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Belfry 7 Ashland Blazer 6
I really wasn't trying to blame the refs I just heard a lot of people on the Ashland sideline doing so yes the refs missed some blocks in the backs and didn't call any false starts. Yes the 4th down play was missed but it was only one play and Ashland put themselves in that position with turnovers and poor pass protection. And to be fair yes there wasn't a personal foul against Ashland called that should have been.# 60 for Ashland drove a belfry player to the ground. That's the only missed call in Ashlands favor I saw but there could've been more. I mainly just didnt want Ashland fans to discredit belfry cause that is the best defense we've played all year. I was just trying to point out other more contributing factors to the loss even though the officials were bad
Great game. Unsung big play to me is the opening kickoff. Dixon made the tackle and stopped any big play momentum before it even started. If he took that home, it's a different game.

The refs sucked for both sides equally. They're high school referees, though. Not the NFL. If it's a questionable spot, next time throw it an extra yard. From where I was it looked short.
Crossbones Wrote:100% agree, told the brother-in-law that that failed attempt was a back breaker for Ashland. It was their demise and would come back to haunt them. It played into Belfry's gameplan more than it did for Ashland. Let Belfry eat clock, plow the ball up the field. Wow, I love this game, either way it went, it was great football.:notworthy

I agree. I told my dad when Ashland went for two and didn't convert that that would cost them the game. This is the best HS game I have seen thus far this season. I am so proud of my Pirates. The buckled down against a good Ashland team and came out ahead. I think #80 was WAY out of line after the game was over. Haywood would never have allowed that. You got beat, it happens, put your big girl panties on and deal with it. WTG BIG RED!!!
Good deal tomcatfan!!! I should not have been so defensive...very fair statement and good Luck to the Cats!!!
bucslover68 Wrote:Good deal tomcatfan!!! I should not have been so defensive...very fair statement and good Luck to the Cats!!!

It's all good and same to your pirates
First off, I don't post on here much, normally just read. Not really a fan of either team, especially Ashland. I thought Belfry had a strong line up front and a fast one at that, but I thought they had SEVERAL false starts (mainly the right side of the line) in the game that were not called. Several holds as well, also which did not get called. This was my first time seeing Belfry this year, but they will not get away with things like that every game. They were not disciplined very well. I have seen Belfry play 11 times in the past 5 years, this was my first time this year. They really did not impress me much. Had the officiating been better, IMO Ashland wins by about two scores. As for Ashland, they seemed intimidated by the atmosphere. I have seen them two times this year, once against George Washington and the other against Ironton. They played more aggressive against those teams. They did not get a strong run established up the middle tonight, which did not happen against GW and Ironton either.

I will say, the officiating tonight was downright horrid. I do not like Ashland, but I actually deeply regret now that I came in rooting for Belfry. I would guess that the Ashland fans that are trying to "keep it classy" were not at the game in person, and probably are used to hearing Dickie Martin complain about the officiating. His claim was legitimate tonight. After re-reading the pre-game thread just now, I feel like a lot of the Belfry fans now are why this site is considered the "retard" site compared to the other site and I regret now that I rooted for them to win this game. Ashland players were held all night. One of the punt returns I counted two blocks in the back (obvious ones), and they were not called. Also, Belfry had several spots in their favor tonight. This is nothing against the players, the program itself, but if anyone looks at this film (without maroon or red blinders on) and they'll see the truth of what I am saying. I saw several Ashland players, #80 included, approach the officials and either signal that they were being held, and one time signaled that a facemask should have been called and expressed frustration at that. This is only the third time I have seen this Ashland team, but they did not do that against George Washington (in which they were trailing most of the game) or Ironton (which they won, getting a big lead in the fourth quarter). I do not know #80 personally, but have seen him play a few times and he has never shown the expressions that he did tonight after the game. I do not think he should have chased down the players unless they were gloating (which I would doubt, both sides showed good sportsmanship for the most part), but I did see him chase down one of the referees. I really cannot blame him. Normally I would put those kind of actions down, and if I can get a shot on Ashland I'll take it, but tonight he had every right to chase down that referee because I honestly think that these guys had something personal against Ashland in this game. If he would have leveled the referee I really would not have been to hard on him - I couldn't blame him.

