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Running Clock
Trouble Wrote:Hell, let's give em all trophies. Let's go to 55 classes in basketball so we can have more "champions". Tshirt sales will skyrocket, mommies will be giddy, and coaches will pad resume's.

Let's grow up, get into this century and play ball. The professional game and college game has changed, and it's about damn time the high school game has changed.

Tire of hearing all the pitiful sportsmanship crap. Sure, there's a line you can cross, but for the most part this rule does nothing more than prevent a team from being embarassed any more than would happen anyway.

Blame it on the coaches if you want, I call BS on that.
I call BS on this post. If getting into this century means there is no need for sportsmanship or class than we need to go back.

Now I could give a rats ass if little Johny or his mommy get their feelings hurt. If they can't take it they should get out.

What I do give a rats ass about is teaching little Johny how to win and lose with class and dignity.

I hope like hell you are not a coach or teacher of any kind at any level. Win by 100, lose by 100 it really doesn't matter. How you act and how you react with other people does. We all want to win and we all hate to lose. We should be teaching kids the right way to act in both circumstances.
FBALL Wrote:I call BS on this post. If getting into this century means there is no need for sportsmanship or class than we need to go back.

Now I could give a rats ass if little Johny or his mommy get their feelings hurt. If they can't take it they should get out.

What I do give a rats ass about is teaching little Johny how to win and lose with class and dignity.

I hope like hell you are not a coach or teacher of any kind at any level. Win by 100, lose by 100 it really doesn't matter. How you act and how you react with other people does. We all want to win and we all hate to lose. We should be teaching kids the right way to act in both circumstances.

Teaching a young athlete how to win and loose with dignity has nothing to do with this rule. If a team has more talent and wins by 1000 pts, it doesn't mean they didn't win with dignity. I have seen teams that win by 1 pt and have no class, so to say just because you win big means you are unsporstmanlike is a load of road apples. The running clock is a direct result of the PC society and that is all. We as Americans have watered everything down to not offend the single person. I thought this country was founded on the majority rules not the needs and wants of 1. Sports is just one of the last segments of society that has not caved to the pressure. I can't wait for the KHSAA Sweet 284 tournament.

I'll say it again. It's a shame this even has become a rule. But facts are there are coaches out there that run up scores and it has nothing to do with teaching kids how to win.

Funny thing here is in an effort not to offend it appears to have offended.
[quote=FBALL]I'll say it again. It's a shame this even has become a rule. But facts are there are coaches out there that run up scores and it has nothing to do with teaching kids how to win.

Funny thing here is in an effort not to offend it appears to have offended.[/QUOTE]

I agree with that statement.
FBALL Wrote:I call BS on this post. If getting into this century means there is no need for sportsmanship or class than we need to go back.

Now I could give a rats ass if little Johny or his mommy get their feelings hurt. If they can't take it they should get out.

What I do give a rats ass about is teaching little Johny how to win and lose with class and dignity.

I hope like hell you are not a coach or teacher of any kind at any level. Win by 100, lose by 100 it really doesn't matter. How you act and how you react with other people does. We all want to win and we all hate to lose. We should be teaching kids the right way to act in both circumstances.
Well, I'm glad you're not a rule maker. Because you're too hung up on the minutia to see that this rule is designed to help the kids. Do you not find it funny that you're the only one on this board who doesn't see that? Amazing. There's a difference in being opinionated and being wrong. And you're wrong. The funny thing is that I don't disagree with you about showing class and sportsmanship. Lost art for some for sure. But these are 2 different issues. Not remotely related. Humorous really that you don't see that. Good luck coaching if you are one. Be sure to play 4 corners, everyone touches the ball before there's a shot, and you won't ever have to worry about the running clock.
We aren't that far apart really. And yes if I'm coaching a team that is up 30 against a team that can't compete against mine we are spreading it out and running clock.

I'm the only one that doesn't see that this rule is designed to help kids? False. You were trashing this rule earlier. So which side are you on. If you look back there are more people in favor of this rule than the few who are arguing against it.

Again I think its a shame that this has become a rule in the first place. But although it is a minority,there are coaches out there that run up scores for nothing but their own egos. That's a fact. If it wasn't we wouldn't have another goofy rule.

Honestly I'd rather just play the game.
There is a mercy rule in baseball, softball, and football, why is everyone complaining about the one in basketball. If the game is over it should not be drug out just so the jv team can get a couple of minutes in a varsity game, that is why they play jv games. The score should of been 25 or 30 pts in the second half instead of 35 in my opinion, but I can live with 35. I attended several games this past year that the 35 pt rule would of been in effect and would of helped a whole lot of people get home a lot earlier if the clock was running early in the second half. It also makes it easier on officials to call the violations and fouls in a game like that, because the clock will not be stopping on every whistle, because we all know they let a lot of stuff go they probably shouldn't just to help the game keep going and get it over with. GREAT RULE!
I got an idea. Lets just throw out keeping score, that way everybody can go home feeling so great about themselves. Everyone will get a trophy and everyone will play the same amount of time. No one will be cut from the team either. You can dress 30 kids if you want to. That way no one gets their feelings hurt.
Lizzard Wrote:I got an idea. Lets just throw out keeping score, that way everybody can go home feeling so great about themselves. Everyone will get a trophy and everyone will play the same amount of time. No one will be cut from the team either. You can dress 30 kids if you want to. That way no one gets their feelings hurt.

Your grasp of hyperbole is epic. What is being said is that running up the score is wrong on any level.
No shot clock needed. Running clock is a product of seeding and just bad scheduling.
Just because you have a running clock doesn't mean that a coach won't run the score up! What will happen some coaches will keep starters in longer to keep the score up no matter what rule you put in.

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