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Mason Co 68 JBS 58
uk96 Wrote:Mason just got the early lead and JBS outscored Mason the other 3 quarters but could not overcome the early lead. Dont let some tell you that it was a coast game because Mason County had their starters in the whole game including when the buzzer sounded. JBS still refuses to use their big guys inside and that is what hurts them the most against teams like this. Collins played and awesome game and would have scored alot more but he could not get any passes. Short got two passes inside and scored on both of them. Everyone in the stands just kept saying they dont understand why JBS refuses to pass inside. Cox did make the few passes that were thrown inside. Mason seemed to be a better team than last year and I think JBS is alot better if they want to be. Good luck to both teams this year.

How many teams that lose games can say, we out scored them 2 or 3 quarters? It happens all the time. Mason won this game with ease, just as I predicted.
FullCount Wrote:I have to disagree with these posts. I don't know if we watched the same game.

It was for sure not "Stepp Ball". Once again Clarl led the team in assists... from what I saw, he had over 10.

It was a hard fought showing by JBS. They just couldn't stop Setty or Middleton from hitting 3's.

Mason raced out to a 23-6 1st qtr lead. JBS fought back to get in the game. Mason didn't let up at all.

Clark's shots were contested the whole night, but he did a great job of getting everyone involved... he also did a good job driving and juking by Miller on a handful of occasions.

If I had a game ball, it would go to Garson Collins. He had around 7-8 blocks and 2 dunks. He had a heck of a game.

Truth be told, Miller passed up on a lot of shots... he might have been able to get 40.
Stepp hasn't had 10 assissts on the year. Everyone knows he doesn't pass the ball. I think he had 3. The team could be awesome if he wouuld pass the ball insted of throwing the ball up everytime he gets it. He is a great player but wans to score all the points.
Clark Stepp will be in the top 5 in career assists in the state of KY by the end of this season, if he isn't already. How can you or anyone say that he doesn't pass the ball.

He, like a lot of high schoolers will take ill-advised shots from time to time. When you are a good player, all eyes are on you... so it's easy to see why people are always finding ways to spot out the negative things.

Once again, I am not a JBS fan... I am a fan of the Mountains. Clark is a special player, and he is an exceptional young man. It is due time that the Stepp bashing comes to an end.
fly on the wall Wrote:Stepp hasn't had 10 assissts on the year. Everyone knows he doesn't pass the ball. I think he had 3. The team could be awesome if he wouuld pass the ball insted of throwing the ball up everytime he gets it. He is a great player but wans to score all the points.

They must be counting put backs off his missed shots as assists
FullCount Wrote:Clark Stepp will be in the top 5 in career assists in the state of KY by the end of this season, if he isn't already. How can you or anyone say that he doesn't pass the ball.

He, like a lot of high schoolers will take ill-advised shots from time to time. When you are a good player, all eyes are on you... so it's easy to see why people are always finding ways to spot out the negative things.

Once again, I am not a JBS fan... I am a fan of the Mountains. Clark is a special player, and he is an exceptional young man. It is due time that the Stepp bashing comes to an end.
Only way the bashing will stop is if they get a new coach and play as a team.
RavenBoy Wrote:Only way the bashing will stop is if they get a new coach and play as a team.
That will happen in two more years...But after that people will start beating them again and no one will care then...
Alot of people are saying that JBS will close down after Clint Stepp Graduates but I just cant see that. It might happen but I just dont see it.
RavenBoy Wrote:Alot of people are saying that JBS will close down after Clint Stepp Graduates but I just cant see that. It might happen but I just dont see it.
The school wont close down but the program will not ever be where it is now..
uk96 Wrote:The school wont close down but the program will not ever be where it is now..
Yea I can see that, back to playing Riverside 4 times a year.
I have never seen on any wesite the bashing that JBS and the Stepps get. How can you guys hate a program and high school kids so much. It's makes me sad to see all the childish posts about JBS and the Stepps. Some of you folks really need to grow up.
People will start talking good about JBS when the COACHING STAFF grows up and stop trying to make their own FAMILY seem to look good.
RavenBoy Wrote:Yea I know man, why does people say that stuff. It seems like everyone in Caney expects the whole world to say nice thing about them.

I'm probably going to get stoned and kicked out of the golden gates of ALC but a big congrats to Mason County. Or should I say darn they beat a mountain team and we can't have that. A big Nah on that one. Come on back to the mountain boys so you can win.
Benchwarmer Wrote:I'm probably going to get stoned and kicked out of the golden gates of ALC but a big congrats to Mason County. Or should I say darn they beat a mountain team and we can't have that. A big Nah on that one. Come on back to the mountain boys so you can win.
And win they will.....Many Many wins..........
PC_You_Know Wrote:I don't think anyone bashes JBS, they tell the truth. You can see from the score cards after the games that only certain players are shooting the ball. I hate to say it's because of their name but that's what it boils down to. Clark takes too many shots, and doesn't pass as much as he should, but they win, somehow, but it won't be the same team next year, and when Clint graduates, this program will go downhill fast.

Why does it matters who takes the shots so long as they actually do WIN??? As my friend Herm Edwards would say "You PLAY to WIN the GAME." I dont know what everyones problem is with JBS. I know several of the Stepp brothers and they are all very good people, especially Gary. He was my 7th grade Math teacher at Inez. Taught me how to shoot a free throw. BRILLIANT basketball minds in that family. Why the hate?? I just dont get it.
Benchwarmer Wrote:Who is talking bad about any idvidual player? If they are dont read it. Why childish? Sounds like to me that you are the one crying. The truth really hurts.

At least I will be able to post on the threads. Something you will not be able to do if you keep up your beligerant posts.

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