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Mayfield vs. Fairview (1A State Championship) 11/30
From what I saw at paintsville fairview is one of the best Class-A teams I have ever seen, The love to run but have some good receivers, and a qb with a good arm. They also are hard hitting and very fast. I also must say they were a pretty classy bunch, and they were extremely respectful to our program. If mayfield blows them out then mayfield is good enough to win the championship in 2a or maybe 3a.
I hope the mayfield team is as over confident as there fans. Bring back the trophy eagles.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:From what I saw at paintsville fairview is one of the best Class-A teams I have ever seen, The love to run but have some good receivers, and a qb with a good arm. They also are hard hitting and very fast. I also must say they were a pretty classy bunch, and they were extremely respectful to our program. If mayfield blows them out then mayfield is good enough to win the championship in 2a or maybe 3a.

Well, Mayfield blew out one of the teams in the 2A championship Caldwell county, who is playing Newport Central Catholic, who beat Beechwood pretty handily, and I think Mayfield-Newport would be a good game.
You are kidding me seriously!Confusednicker: We stick together?Confusednicker: All playoff time long it starts with Wburg is gonna beat us.Confusednicker: Then Hazard beats them, so everyone from the east starts telling us that Hazard is going to beat us.Confusednicker: Now Fairview beats them and now all you eastern folks are hollering they are gonna beat us.Confusednicker: But we are the ones sticking together over here.Confusednicker: Makes about as much sense as the fact that you guys can't understand why someone would talk about, I don't know say stats or even schedules.Confusednicker: I guess that statement kind of explains the lack of logic behind the previous statements made from groups over there.:thanks: There is one group over on that side in 1a that has the football knowledge, that being Hazard.:thanks: Well I take that back, Pikeville also has pretty good football knowledgeble people.:thanks: Those two teams did not have their best years, due to graduation and injury. I have not noticed any of them getting on here and telling us they wish we would get beat or anything of the sort. They completely understand that everyone should have an opinion, we have one. They thing is, I have brought stats, films and schedules in to make mine understood. You guys haven't and you can't stand the fact that a non-east team can. Bring your popcorn and watch the game and we will talk Saturday.:popcorn:
PirateInAshland Wrote:BITW or Believe In The Wood is referring to the fact that the Fairview Independent School District covers the Westwood community of the Ashland/Boyd County area. Hope this helps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westwood,_B...,_Kentucky

I have heard it stated behind closed doors that BITW means "Bring In the West Virginians"
64SUR Wrote:sorry to hear this pork.losing shouldn't cause you to forget your eastern kentucky friends.:Hammer3:

