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Is Barack Obama Public Enemy #1
Mr.Kimball Wrote:You know, you just really dont have a clue to anything. You are either as naive as they come, in complete denial, or just plain dumb as a rock. It's those that live in a mobile home, with a 4 wheel drive Denali, a Ranger Bass boat, and a Harley Fatboy that you see a lot of times at the supermarket flashing those cards and then with whatever cash they have buying those long rolls of scratch off tickets. Then on the way home they stop off at the Quick Mart for those cigarettes and the 24 packs of Bud. You have no idea of the people I have coming to my place wanting a job, BUT THEY WANT PAID IN CASH because they would loose those government checks that says they are not physically able to work. Then you have those that work for you that dont want to make too much money. They want their hours cut back just to the bare minimum. If they make too much they get taken off the state medical card, they loose subsidized housing, or they will loose their food stamp cards. That's what burns most people up.

You just live in your own little world.
You overlooked the "all of the above" option. :biggrin:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:You know, you just really dont have a clue to anything. You are either as naive as they come, in complete denial, or just plain dumb as a rock. It's those that live in a mobile home, with a 4 wheel drive Denali, a Ranger Bass boat, and a Harley Fatboy that you see a lot of times at the supermarket flashing those cards and then with whatever cash they have buying those long rolls of scratch off tickets. Then on the way home they stop off at the Quick Mart for those cigarettes and the 24 packs of Bud. You have no idea of the people I have coming to my place wanting a job, BUT THEY WANT PAID IN CASH because they would loose those government checks that says they are not physically able to work. Then you have those that work for you that dont want to make too much money. They want their hours cut back just to the bare minimum. If they make too much they get taken off the state medical card, they loose subsidized housing, or they will loose their food stamp cards. That's what burns most people up.

You just live in your own little world.

Kimball... I'm not denying that what you say is true. I am for sweeping changes in the current system and have said so on here many times. I am talking about folks that are working, trying to make it... and the squeeze on the low middle. Harry Caudill wrote a book called LESTER'S PROGRESS that talks about how the welfare system is grossly abused in the Quackgrass State. We don't disagree on that. The current system doesn't really encourage working much of the time. I was simply saying that a lot of these folks are already covered by Disability or Medicaid...they aren't uninsured or going bankrupt from medical bills.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You overlooked the "all of the above" option. :biggrin:

Ah, Gibson, you are a hoot... or is it a hootin' annie?
CM you make are making a mistake many people make. You actually believe people like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Clinton and some other top Dems actually care about you or your best interests.
thecavemaster Wrote:Ah, Gibson, you are a hoot... or is it a hootin' annie?
You may call me Mr. Gibson if you like.
Beetle01 Wrote:CM you make are making a mistake many people make. You actually believe people like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Clinton and some other top Dems actually care about you or your best interests.

I support healthcare as a basic right. I support alternative forms of energy to inch us away from complete reliance on foreign oil. I support limited, targeted aggression toward terrorist organizations and states. I do not believe "trickle down" economics takes much account of human greed. I believe the equal protection clause should cover homosexual marriage, whether I "agree" with the homosexual lifestyle or not. I believe one role of a just government is to provide safety nets for society's vulnerable members. In other words, I didn't ask Obama or Pelosi, "What should I believe?" If your premise is that Mitch McConnell cares more about me than Nancy Pelosi (or vice versa), then you're either a patronizing sycophant or a brainwashed idiot.
thecavemaster Wrote:I support healthcare as a basic right. I support alternative forms of energy to inch us away from complete reliance on foreign oil. I support limited, targeted aggression toward terrorist organizations and states. I do not believe "trickle down" economics takes much account of human greed. I believe the equal protection clause should cover homosexual marriage, whether I "agree" with the homosexual lifestyle or not. I believe one role of a just government is to provide safety nets for society's vulnerable members. In other words, I didn't ask Obama or Pelosi, "What should I believe?" If your premise is that Mitch McConnell cares more about me than Nancy Pelosi (or vice versa), then you're either a patronizing sycophant or a brainwashed idiot.

I dont believe Mcconnel cares more about you than any dem. I dont believe any of them care about you at all. Thats my point. None of them care about us, they care about themselves and holding their "job".

