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One Killed Every 94 Seconds
The term "assault weapon" could cover over 50% of all firearms easily, lol. These people that go on and on about how dangerous these weapons on hardly even have a clue on what they even are!
vundy33 Wrote:The term "assault weapon" could cover over 50% of all firearms easily, lol. These people that go on and on about how dangerous these weapons on hardly even have a clue on what they even are!

Of course. To them, it is the "cool" thing to do and, in this age of Obama, we must all strive to be cool.
Old School Wrote:Biden said that Obama believes that if they can save just one life then they must act on gun control, yet they have no problem with babies being aborted everyday.
How many remember the use of DDT which saved millions of lives over the years it was used until the EPA banned DDT in 1972. Mark Levin's monologue is about 13 minutes long but is very interesting.

"This is what I love about Mark Levin. He has a way of putting things in perspective like no other. And Biden’s comment yesterday where he said that Obama believes that if they can save just one life then they must act on gun control – well Levin masterfully puts that in its proper perspective using a comparison to DDT that was banned in the early 70s and the effect it’s had on society."
Excellent monologue:

It is incredible to think folks have become so blinded to what is right and what is wrong. I'd love to see some of our liberal friends come on here and try to defend the liberal position of legalized infanticide Old School. What goes around comes around. When one stops for a moment to consider just how heinous the act of abortion really is, it's shocking to think that America could be guilty of such hellishness. Consider the 7 things God hates---

Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV)
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, [B]and hands that shed innocent blood[/B],
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Everytime a vote is registered for one of these pro-choice candidates, that voter adds his endorsement to the millions of slaughtered "innocents". The victims of taxpayer funded abortion on demand, 55 million plus and counting. America will suffer terribly for her acts of atrocity and open rebellion against the clear meaning of verse 17 above. I believe the beginnings of which are upon us even now. Remember when Pilate asked the crowd who they wanted him to release unto them? When given the choice between the Son of God and the murderer Barabbas, they chose Barabbas. And when Pilate asked them what they would have him do with the Lord Jesus, they said, (paraphrased) crucify Him, and let His blood be on our head and upon the heads of our children. When one considers Israel and her problems past and present, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see that request has come true for them. Like in the case of Israel, I believe great sorrow is coming upon this once blessed land but, I also believe that sorrow would be mitigated somewhat if the majority turns back to Godly living. We can't keep sending pro-choice candidates to govern us, the Lord is longsuffering but, His patience has limits which, I believe is all but used up.
TheRealThing Wrote:It is incredible to think folks have become so blinded to what is right and what is wrong. I'd love to see some of our liberal friends come on here and try to defend the liberal position of legalized infanticide Old School. What goes around comes around. When one stops for a moment to consider just how heinous the act of abortion really is, it's shocking to think that America could be guilty of such hellishness. Consider the 7 things God hates---

Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV)
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, [B]and hands that shed innocent blood[/B],
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Everytime a vote is registered for one of these pro-choice candidates, that voter adds his endorsement to the millions of slaughtered "innocents". The victims of taxpayer funded abortion on demand, 55 million plus and counting. America will suffer terribly for her acts of atrocity and open rebellion against the clear meaning of verse 17 above. I believe the beginnings of which are upon us even now. Remember when Pilate asked the crowd who they wanted him to release unto them? When given the choice between the Son of God and the murderer Barabbas, they chose Barabbas. And when Pilate asked them what they would have him do with the Lord Jesus, they said, (paraphrased) crucify Him, and let His blood be on our head and upon the heads of our children. When one considers Israel and her problems past and present, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see that request has come true for them. Like in the case of Israel, I believe great sorrow is coming upon this once blessed land but, I also believe that sorrow would be mitigated somewhat if the majority turns back to Godly living. We can't keep sending pro-choice candidates to govern us, the Lord is longsuffering but, His patience has limits which, I believe is all but used up.

