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Betsy Layne 66 - South Floyd 14
bitter radio guy Wrote:Jammin Jamey,

I can't help but notice your obvious dislike of Coach Parsons. You refer to him as classless, however, you verbally attack him not only on your radio platform, but also on this public forum. I could understand if Betsy Layne ran up the score unmercifully on South Floyd, in this case I would agree with your assessment. However, the Bobcats score 40+ in the first half, and a mere 18 in the second half. Now obviously South Floyd is having a down year, one in which I"m sure they will bounce back from. But what do you suggest Betsy Layne do, take a knee on three straight downs and punt the entire second half? You, my friend have pulled the ultimate contradiction. You point your finger at a guy who has done a great job convincing these student-athletes to believe in themselves, and become winners, while you sit in your booth and lash out. Remember Jamey, when you point one finger, there's three fingers pointing right back in your direction. Jammin Jamey = Classless Jamey

Keep in mind that the 2nd half was played with a running clock. This would keep the scoring "way down". Having said that, I think I read on here that BL was up big last year and SF came back and won. If this is true, I can't blame Red. It's Betsy Layne's job to score. It's South Floyd's job to stop them. When I played, we were on the receiving end of several butt kickings. I didn't blame the other team for being so good. I blamed myself for not working harder and being better.
I forgot. Congrats Bobcats. Keep up the good work.
uhavenoidea Wrote:Betsy Layne just wanted this one more, that was evident from the opening kick.

Congrats Bobcats!

Although they absolutely drilled SF, there was till was no reason to pass while ahead by 46 points and 7 minutes left in the game. The starters were left in the entire game.

Also, don't know if it were the camera man for BL or the apart of the coaching staff above the Box. Yelling "get ya some", when BL scored.

Classless win by the coach and great effort by the BL players. Congrats on a big win for the Bobcats!
Your posts amuse me...Where to start....First, your fans were talking trash to our boys the minute they stepped out of the locker room (tacky and classless) trash talk to coaches is one thing, to trash talk to the team itself is another :ChairHit:......Two, running up the score, we beat you, South Floyd couldn't stop us....should we have stopped playing because we felt sorry for you, I don't think so :please:...Three, you have several relatives that go to this school and play on this team Confusedhh:, and yet all your posts about Betsy Layne High School are ALWAYS congratulate us while we know you LOVE to see us lose :moon:..And finally, I don't understand your comment about the camera man, did you have a problem with his "get ya some" at the game or did you wait until you got home to express your feelings :lmao:....I wish there was an "I see you" smilie on here :rockon:!!!!!!

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