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Powell County's Belly Up offense: Can it be stopped?
Belly:noun: another football term that has come to mean different things namely an option play or an inside zone play; in Vince Lombardi’s Green Bay Packer offense, it was a fake fullback dive right, halfback dive left with the halfback taking a jab step to the right before running to the left A or B gap bubble depending upon the movement of the defensive tackle; the left guard was to use Lombardi’s whichever-way-he-wants-to-go blocking technique on the defensive tackle and the halfback ball carrier was to read that block and “run to daylight;” verb: to run a path that goes slightly backward and away from the line of scrimmage before coming back toward the line of scrimmage as in a swing pass route.

I found this definition in the American Dictionary of Football Terminology.
geauxtigers75 i think bobcat stuck in powell is to stupid to know what hes talking about. hes a hater and haters always have to whine and bitch about something. but alot of us folks from here in in the mountains are happy for powell. they deserve to be noticed. they have a great head coach whose worked hard there. ill hop on the powell bandwagon and im from perry the belly has made a believer outta me.
Dragonsdad Wrote:Belly:noun: another football term that has come to mean different things namely an option play or an inside zone play; in Vince Lombardi’s Green Bay Packer offense, it was a fake fullback dive right, halfback dive left with the halfback taking a jab step to the right before running to the left A or B gap bubble depending upon the movement of the defensive tackle; the left guard was to use Lombardi’s whichever-way-he-wants-to-go blocking technique on the defensive tackle and the halfback ball carrier was to read that block and “run to daylight;” verb: to run a path that goes slightly backward and away from the line of scrimmage before coming back toward the line of scrimmage as in a swing pass route.

I found this definition in the American Dictionary of Football Terminology.

I understand what a belly play is. I'm asking what formation does Powell run the belly out of? You know what I mean?
its wishbone i think
Good job, Coach Burchett! Proud of what you're doing in Powell County. That place has been a football graveyard as long as I've ever known, and now they're putting a winning product on the field. That's an accomplishment in itself.
Belfry0304 Wrote:I understand what a belly play is. I'm asking what formation does Powell run the belly out of? You know what I mean?
My goodness pal....We run the Wishbone, Broken-bone, Spread, Pistol. What are you looking for? It is ran out of many formations...You know what i mean? Geeesh!
blitz43 Wrote:My goodness pal....We run the Wishbone, Broken-bone, Spread, Pistol. What are you looking for? It is ran out of many formations...You know what i mean? Geeesh!

Then why don't you clarify that instead of being a jerk? Never once did you say anything that implied what formation you ran. You said "it's up the gut" or something like that, well that's wonderful but I asked what formation and didn't get an answer.
If you want to stop PC's belly, watch the Lewis and Powell game for the first three quarters. Complete domination for the most part by the Lewis County defense. They just wore down in the fourth quarter. You have to play tough, assignment football to beat a good belly team like Powell. And you must have an offense that will stay on the field for a while and give the defense a break, which Lewis County does not, and that is why they lost.
I'll give Powell credit.... they certainly seem to be on a new level with their program and appear to be heading the right direction under their staff.
LClion4life Wrote:If you want to stop PC's belly, watch the Lewis and Powell game for the first three quarters. Complete domination for the most part by the Lewis County defense. They just wore down in the fourth quarter. You have to play tough, assignment football to beat a good belly team like Powell. And you must have an offense that will stay on the field for a while and give the defense a break, which Lewis County does not, and that is why they lost.

Ill give Lewis co credit, they did stop the belly for three quarters. Being in attendance to that game it was real frustrating till the fourth. Lewis is tough at home. But this tread is about the belly being stopped, and i dont think estill can. The same for estill i dont know if powell will be able to stop them either? So the winner could be decided at the coin flip.
The belly is not a formation, and yes the wishbone can be stopped....
If it is belly up then it is already If they do not have a passing game then it should/could be stopped with ease by a good team with a good sound, disciplined defensive scheme. The belly much like the option relies on everyone being disciplined and doing their assignment/job to stop it. But, one person freelancing (doing their own thing) on a play can lead to a big gain or TD.