There are people that I go to church with, that are hardcore liberals, they will always vote for the democratic candidate even if they are pro-choice or pro-gay marriage. I have asked many of them this very simple question. How can you support anyone who is pro-choice and pro-gay marriage and still confess to being a Christian, when it goes against the word of God? Their reply is always the same, a blank stare or they just refuse to answer the question.
We have come to the point where some (republican and democrat alike) still think it is more important to vote with their party regardless of the candidate’s ideology. We need to realize that today’s political parties are not the same as they were with our parents and grandparents. IMO, until everyone starts looking at each candidate and what they stand for we (as a country) will never get back on track.
If this will leave the President, the Vice President, and every single politician screaming "GUN CONTROL" protected by an unarmed secret service agent, then you may be able to talk me into giving up one of my automatics. Most liberals are those that never had to accept responsibility for anything they done growing up (most, not all), so they are bound and determined (and unfortunately winning) to build a country with no accountability for its people, excuses at every corner, and ideas that are baffling to those of us normal people that arent brainwashed into accepting their agendas. I have 14 weapons in my house. Twelve of them are semi-automatic, and I have purchased them lawfully and responsibly, and I use them for target shooting, and for protecting my home, myself and my family if ever needed. This country dont want you to have protection or piece of mind, and this same country is ran by brainwashed psychos that have no regard for the Constitution or the Ammendments that currently protect it. How do our veterans feel about this? How do those that fought, those that were wounded, and those that paid the ultimate sacrifice, feel about THIS???? As Skinnypig said in an earlier post, we can make alterations on getting a gun that would suffice. How about an extensive background check, attending a class and taking a test, and even making sure you and everyone in your household are mentally stable enough to own a gun? I wouldnt oppose that, and that way for once, if someone goes off the deep end and shoots people, it would FORCE accountability.
Old School Wrote:There are people that I go to church with, that are hardcore liberals, they will always vote for the democratic candidate even if they are pro-choice or pro-gay marriage. I have asked many of them this very simple question. How can you support anyone who is pro-choice and pro-gay marriage and still confess to being a Christian, when it goes against the word of God? Their reply is always the same, a blank stare or they just refuse to answer the question.
We have come to the point where some (republican and democrat alike) still think it is more important to vote with their party regardless of the candidate’s ideology. We need to realize that today’s political parties are not the same as they were with our parents and grandparents. IMO, until everyone starts looking at each candidate and what they stand for we (as a country) will never get back on track.
Because they were brainwashed as a child that "Republicans are for the rich. Democrats are for the poor"...I know people into their 70s and 80s that still believe that crap.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Because they were brainwashed as a child that "Republicans are for the rich. Democrats are for the poor"...I know people into their 70s and 80s that still believe that crap.

Agree but, the way I've always heard it said was dems are for the working man. But, you got it right. Either way you word it, it is crap.
Old School Wrote:There are people that I go to church with, that are hardcore liberals, they will always vote for the democratic candidate even if they are pro-choice or pro-gay marriage. I have asked many of them this very simple question. How can you support anyone who is pro-choice and pro-gay marriage and still confess to being a Christian, when it goes against the word of God? Their reply is always the same, a blank stare or they just refuse to answer the question.
We have come to the point where some (republican and democrat alike) still think it is more important to vote with their party regardless of the candidate’s ideology. We need to realize that today’s political parties are not the same as they were with our parents and grandparents. IMO, until everyone starts looking at each candidate and what they stand for we (as a country) will never get back on track.

Been there! After having spoken at church about the pitfalls of christians suppoting abortion rights candidates, I had a long time pastor (reportedly with over 70 years of service) tell me he would always vote for a democrat no matter what. He was so charged with emotion about it, his voice wavered and his chin quivered while he spoke. Old folks associate God, country and democrats together as if they were somehow inseperable. And, Dems have gotten a lot of mileage out of that misconception. As you point out, a candidate's beliefs should always be vetted. I have long been disappointed that folks vote democrat, or republican as if party line alone is all that matters.
I couldn't agree more with your statement TRT, but where do we go from there?
It appears to me that we are in a no win situation. We must choose from candidates in the party system to be the ultimate victors, and then those compete in the final election.

In better words, one is forced to choose the lesser evil of the candidates. I don't REMEMBER the last time I agreed with a candidate in the major facets of their platform and them be pro-life, pro-gun and an admitted believer in God.

So, when we choose these people to lead our country, are we lending our vote to the basic problem simply by the mediocrity in which they were chosen?
Do we not cast a vote if there are no candidates that we think should be elected?

I've done the write in votes for local elections; it doesn't do any good. I just lose my vote.

What's the best direction to go from here?
Granny Bear Wrote:I couldn't agree more with your statement TRT, but where do we go from there?
It appears to me that we are in a no win situation. We must choose from candidates in the party system to be the ultimate victors, and then those compete in the final election.

In better words, one is forced to choose the lesser evil of the candidates. I don't REMEMBER the last time I agreed with a candidate in the major facets of their platform and them be pro-life, pro-gun and an admitted believer in God.

