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Is Barack Obama Public Enemy #1
It's common knowledge to all Americans that the United States is currently engaged in a worldwide war with many terrorist organizations being defined as foreign enemies of the United States. I think it's fair to define one individual as the targeted leader of that opposition as being Osama Bin Laden. Is it fair or accurate to also say that the United States is also engaged in a simultaneous domestic war with another leader that threatens the financial stability and national security of the United States from within? America is currently engaged in a style of warfare that it has never seen or faced before. Whether some realize it or not we are currently fighting WWIII for all intents and purposes. With his Chicago gangland style of government tactics being utilized by his thugs, is B. Huessin Obama, now Public Enemy #1 to the citizens of the United States of America?

I work in the Financial Services Industry, I know first-hand the negative impact from the Stimulus/Bailout work. This nation is in for a rude of wakening before we see the ends of the affect of that process. In fairness, it was not started during the Obama regime, but it has festered and grown to such proportions that unemployment, reduced compensation and benefits, and more government takeover's are on the horizon.
I would not say that Obama is Public Enemy #1 but I agree that he is the key part of the biggest threat facing America today. Obama and the people who support him are more of a long term threat to this country than al Qaeda. There are plenty of liberals who would eagerly step into Obama's shoes and pursue his evil agenda.

Obama would be no threat without his many Democratic enablers in the US Congress, the general public, and, alarmingly, in the US Supreme Court. Hopefully some of Obama's damage will be undone by the USSC before he has a chance to nominate additional justices to the court.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I would not say that Obama is Public Enemy #1 but he and the people who support him are more of a long term threat to this country than al Qaeda. There are plenty of liberals who would eagerly step into Obama's shoes and pursue his evil agenda.

Obama would be no threat without his many Democratic enablers in the US Congress, the general public, and, alarmingly, in the US Supreme Court. Hopefully some of Obama's damage will be undone by the USSC before he has a chance to nominate additional justices to the court.

Hitler could have never done what he did without his counterparts either. Al Capone was once considered Public Enemy #1. Was it not his henchmen who did all the dirty work, but yet Capone was #1 enemy, not his thugs? He was the mob architect. All may have had the same agenda, but they weren't given that designation, he was. If he had not been controling gangland there would also be another thug (in this case, liberal) who would have eagerly taken his place and pursue that evil agenda as well. There is always a #1 in any organization. Did Obama in Truman-esk fashion not tell us all where the "Buck Stops" just last week? Does the "Buck Stop" there in his crime mob or not? He says it does. What's different?
Obama = Hilter ?

Obama and his supporters = bigger threat to America than terrorist organizations?

Obama supporters = to Nazi sympathizers?

Of course, this is all fair and balanced.
Naw, Just fact!!!!!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I would not say that Obama is Public Enemy #1 but I agree that he is the key part of the biggest threat facing America today. Obama and the people who support him are more of a long term threat to this country than al Qaeda. There are plenty of liberals who would eagerly step into Obama's shoes and pursue his evil agenda.

Obama would be no threat without his many Democratic enablers in the US Congress, the general public, and, alarmingly, in the US Supreme Court. Hopefully some of Obama's damage will be undone by the USSC before he has a chance to nominate additional justices to the court.

Once again, I know nothing about politics, but how is his agenda evil?
Aslan Wrote:Once again, I know nothing about politics, but how is his agenda evil?
Once the producers are taxed or regulated out of existence they will be no more money for the looters(Obama and democrats and some republicans in congress) to take to give to the moochers. Government produces nothing, only private enterprizes produce.
The present rulers of this country, ruler is obama's word not mind, believes that everyone should have the same things. Well that compares to playing sports and not keeping score. Do that for a while and see how competive it is. After a while the kids that are good will quit or just stop caring. Do we really want successfull business people to be punished for their success. I read this question somewhere---Has anyone ever asked a poor person for a job?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:It's common knowledge to all Americans that the United States is currently engaged in a worldwide war with many terrorist organizations being defined as foreign enemies of the United States. I think it's fair to define one individual as the targeted leader of that opposition as being Osama Bin Laden. Is it fair or accurate to also say that the United States is also engaged in a simultaneous domestic war with another leader that threatens the financial stability and national security of the United States from within? America is currently engaged in a style of warfare that it has never seen or faced before. Whether some realize it or not we are currently fighting WWIII for all intents and purposes. With his Chicago gangland style of government tactics being utilized by his thugs, is B. Huessin Obama, now Public Enemy #1 to the citizens of the United States of America?

