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Belfry 7 Ashland Blazer 6
^Or not. I will get to see it at film on tuesday. :biggrin:
Congrats Pirates. Very big win for the Belfry program. Good luck on the record Haywood & a run at the State Title.
Congrats Pirates...Ashalnd 17-3 all time against Belfry... There's not many teams that can say that...
Has Been Wrote:Congrats Pirates...Ashalnd 17-3 all time against Belfry... There's not many teams that can say that...

That didn't sound very much like a congrats.
Great game between two very good teams with a lot of tradition. Ashland has nothing to hang their heads for. The fans paid to see a battle and both teams gave us just that. Pirates stay focused we have unfinished business from last year to attend to.
On a positive note for Belfry, I was very pleased with the "big" d-line package. Barnes, Tuffy Willis, and John Duty look good when they trot in there in short yardage situations.
I was pleased to see Haywood shuffling personel according to the situation like that.

On the critical side for Belfry, I feel they need to develop a couple quick/intermediate pass plays for when the opposing teams are starting to stuff the running game. In the second half, Ashland made the adjustments and starting really stiffening up. LB'ers and Safeties were cheating and crashing. IMO, need a real a couple plays that exploit that and keep them honest. There will be teams with personel as good as Ashland down the road (aka - Bell, Central, PT, and maybe Breathitt)
Congrats to the Belfry Pirates! A great game to watch at the Cam! I've been there twice and have seen a Tomcat two pt. win and now a Tomcat one pt. loss. Just a great place to watch a game. The Pirates were a lot quicker than last year and controlled both sides of the line of scrimage. I wish you well in the pursuit of another successful post season.
How did the Belfry home crowd seem to Ashland fans? Felt like we were into it pretty good.
what a game.. low scoring like expected, but well worth the 5 bucks.. belfrys defense was impressive.. the pirates scored early in the first, then held ashland for 3 quarters. they finally hit paydirt midway through the fourth.. then for some reason tomcats coach decides going for two was a good idea.. espeacially after belfry just showed him that they was lucky to get in the first time, by holding that goalline d like a steel curtain..trey willis pounded tomcat defense for about 60 yards maybe more.. befry got down to 1 yard line and opted to kneel for a couple plays ensuring the victory.. classic game.. it was definitely a statement for belfry.. ashland has beaten a few teams that have some clout including ironton, russell, and gave george washington a good run as well.. lawrence county next, pike and johnson central ahead.. the pirates will definitely be battle tested for the playoffs.. lets make another run at state belfry..
Loon Wrote:"Retard" site? Get the **** out then, dumbass.


With comments like this, I think it is past time that Vundy 33 as well as Red and White with his use of GTFO, need to be suspended if not permanently removed from the forum. They are only showing their lack of command of English language.

Profanity/Sarcasm is the language of the ignorant......
Author: Unknown

Bob Seger Wrote:Oh, I guess you have not been made aware of the new rules around here. It's all perfectly legal to look like an illiterate fool now. And yes, Vundy has taken full advantage of becoming that "poster boy" .

I was just defending the site, guys. Gah, if telling someone to GTFO because I'm defending this website, that we're all using, makes me an illiterate fool, that's fine with me. Wink

If you're going to call a sports forum the "retard" site, because of a few Belfry fans and others who can hardly put a sentence together, then why are you here if you think that? Ya know?
PaytoPlay Wrote:How did the Belfry home crowd seem to Ashland fans? Felt like we were into it pretty good.

Personally I loved it (except the losing part)! Great atmosphere, fans were friendly an just helpful in general. You have to respect an old warhorse like Haywood. Unlike some other places Ive been had the misfortune of visiting....
I'll not elaborate any further. I feel like most teams try to respect there visiting teams an not degrade them belfry had the total package you new you were in belfrys HOUSE. Without all the extra curricular activities some places employ.
^ Thanks for the input man. I thought it was an really good atmosphere. Love Friday night lights!

Before this thread falls into memory, does anyone know if these two teams are going to continue to play one another moving forward? I certainly hope so.
I Am The Genius Wrote:First off, I don't post on here much, normally just read. Not really a fan of either team, especially Ashland. I thought Belfry had a strong line up front and a fast one at that, but I thought they had SEVERAL false starts (mainly the right side of the line) in the game that were not called. Several holds as well, also which did not get called. This was my first time seeing Belfry this year, but they will not get away with things like that every game. They were not disciplined very well. I have seen Belfry play 11 times in the past 5 years, this was my first time this year. They really did not impress me much. Had the officiating been better, IMO Ashland wins by about two scores. As for Ashland, they seemed intimidated by the atmosphere. I have seen them two times this year, once against George Washington and the other against Ironton. They played more aggressive against those teams. They did not get a strong run established up the middle tonight, which did not happen against GW and Ironton either.

