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Middlesboro @ Letcher Co. Central Aug. 28
Lcc 35-14
Who are they using for tight end?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
Is it true that Letcher Co schools closed for the rest of the week for Swine Flu?
No just Cowan Elementary school. The other schools have been open all week and are open Friday.
LCC by 3 td's
LCC wins big....but there is NO mystique for either of these two teams. Teams like Belfry even when you know they are down, but you worry about playing them and realize they will still beat you....that is mystique! Belfy will beat LCC
Okay we shall see. You may be right, but if you are wrong, you will know about it. Belfry should have a mystique. Letcher Central has only been in existence for five years. How long did Belfry have a football team until they won a state title.
Letcher Co. Central,35-0.
I feels sorry for Middlesboro in this game. How many players does LCC have out this year? Middlesboro has 30.
Letcher 36 Middleboro 7
LCC defense will stonewall the yellow jackets untill they put in the freshmans in the 3rd. Josh Mcbee will be in the back field all night. LCC's rushing attack will gain 250 yards with Dustin Brown getting one score on the ground and one trough the air.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Okay we shall see. You may be right, but if you are wrong, you will know about it. Belfry should have a mystique. Letcher Central has only been in existence for five years. How long did Belfry have a football team until they won a state title.

You have had football since the beginning of time. You folks seem to forget about Whitesburg and Fleming. I don't want to here that you have only had football for 5 years. I have seen many Whitesburg teams that would beat LCC right now. A few Fleming teams also. 5 years.. give me a break.
I am talking about Letcher Central being in existence for only five years. This started from a earlier post about mystique that someone made about Middlesboro. Letcher Central is still a new school that is developing its own traditions. If they can keep a winning program then they may eventually get to a state championship like Belfry, who knows. It might take 5 years or 75 years. Anyway this is a thread about Middlesboro and LCC, not Belfry. You can make your prediction and discuss Belfry the week of the LCC\Belfry game.
BellCoBobcats09 Wrote:I feels sorry for Middlesboro in this game. How many players does LCC have out this year? Middlesboro has 30.
55, I believe.
palmer Wrote:Middlesboro wasn't very good for several years before Roark arrived. They got better when he took over.

Your right for a few years prior to Roark M'boro went through a period of time when they had a new School Super. that pushed academics and "The Arts" above sports. Brought in a nice guy but bad coach with no prior head coaching experience. The experiment didn't work. The coach and the Super. both left and Roark came in. But many many many of Kenny's wins are and have been against teams that are and have been way below M'boro's past levels. M'boro has a long tradition rich program that goes back well past the late 1980's. Roark has gutted the schedule, the town's intrest in the program and the program itself.
UKfootballFan Wrote:Letcher 36 Middleboro 7
LCC defense will stonewall the yellow jackets untill they put in the freshmans in the 3rd. Josh Mcbee will be in the back field all night. LCC's rushing attack will gain 250 yards with Dustin Brown getting one score on the ground and one trough the air.

Is that the half time score? Unless LCC's coach calls off the dogs they will put 50+ on the board. The question is will M'boro score at all.
LCC in a BLOWOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck Cougars!!!!!!!
On the GC coaches show they talked about how worn down MHS seemed to be late in the 1st half and especially in the 2nd.
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TheBrahmaBull Wrote:On the GC coaches show they talked about how worn down MHS seemed to be late in the 1st half and especially in the 2nd.

That's no suprise. Roark doesn't work the team very hard. Most years he doesn't have spring practice and doesn't push them anything like other coaches do. What makes it so bad is that he doesn't realize that by not having the kids in shape it could end up in injuries that they otherwise would not have.

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