I know the Belfry fans are probably going to be on me like crazy. I could care less. Haywood does seem like a good guy and obviously he knows the game, but he has choked some big games away and because of that I still will not categorize him in the same area as someone like Dale Mueller or Bob Beatty. But seriously, I feel like I have insulted my username for rooting for Belfry tonight. Looking at how their fans act on here, I'm sure they'll be getting a good laugh while their flipping burgers this weekend.


I really had to speak my mind on this one. Now, back to observe only mode.
"Retard" site? Get the **** out then, dumbass.

Anyway, good game Pirates. I had Belfry, close I think, but in the 20's..If Ashland had gotten another score or two, Belfry might not have had enough time to run there way back in front.

Good game Pirates and Ashland. Wish I could've made it.
I Am The Genius Wrote:First off, I don't post on here much, normally just read. Not really a fan of either team, especially Ashland. I thought Belfry had a strong line up front and a fast one at that, but I thought they had SEVERAL false starts (mainly the right side of the line) in the game that were not called. Several holds as well, also which did not get called. This was my first time seeing Belfry this year, but they will not get away with things like that every game. They were not disciplined very well. I have seen Belfry play 11 times in the past 5 years, this was my first time this year. They really did not impress me much. Had the officiating been better, IMO Ashland wins by about two scores. As for Ashland, they seemed intimidated by the atmosphere. I have seen them two times this year, once against George Washington and the other against Ironton. They played more aggressive against those teams. They did not get a strong run established up the middle tonight, which did not happen against GW and Ironton either.

I will say, the officiating tonight was downright horrid. I do not like Ashland, but I actually deeply regret now that I came in rooting for Belfry. I would guess that the Ashland fans that are trying to "keep it classy" were not at the game in person, and probably are used to hearing Dickie Martin complain about the officiating. His claim was legitimate tonight. After re-reading the pre-game thread just now, I feel like a lot of the Belfry fans now are why this site is considered the "retard" site compared to the other site and I regret now that I rooted for them to win this game. Ashland players were held all night. One of the punt returns I counted two blocks in the back (obvious ones), and they were not called. Also, Belfry had several spots in their favor tonight. This is nothing against the players, the program itself, but if anyone looks at this film (without maroon or red blinders on) and they'll see the truth of what I am saying. I saw several Ashland players, #80 included, approach the officials and either signal that they were being held, and one time signaled that a facemask should have been called and expressed frustration at that. This is only the third time I have seen this Ashland team, but they did not do that against George Washington (in which they were trailing most of the game) or Ironton (which they won, getting a big lead in the fourth quarter). I do not know #80 personally, but have seen him play a few times and he has never shown the expressions that he did tonight after the game. I do not think he should have chased down the players unless they were gloating (which I would doubt, both sides showed good sportsmanship for the most part), but I did see him chase down one of the referees. I really cannot blame him. Normally I would put those kind of actions down, and if I can get a shot on Ashland I'll take it, but tonight he had every right to chase down that referee because I honestly think that these guys had something personal against Ashland in this game. If he would have leveled the referee I really would not have been to hard on him - I couldn't blame him.

I know the Belfry fans are probably going to be on me like crazy. I could care less. Haywood does seem like a good guy and obviously he knows the game, but he has choked some big games away and because of that I still will not categorize him in the same area as someone like Dale Mueller or Bob Beatty. But seriously, I feel like I have insulted my username for rooting for Belfry tonight. Looking at how their fans act on here, I'm sure they'll be getting a good laugh while their flipping burgers this weekend.


I really had to speak my mind on this one. Now, back to observe only mode.

Are you sure your not speaking out your ass? MY lord have mercy... I do believe you were at a totally different game! Observe this reply to you... as I have nothing more to say to your stupid ass! :please:
I Am The Genius Wrote:First off, I don't post on here much, normally just read. Not really a fan of either team, especially Ashland. I thought Belfry had a strong line up front and a fast one at that, but I thought they had SEVERAL false starts (mainly the right side of the line) in the game that were not called. Several holds as well, also which did not get called. This was my first time seeing Belfry this year, but they will not get away with things like that every game. They were not disciplined very well. I have seen Belfry play 11 times in the past 5 years, this was my first time this year. They really did not impress me much. Had the officiating been better, IMO Ashland wins by about two scores. As for Ashland, they seemed intimidated by the atmosphere. I have seen them two times this year, once against George Washington and the other against Ironton. They played more aggressive against those teams. They did not get a strong run established up the middle tonight, which did not happen against GW and Ironton either.