I will say, the officiating tonight was downright horrid. I do not like Ashland, but I actually deeply regret now that I came in rooting for Belfry. I would guess that the Ashland fans that are trying to "keep it classy" were not at the game in person, and probably are used to hearing Dickie Martin complain about the officiating. His claim was legitimate tonight. After re-reading the pre-game thread just now, I feel like a lot of the Belfry fans now are why this site is considered the "retard" site compared to the other site and I regret now that I rooted for them to win this game. Ashland players were held all night. One of the punt returns I counted two blocks in the back (obvious ones), and they were not called. Also, Belfry had several spots in their favor tonight. This is nothing against the players, the program itself, but if anyone looks at this film (without maroon or red blinders on) and they'll see the truth of what I am saying. I saw several Ashland players, #80 included, approach the officials and either signal that they were being held, and one time signaled that a facemask should have been called and expressed frustration at that. This is only the third time I have seen this Ashland team, but they did not do that against George Washington (in which they were trailing most of the game) or Ironton (which they won, getting a big lead in the fourth quarter). I do not know #80 personally, but have seen him play a few times and he has never shown the expressions that he did tonight after the game. I do not think he should have chased down the players unless they were gloating (which I would doubt, both sides showed good sportsmanship for the most part), but I did see him chase down one of the referees. I really cannot blame him. Normally I would put those kind of actions down, and if I can get a shot on Ashland I'll take it, but tonight he had every right to chase down that referee because I honestly think that these guys had something personal against Ashland in this game. If he would have leveled the referee I really would not have been to hard on him - I couldn't blame him.

I know the Belfry fans are probably going to be on me like crazy. I could care less. Haywood does seem like a good guy and obviously he knows the game, but he has choked some big games away and because of that I still will not categorize him in the same area as someone like Dale Mueller or Bob Beatty. But seriously, I feel like I have insulted my username for rooting for Belfry tonight. Looking at how their fans act on here, I'm sure they'll be getting a good laugh while their flipping burgers this weekend.


I really had to speak my mind on this one. Now, back to observe only mode.
After reading through all that garbage and babbling you wrote. I feel there is no need to even reply to your spew for the simple fact you agreed with a punk being a punk yourself. If you don't like the site, keep walking.:flush:
MtnHSFootballFan Wrote:That didn't sound very much like a congrats.

I think it's a pretty good congrats dude, lol. There isn't many teams that can say they have that record against Belfry, showing that Belfry has been a powerhouse for a long time. I know Belfry, and Ashland for that matter, have been top KY programs in their classes for as long as I remember.

Also, I have a question. When I was in high school, we still had the 1A-4A format, and Belfry was 2A, of course. What was Ashland back then? 3A?
BADCAT74 Wrote:Personally I loved it (except the losing part)! Great atmosphere, fans were friendly an just helpful in general. You have to respect an old warhorse like Haywood. Unlike some other places Ive been had the misfortune of visiting....
I'll not elaborate any further. I feel like most teams try to respect there visiting teams an not degrade them belfry had the total package you new you were in belfrys HOUSE. Without all the extra curricular activities some places employ.

I'm a fan of all Pike Co. schools, but mainly ER and Central, and I love going over to Belfry and watching a big game, Ashland too. Not to many places in Kentucky with those atmosphere/facilities. I'm glad that Eastern KY has a few of these types of enviroments...good for the entire state when it comes to high school football, in my opinion.

Almost all of those Ashland/Belfry matchups came when both school played in 3A under the old 4 class format.

Hope the series continues now and it should since it is simply a good non district game for both squads.
vundy33 Wrote:I think it's a pretty good congrats dude, lol. There isn't many teams that can say they have that record against Belfry, showing that Belfry has been a powerhouse for a long time. I know Belfry, and Ashland for that matter, have been top KY programs in their classes for as long as I remember.

Also, I have a question. When I was in high school, we still had the 1A-4A format, and Belfry was 2A, of course. What was Ashland back then? 3A?

OK, Dude, lol! Maybe you're a Belfry fan, but i stand by my comment. It didn't sound like a congrats. It could be easily interpreted as a brag from an Ashland fan.
:haters:Funny how it was the refs fault Ashland punts the ball and their player touched and it rolled on 10 yards and they spoted it there. Watch the film even the other ref comes down the field and stands where it was touched but says nothing he just goes with the other refs wrong spot. Late hit was not called when a blind man could see it even Charley Pinson says so on intermountain sports replay. Ashland fumbled a second time clear on the replay he lost the ball before he hit the ground but Ashland kept the ball. I know that they missed calls but as i point out they went both ways. As for blocks in the back watch the replay they were not in the back,and one belfry player reaches out but pulls up before he made the block. :dontthink Ashland we win 3 out of 20 and we are cheaters now thats funny.:lmao: We must not be paying the refs as much as you guys:please: Cry all you want we are proud of our program one of the best in ky with the greatest coach and staff. Belfry football=winners:1:
vundy33 Wrote:I think it's a pretty good congrats dude, lol. There isn't many teams that can say they have that record against Belfry, showing that Belfry has been a powerhouse for a long time. I know Belfry, and Ashland for that matter, have been top KY programs in their classes for as long as I remember.

Also, I have a question. When I was in high school, we still had the 1A-4A format, and Belfry was 2A, of course. What was Ashland back then? 3A?

