05-09-2010, 02:09 PM
as i said before, the newspaper will be all for this hire. That is def true about the coach's girl, i am sure that it played a big role in his hiring because it sure cant be because of his coaching ability, the good people of clay county already had his stuff packed up when they heard he interviewed for the job. You are exactly right, you dont leave clay county for sheldon clark, unless you are not wanted there. This season will be very interesting. Lets hope sherlock holmes and associates which as i said before will be football coach jim sean hager matney jr dont screw this up bc they have a top 3 team in the region next with the best player in the region.
05-09-2010, 05:16 PM
The local paper will be for this hire because the sports editor is in with the superintendent. This is not speculation, but pure fact. Case in point: three years ago, when J.R. Hammonds was on the oust, Hickman went after the super and the administration. Why? Hickman and Hammonds are friends. This time around, Hickman liad low and only mentioned SCHS assistant Larry James. Rumors were swirling that James, the assistant superintendent, was the top choice because his brother, a teacher at SCHS with no head coaching experience, wanted the job.
Was Spurlock hired for the boy's program or to help lead the almighty Lady Cards to the Sweet Sixteen promise land? If the hire was based on his daughter and not to get the most qualified person in the boy's coaching position, that is wrong. Spurlock is, however, a good coach. But this will undoubtedly be the toughest coaching gig he has had to date.
Was Spurlock hired for the boy's program or to help lead the almighty Lady Cards to the Sweet Sixteen promise land? If the hire was based on his daughter and not to get the most qualified person in the boy's coaching position, that is wrong. Spurlock is, however, a good coach. But this will undoubtedly be the toughest coaching gig he has had to date.
05-09-2010, 05:19 PM
Being new to the Martin County area I can't believe that there is so much jealously over a coaching job. It sounds like to me that someone has a bad diaper rash and needs to be changed. Just from talking to some of the people I have talked to everyone has nothing but good things to say about the football coach and his program. . I may be a new member but some of these posts makes me wonder why I came to Martin County because its apparent that some people are mad because they didn't get the job, so what, there is a lot of coaches both high school and college that have been passed over for jobs so my goodness let over yourself and think about the kids for they are the ones that play the games because they are the only ones that matter. Acting like a child in blaming everyone under the sun just shows how petty one can be.
05-09-2010, 06:57 PM
Spurlock is a very good hire!!:Thumbs:
05-09-2010, 07:31 PM
By reading the posts on here, I can tell that Cardsfaninthestand and CheerCrazy90 have a problem with Coach Hager. All I can say is they must have never had a child play under him. Both of my kids have played sports under him and he is one of the best coaches ever. He honestly cares about the kids, on and off the field or court. You don't see that much in this county. It personally wouldn't bother me at all if he did coach every sport, you wouldn't see kids quiting like they do now in basketball and baseball. But that is my opinion.
05-09-2010, 07:45 PM
How could anyone screw things up anymore than they already have been screwed up. Anyone the school brings in will be better than the zoo it has been for the last 6 years.
Especially the last 3. You had coaches physically abusing players. Players sitting our of practice and still getting to play. Players pretty much did what they wanted to do and there were so many coaches no one knew who the real coach was. When I attended a game I felt like saying will the real head coach of SCHS please stand up. The list goes on and on. From everything I hear Coach Spurlock is a good coach. He won at Hazard and he won at Clay Co. If he can win there surley he can win at SC. Those are 2 top basketball schools. Doesn't he have a State Title under his belt. Has SC ever hired a coach with his credentials? If anyone knows the answer to this please let me know. As far as Clay Co goes I'm sure you have to be a good coach to follow Bobby Keith. That will always be Keith's program no matter who comes in there to coach. He is a hard act to following. If you don't go to state every year at Clay they want to blame the coach. Clay Co has a rich basketball history . Any coach they hired for thier program then he is more than qualified for the SC program for sure. My question is how in the world did SC get Spurlock to take the SC this job/ SC don't have the tradition for winning in boys basketball. Clay Co. hired Spurlock so there has to be a reason for them to hire him in the first place. As far as Coach Hager goes all he has ever done at SC is win. Former Coaches are just jealous of Hager. Yea SC might have won a few games but look at their schedule for the past 3 years it has been a joke. They should have gone undefeated by playing the Williamson's, South Floyd's and teams like that. The whole 15th Region was down except for Valley. Give someone else a chance. All I heard was they were going to hire someone in the Co to take the job. Well good for them, they broke the cycle of playing politics. Some are just mad because they lost the job or they didn't play politics like they did when Harless was hired. After all it is about the kids not the adults. I tip my hat off to those in charge for trying to change things and get away from the politics .