I will say, the officiating tonight was downright horrid. I do not like Ashland, but I actually deeply regret now that I came in rooting for Belfry. I would guess that the Ashland fans that are trying to "keep it classy" were not at the game in person, and probably are used to hearing Dickie Martin complain about the officiating. His claim was legitimate tonight. After re-reading the pre-game thread just now, I feel like a lot of the Belfry fans now are why this site is considered the "retard" site compared to the other site and I regret now that I rooted for them to win this game. Ashland players were held all night. One of the punt returns I counted two blocks in the back (obvious ones), and they were not called. Also, Belfry had several spots in their favor tonight. This is nothing against the players, the program itself, but if anyone looks at this film (without maroon or red blinders on) and they'll see the truth of what I am saying. I saw several Ashland players, #80 included, approach the officials and either signal that they were being held, and one time signaled that a facemask should have been called and expressed frustration at that. This is only the third time I have seen this Ashland team, but they did not do that against George Washington (in which they were trailing most of the game) or Ironton (which they won, getting a big lead in the fourth quarter). I do not know #80 personally, but have seen him play a few times and he has never shown the expressions that he did tonight after the game. I do not think he should have chased down the players unless they were gloating (which I would doubt, both sides showed good sportsmanship for the most part), but I did see him chase down one of the referees. I really cannot blame him. Normally I would put those kind of actions down, and if I can get a shot on Ashland I'll take it, but tonight he had every right to chase down that referee because I honestly think that these guys had something personal against Ashland in this game. If he would have leveled the referee I really would not have been to hard on him - I couldn't blame him.

I know the Belfry fans are probably going to be on me like crazy. I could care less. Haywood does seem like a good guy and obviously he knows the game, but he has choked some big games away and because of that I still will not categorize him in the same area as someone like Dale Mueller or Bob Beatty. But seriously, I feel like I have insulted my username for rooting for Belfry tonight. Looking at how their fans act on here, I'm sure they'll be getting a good laugh while their flipping burgers this weekend.


I really had to speak my mind on this one. Now, back to observe only mode.

If you think the officiating tonight was horrid you haven't seen a game at Ashland. If a team isn't 3 touch downs better than Ashland you won't get out of there with a win. It's been that way for more than 50 years up there. So don't blame the officials for Ashland's failure to execute. Could it have something to do with Belfry's defensive effort?
Give Haywood the talent Mueller has year in and year out, he would have already been the winningest coach in the state. Now, go back and observe and try not to give your opinion on any more games.
"Retard" site? Get the **** out then, dumbass.


With comments like this, I think it is past time that Vundy 33 as well as Red and White with his use of GTFO, need to be suspended if not permanently removed from the forum. They are only showing their lack of command of English language.

Profanity/Sarcasm is the language of the ignorant......
Author: Unknown
Loon Wrote:"Retard" site? Get the **** out then, dumbass.


With comments like this, I think it is past time that Vundy 33 as well as Red and White with his use of GTFO, need to be suspended if not permanently removed from the forum. They are only showing their lack of command of English language.

Profanity/Sarcasm is the language of the ignorant......
Author: Unknown

Oh, I guess you have not been made aware of the new rules around here. It's all perfectly legal to look like an illiterate fool now. And yes, Vundy has taken full advantage of becoming that "poster boy" .
I Am The Genius Wrote:First off, I don't post on here much, normally just read. Not really a fan of either team, especially Ashland. I thought Belfry had a strong line up front and a fast one at that, but I thought they had SEVERAL false starts (mainly the right side of the line) in the game that were not called. Several holds as well, also which did not get called. This was my first time seeing Belfry this year, but they will not get away with things like that every game. They were not disciplined very well. I have seen Belfry play 11 times in the past 5 years, this was my first time this year. They really did not impress me much. Had the officiating been better, IMO Ashland wins by about two scores. As for Ashland, they seemed intimidated by the atmosphere. I have seen them two times this year, once against George Washington and the other against Ironton. They played more aggressive against those teams. They did not get a strong run established up the middle tonight, which did not happen against GW and Ironton either.