So, when we choose these people to lead our country, are we lending our vote to the basic problem simply by the mediocrity in which they were chosen?
Do we not cast a vote if there are no candidates that we think should be elected?

I've done the write in votes for local elections; it doesn't do any good. I just lose my vote.

What's the best direction to go from here?

Granny I appologize for the length of my response, LOL.
Believe me when I say we are both exasperated, and for the very same reasons. As I have mentioned, we dealt the liberal cause a near killing blow in the mid-terms of 2010 when conservatives and tea party awareness groups got the attention of everybody by voting for and electing conservative candidates, thusly gaining control of the house. The howling from the left was deafening. But, they dug in their heels and ratcheted up their efforts to humiliate and berate the newly elected conservatives and their policies. Calling them right wing extremists, liberal dems had the wind at their back because in spite of the election results, the main stream media was more than willing to do their very best to partner with the liberal's in their cause, and represent the dems as the ones with the better grip on American ideals. Simultaneously distorting the truth about the republicans, who American voters had by due process, elected and sent to DC to represent their interests. So, we let the liberals off the hook in the last election by allowing them to derail the conversation from the pursuit of American ideals, to just another political 'food fight', which makes both sides look complicitous, even though it was the dems doing all the mudslinging. Nobody had more to be embarrassed about than did Obama but, he managed to make the campaign about Romney's personal flaws, even though they were all shown to be lies.

Additionally, the power of the main stream media over the minds of the masses should not be underestimated. While liberal groups like the 'Occupy' protestors were trying to blow up bridges, and destroying millions of dollars worth of public property and consuming tax dollars and donations (public and private), in support of a disquised anarchy which, white house spokesmen and the media portrayed as a 'just cause' that notably none of the so-called protestors could even articulate. The press was doing the following two things. First -- Though the tea party was as innocent as babes of any wrong doing whatever, even to the point of leaving all locations used in their rallies and protests in pristine condition and debris free upon their departure, the main stream media were consumed with fabricating all sort of lies and false reporting to influence public opinion against the tea party movement. Secondly -- And, on the other hand, 'Occupy' protest scenes were left in a wake of human feces, garbage and all manner of filth, and to this day nobody really knows how many rapes occurred though estimates have them in the hundreds. One would never have known all of this from the glowing version of tribute coming from the white house press secretary, administration officials and Obama himself in their public comments. As news coverage was carefully worded and only positive reporting was offered by the press to give the masses a good impression of the actual nature of the 'Occupy' affronteries.

It's obvious, as things now stand, we cannot depend on the media to be honest. And just as adversely, we can depend on the dems to lie about anything, (absolutely nothing is off limits) to stay in power. We missed a golden opportunity last election cycle, when we sent Obama back to the white house, on the very heels of the sweeping elections of 2010. Never, have I been so unnerved and hurt over the results of an election as I was this last one. Therefore, we have to rely on things we know we can trust. Traditional American values and those candidates who espouse them, which again, is why I normally lean republican, as they normally represent conservative views. One still has to vett each candidate to his own satisfaction. The answer is, we stick to our guns, and quit laying down in the face of criticism. When those around us laugh at conservative ideas, and act as if they are passe and outdated, we should remind ourselves that those ideas were the norm of this land up until the Clinton administration showed the world how to openly defy the 'common good' in deference to personal gain, or loss in his case. I feel my skin crawl, every time I have to hear somebody exclaim how great Bill Clinton is, is.

The survival of the America we knew during the 1980's, is dependent upon a joint effort by every conservatively minded citizen to get out the truth and vote. However, there is one thing that we must address via the courts. Voter ID and voter registration issues that defraud and illegally influence the electoral process, must be dealt with. The way things are now, and this is 100% the position and doing of the democrats, anybody living or dead can vote in an election in this country. Matter of fact, anybody from any land on the planet can vote if they happen to be here in this country during an election. Illegal aliens, dead folks, people that vote nearly a hundred times in the same election, as in the case of Freddie Johnson, fraudulent voting by people claiming to be somebody they are not, etc. That, and the absentee voting process which is rife with fraud. Where was/is all the outcry for active US servicemen and women who were denied their right to vote during the last election? I mean, I have no doubt that Vladimir Putin could come over here and cast his vote in Chicago, but members of the US armed services get told, "oops" sorry about you're bad luck? All of these voting shenanigans must needs to be cleaned up and we cannot accept a "no" from the dems as our answer.

do you think some 1 will have to answer to this
vector Wrote:

do you think some 1 will have to answer to this

I think people like you should be compelled to serve his country. That way, those of us who did, likely would not have to be vexed by your anticolonialist subjectivism. Let me ask you a question vector, if terroristic jihadists were to murder everyone in your family leaving only you behind to grieve for them, would you still be acting like American's didn't have the right to defend their land aganst those who perpetrated the attacks of 9/11?

