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Pike Central 42 Lawrence County 14
dawgbyte02 Wrote:Pike Central put 9 in the box every play. Not even a single safety back. It is painfully obvious to everyone that LC is going to run the ball up the middle 90% of the time. If this team had the best QB and receivers in the state they would still run the same offense. That is what the offensive coordinator believes gives them the best chance to win. However I am extremely disappointed that a coach would take a chance to win away from their team. 8:48 left in game, pcc up 26-14, Lc has 4th and 20 from their own 20 and they go for it. You punt the ball and the defense has to make a stop. The game is still winnable with that much time. Instead you hand the game ball to pcc in spite of all the hard work the Lc defense did in keeping them in game against a good pcc team. 2 int's, a goal line stance, several tackles for loss. Going for it on 4th and 20 from your own end zone is a desperation play that was not necessary and gave away any chance you had of winning. Aside from that, Boggs I believe is a better fullback than a QB. He is a very good player. He may have been having an off night throwing as he had 2 picks and several passes that were off target but his running game was on.
Your right, The offense coaches have really been pitiful. I hope they read this because Coach Short and Coach Caudill are really a big let down for LC kids. Quit focusing on your selves and start focusing on the kids who have worked there butts off to get where there at. These kids deserve better.
#6 Ricky Goble for LC ran really welll during the game and when the Bulldogs decided to throw which was only four times they had guys open, so why not throw the ball more? Play calling could have been better and there was some questionable calls by the refs but the bottom line is Pike Central was the better team that night... Congrats on the win.
the only thing i would do is all backs off the field except marcum. they run like babies. even heard from the radio. "if that was hunter james, he wouldve been gone."
I didn't see any of you LC fans complaining about the run game when they was wining. If you was at the game you would have seen there qb throw one pick and should have been two. Every time they thrown the ball down field they were covered. They only had success on a break down from the defense were the wing back went In motion and corner didn't pick him up
theCalipariEra Wrote:I didn't see any of you LC fans complaining about the run game when they was wining. If you was at the game you would have seen there qb throw one pick and should have been two. Every time they thrown the ball down field they were covered. They only had success on a break down from the defense were the wing back went In motion and corner didn't pick him up other team put 9-11 guys in the box! Nobody can run up the gut with that many players on the line. Coach Short is pathetic! Hey bout a screen, slant, friggin something to keep teams honest!!!!
hawkeye Wrote:How was Boggs off he went 20 out of 30 for 215 yards and a touchdown. And yes Boggs can run the ball also rush for 115 yards and 3 more touchdown. what did your QB do? There was one bad ball for a int the other one went through the rec hands should have been caught by our guy but that is way it goes. I will take that ever game from our QB good job Boggs. Hell that was our 2nd game in a month we did look a little rusty. Lawrence should be happy we was off a little.

The only thing I disagree with is the bolded part of your statement. One INT went straight to a LC LB. He lead the receiver on the slant throw by a good 5 yards, it was very poorly thrown, so I'm guessing that is the pass you are referring to. One INT DID go thru a receiver's hands, but there was almost a 3rd INT that the LC LB dropped, and that was a poorly thrown pass as well. Overall, not too bad of a game from Boggs. Like I said earlier in another post, he forced some passes into coverage he should not have, but a pretty good game nonetheless.
Good game Hawks. First let me say that we always have 11 in the box and they will stay in the box until the rec come out it is a man coverage. And yes Boggs did make a couple of bad throws . LC was double coverage over the top that is why we rushed for 300 yards and had 200 in the air. 500 yards total offense I will take that. LC could throw the ball more if they would I will agree with the LC fans they have a good QB if they coaches would use him more. Lawrence is not a bad team. As the saying goes players dont lose the game the coach does. Good luck to LC . GO HAWKS
There is no need to try to downgrade Boggs he has proven that he is a solid QB. He will make mistakes the talk should be can your D pressure him to make those mistakes. I think that PCC has to soft a schedule and that they could benifit from playing a couple of better teams outside the district Shelby Valley and Phelps wont cut it. It may lead to a loss or two more but it makes the team better.:rockon:
red&white Wrote:There is no need to try to downgrade Boggs he has proven that he is a solid QB. He will make mistakes the talk should be can your D pressure him to make those mistakes. I think that PCC has to soft a schedule and that they could benifit from playing a couple of better teams outside the district Shelby Valley and Phelps wont cut it. It may lead to a loss or two more but it makes the team better.:rockon:

This is what makes BOGGS a TERRIFIC QB! He always steps up when pressured in the past & welcomes a challenge! The true test will come next week! I agree with playing a stronger schedule but he can't choose who coach schedules -- he has to produce with what's there, which he's continued to do week in & week out for 2 years now. Unfortunately, it's limited his playing time to 1/2 to 3 quarters but still pretty good stats. Imagine what his numbers would have been the past 2 years if he'd played full games & Chapman had tried running up the score or padded Boggs' stats.
I could understand not throwing the football with a young quarterback with no experience but Hayden Kiser is a senior. He has been through a lot since his freshman year coming in against eventual state champ Belfry at home. He has played in some huge games, you have to let him throw the football. He can complete almost any pass out there. Give him a chance coaches!!!!!
Too many egos on that staff it seems. No one is wanting to accept responsibility for the poor play calling on both sides of the ball. Cecil needs to step up and take control of this team before the downward spiral becomes something that gets his butt ran out of LC!
Mr. Sandwich Wrote:Too many egos on that staff it seems. No one is wanting to accept responsibility for the poor play calling on both sides of the ball. Cecil needs to step up and take control of this team before the downward spiral becomes something that gets his butt ran out of LC!

Absolutely! The responsibility certainly falls upon the Head Coach. The assistants are assistants; the head coach should be the leader, always. It seems that personalities and egos, many times, get in the way of the main objective.
Werent you LC fans calling this same coach the best thing since sliced bread a few years ago when Austin Pack was a senior. BTW where is he? He was a good player.
Alpha_Male Wrote:Werent you LC fans calling this same coach the best thing since sliced bread a few years ago when Austin Pack was a senior. BTW where is he? He was a good player.

I was never on the Coach Cecil bandwagon. He has already put too much responsibility on the young coaches of this team. He's got people Around him in the position to take the blame for their poor season. Cecil is the head coach. Regardless of what plays are called by assistants, Cecil is the head coach. He has little control of his team and the program is once again falling apart. The administration made a poor decision to hire him. He needs to stick to calling his defensive schemes. But those don't seem to be working too well this season either.
Running up the score and padding stats doesnt look good for any team or player. If PCC had played better teams over those two years,and had a couple of battles to win those game stats for Boggs would not be as good as games that were blowouts even if he played 4 quarters. Like i said not downgradeing just pointing out that better teams will stop him more often. He has proved what he can do,but can PCC get over the hump in his last year? He is a solid QB but so far that has not been enough tocarry PCC to beat the best 3A has to offer. Teams like Russell,belfry,brethitt,tilghman and ft campell will be battle tested come playoffs thats where i think PCC soft schedule does not prepare team or Boggs for playoff battle.:rockon:
shouse # 21 had a good game 8 or 9 catches for over 100 yards and most of them on 3rd down and long and had a pretty good night on defense some good hits and several tackles and 1 prevented a touch down.
Who is Austin Pack?
lcgrad2002 Wrote:Who is Austin Pack?

I mean Shane Pack, I also know an Austin Pack. sorry about that.
Shane decided to further his bas at Alice Lloyd College. He is a great athlete
First I will apologize for posting so late about this one, but the first two times I watched it I only watched when Central was on offense, I was studying a couple of things on one player.
Being these are my two favorite teams in the state I always have a hard time watching them hook up.
Lawrence county showed some good things(the little passes)
Play calling seem to hurt them a lot add to that they were really out manned by Central, who had most of the best players on the field.
I really hope things can get stable in Louisa, so this team can get back to where they once were.
Now for Central, I really think this is one game Mr. Boggs could watch over and agree he did not look like one of the better QB’S in the state, as far as his decisions when throwing the ball.
His rec really had some bad drops and did not appear to run their routes as crisp as they have in other games.
Again this is just things I noticed and in no way meant to criticize any of these guys, who on their worse day is better than I ever was on my best day.

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