I will say, the officiating tonight was downright horrid. I do not like Ashland, but I actually deeply regret now that I came in rooting for Belfry. I would guess that the Ashland fans that are trying to "keep it classy" were not at the game in person, and probably are used to hearing Dickie Martin complain about the officiating. His claim was legitimate tonight. After re-reading the pre-game thread just now, I feel like a lot of the Belfry fans now are why this site is considered the "retard" site compared to the other site and I regret now that I rooted for them to win this game. Ashland players were held all night. One of the punt returns I counted two blocks in the back (obvious ones), and they were not called. Also, Belfry had several spots in their favor tonight. This is nothing against the players, the program itself, but if anyone looks at this film (without maroon or red blinders on) and they'll see the truth of what I am saying. I saw several Ashland players, #80 included, approach the officials and either signal that they were being held, and one time signaled that a facemask should have been called and expressed frustration at that. This is only the third time I have seen this Ashland team, but they did not do that against George Washington (in which they were trailing most of the game) or Ironton (which they won, getting a big lead in the fourth quarter). I do not know #80 personally, but have seen him play a few times and he has never shown the expressions that he did tonight after the game. I do not think he should have chased down the players unless they were gloating (which I would doubt, both sides showed good sportsmanship for the most part), but I did see him chase down one of the referees. I really cannot blame him. Normally I would put those kind of actions down, and if I can get a shot on Ashland I'll take it, but tonight he had every right to chase down that referee because I honestly think that these guys had something personal against Ashland in this game. If he would have leveled the referee I really would not have been to hard on him - I couldn't blame him.

I know the Belfry fans are probably going to be on me like crazy. I could care less. Haywood does seem like a good guy and obviously he knows the game, but he has choked some big games away and because of that I still will not categorize him in the same area as someone like Dale Mueller or Bob Beatty. But seriously, I feel like I have insulted my username for rooting for Belfry tonight. Looking at how their fans act on here, I'm sure they'll be getting a good laugh while their flipping burgers this weekend.


I really had to speak my mind on this one. Now, back to observe only mode.

You mean over at "Bluegrasspricks" ?

Going out on a limb here, and guess that you are a Highlands fan and your first name is "Bob".:popcorn:
I Am The Genius Wrote:First off, I don't post on here much, normally just read. Not really a fan of either team, especially Ashland. I thought Belfry had a strong line up front and a fast one at that, but I thought they had SEVERAL false starts (mainly the right side of the line) in the game that were not called. Several holds as well, also which did not get called. This was my first time seeing Belfry this year, but they will not get away with things like that every game. They were not disciplined very well. I have seen Belfry play 11 times in the past 5 years, this was my first time this year. They really did not impress me much. Had the officiating been better, IMO Ashland wins by about two scores. As for Ashland, they seemed intimidated by the atmosphere. I have seen them two times this year, once against George Washington and the other against Ironton. They played more aggressive against those teams. They did not get a strong run established up the middle tonight, which did not happen against GW and Ironton either.

I will say, the officiating tonight was downright horrid. I do not like Ashland, but I actually deeply regret now that I came in rooting for Belfry. I would guess that the Ashland fans that are trying to "keep it classy" were not at the game in person, and probably are used to hearing Dickie Martin complain about the officiating. His claim was legitimate tonight. After re-reading the pre-game thread just now, I feel like a lot of the Belfry fans now are why this site is considered the "retard" site compared to the other site and I regret now that I rooted for them to win this game. Ashland players were held all night. One of the punt returns I counted two blocks in the back (obvious ones), and they were not called. Also, Belfry had several spots in their favor tonight. This is nothing against the players, the program itself, but if anyone looks at this film (without maroon or red blinders on) and they'll see the truth of what I am saying. I saw several Ashland players, #80 included, approach the officials and either signal that they were being held, and one time signaled that a facemask should have been called and expressed frustration at that. This is only the third time I have seen this Ashland team, but they did not do that against George Washington (in which they were trailing most of the game) or Ironton (which they won, getting a big lead in the fourth quarter). I do not know #80 personally, but have seen him play a few times and he has never shown the expressions that he did tonight after the game. I do not think he should have chased down the players unless they were gloating (which I would doubt, both sides showed good sportsmanship for the most part), but I did see him chase down one of the referees. I really cannot blame him. Normally I would put those kind of actions down, and if I can get a shot on Ashland I'll take it, but tonight he had every right to chase down that referee because I honestly think that these guys had something personal against Ashland in this game. If he would have leveled the referee I really would not have been to hard on him - I couldn't blame him.

