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Stop Hillary 2016
TheRealThing Wrote:I'm telling you Jet, these liberals all believe they can settle everything wrong out there by being nicey-nicey. Pelosi went to Palestine as soon as she ascended to the speakership to negotiate a peace deal between Yasser Arafat and Israel. She returned home triumphantly declaring she had achieved what none other before her could, broker a peace agreement between the PLO and Israel. Of course it was a farce and Yasser laughed and mocked her naivety but, this little piece of history demonstrates how goofy liberals really are.

Similarly, Hillary thought her state department could prove once and for all that we Americans are true friends of the Arab world. She dropped the security in Benghazi to prove we are willing to sort of come out into the open unarmed. Becoming willingly vulnerable if you will, in the ultimate humanitarian gesture, thusly putting our head in the lion's mouth. The only problem with that rationale is it won't work and the Arabs, especially Jihadies, aren't buying into it for a second. They will see the Caliphate restored or they will keep on killing gentiles in any way they can, up to and including watching them go up in a nuclear fireball. This is the likes of what we have in positions of leadership these days. Rank amateurs, who make up their own reality and are completely comfortable playing Russian Roulette with the well being of the folks that send them to DC.

Hillary smart? Well, she's a Vassar grad. So, she's not stupid by any means. However, I believe she like most other Dems follow the advice of the DNC and the brightest minds the Ivy League can send their way. I believe we taxpayers spend millions helping the dems hone their strategies. These staffers work long and hard to put together a play book for the party leaders.

Actually, Hillary is a graduate of Wellesley and not Vassar. However, that is of no consequence. Those who are familiar with higher education and private institutions knows that the only real obstacle to an education at one of these snob schools is to get admitted. Once one is admitted and if the person sticks it out, that individual rarely fails to graduate.
It takes money, position, and influence rather than superior intelligence to be admitted. Hillary had all three. To say she got in and graduated because she is so intelligent is not really true. She may well be intelligent. However, her alleged "smarts" weren't needed to get her in Wellesley. You can be sure that many more intelligent but lesser "placed" young ladies were not admitted. That is how it works.

I'm still waiting on that list of Hillary accomplishments but doubt it will be forthcoming.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Actually, Hillary is a graduate of Wellesley and not Vassar. However, that is of no consequence. Those who are familiar with higher education and private institutions knows that the only real obstacle to an education at one of these snob schools is to get admitted. Once one is admitted and if the person sticks it out, that individual rarely fails to graduate.
It takes money, position, and influence rather than superior intelligence to be admitted. Hillary had all three. To say she got in and graduated because she is so intelligent is not really true. She may well be intelligent. However, her alleged "smarts" weren't needed to get her in Wellesley. You can be sure that many more intelligent but lesser "placed" young ladies were not admitted. That is how it works.

I'm still waiting on that list of Hillary accomplishments but doubt it will be forthcoming.

Of course it won't be coming. There is no such list.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Actually, Hillary is a graduate of Wellesley and not Vassar. However, that is of no consequence. Those who are familiar with higher education and private institutions knows that the only real obstacle to an education at one of these snob schools is to get admitted. Once one is admitted and if the person sticks it out, that individual rarely fails to graduate.
It takes money, position, and influence rather than superior intelligence to be admitted. Hillary had all three. To say she got in and graduated because she is so intelligent is not really true. She may well be intelligent. However, her alleged "smarts" weren't needed to get her in Wellesley. You can be sure that many more intelligent but lesser "placed" young ladies were not admitted. That is how it works.

I'm still waiting on that list of Hillary accomplishments but doubt it will be forthcoming.

Oops, they did an article on her and Tipper during the 90's and thought they said Vassar.
jetpilot Wrote:Of course it won't be coming. There is no such list.

You are correct. She is one of the best examples of form without substance. The liberal theory is to tell everyone that manure smells sweet and, pretty soon, many believe it.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You are correct. She is one of the best examples of form without substance. The liberal theory is to tell everyone that manure smells sweet and, pretty soon, many believe it.

Liberal theory is if you swear manure smells sweet and want a check, we are your party. And the theory works better than they ever dreamed...
Where is that list of Hillary's accomplishments? It appears that she is typically all form and no substance and she is certainly showing her age.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Where is that list of Hillary's accomplishments? It appears that she is typically all form and no substance and she is certainly showing her age.

She was handed the New York Senatorship and she never did a thing with it except vote party line and slam conservatives with that Bolo Whip tongue. Then she is given the Secretary of State job and she jet sets the globe for 4 years on the taxpayer dime. Upon her not so graceful exit, she came up with that lame testimony before the Senate with regard to Benghazi. Sorry folks, I've never been a fan and from where I sit she has done na-da.

But, the primary race between her and Obama really defined the party direction for anyone willing to take the most cursory glance. What a surreal time that was, two liberals fighting over who was the most liberal. :lame: She voted to invade Iraq, but I'd bet the ranch liberals will be fine with it. As long as it is a liberal, no amount of monkey puke is too much to gargle.
TheRealThing Wrote:She was handed the New York Senatorship and she never did a thing with it except vote party line and slam conservatives with that Bolo Whip tongue. Then she is given the Secretary of State job and she jet sets the globe for 4 years on the taxpayer dime. Upon her not so graceful exit, she came up with that lame testimony before the Senate with regard to Benghazi. Sorry folks, I've never been a fan and from where I sit she has done na-da.

But, the primary race between her and Obama really defined the party direction for anyone willing to take the most cursory glance. What a surreal time that was, two liberals fighting over who was the most liberal. :lame: She voted to invade Iraq, but I'd bet the ranch liberals will be fine with it. As long as it is a liberal, no amount of monkey puke is too much to gargle.

Sadly she is the ideal replacement for the incompetent now occupying the office. If she wins, which she will, we can spend the next four years debating who was less qualified for the job- Hillary or Barry. In the meantime, the country continues its downward movement to amoral obscurity.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Where is that list of Hillary's accomplishments? It appears that she is typically all form and no substance and she is certainly showing her age.

Still no list?
TheRealThing Wrote:Still no list?

It was a trick request. There is no significant list to give. Hillary is much like a Kardashian sister. All promotion and no talent.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:It was a trick request. There is no significant list to give. Hillary is much like a Kardashian sister. All promotion and no talent.

I put up the best list possible in post #37. :Thumbs:

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