Especially the last 3. You had coaches physically abusing players. Players sitting our of practice and still getting to play. Players pretty much did what they wanted to do and there were so many coaches no one knew who the real coach was. When I attended a game I felt like saying will the real head coach of SCHS please stand up. The list goes on and on. From everything I hear Coach Spurlock is a good coach. He won at Hazard and he won at Clay Co. If he can win there surley he can win at SC. Those are 2 top basketball schools. Doesn't he have a State Title under his belt. Has SC ever hired a coach with his credentials? If anyone knows the answer to this please let me know. As far as Clay Co goes I'm sure you have to be a good coach to follow Bobby Keith. That will always be Keith's program no matter who comes in there to coach. He is a hard act to following. If you don't go to state every year at Clay they want to blame the coach. Clay Co has a rich basketball history . Any coach they hired for thier program then he is more than qualified for the SC program for sure. My question is how in the world did SC get Spurlock to take the SC this job/ SC don't have the tradition for winning in boys basketball. Clay Co. hired Spurlock so there has to be a reason for them to hire him in the first place. As far as Coach Hager goes all he has ever done at SC is win. Former Coaches are just jealous of Hager. Yea SC might have won a few games but look at their schedule for the past 3 years it has been a joke. They should have gone undefeated by playing the Williamson's, South Floyd's and teams like that. The whole 15th Region was down except for Valley. Give someone else a chance. All I heard was they were going to hire someone in the Co to take the job. Well good for them, they broke the cycle of playing politics. Some are just mad because they lost the job or they didn't play politics like they did when Harless was hired. After all it is about the kids not the adults. I tip my hat off to those in charge for trying to change things and get away from the politics .
05-09-2010, 08:02 PM
I agree Cardinal Mom. I played football and basketball at SC. Hager was a great coach to play for in football. He is fair and holds kids to a high standard. Kids like him because they know he cares about them. And most of all he is a winner.
05-09-2010, 09:48 PM
Thanks Cardinal 12 for saying what others have known for a long time. Maybe now we have a coach that will tear the zoo down and turn SC into a solid basketball contender. :Clap::Clap:
05-09-2010, 09:50 PM
Down and Out Wrote:Thanks Cardinal 12 for saying what others have known for a long time. Maybe now we have a coach that will tear the zoo down and turn SC into a solid basketball contender. :Clap::Clap:
Hey down and out what time did you say that press conference was tomorrow
05-09-2010, 09:51 PM
cardsfaninthestands Wrote:as i said before, the newspaper will be all for this hire. That is def true about the coach's girl, i am sure that it played a big role in his hiring because it sure cant be because of his coaching ability, the good people of clay county already had his stuff packed up when they heard he interviewed for the job. You are exactly right, you dont leave clay county for sheldon clark, unless you are not wanted there. This season will be very interesting. Lets hope sherlock holmes and associates which as i said before will be football coach jim sean hager matney jr dont screw this up bc they have a top 3 team in the region next with the best player in the region.
Can you please tell us who Sherlock Holmes and associates are because some of us are dying to know
05-09-2010, 10:13 PM
well first of all its a whole lot different coaching football or baseball when there almost 30 positions on the field to find somewhere for a kid to play (Offense, Defense, Special teams) to clarify for you. On a basketball court there is only 5 positions available, lets just see if everyone is happy with the coaching staff, bc remember everybody kid is a superstar, if he dont get to play, dont worry they will quit and someone will be mad. You cant just stick anybody out there on a basketball court, or maybe thats why this staff was hired in the first place just to make sure certain kids play. and besides im not downing nobody, i just want it to be known that this is a very political hire, with people making the calls helping them get what they want. DONT WORRY WE WILL SEE THE END RESULT. YEAH THOSE KIDS WERE REALLY TREATED BY THE LAST COACHING STAFF thats why those kids didnt want harless back.
05-09-2010, 10:27 PM
i was also wondering down and out who exactly did this hiring committe consist of, bc nobody had ever put it in the paper. It was liked they didnt want anybody to know. The three names i heard was principle fletcher, football coach hager, and newspaper man ron hickman but that was what i was told.
sherlock and associates are the coach and his loyal supporters who snuck him in the back door to benefit themselves. Go cards i will watching and cheering for you guys this fall. And for now i think its time to go fishing for the summer. I think someone feels im talking bad about coach Hager, but he does a good job coaching foooooooootball. It will all play eventually. Basketball, last time i checked is played a little bit different than football. So long for the summer peeps, i will be back in the fall and perhaps even in the stands. I would like clarification on the hiring committee though.
sherlock and associates are the coach and his loyal supporters who snuck him in the back door to benefit themselves. Go cards i will watching and cheering for you guys this fall. And for now i think its time to go fishing for the summer. I think someone feels im talking bad about coach Hager, but he does a good job coaching foooooooootball. It will all play eventually. Basketball, last time i checked is played a little bit different than football. So long for the summer peeps, i will be back in the fall and perhaps even in the stands. I would like clarification on the hiring committee though.