I know the Belfry fans are probably going to be on me like crazy. I could care less. Haywood does seem like a good guy and obviously he knows the game, but he has choked some big games away and because of that I still will not categorize him in the same area as someone like Dale Mueller or Bob Beatty. But seriously, I feel like I have insulted my username for rooting for Belfry tonight. Looking at how their fans act on here, I'm sure they'll be getting a good laugh while their flipping burgers this weekend.


I really had to speak my mind on this one. Now, back to observe only mode.

HEHEHEHEHEHE Next time leave the beer at the house :dontthink :ChairHit:
I Am The Genius Wrote:I regret now that I rooted for them to win this game.

I can appreciate a good troll post from time to time. So I will play along.

The question I have is why were your synapses not firing fast enough for you to realize who you were cheering for in the moment? Why did you have to regret cheering for a team after the fact? Even "retards" can make a judgement on what they like or dislike while they are in the midst of a 2 hour period.

Did you get home, meditate, then realize.... "I was cheering for the wrong team"?

Let me help you out for the next time:
Ah, give him a break guys. He was probably too busy creating his motivational blog to actually realize who he was rooting for. (FYI, this is the guy who posted something a few months back about creating a motivational blog to help college students). Im not sure where it went from there as I dont quite remember the outcome of the thread, was too busy laughing. FWIW he is probably to busy "living in a van down by the river" to even keep up with high school sports.
Grow up little boy Bob Segar I never used a bad word only a picture provided to me by this site,and the post I used it against i think everyone who saw it knows it was well deserved. As for bad refs so far this year i think the refs have been far better than in past years. Ashland got away with two unsportsman like calls after the play was over.I also seen several times Ashland held and was not called. If the boy had got the first down and didnt step out first i couldnt see it. Im not blaming refs very fair called game I could say Belfry clearly got a safety that was not called Qb run back to the endzone and was sacked also give ashland the ball back when they fumbled the second time, the runner lost the ball before he hit the ground. So yea it goes both ways cry baby Ashland run their mouth on here and we just defended Belfry Now eat your crow and quit crying.:ChairHit:
Yeah missed block in the back calls really cost Ashland this game, because Belfry's special teams were so amazing and getting all those no calls on those awesome returns they had really set them up to win this thing big.

*Sarcasm hat off.

Now, Belfry's special teams were horrid last night, they had what 2 decent returns maybe and didn't capitalize on them. Their lone TD came off of the INT in the 1st quarter. The last drive to hold the game came on a Turnover on downs from a good ways into Belfry territory. Ashland had a real shot about halfway through the 4th quarter to take the lead, the Pirates got called for a 12 men on the field call on 4th down, gave them a fresh set of downs, allowed them to convert the next 4th down, then finally held them to a turnover on downs that led to the game holding drive down to the 1.

The missed two point conversion and inability to make Belfry pay for their mistakes is why Ashland lost. The Pirate D for the most part last night was very impressive, and as I stated in another post, the D needed a game like this. They got to prove themselves against a good spread team and prove that when another teams d is causing the offense problems that they can step in and do a heck of a job.
red&white Wrote:Grow up little boy Bob Segar I never used a bad word only a picture provided to me by this site,and the post I used it against i think everyone who saw it knows it was well deserved. As for bad refs so far this year i think the refs have been far better than in past years. Ashland got away with two unsportsman like calls after the play was over.I also seen several times Ashland held and was not called. If the boy had got the first down and didnt step out first i couldnt see it. Im not blaming refs very fair called game I could say Belfry clearly got a safety that was not called Qb run back to the endzone and was sacked also give ashland the ball back when they fumbled the second time, the runner lost the ball before he hit the ground. So yea it goes both ways cry baby Ashland run their mouth on here and we just defended Belfry Now eat your crow and quit crying.:ChairHit:

Hey junior, try reading the posts before you start running your mouth. Where did I say anything about anything you said or done? "The boy genius" may have been incorrect about his labeling of an entire website but he certainly has you pegged as an example of what he was referring to. You have that profile nailed down and have made a science out of it.
sorry bob segar i ment that for the LOON.:insane:
Wow, what a game! Was in attendance and am so glad I went. Both teams were evenly matched and it was a game of big plays by both squads. Ashland managed to stop several Belfry 3rd and 3's to force punts. This was very impressive. The running backs, outside of J. Johnson, had NO daylight. Only Willis in the second half made any ground. Good strong, fast, and hard hitting defense from Ashland.

