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Fairview 49 Nicholas County 14
NoPicks Wrote:haha ok believe what you want, he has every right to control what his players are wearing when they take the field. So you are telling me he couldn't have told them to take off the duct tape that said 61 brothers? He did it as slap in the face to Fairview High School.. just another dumb, yet classless move by the always disrespectful Fairview football progam.

How is a small piece of duct tape on the back of the helmet that says 61 brothers dumb or classless? To me that stood as a brotherhood for each other , & unity as a team through diversity . Are you mad because this whole mess didnt destroy the teams spirit? Thats what it appears to me , & i think that is dumb & classless
NoPicks Wrote:And the sad thing is.. after all the crap the McPeeks and Music have put Fairview through over this, people are still defending them. Open up your eyes people, get the McCheats out of there, hire a respectful and classy coach that truly wants the best for the school and his players, get an AD that feels the same, and a superintendent that doesn't put up with any crap and can follow the rules and get your school running properly. I don't even see why they are still messing around with these guys, who cares if they are all lawyered up, their butts should have been unemployed as of yesterday.
Ive already stated i think Gary McPeek , & Bill Music is slime & should go , & they will be going . Nate i also stated he isnt AS guilty as the public thinks he is , which means i do think he is guily to an extent , & yes i do think he had to have known certain things . I also stated for the sake of FHS he needs to go , & i do hope they get better quality people in there for the AD , Super , & a coach .
Of the staff goes at the end of the season, will the new kids that came in from fairview leave as well? Regaurdless of fair or unfair, recruited or not recruited, there were new kids on the team that were new to the school this year. Idk where they come from, dont care. But if they came to play for McPeek, will they leave as well? The paper metioned fairview dressed 7 less than what they started with. I know the one player was dismissed, Sesher left the team and they had Brown, King, and 2 lineman out w injuries. It said that a few freahman had left the team. Any info on that?
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Of the staff goes at the end of the season, will the new kids that came in from fairview leave as well? Regaurdless of fair or unfair, recruited or not recruited, there were new kids on the team that were new to the school this year. Idk where they come from, dont care. But if they came to play for McPeek, will they leave as well? The paper metioned fairview dressed 7 less than what they started with. I know the one player was dismissed, Sesher left the team and they had Brown, King, and 2 lineman out w injuries. It said that a few freahman had left the team. Any info on that?

I have spoken to some of the players , & parents , they indicated to me they plan on staying as long as the program does not get suspended . The few that have quit the team 2 moved away & the rest are still in the school system just quit football but they left the team before all of this happend
Talon did they give the keys to the house they was"renting "back to Music before they left?
RAMDAD50 Wrote:Talon did they give the keys to the house they was"renting "back to Music before they left?

1 kid that moved i knew the family , & they owned there house before Music was back in Westwood . The other kid didnt really know him . Ive heard the accusations about what your reffering but i honestly dont know if its true or just crap . I know people think Jennings rented off of him but i know that one for sure isnt true because they rented a house from my ex father- in-law who was in no way in with the school or Music as he couldnt stand his guts .
They can have Jeff Smith from Russell back
mightydog Wrote:They can have Jeff Smith from Russell back

Thanks but no thanks . Yall can keep him
Boys played hard. Nicholas really down this year. Not much fan support. I for one will always support the kids at Fairview. BITW!
Let me ask this question. If Gary and Nate were cosching at any other area schools, Raceland, Ashland, Russell, Boyd, Greenup, or Carter Cos, would any of what has gone on been allowed? From the bringing i of players and now this...???

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