05-09-2010, 10:31 PM
cardsfaninthestands Wrote:i was also wondering down and out who exactly did this hiring committe consist of, bc nobody had ever put it in the paper. It was liked they didnt want anybody to know. The three names i heard was principle fletcher, football coach hager, and newspaper man ron hickman but that was what i was told.The committee consisted of the schools site based counsel, and Hager Knows basketball.
sherlock and associates are the coach and his loyal supporters who snuck him in the back door to benefit themselves. Go cards i will watching and cheering for you guys this fall. And for now i think its time to go fishing for the summer. I think someone feels im talking bad about coach Hager, but he does a good job coaching foooooooootball. It will all play eventually. Basketball, last time i checked is played a little bit different than football. So long for the summer peeps, i will be back in the fall and perhaps even in the stands. I would like clarification on the hiring committee though.
05-09-2010, 10:36 PM
oh yeah i agree to he should coach every sport, that what i said before remember, it really doesnt matter who know its who you ,,,, WELL I heard coach Hall was leaving to take over paintsville baseball next year, he may actually be able to coach all sports next year. We are truly lucky to have such a great guy who is great football, basketball, and baseball coach. I said before they should of named hager the basketball coach. He is obviously smart enough to coach both sports at the same time, **** they probally practice together.
05-09-2010, 11:01 PM
Sounds like you know this by experience. Winning has nothing to do with 30 positions for players to play. Hager is a PROVEN WINNER. Anytime a new coach comes and takes over a program he will have plenty of problems. If they wanted to play politics they would have hired from inside the Co.
05-09-2010, 11:03 PM
Cardinal Fan 12 Wrote:Sounds like you know this by experience. Winning has nothing to do with 30 positions for players to play. Hager is a PROVEN WINNER. Anytime a new coach comes and takes over a program he will have plenty of problems. If they wanted to play politics they would have hired from inside the Co.
I agree with what you say here and i feel that someone is a little sour toward the whole thing. Its a new ERA for SC Basketball so lets all embrace it and see what happens
05-10-2010, 08:04 AM
well it appears that cardsfaninthestands is more than a little bitter, so I just wonder who that might be. I think its fairly obvious who it is but it no great matter because there at least some people on here that know thew truth. He acts like Harless was the first coach ever fired but why make such a big deal about it. Its over and done with and now that we have a quality coach some won't leave it alone. Did anyone care to see that two of the last three years the Cards had a losing record and playing a Quaker Oats schedule. I think most people knew what Harless was getting into when the got the job and he knew as well so please quit crying over spilled milk. And for everybody's information neither Shawn Hager nor Ronnie Hickman was part of the selection committee so your information was wrong like most of the other stuff he has posted. See ya cardsfaninthestands, don't let the door hit you in the a-- on the way out.
05-10-2010, 09:44 AM
Down and Out Wrote:From what I have heard that Spurlock interviewed and was not offered the job. He seems to a quality person and coach but in Martin County its doesn't matter if Coach Cal was brought in to coach they would still find something to b---- about. its just a way of life :flame:
Is Spurlock still at Clay Co.
05-10-2010, 09:46 AM
I have heard BJ is transferring-any truth to this!
05-10-2010, 10:41 AM
With all the escorts helping him leave Clay County, you would of thought it was the president in town or something. They might have to move the press conference up a little because Clay was so happy Spurlock was leaving they were at his door early this morning waiting to make sure he didn't over sleep! Wanted to make sure he made it okay and on time. Thanks for taking him!
05-10-2010, 12:00 PM
Down and Out Wrote:well it appears that cardsfaninthestands is more than a little bitter, so I just wonder who that might be. I think its fairly obvious who it is but it no great matter because there at least some people on here that know thew truth. He acts like Harless was the first coach ever fired but why make such a big deal about it. Its over and done with and now that we have a quality coach some won't leave it alone. Did anyone care to see that two of the last three years the Cards had a losing record and playing a Quaker Oats schedule. I think most people knew what Harless was getting into when the got the job and he knew as well so please quit crying over spilled milk. And for everybody's information neither Shawn Hager nor Ronnie Hickman was part of the selection committee so your information was wrong like most of the other stuff he has posted. See ya cardsfaninthestands, don't let the door hit you in the a-- on the way out.
Now down and out you how people are on here from this county they know everything or claim that they do. Im glad they have a new coach hired and I was talking to some of the players and they are excited about the new coach and cant wait to get started. Coach has put up a 60-34 record over the past 3 years and im sure that is far better then Sheldon Clarks if you was to look at it.
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