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Williamsburg @ Berea 10/12
BDC Wrote:I think this is a very valid point, but Oliver springs was very good last year, and it was anticipated that they were going to be good again. That has not happen as of yet. Harlan was supposed to be good as well, but that did not happen either. I am not sure how much reality there is in the idea that a tough schedule prepares you for the playoffs, but instead I believe it is in the mindset of your kids.

I agree. Wburg lost to Harlan 41-22 2nd game last year. Beat Leslie 36-34, Allen Central 28-20, Cville 28-27, Berea 20-14 in OT. Lost to Oneida 45-22 and Osprings 41-22. 4 wins by TD or less sarting 13 freshman in 22 positions.
I think the tough schedule is VERY overrated. Coach Mitchill at Lynn Camp was prasied for his tough schedule. At 1A all it does is get you beat up and beat down. Over last 6 years Coach Mitchell and his tough schedule went 19-46 with 1st round playoff loss each year.
I do think you need some close games but it doesn't always work out that way.
Williamsburg needs to have a tougher schedule THIS YEAR no doubt but its not like Williamsburg can make a schedule every year for every team . At the time the schedule was made for Williamsburg (last year ) it was a very good schedule. For all you that don't understand scheduling, teams sign a two year contract (usually) and teams get better and some get worse. It just so happens Williamsburg's contracts were signed last year so its not like they could go get new schedule this year. I don't see why everyone is giving Williamsburg a hard time about their schedule. A contract is a contract!
:wenumber1 Jacket4life in my eyes but when you make a statement like im making williamsburg fans look self centered and stupid.ur wrong i believe williamsburg will be :1:an if you dont you must be for another proud of this teams an i dont care who nos it an for E'ARMY yes its my tangent.I believe in williamsburg an im going to toot my horn before the other teams fan base does an if you think they want wait in 4 weeks.this is football you both just gotConfusederved: JACKET4LIFE AN E'ARMY jump on board if you are true williamsburg fan an support this teams to bowling green.Confusedmoke:
You will find no bigger fan the I am. I have been with this group of sophomores since middle school. I am there every Thursday and feed the boys as we eat as a team I believe that we can get to Bowling Green but there are no guarantees. All I'm saying to you is there are. I guarantees for any if us so don't put a target on our backs!!
64SUR my wife annoys the heck out of me at times but I still love her. I love your enthusiasm and support of the Jackets. We don't all have to be on the same tangent.
I Hope you all dont think harlan ind.hazard,raceland or fairview want put a target on williamsburg back .well accept it we will haveto play every game with a target on our back in the playoff thats what every team want this is FOOTBALL an thats great that you help feed the football team JACKET4LIFE now lets go gettin.:Wave::Wave::Wave:
Alot of you must not understand...... LCA will not play us, Corbin will not play us and as far as scheduling Hazard would never benefit us because we will play them in the playoffs. I know this for a fact seeing we have tried to schedule both teams for next year and they declined because we are a dominated sophomore class with super high expectations this year. And as football fever stated 1 or 2 tough games a year is plenty for a 1A school seeing that are depth is not very good. Going in to the playoffs with 2 tough teams under are belt and healthy is better then going into the playoffs having played 4-5 tough teams and hurt.
64sur I understand you are pumped and a big fan of the big orange but there is no reason to go out and put targets on are back. Trust me I think we are as good as any but you do not see me posting all over threads telling teams where coming from them. Yeah I think we are going to do big things this year but lets leave the kids and the coach's to do the trash talking on the field and let the proof be in the pudding.
64sur I love your post, you don't beat around the bush the jackets are your team and you promote them every time you get a chance. all the icons and serving people makes your post exciting. You remind me of Ricky-Bobby if you aint first than your last. Sports is a whole lot like business and every business needs promoted and the more their name is out there the more people notice, those that are offended by your post needs a reality check to see how loyal they are and how loyal you are. People express their selfs in many different ways, and while people may pull for the same team some take a lower key approach and thats fine too. Keep posting and pulling for your Jackets and having fun fun fun thats what its all about, I will continue to read all your posts Confusedalute:
Wburg by as many as they want. I agree Wburg has a weak schedule. But a contract is a contract for two yrs no matter what. Wburg is a good team, everyone can see that. But just wondering, would it be a bad idea maybe for Wburg to go up to 2A?
T1UP there's a difference in supporting your team and being obnoxious about things ... and No way should they move up they are the second smallest school in 1A ... wouldn't really be fair.
go williamsburg does that sound better or:lame:jacketpride :closed:
64SUR keep doing what you do. You are the master of the icon. Nothing like spreading a little excitement. Do you have a job? You spend more time on here than I do.
ColonelCraz6577 Wrote:Wburg by as many as they want. I agree Wburg has a weak schedule. But a contract is a contract for two yrs no matter what. Wburg is a good team, everyone can see that. But just wondering, would it be a bad idea maybe for Wburg to go up to 2A?

Williamsburg is one of the smallest schools to play football. It is amazing that they have 40 players this year. There is about 125 boys in the high school, could you imagine if a larger school gets that type of turn out for footballl. Playing up probably is not a option for Williamsburg, but I believe they have only played one school smaller than they are (Pineville).
Playfast Wrote:Williamsburg is one of the smallest schools to play football. It is amazing that they have 40 players this year. There is about 125 boys in the high school, could you imagine if a larger school gets that type of turn out for footballl. Playing up probably is not a option for Williamsburg, but I believe they have only played one school smaller than they are (Pineville).

Great point PLATFAST; I don't think a lot of people realize how hard it is just to field a team at these small schools. Having 40 players this year is great, but these #'s can change in a hurry, for example our middle school this year only had 3 8th graders on the team and a very small # of male students for the entire class. The 7th grade class had maybe 8 kids and the rest of the team was made up of 6th graders. If everyone of the 8th graders play next year and no new students enroll as freshman, our freshman class will be 3( but one of the stars on that 8th grade team will be moving to WV to live with his dad),the following year maybe 8 to 9 at most that makes it hard to compete. We have been fortunate having 2 large classes back to back along with the last 2 years transfers 6 from Corbin all played on the 8th grade state championship team, 3 from Whitley, 1 from Letcher Central and 1 from Fort Campbell. I remember last year at Allen Central after some injuries we had about 16 kids available for that game.
Jacketpride Wrote:64sur I understand you are pumped and a big fan of the big orange but there is no reason to go out and put targets on are back. Trust me I think we are as good as any but you do not see me posting all over threads telling teams where coming from them. Yeah I think we are going to do big things this year but lets leave the kids and the coach's to do the trash talking on the field and let the proof be in the pudding.

I agree with 64sure. Physocology is just as important as a good defence. Let our team and the opposition Know that we beleive we can and will Kick their hind-ends we are not going to back into anything no use trying, If your so weak that you have to sneek up on them you can't win anyway We fully intend to let our oppenets know we are out to get them!
Willamsburg by 40
Williamsburg will make this score what they want it to be they have too many weapons and are way to fast for Berea to keep up.

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