Actually bounced back an forth when I was in high school 83-86 we were 4a then in I believe 87 they dropped to 3a an went on to win state in 90'. In 60s early 70s were 2a Then jumped to 4a mid 70s. Stayed there til 87. That's not exact but pretty close....
As a neutral observer to this game I have some observations.

Belfry is a damn good 3A team period. They are very deep, and very quick they will make noise in the playoff.

Ashland is good too, But they seemed very very intimidated by the belfry crowd.

The officiating was excellent in this game, a few missed calls but that happens. Btw two of Ashlands first downs came off of terrible spots, but the Turnover on downs by Ashland was a bad spot too. All in all it was a even job of officiating. But to me Belfry was the superior team.
The pirates play oldschool football and they know how to win doing it. People can say what they want about how the dominant running game is dead and how to win with the big boys you have to run the spread, and I suppose that may be partially true on a national level but Coach PH proves it week after week that with the proper training a team that is run heavy can still win big but also pull out the close ones when needed. Belfry will always be real with PH on the sidelines.:worthy::redboxer:
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Let us not forget that Ashland is not even in position for this call to be an issue if not for a Belfry mental collapse on Special Teams. Pirates had held Ashland to a 3 and Out and was set to receive the punt when they only had 10 men on the field, in an effort to remedy the situation two Pirates came on the field causing the flag for illegal participation.

I know this is a huge win for Belfry, but not everything is candy and gumdrops in the wake of last night's game. Going back to last year's beat down in the Championship game, I made a point that I felt Belfry's special teams was one of the catalysts that resulted in the game turning out as it did. As holding Central on the first drive of the game, the initial turning point came on a Central punt that Belfry did not field and instead watched roll inside the 5 yard line. The Pirates could not recover from the field position and after a very short punt gave Central a short field at the Pirate 35.The Pirates fumbled in their territory the next possession and were suddenly in a 14-0 hole.

Belfry's special teams are not only a weakness, but at times are a handicap. The Pirates were VERY fortunate last night that 4 Special Teams mistakes did not end up costing them the game: 1) The opening kickoff return which was saved by Dixon 2)Failure to field a punt which then rolled 20+ yards before being downed inside the Pirate 5 3)The kickoff return in the 2nd Half following a penalty that was only brought to the 9, which should have been let go for a touchback 4) The illegal participation penalty giving Ashland a key drive extension.

As the playoffs wear on and game's become more competitive you find games hinging on 2 or 3 key plays as well as field position. Belfry's special teams are much more apt to provide the opposition these plays, and with an offense geared on methodical drives the difference between a 70 yard field and a 90 yard field is paramount. Teams like Central, Bell, Breathitt, and Tilghman are tough enough to beat as it is, to impede yourself with self inflicted wounds make it even more difficult.

I actually talked to a couple of the players and they told me that they were told that IF they could make the catch, to make it and go for the return.... HAD the blocking been what it needed to be, the player that made the catch is one of the faster on the team and IMHO, would have yielded what could have been nice field position. THAT is one of the weaknesses that needs to be fixed. BLOCKING for punt returns... Just sayin....
gapman Wrote:^Or not. I will get to see it at film on tuesday. :biggrin:

It was on WPRG- Channel 5... IF you have Intermountain Cable.... IF I hear of it being telecast again, I will post time and date.
PaytoPlay Wrote:Vundy,

Almost all of those Ashland/Belfry matchups came when both school played in 3A under the old 4 class format.

Hope the series continues now and it should since it is simply a good non district game for both squads.

Belfry was 2A in the old format, I'm sure of this because I played them, and we were in the same district with them.

Or am I getting mixed up?
vundy33 Wrote:Belfry was 2A in the old format, I'm sure of this because I played them, and we were in the same district with them.

Or am I getting mixed up?

Belfry was 2A when both you and I were in High school. I think they moved to 3A when I was a Sophmore, but they were 3A for a long while before moving to 2A I think.. I beleive they have switched classes form 3A to 2A about 2 or 3 times.
Alpha_Male Wrote:Belfry was 2A when both you and I were in High school. I think they moved to 3A when I was a Sophmore, but they were 3A for a long while before moving to 2A I think.. I beleive they have switched classes form 3A to 2A about 2 or 3 times.

Ok, I gotcha. That's what I thought. Thanks for the clarification bro.
Any time. Even if you did go to East
Alpha_Male Wrote:Belfry was 2A when both you and I were in High school. I think they moved to 3A when I was a Sophmore, but they were 3A for a long while before moving to 2A I think.. I beleive they have switched classes form 3A to 2A about 2 or 3 times.

Prior to 1975 there was only 3 classes in KY for football. I don't know if Belfry was 3A or 2A but they were in Highlands class in the 60's because they played them a couple of times in the playoffs. I think it was 2A.

In 1975 the KHSAA expanded to 4 classes. Belfry was 3A from 1975-1998.

Belfry was 2A from 1999-2006 because of realignment.

Belfry switched to 3A in 2007 when the KHSAA expanded to 6 classes.
Alpha_Male Wrote:Any time. Even if you did go to East

Hahaha, I also went to every other county school except for Phelps and Belfry. I like all the different flavors...

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