Losing to them has nothing to do with it. I can handle the lose. Myson had my back so I'm going with them is all. I'm still trying to fig out who you are 64.
Fairview by 1 point! Last second fumble recovery. That's how Hollywood would write "The Fairview Story". BITW
Fairview will win by 1 point. Last second fumble recovery ran back for a TD. Then going for 2 and getting it with 00:00 left on the clock.
Fairview will win by 1 point. A last sec fumble recovery with a runback for a TD.
This has the makings of a really great championship game. If Mayfield had dominated the game with Hazard last year the way they did the year before, I would def give the nod to the Cardinals. Maybe they overlooked the Dawgs a little last year, I'm not sure. But the outcome of that game causes me to be very cautious in picking a Mayfield blowout. Fairview is not only athletic, they are very physical. Mayfield may still win, I'm not discrediting them in any way, but a Fairview win wouldn't shock me either.
mysonis55 Wrote:You are kidding me seriously!Confusednicker: We stick together?Confusednicker: All playoff time long it starts with Wburg is gonna beat us.Confusednicker: Then Hazard beats them, so everyone from the east starts telling us that Hazard is going to beat us.Confusednicker: Now Fairview beats them and now all you eastern folks are hollering they are gonna beat us.Confusednicker: But we are the ones sticking together over here.Confusednicker: Makes about as much sense as the fact that you guys can't understand why someone would talk about, I don't know say stats or even schedules.Confusednicker: I guess that statement kind of explains the lack of logic behind the previous statements made from groups over there.:thanks: There is one group over on that side in 1a that has the football knowledge, that being Hazard.:thanks: Well I take that back, Pikeville also has pretty good football knowledgeble people.:thanks: Those two teams did not have their best years, due to graduation and injury. I have not noticed any of them getting on here and telling us they wish we would get beat or anything of the sort. They completely understand that everyone should have an opinion, we have one. They thing is, I have brought stats, films and schedules in to make mine understood. You guys haven't and you can't stand the fact that a non-east team can. Bring your popcorn and watch the game and we will talk Saturday.:popcorn:
It's not that we don't respect Mayfield over here in Pikeville, we do. Have to respect an 8 time state champ. BUT, after seeing Fairview up close twice now, I will say this. They are a VERY good team, very similar to Hazard last year, except Hazard had/has a better QB in terms of passing game. If Mayfield gets them into 3rd and longs consistently, Fairview is in trouble. But Fairview is the real deal. I have a problem with the way they play sometimes, but that is a different thread/topic, don't want to jack this one. I haven't seen Mayfield play this year, so I can't make a real educated guess on the game. But Fairview is fast, physical, has a ton of speed, and i'm proud of Pikeville for keeping it closer than Hazard did. But for a turnover here or there, outcome COULD have been different. In the end though, Pikeville just lost to a better team and is working towards next year already.
gobigredMHS Wrote:Well, Mayfield blew out one of the teams in the 2A championship Caldwell county, who is playing Newport Central Catholic, who beat Beechwood pretty handily, and I think Mayfield-Newport would be a good game.
If only we still had 4 classes Sad
So as a fan base we are supposed to get on here and not pick our team or stand up for them or disagree with other fan bases about who is better. I try to back up my opinion with stats or facts and only have a pet peave when people make factual statements without knowing anything about another team and having only seen theirs. I will doubt a team putting up huge numbers against really inferior opponents and until Fairview beat Raceland beat Pikeville and beat Hazard that could be said about them. They have some really quality wins now so i do respect them my biggest reasons that i think Mayfield wins are that Fairview has so far only showed to be one dimension on offense Mayfield is really strong against the run due mostly to a first team all state lb and another Lb who played well enough to also get some attention for awards. The other reason is Mayfield is very balanced offensively and of the 3 good teams that Fairview beat i dont think any of them passed as well as they run.
This based on some game footage some insight from people who have seen them play and the fact that the d they run looks to be designed to stop the run, and only 600 passing yards. I know they have been so successful in their run game that they dont have to pass but i have yet to see it so i will doubt it til i do. Yet most Mayfield fans come on here and act like the bias fans we all are and we are criticised for it. We are the number one ranked team in 1a and are 14 and 1 so we are confident yet we are supposed to not disagree with others because a Fairview fan or a Frankfort fan or a Williamsburg fan gets on here and say hey we are good this year and we are going to win 1a this year. They get excited about their teams success and throw factual statements out without taking time to look and see what the other people are doing and then get mad when those fans come on here and bring facts and dispute what they say. I dont really see one fan base more arrogant than the next they are all just being fans and fans is short for fanatics.
Is Fairview running any buses for fans to the Friday game? If not, they may want to consider it.
PHS, now that is how you state what you think without busting someone else out.:thanks: If people would say stuff like that, I would not feel offended. Instead we post something about stats or schedules or film and we get someone telling how arragant we are.:please: I dont understand that, those are facts that I just laid out there.:thanks: I have done it for most of the playoffs. I have yet to have been called out because of it.:thanks: I understand you guys want to see an east team win. I just think you have got to sometimes look at this kind of impartially. I tried very hard to do that myself. Once I looked at video, schedules, stats and all I just couldn't see Mayfield losing this game. It may happen. If it does, I will most definately get on here and say congrats and they were better. I simply put the stats up and told what I saw from video, that is all nothing more. PHS, I know yall should be better next year, but I also think Williamsburg and Beechwood will have better programs next year. We will be losing JJ and several other seniors but we also return alot.
pork Wrote:Losing to them has nothing to do with it. I can handle the lose. Myson had my back so I'm going with them is all. I'm still trying to fig out who you are 64.
:dudecomeon:let mysonis55 have your back if williamsburg would have won the game.you would have kiss mayfield :moon: anyway.I have fairview back. 64SUR AND BELFRY
64, why all the negativeness.Confusednicker: Now you know Pork also adopted you to root for his team after you guys lost.:thanks: He has been coddling you as well.Confusednicker: Don't give him down the road, he just knows that I aint dogging on anyone.:thanks: I don't think he is kissing up, he just has been there and understands that we who have been there have alot of respect for programs like Hazard. I'm not knocking your bunch either. I am very proud of that young group you guys have and obviously they have some good coaching to do what they did as a bunch of soph's.:thanks: You will get your shot in the near future and then you will understand that this isn't a bunch of people just dogging each other out, we just come and play ball and treat each other with respect.:thanks: I bet which ever way this goes, Fairview fans after this game will be talking about how they met some Mayfield fans and they were treated well. I bet you will have the same out of Mayfield fans. It is a different environment once you get to the big dance. You will have your day 64 and you will see. For now, just get your popcorn and enjoy two great teams going at it on Friday.:popcorn:
The one-dimensional aspect is huge, Mayfield found out in 2005 that being one-dimensional kills. Newport Central Catholic had a good running and passing game and they absolutely killed us. We tried to win with our running game and it just wasn't enough.
Alright fball I accept PayPal... ill take ur bet. :lmao: I sure hope these three running backs are good enough to score 13 points.. thats how many I have fairview scoring btw..
Mayfield. 48
Fairview. 13

At the state level more than a running game has to be established.. as far as size.. we've faced size graves co. Line is college size avg around 285.. ran through them. Running game , well its know we've also shut it down all year.. 95% of the points we have allowed have been off of allowing our second and third string to have training time or bc we allowed are self to get burnt on coverage on a pass...thats tha way I see fairview scoring..