These guy's last words were "death to America" while they are in the process of flying jet liners into public buildings filled with innocent civilians. Not one of these murdering lunatics, having been captured, has ever shown the least bit of remorse for the blood of any of the thousands of innocents they have spilled. But, you want to defend them.
^ he gave an Iraq link.
vector Wrote:

do you think some 1 will have to answer to this

what about the abortion count steupid
there r more unborn babies killed every day
get yer facts straight

Wildcatk23 Wrote:^ he gave an Iraq link.

Right, he gave an Iraq link and the gist of which was to reverberate the liberal drumbeat which says over and over ad-nauseum ---, "we didn't find any WMD's in Iraq so the war was unjustified."

Never mind the fact that almost all the 'who's who', of liberal legislators, were actively involved in the propagation, procurement of congressional funding and prosecution, of the Iraqi War. And, was intended to counter my assertions that America will pay a steep price for her appetite for the blood of the innocent unborn we have MURDERED on the abortion table.
vector Wrote:

do you think some 1 will have to answer to this
Saddam Hussein should have step down when he was asked. Once mission was accomplished in Iraq a civil war broke out between two islamic factions and innocent civilians and American soldiers were caught in between
TheRealThing Wrote:I think people like you should be compelled to serve his country. That way, those of us who did, likely would not have to be vexed by your anticolonialist subjectivism. Let me ask you a question vector, if terroristic jihadists were to murder everyone in your family leaving only you behind to grieve for them, would you still be acting like American's didn't have the right to defend their land aganst those who perpetrated the attacks of 9/11?

These guy's last words were "death to America" while they are in the process of flying jet liners into public buildings filled with innocent civilians. Not one of these murdering lunatics, having been captured, has ever shown the least bit of remorse for the blood of any of the thousands of innocents they have spilled. But, you want to defend them.

BUT there is 1 BIG problem IRAQ did not have anything to do with 9/11
let me repeat this to you 1 more time IRAQ did not have anything to do with
9/11 and also there was NO WMDS
vector Wrote:BUT there is 1 BIG problem IRAQ did not have anything to do with 9/11
let me repeat this to you 1 more time IRAQ did not have anything to do with
9/11 and also there was NO WMDS

Can you please tell me (in clear english) what this has to do with "One killed every 94 seconds"? Your inability to debate and the thickness of your skull astounds me.
vector Wrote:BUT there is 1 BIG problem IRAQ did not have anything to do with 9/11
let me repeat this to you 1 more time IRAQ did not have anything to do with
9/11 and also there was NO WMDS

what are you thinking :biglmao:
are you thinking from your head or from where the sun dont shine
let me repeat to you 1 more time that IRAQ does not have anything to do with this thread
and now another person has had an abortion
SKINNYPIG, you never cease to crack me up!!
vector Wrote:BUT there is 1 BIG problem IRAQ did not have anything to do with 9/11
let me repeat this to you 1 more time IRAQ did not have anything to do with
9/11 and also there was NO WMDS

You're 100% completely wrong about that but, I am not worried about wasting any effort to help clear the fog for you, because you have made a choice not to accept the truth about America's entirely just response in Iraq. I know you're just trying to change the discussion of this thread back into the the twilight zone of liberal alter-reality.

And yet, as you have rightly pointed out, there is a BIG problem here. This thread doesn't have anything to do with Iraq. It does have everything to do with the 55 million plus who have been murdered though. Baby butchers who have been given the green light to slaughter babies by the evil taskmaster people like you curry favor for, that being the liberal faction that has managed to successfully highjack the democrat party. I saw the whole thing go down and punched the eject button a long time ago. They're not worthy to be called Americans in my book. They hate everything about traditional America and they are sworn to bring it down. You want to stick around and help them go ahead.
Truth and balance are not normal approaches for today's lop-sided media. For them to recognize innocent lives being cold-heartedly murdered through abortion or that there are consequences and deaths caused by self induced impairment, would mean that people need to be held accountable for ALL of their actions, not just what they pick and choose to be convenient for their own narcissistic purposes. The hypocrisy is sickening.

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