question is will Al Hollan try to play the depth card and press the dores which will only get Beverly started, he thrives in the open court. I think this one will be close and could go either way depending on shooting,fouls and just who wants it more.
^ yeah Perry may want to try to press hazard without Hollan but I don't think Perry will start the game pressing because when ur pressing ur more likely to get in foul trouble and Perry don't want to have to go to their bench early.. I think Perry will press more in the 2nd half... But hazard has the depth to press early..
I'm from knott county so I don't care who wins, but have watched both teams and unless something changes, perry can't play with hazard.
I would love to see the Dawgs win this one but I think Perry will be too much.
king360 Wrote:I would love to see the Dawgs win this one but I think Perry will be too much.

Your a Hazard fan and you think PCC will win?
Dude your crazy.
Hazard by 15 - at least.
DAWGS in a close one !!! GO BLUE !!!
footballfever Wrote:Are Pray and Olinger going to be playing. Bryant from Whitley was told he Could NOT go play in the Whitley vs Corbin basketball Friday night! Sorry, from the Border Bowl.

Pray will be playing - and if they win he'll be playing in the championship on Saturday as well.

From the ultimate source Smile
Ballers Wrote:Your a Hazard fan and you think PCC will win?
Dude your crazy.
Hazard by 15 - at least.

I will take that bet!!!! I agree pcc has been a flop to this point, but u have beverly, Johnson and Cornett. C'mon man!!!! I guess Cordia beat Buckhorn tonight too??? Lol, how about let u play for HHS tomorrow and u guard Beverly!!!
Perry has to shoot the ball better and box out to win the game. The two things they seem to struggling doing against Clay Co. I picked PCC to win this tournament, despite the poor performance in round 1 staying with the Commodores.

ballstar Wrote:I will take that bet!!!! I agree pcc has been a flop to this point, but u have beverly, Johnson and Cornett. C'mon man!!!! I guess Cordia beat Buckhorn tonight too??? Lol, how about let u play for HHS tomorrow and u guard Beverly!!!

How about I wear a Hazard jersey and you wear a PCC jersey and we play one on one..
Loser keeps the avatar up of theirself with the rivals jersey on.
Don't talk crap if you can;t back it up.

Let me holler at ekff, I'm sure he can get me a semi-professional hazard jersey.

I can play 2 on 2 as well. Bring Beverly if you want.. I play for money bud. Waiting for your reply.
I know Downtown10 and STLcardsfan is interested in that bet too.
One on one or two on two to either one of you. I;d rather do one on one so I can make it quick and clean.
Only difference is you two would be wearing Cordia jerseys and I have two of those coincidentally.

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