So you believe we should have taken limited aggression towards Al Qaeda after 9-11? Then I dont think your a brainwashed idiot either. I dont believe your brainwashed at all.
AMEN. Beetle01 is right on the money. When we throw all of the incumbents out and set term limtis, the government will again become our government. No politician, just public servants.
Obama doesn't care.
Mitch doesn't care
jim doesn't care
Ben doesn't care.
and Hal especially doesn't care.
They are all an enemy of the public.

No one in DC gives a hoot what is happening in your life so drop that delusion
Obama is an elitist and so are the rest of them!!
Beetle01 Wrote:I dont believe Mcconnel cares more about you than any dem. I dont believe any of them care about you at all. Thats my point. None of them care about us, they care about themselves and holding their "job".

So you believe we should have taken limited aggression towards Al Qaeda after 9-11? [B]Then I dont think your a brainwashed idiot either. I dont believe your brainwashed at all.

lol :Thumbs:
Uh, Al Qaeda would be targeted aggression, wouldn't it? You know, Kimbull, like, here is the target. Now, let's focus on the target with our aggression. That would be targeted aggression. As opposed to: "Now, let's see, here is Iraq. They ain't really any of that Al Qaeda much in Iraq. Still, that Hussein is bad. Let's take him out."
thecavemaster Wrote:Uh, Al Qaeda would be targeted aggression, wouldn't it? You know, Kimbull, like, here is the target. Now, let's focus on the target with our aggression. That would be targeted aggression. As opposed to: "Now, let's see, here is Iraq. They ain't really any of that Al Qaeda much in Iraq. Still, that Hussein is bad. Let's take him out."

lol....Hey, now you've got Kimball on the brain. It's all you can think about, right? You know I would have loved to have taken credit for Beetle01's post , but unfortunately I cant. I must admit I did find it very amusing.Wrong guy batman!!!
thecavemaster Wrote:Uh, Al Qaeda would be targeted aggression, wouldn't it? You know, Kimbull, like, here is the target. Now, let's focus on the target with our aggression. That would be targeted aggression. As opposed to: "Now, let's see, here is Iraq. They ain't really any of that Al Qaeda much in Iraq. Still, that Hussein is bad. Let's take him out."

Oh yeah, Hussein is a stand up guy, I bet you would love to have him as a neighbor wouldn't you.

During his tenure, Saddam Hussein's more notorious actions include:

Days after the end of the Iran-Iraq War, Saddam Hussein begins the first of a series of poison-gas attacks on Kurdish villages inside Iraq. A September 1988 report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee states: “Those who were very close to the bombs died instantly. Those who did not die instantly found it difficult to breathe and began to vomit. The gas stung the eyes, skin, and lungs of the villagers exposed to it. Many suffered temporary blindness… . Those who could not run from the growing smell, mostly the very old and the very young, died.”

The 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War, which left 150,000 to 340,000 Iraqis and 450,000 to 730,000 Iranians dead.

The invasion and destruction of Kuwait in 1990-91, with 1,000 Kuwaitis killed; this action led to the Gulf War.

The 1991 bloody suppression of Kurdish and Shi'a insurgencies in northern and southern Iraq, with at least 30,000 to 60,000 killed.
Old School Wrote:Oh yeah, Hussein is a stand up guy, I bet you would love to have him as a neighbor wouldn't you.

During his tenure, Saddam Hussein's more notorious actions include:

Days after the end of the Iran-Iraq War, Saddam Hussein begins the first of a series of poison-gas attacks on Kurdish villages inside Iraq. A September 1988 report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee states: “Those who were very close to the bombs died instantly. Those who did not die instantly found it difficult to breathe and began to vomit. The gas stung the eyes, skin, and lungs of the villagers exposed to it. Many suffered temporary blindness… . Those who could not run from the growing smell, mostly the very old and the very young, died.”

The 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War, which left 150,000 to 340,000 Iraqis and 450,000 to 730,000 Iranians dead.

The invasion and destruction of Kuwait in 1990-91, with 1,000 Kuwaitis killed; this action led to the Gulf War.

The 1991 bloody suppression of Kurdish and Shi'a insurgencies in northern and southern Iraq, with at least 30,000 to 60,000 killed.

Was the suggestion anywhere made that Sadaam Hussein was a "stand up guy"? Answer: No. However, he did not plan, fund, nor participate in the attacks of 9/11. The blending of the two in a sort of intelligence fog caused substantial damage to American credibility as we pursued the actual perpetrators. The discussion was about "limited, targeted aggression"... shall we return to it? or continue chasing rabbits down a path where none exist?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:lol....Hey, now you've got Kimball on the brain. It's all you can think about, right? You know I would have loved to have taken credit for Beetle01's post , but unfortunately I cant. I must admit I did find it very amusing.Wrong guy batman!!!