FBALL Wrote:I think you are underestimating Fairview. But that remains to be seen. Anybody that wants to give me 21 points and ill take it.

"WE ARE MAYFIELD" and on top of the west. Might as well change my name to on top of the east too.. ask beechwood.. the title game was already played.. this one is only for good measure.. yes I know this statement was made last year but the only diff is this year we are older more experienced and "injury free" ... lets see hows this statement go.... :dontthink "U cant just jump into the ring with Muhammad Ali cause u think u can box"... :dontthink

I really hope yall think this fairview team is really good.. that way when we disimate them we look that much better.. I feel after the let down last year and all them dam black feathers I had to pick outta my teeth that we lost a little respect that needs to be regained.. crow sucks ..and im not eating that sh@$ agian this year.. lmao.
This Panther fan along with others, thought a lighter schedule played by Fairview would be a disadvantage to them in the game with Pikeville. In fact we heard that on this site all season(lighter schedule), but that wasn't the case at Howard field. This Fairview team is big, strong, and fast. Been a long time since I've seen a backfield in 1-A with that kind of speed and quickness. Noticed also,their players are very physical and in good shape. Don't know anything about Mayfield, other than they're in the finals every year, so we KNOW they're good or they wouldn't be in it.
One thing is for sure; it's going to be one whale of a game, and I plan to be there to see the outcome.
From what I have seen this year out of both teams...its a close matchup and a good one...ill take the Eagles also... with Ramcat77
64SUR Wrote::dudecomeon:let mysonis55 have your back if williamsburg would have won the game.you would have kiss mayfield :moon: anyway.I have fairview back. 64SUR AND BELFRY

Not Sure if i have to work fri of not. I hope to go to the game. If so I will also be pulling for Belfry also.
FBALL Wrote:I told you guys earlier in the season. If Fairview got everybody eligible they were the best team in the area. Now on to Taco Bell.

Fball. Keep away from the koolaid, there really good I don't dispute that at all. But they play about 13 kids Ashland played about twice that. An 3 backs were sitting half or all the season. that game would be similar to Ashland/Highlands they would hang for a quarter or two then run out of gas plain an simple.
ontopofthewest Wrote:Alright fball I accept PayPal... ill take ur bet. :lmao: I sure hope these three running backs are good enough to score 13 points.. thats how many I have fairview scoring btw..
Mayfield. 48
Fairview. 13

At the state level more than a running game has to be established.. as far as size.. we've faced size graves co. Line is college size avg around 285.. ran through them. Running game , well its know we've also shut it down all year.. 95% of the points we have allowed have been off of allowing our second and third string to have training time or bc we allowed are self to get burnt on coverage on a pass...thats tha way I see fairview scoring..

"WE ARE MAYFIELD" and on top of the west. Might as well change my name to on top of the east too.. ask beechwood.. the title game was already played.. this one is only for good measure.. yes I know this statement was made last year but the only diff is this year we are older more experienced and "injury free" ... lets see hows this statement go.... :dontthink "U cant just jump into the ring with Muhammad Ali cause u think u can box"... :dontthink

I really hope yall think this fairview team is really good.. that way when we disimate them we look that much better.. I feel after the let down last year and all them dam black feathers I had to pick outta my teeth that we lost a little respect that needs to be regained.. crow sucks ..and im not eating that sh@$ agian this year.. lmao.
If you don't want to eat crow then I would suggest you do not make a post like this. A little humility and respect for the other school IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP would go a long way.
The great thing is we have 4 days until we can put this debate to rest until next year.
So ur basically tellin every one to not post anything..lol.. bc if they are the least bit wrong at anything they will be eatin it.. come on man ... as for respect I have respect for them they are the best the east has to offer.. its just not going to be enough to win the crown .. so. Next pls..
4 days so we can paint another number on our wall..
I sure hope we aren't eating crow Sat. I hate the taste. Has anyone got the status on the Johnson kid from Hazard. I hope the kid is healing well and can maybe have a chance to play somewhere next year
Ya me too. Like I said..lol. should be a fairly easily handled game..
Big Five-0- Wrote:This Panther fan along with others, thought a lighter schedule played by Fairview would be a disadvantage to them in the game with Pikeville. In fact we heard that on this site all season(lighter schedule), but that wasn't the case at Howard field. This Fairview team is big, strong, and fast. Been a long time since I've seen a backfield in 1-A with that kind of speed and quickness. Noticed also,their players are very physical and in good shape. Don't know anything about Mayfield, other than they're in the finals every year, so we KNOW they're good or they wouldn't be in it.
One thing is for sure; it's going to be one whale of a game, and I plan to be there to see the outcome.

Big difference is Mayfield is light years better than Pikeville who has not been relivent since the 1980's
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