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Boy Hospitalized for Burns After Using Playground Equipment Doused With Drain Cleaner

MIDDLE RIVER, Md. — A 2-year-old boy was severely burned Saturday after he went down the slide at an elementary school playground. Someone had broken into the school, stolen several bottles of industrial-strength drain cleaner and splashed it all over the playground equipment, authorities said.

This is horrible, Why whould people want to harm children.
I don't know, but there should be no leniency for this person. It's obvious that children use the playground and harm would be caused to a child.

Absolutely ridiculous.
That is awful!!! I have heard of some people peeing on playground equipment because they knew that the kids would be playing on it. I thought THAT was bad enough but then people press the bar out to this. Absolutely horrible. I really hope and pray that he will make a huge recovery and this won't effect him for the rest of his life and second I reallllly want whoever did it to be caught and punished to the fullest.

This is really sad to hear, I agree, this man should have no liniency. Is there any updates on the child?
That's horrible!! I hope they find out who did this and the little boy is okay!
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

More and more schools are getting security cameras and things of that nature so hopefully the school has some way of telling who did this.

I bet in some countries they would pour the same stuff on the guys who did it...


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