Belfry's defense was the best it had been all season BY FAR. Ghormely played very well from the LB spot and made a lot of really good plays. I tend to watch the QB on pass plays so I can only assume the Pirate secondary locked down the Ashland receivers on many plays because Belfry really got after Hunter. That to me was the most suprising this about the game.

As for refs, the only play I saw that really looked like a close one was the Withrow spot on the 4th down reception. Where the ball landed sure looked past the marker. From the Belfry bleachers, I couldn't see if he stepped out prior to that or not. Other than that, the refs seem to let them (both teams) play so to speak.

Both defenses really shined in this one - which was the opposite of what I had expected.

I hope Justin Johnson can bounce back quickly. Any status on his condition?
PaytoPlay Wrote:Wow, what a game! Was in attendance and am so glad I went. Both teams were evenly matched and it was a game of big plays by both squads. Ashland managed to stop several Belfry 3rd and 3's to force punts. This was very impressive. The running backs, outside of J. Johnson, had NO daylight. Only Willis in the second half made any ground. Good strong, fast, and hard hitting defense from Ashland.

Belfry's defense was the best it had been all season BY FAR. Ghormely played very well from the LB spot and made a lot of really good plays. I tend to watch the QB on pass plays so I can only assume the Pirate secondary locked down the Ashland receivers on many plays because Belfry really got after Hunter. That to me was the most suprising this about the game.

As for refs, the only play I saw that really looked like a close one was the Withrow spot on the 4th down reception. Where the ball landed sure looked past the marker. From the Belfry bleachers, I couldn't see if he stepped out prior to that or not. Other than that, the refs seem to let them (both teams) play so to speak.

Both defenses really shined in this one - which was the opposite of what I had expected.

I hope Justin Johnson can bounce back quickly. Any status on his condition?

Justin has been hurt alot this year,he is still on the small size,but give him space and he can go to the house, they still, and i been saying this all year,use Messer,he has mismatch over anybody...
Very good ballgame by both clubs. It is always interesting to read everyone's spin. I will go ahead and throw out a fact and a spin. Haywood didn't take a knee to not put up 14, Haywood took a knee to guarantee Ashland doesn't touch the ball again. Good coaching decision. This is fact. If I were Ashlands coaching staff I would have let Belfry score with just under three minutes left and saved my timeout and took a shot at scoring 8 and overtime. May not have scored but at that point it was obvious to me that this would be the only shot. The turnover game was 2-2. That is a fact. However, the first traded turnovers negated a great kick return and the Pirates benefited probably 30 yards. The Ashland interception was on fourth and one insided or nearly inside the red zone. Belfry's interception was at the end of the first half and meaningless. Bottom line is Belfry executed their game plan and deserved to win the game. Ashland had better use this to get better and regroup. I hope I am not seeing some divisions and fingerpointing going on. If these kids will realizel that there are no great players on this team but a lot of good players and play accordingly they can be a threat. If they continue to blame teammates for shortcomings they will implode. District champions should be the main focus. AS A TEAM
Way to go Pirates!!!!TongueirateShoTongueirateShoTongueirateSho
PaytoPlay Wrote:As for refs, the only play I saw that really looked like a close one was the Withrow spot on the 4th down reception. Where the ball landed sure looked past the marker. From the Belfry bleachers, I couldn't see if he stepped out prior to that or not. Other than that, the refs seem to let them (both teams) play so to speak.

Let us not forget that Ashland is not even in position for this call to be an issue if not for a Belfry mental collapse on Special Teams. Pirates had held Ashland to a 3 and Out and was set to receive the punt when they only had 10 men on the field, in an effort to remedy the situation two Pirates came on the field causing the flag for illegal participation.

I know this is a huge win for Belfry, but not everything is candy and gumdrops in the wake of last night's game. Going back to last year's beat down in the Championship game, I made a point that I felt Belfry's special teams was one of the catalysts that resulted in the game turning out as it did. As holding Central on the first drive of the game, the initial turning point came on a Central punt that Belfry did not field and instead watched roll inside the 5 yard line. The Pirates could not recover from the field position and after a very short punt gave Central a short field at the Pirate 35.The Pirates fumbled in their territory the next possession and were suddenly in a 14-0 hole.

Belfry's special teams are not only a weakness, but at times are a handicap. The Pirates were VERY fortunate last night that 4 Special Teams mistakes did not end up costing them the game: 1) The opening kickoff return which was saved by Dixon 2)Failure to field a punt which then rolled 20+ yards before being downed inside the Pirate 5 3)The kickoff return in the 2nd Half following a penalty that was only brought to the 9, which should have been let go for a touchback 4) The illegal participation penalty giving Ashland a key drive extension.

