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IMO JBS has the most talent and should be the favorite with the trio of Steppe,Cox,and Collins. PCC will be there at tourney time as usual. Powell will also be good returning everyone and hiring an exciting new coach with an exciting style of play. Oh yeah dont forget about the bulldogs from Hazard, after last years performance i dont know if i could ever count them out.
Collins may be tall but you all are giving him way to much credit...maybe when he gets a little cordinated then you all can talk about him like he is going to a great D-1 college like Duke, UK, UL, or UNC somewhere like just wait
I really have to take Powell.They might be the only team besides JBS that didnt lose anyone last year.This should mean more experience and dedication to those seniors. The should be a very dominant team this year, even though their record didnt prove it last year..they still played well in alot of games.Jmo..any thoughts?
Powell County will be a team that suprises all with doubts in them. I got my money on them to make it far. Im not saying all the way which might be what they diserve so dont jump all over me when i say my support goes to powell.
hhsgrad09 Wrote:This is true, I think that the 14th next year will be very competitive...Hazard will do good, as will other teams, but I think that Hazard has a bigger will to win than the other teams in the 14th...somehow we always pull it off.
What are you going to do with Campbell? I've heard he was thrown out of a football game already this year and some other trouble. All you have to do is make him mad. The kid is a great player, but is he coachable after Spurlock left? Hazard needs him, and I am not so sure they want to win more than anybody else does.
14thRegionPlayer Wrote:Collins may be tall but you all are giving him way to much credit...maybe when he gets a little cordinated then you all can talk about him like he is going to a great D-1 college like Duke, UK, UL, or UNC somewhere like just wait
He's just a sophmore and missed his freshman year because of a broke leg. He played AAU this summer and plays in open gym, so he should be ready when ball season starts.
I think Powell will win the fourteenth they have all returning players and they hung tough last year. With a new coach and hard work in the offseason i think they will come out on top
Yea because experience in a tourny to a team is priceless
Powell co has a really good chance consitering that they did not lose any seniors last year they have build there team alot theis year
June Buchanan is the team to beat this year in the 14th. They would have probably have won it last year if not for the injury to Collins. They have experienced players back who played a tough out-of-region schedule last season and did OK. They also had a heck of a summer camp record this year.
Someone may upset them when the final chips are down in the regional tournament this coming season....but I wouldn't bet on it.

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