What made it so effective at Lawrence Co. in the 90's was the passing game that they had to compliment their stable of running backs.
hitemup Wrote:What made it so effective at Lawrence Co. in the 90's was the passing game that they had to compliment their stable of running backs.

Wrong... What made the belly effective in the 90's for LC was their incredible offensive lines and incredible offensive line coach (Tony Burchett)... LC RARELY ever threw the ball... But when they did, teams paid dearly... Amazing that a wide receiver can break an all-time receiving record in the state when the team primarily runs the ball.
I am going to agree to disagree with you. While their offensive line was good, the threat of them raising up and throwing it to G. Parker on the outside is what made them in my opinion. Most schools could not stack the box on them because of this. There were not many DB's that could cover him one on one. If all they could do was run then teams would have been able to put 11 in the box and successfully limited them (I will not say stop). A team will have a very difficult time being consistently successful if they are one dimensional.
To stop the belly, all a team has to do is tackle anything out of the backfield. Of course, if the offensive team also has a pass threat, good luck with that one.
PHSForever Wrote:Irregardless of what you might think, Pike Central (whom they played and beat 38-34) is a good team. So apparently, there is something to this Powell County team. Are they world-beaters? Doubtfully. But then again, I haven't seen them play in person.

Powell runs the same Belly that made Chuke Williams one of the winningest coaches of all time. Bugs Burchett was Chuke's assistan forever, when block an read correctly it is the only play in football where the blockers outnumber the defenders, essentially you play 11 on 10 at the worst, sometimes 11 on 9depending on what the defenders do....

It is a lot more advanced than it looks, and it takes a while to teach and engrave the offense into teenage minds.
gacatfan Wrote:to stop the belly, all a team has to do is tackle anything out of the backfield. Of course, if the offensive team also has a pass threat, good luck with that one.

which powell does have. Theyve shown that the last two weeks. If u full up the middle then they'll pass it.
Looks like it can be stopped. Powell is still very good at it. Assignment football.
I wouldnt say 27 points is stopping it. If their defense had done anything they could have made this a lot closer game. But Garrad is a REALLY GOOD team.
pirate fanatic Wrote:I wouldnt say 27 points is stopping it. If their defense had done anything they could have made this a lot closer game. But Garrad is a REALLY GOOD team.

Take a closer look at those 27 points. 1 of those touchdowns was a long fumble recovery. Another touchdown was set up by a blown coverage on a deep pass. The belly really only produced 2 touchdowns and just a handful of sustained drives. I'd say it was shut down pretty well.
You asked if the Belly could be stopped and it was. They had one long run at the beginning of the game. 7 points were on a fumble returned for a TD, which was actually a incomplete pass but that is not here nor there. 14 of the points were from long passes. Did you say the Powell offense or the Belly? I'd say "The Belly" got 7 points. Powell is very good, they may be able to win in the playoffs if people don't prepare correctly. Did Powell's offense get totally stopped? Absolutely not.
TheLegends64 Wrote:You asked if the Belly could be stopped and it was. They had one long run at the beginning of the game. 7 points were on a fumble returned for a TD, which was actually a incomplete pass but that is not here nor there. 14 of the points were from long passes. Did you say the Powell offense or the Belly? I'd say "The Belly" got 7 points. Powell is very good, they may be able to win in the playoffs if people don't prepare correctly. Did Powell's offense get totally stopped? Absolutely not.

Well said! If they had played any defense they would have at least been in the game. Im not saying they would have won just made it closer.
The Belly is one of the best plays in football.
pirate fanatic Wrote:I wouldnt say 27 points is stopping it. If their defense had done anything they could have made this a lot closer game. But Garrad is a REALLY GOOD team.

IF a frog had wings.........:biglmao:
SlantStrong Wrote:The Belly is one of the best plays in football.
Agreed. But, hats off to Garrard. They did what they had too. Slow the Belly down and
put points on the board. Garrard has a quick and tough little defensive bunch. Good win
for Garrard!

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