As the playoffs wear on and game's become more competitive you find games hinging on 2 or 3 key plays as well as field position. Belfry's special teams are much more apt to provide the opposition these plays, and with an offense geared on methodical drives the difference between a 70 yard field and a 90 yard field is paramount. Teams like Central, Bell, Breathitt, and Tilghman are tough enough to beat as it is, to impede yourself with self inflicted wounds make it even more difficult.
About as well as you could have said it.
AtlPirateFan Wrote:Yeah missed block in the back calls really cost Ashland this game, because Belfry's special teams were so amazing and getting all those no calls on those awesome returns they had really set them up to win this thing big.

*Sarcasm hat off.

Now, Belfry's special teams were horrid last night, they had what 2 decent returns maybe and didn't capitalize on them. Their lone TD came off of the INT in the 1st quarter. The last drive to hold the game came on a Turnover on downs from a good ways into Belfry territory. Ashland had a real shot about halfway through the 4th quarter to take the lead, the Pirates got called for a 12 men on the field call on 4th down, gave them a fresh set of downs, allowed them to convert the next 4th down, then finally held them to a turnover on downs that led to the game holding drive down to the 1.

The missed two point conversion and inability to make Belfry pay for their mistakes is why Ashland lost. The Pirate D for the most part last night was very impressive, and as I stated in another post, the D needed a game like this. They got to prove themselves against a good spread team and prove that when another teams d is causing the offense problems that they can step in and do a heck of a job.
I think a few are not using their heads when they are commenting. A comment such as retard site is a slap in the face to all of us on here who enjoy talking sports. The mods will take care of it just like Hank Williams Jr.
washed up Wrote:However, the first traded turnovers negated a great kick return and the Pirates benefited probably 30 yards. The Ashland interception was on fourth and one insided or nearly inside the red zone. Belfry's interception was at the end of the first half and meaningless.
You are putting wayyyyy too much of an Ashland spin on the turnover issue.
1) Ashland's turnover did negate a great kick return, but Belfry's ensuing turnover was deep in Tomcat territory after Williams had converted a first down run. At that point in the game Ashland had no answer for Belfry's offense and the odds were very high that the Pirates were on their way to paydirt early on.

2)Yes the Ashland INT was on 4th and 1 in the red zone. The Tomcats had issues converting on Belfry all night though ( They had NO 3rd Down conversions and the Pirates had several short yardage stands). Even if it is not intercepted it was a blatant overthrow and Belfry takes over anyway.

3) Belfry's INT was meaningless? The Pirates had just taken over in Ashland territory with a minute to go and if I am not mistaken the INT came on 2nd Down and 12. Even if that is incomplete Belfry still has two plays to continue the drive on the Tomcat side of the field. Belfry would have then been looking for a 2 TD lead before the Half, receiving the ball to open the 3rd. That would have potentially created a massive change in the direction of the game.

4) As much that has been said about the Ashland failed conversion on 4th Down, let us not overlook Belfry's initial drive of the 2nd Half that stalled in the Tomcat's redzone on a busted play as well.

Turnovers and failed conversions were the end result of the style of game and the play of the defenses. In the end I view it as being no net gain for either team. Every game you lose you can point back to "shoulda, coulda, woulda", but at the end of the day Belfry made the plays when they needed to and Belfry iced the game with a clutch drive and it proved to be the difference. The main thing Ashland should point to for their defeat is those 3rd Down Conversions I mentioned as that was the story of the game for the Tomcats.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:You are putting wayyyyy too much of an Ashland spin on the turnover issue.
1) Ashland's turnover did negate a great kick return, but Belfry's ensuing turnover was deep in Tomcat territory after Williams had converted a first down run. At that point in the game Ashland had no answer for Belfry's offense and the odds were very high that the Pirates were on their way to paydirt early on.

2)Yes the Ashland INT was on 4th and 1 in the red zone. The Tomcats had issues converting on Belfry all night though ( They had NO 3rd Down conversions and the Pirates had several short yardage stands). Even if it is not intercepted it was a blatant overthrow and Belfry takes over anyway.