Well, if you would have "loved to have taken credit for it," then let's just let 'er ride. You know how you think all black people look alike? Well, when it comes to neo-con opinion....
thecavemaster Wrote:Well, if you would have "loved to have taken credit for it," then let's just let 'er ride. You know how you think all black people look alike? Well, when it comes to neo-con opinion....
Naw, that one was too good for me to plagiarize. He earned that one.

BTW, I've told you once before your not going to be able to get a job anywhere being a smart elleck.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Naw, that one was too good for me to plagiarize. He earned that one.

BTW, I've told you once before your not going to be able to get a job anywhere being a smart elleck.

It's a wonder you got one, not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're." I guess we can be thankful for mercy.
thecavemaster Wrote:It's a wonder you got one, not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're." I guess we can be thankful for mercy.
Now that's sure some strong debate material there..
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Now that's sure some strong debate material there..

No, you can't debate that... you're (you are) right about that...can't argue with your (possession) logic there. SO, you want to get back to relevant debate? That's refreshing. Suggesting that Barack Obama is "public enemy #1" is partisan Homerism, plain and simple. Perhaps it was offered up by the same guy who thinks dead interns are funny?
thecavemaster Wrote:No, you can't debate that... you're (you are) right about that...can't argue with your (possession) logic there. SO, you want to get back to relevant debate? That's refreshing. Suggesting that Barack Obama is "public enemy #1" is partisan Homerism, plain and simple. Perhaps it was offered up by the same guy who thinks dead interns are funny?

Partisan? Hardly. What would tend to make you believe I am a hard core republican to begin with? I'll go on record right now, to avoid any future misconseptions from yourself, that I am not.

As far as the Public Enemy #1 statement. Yeah, I personally believe that. So your not going to get an apology from me, nor receive any type of a concession. Apparently, from reading this thread, there are those who also agree with me. Lets just get down to the brass tacks here too. You are the only poster in this entire website that refutes what seems to be an overwhelming assumption that this administrations policies are bad for this country. Dont you find that odd? While some have debated that without his associate ship of fools cohorting he is not capable of performing some of the stunts he's trying impliment. There may be some truth to that, but I'm inclined to believe that there are just enough opposite thinking leaders(although in the minority) that have been able to restrict his actions enough to keep him at bay, and somewhat in check. The most over whelming factor however, has been the massive uproar from the American citizen crying fowl. That's the point I dont understand from you. Why do you refuse to acknowlege that the will of the American people is not being considered at all by this administration?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Partisan? Hardly. What would tend to make you believe I am a hard core republican to begin with? I'll go on record right now, to avoid any future misconseptions from yourself, that I am not.

As far as the Public Enemy #1 statement. Yeah, I personally believe that. So your not going to get an apology from me, nor receive any type of a concession. Apparently, from reading this thread, there are those who also agree with me. Lets just get down to the brass tacks here too. You are the only poster in this entire website that refutes what seems to be an overwhelming assumption that this administrations policies are bad for this country. Dont you find that odd? While some have debated that without his associate ship of fools cohorting he is not capable of performing some of the stunts he's trying impliment. There may be some truth to that, but I'm inclined to believe that there are just enough opposite thinking leaders(although in the minority) that have been able to restrict his actions enough to keep him at bay, and somewhat in check. The most over whelming factor however, has been the massive uproar from the American citizen crying fowl. That's the point I dont understand from you. Why do you refuse to acknowlege that the will of the American people is not being considered at all by this administration?

I think some posters don't want the abuse you right wing Christians fling. What is the will of the American people? If the will of the American people is to let the banks fail, what will its will be the day after? If the will of the American people is that we're rich enough to drop bombs but too poor to offer decent healthcare to all, why would I fly in formation on that one? Work with sincere Republicans to manage costs? Not a problem with me. Work together to produce some limits on malpractice lawsuits and awards? Not a problem with me. I do not agree with Obama's appointment of so many Trilateral Commission members to positions in his cabinet. I don't agree with Obama's hesitancy on certain issues. That's just political reality. However, the equation of Obama with Hitler? Mao? etc. I'm not going to let that pass from the RIght Wing Christian Flirty Party. Sorry.

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