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Knott Central @ Cordia 12/8/11
Commodore_Colonel Wrote:Just heard the game was sold out. Had to presale tickets because of the capacity of Cordia's gym.

Probably should have been true, but it isn't...just a rumor
Seen KCC play this year and they are very young but talented. Justice is the real deal and they do rely primarily on guard play from Davis & Adams. Heard Cordia's full court pressure is pretty intense and it will be interesting to see how KCC handles the pressure.I think they will be fine with the ball in Davis and Justice's hands.How does Cordia's halfcourt offense look or are they just a run and gun offense?
KHSAA12 Wrote:Everyones hyped about kcc due to the offsensive abiliities, they haven't played anyone yet that they we're forced to play lock down defense. Their inside DOES NOT SCORE. They are a guarded oriented team. They look for justice or davis to lead and the rest follow. Justice and adams are good shooters, but that's all adams is. Hand up and he's done. Hold davis to the best of your abiliities hands up and good defense on justice and adams, and you've stopped their offense. Kcc offense fantastic, defense not so much.

I think you missed his question.. All of that rambling on above ^ has nothing to do with what you said..

You said "KCC best team in region".. He asked you do you believe they are really better than PCC and Hazard?
The question wasn't to me ballers. Read lil more pls before making assumptions. I was simply voicing my thought on why people think kcc is better then Perry n hazard. That rambling is the truth about knotts team.
KHSAA12 Wrote:The question wasn't to me ballers. Read lil more pls before making assumptions. I was simply voicing my thought on why people think kcc is better then Perry n hazard. That rambling is the truth about knotts team.

KCC has no size to deal with the bigs of Hazard and PCC IMO.

And your right about one thing it wasn't you: It was Crazy Horse.
^Agreed. For some reason he thinks knotts unbeatable. Cornett, hudson, and olinger imo are all better then hall and christian. I kno justice is good and davis is a beast, but no inside game does hurt in big games. Hudsons still making the transition from 2 to 5, but had 25 and 17 boards last game. All points from foul line and inside.
^I am not saying KCC is unbeatable, I hope they get beat 20 tonight. But Zach Davis proved last year how good he was, a healthy Zach Davis wins the 14th region last year. KCC is young but very skilled.

For Ballers, Hazard is not better, this will be one of their worst teams in a while. Hazard team from last year is easily better. PCC and KCC defiantly 1 and 2 in the region. I think Zach Davis helps KCC take the 1 spot.

I hope the Lions take the victory tonight, I won't miss one second of the game
Cordia has it's chance to shine that everyone has been talking bout the last couple of months. I talked to Denny other day and he said what he knows bout Cordia this year that they will be a deep team so that could play a factor in this one. I'm still taking the Patriots to win though, simply because they have to best two players on the floor. Justice and Davis.

Kcc 72
Cordia 60
KCC by 18
Would say the crowd will be crazy up their in Lotts Creek! Rhodes won't know what to think when this one gets going, should be fun.
Well I picked Knott by 11...

But if people in Knott are making this big of a deal of the game....

Knott by 21

Knott County - 74
Cordia - 53
If Knott ever gets a 10 point lead, it could get ugly b/c Knott will try to beat Cordia as bad as they possibly can. What Knott don't know is this team will not quit playing no matter what the score is. Wish I could be their, Go Lions!!!!!!!!
Knott by 15
#45 that right?
good game i could just imagine what knott countys freshman team would be like with camron justice and simon christian on it

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