3) Belfry's INT was meaningless? The Pirates had just taken over in Ashland territory with a minute to go and if I am not mistaken the INT came on 2nd Down and 12. Even if that is incomplete Belfry still has two plays to continue the drive on the Tomcat side of the field. Belfry would have then been looking for a 2 TD lead before the Half, receiving the ball to open the 3rd. That would have potentially created a massive change in the direction of the game.

4) As much that has been said about the Ashland failed conversion on 4th Down, let us not overlook Belfry's initial drive of the 2nd Half that stalled in the Tomcat's redzone on a busted play as well.

Turnovers and failed conversions were the end result of the style of game and the play of the defenses. In the end I view it as being no net gain for either team. Every game you lose you can point back to "shoulda, coulda, woulda", but at the end of the day Belfry made the plays when they needed to and Belfry iced the game with a clutch drive and it proved to be the difference. The main thing Ashland should point to for their defeat is those 3rd Down Conversions I mentioned as that was the story of the game for the Tomcats.

Very good way to sum it up.
washed up Wrote:Very good ballgame by both clubs. It is always interesting to read everyone's spin. I will go ahead and throw out a fact and a spin. Haywood didn't take a knee to not put up 14, Haywood took a knee to guarantee Ashland doesn't touch the ball again. Good coaching decision. This is fact. If I were Ashlands coaching staff I would have let Belfry score with just under three minutes left and saved my timeout and took a shot at scoring 8 and overtime. May not have scored but at that point it was obvious to me that this would be the only shot. The turnover game was 2-2. That is a fact. However, the first traded turnovers negated a great kick return and the Pirates benefited probably 30 yards. The Ashland interception was on fourth and one insided or nearly inside the red zone. Belfry's interception was at the end of the first half and meaningless. Bottom line is Belfry executed their game plan and deserved to win the game. Ashland had better use this to get better and regroup. I hope I am not seeing some divisions and fingerpointing going on. If these kids will realizel that there are no great players on this team but a lot of good players and play accordingly they can be a threat. If they continue to blame teammates for shortcomings they will implode. District champions should be the main focus. AS A TEAM

I agree with you regarding the points bolded. If you're going to suggest that the players should refrain from finger pointing you might employ that high-road-tactic yourself (your negating comment). The players I talked to didn't seem to think it was anybody's fault, and I believe they view it as a team loss. Hindsight is always 20/20. A good team doesn't take a loss very well and they shouldn't IMO. Hart will help them channel that frustration in a way that will make them better. From what I have seen the players really love their team and care about each other. No team is going to play mistake free football. Belfry sure didn't. That was a hostile environment to play in and Ashland needed to be reminded how that plays into the scheme of things.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:You are putting wayyyyy too much of an Ashland spin on the turnover issue.
1) Ashland's turnover did negate a great kick return, but Belfry's ensuing turnover was deep in Tomcat territory after Williams had converted a first down run. At that point in the game Ashland had no answer for Belfry's offense and the odds were very high that the Pirates were on their way to paydirt early on.

2)Yes the Ashland INT was on 4th and 1 in the red zone. The Tomcats had issues converting on Belfry all night though ( They had NO 3rd Down conversions and the Pirates had several short yardage stands). Even if it is not intercepted it was a blatant overthrow and Belfry takes over anyway.

3) Belfry's INT was meaningless? The Pirates had just taken over in Ashland territory with a minute to go and if I am not mistaken the INT came on 2nd Down and 12. Even if that is incomplete Belfry still has two plays to continue the drive on the Tomcat side of the field. Belfry would have then been looking for a 2 TD lead before the Half, receiving the ball to open the 3rd. That would have potentially created a massive change in the direction of the game.

4) As much that has been said about the Ashland failed conversion on 4th Down, let us not overlook Belfry's initial drive of the 2nd Half that stalled in the Tomcat's redzone on a busted play as well.

Turnovers and failed conversions were the end result of the style of game and the play of the defenses. In the end I view it as being no net gain for either team. Every game you lose you can point back to "shoulda, coulda, woulda", but at the end of the day Belfry made the plays when they needed to and Belfry iced the game with a clutch drive and it proved to be the difference. The main thing Ashland should point to for their defeat is those 3rd Down Conversions I mentioned as that was the story of the game for the Tomcats.

BTW, I heard them announce at the end of the game last night that it would be telecast on a station I couldn't quite understand which one they said. Is there a Link to get the game on the internet? I'd be very interested to see the game from the top of the press box angle with TV quality cameras.

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