Hitler was the force behind the Third Reich and Dillinger was the clear leader of his gang. I am not so sure that our elected leaders are still calling the shots in Washington. Think about it, if you wanted good government - even if you were a liberal - would you hire people as stupid as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to run the House and Senate - or somebody as inexperienced, arrogant, naive, and polarizing as B. Hussein Obama as your president? Are we really electing people to Congress who are dumb enough to think Reid, Pelosi are capable of governing effectively?

If George Soros and his friends had wanted to install Hillary Clinton as president, I believe that he could have done so. I think Obama got the nod because he is more pliable and easier to control.

The main reason that I am reluctant to place too much focus on Obama for this nation's descent toward fascism is that that would be letting the people most responsible for putting him into power off too easy.

I want every single American who voted for this clown to personally apologize to me and my family! :biggrin:
thecavemaster Wrote:Obama = Hilter ?

Obama and his supporters = bigger threat to America than terrorist organizations?

Obama supporters = to Nazi sympathizers?

Of course, this is all fair and balanced.

Hey CM.....since your one of the remaining few who still worship Obama. Why don't you take the time to defend him? Look at it as your chance to add balance to the thread.
Aslan Wrote:Once again, I know nothing about politics, but how is his agenda evil?
Anybody who advocates widespread redistribution of wealth in exchange for political support is inherently evil, IMO. The best example of his evil agenda may be the stunt that he pulled last night when he agreed to exempt union members with so-called Cadillac health insurance plans from paying taxes that he wants to impose on the rest of us.

Our political system cannot survive if the party in power crafts legislation to use tax dollars to financially reward political supporters. Theft is theft and the agenda that Obama and his co-conspirators are pushing will turn this country into a northern banana republic if not stopped.

As George Bernard Shaw said, "A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul" and Peter is growing increasingly angry at Obama's thievery. As Notamoocher said, eventually Peter will get tired of working and paying his unfair share of taxes and join the moochers.
This is nearly the same agenda that Democrat Franklin D Roosevelt imposed throughout the mid 1930s' during his Second New Deal. When taking a look at the redistribution on wealth, which both are plans that are centered around John Maynard Keynes Economic Stimulus Plan that was proposed during a 1936 meeting with FDR. The plan proposed
1. Control Interest Rates
2. Use Taxes for redistribution of wealth
3. Gov. involvement in business
(which completley disregarded the roaring 20s promotion of laissez faire)
My favorite political columnist and economist, Dr. Thomas Sowell, on Obama's threat to our way of life. This video was taped in 2008 but Sowell's predictions about the damage that Obama would do to this country were right on the money.

[YOUTUBE="Thomas Sowell - Obama's Vision"]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Hoot Gibson Wrote:My favorite political columnist and economist, Dr. Thomas Sowell, on Obama's threat to our way of life. This video was taped in 2008 but Sowell's predictions about the damage that Obama would do to this country were right on the money.

[YOUTUBE="Thomas Sowell - Obama's Vision"]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

He makes a lot of sense to me, but there is no way around it, this man would no doubt have to be a racist. Right, cavemaster? :biggrin:
How in the world could we as a nation allow this to happen----worse to let it continue

Exactly which part of the world is he playing up to by making these moves, or lack of them?

President Obama just completed the UNHOLY and ANTI-AMERICAN TRIFECTA:

1. 1st president in 110 years to miss the annual Army-Navy Football Game.
2. 1st president in history who did not attend any Christmas religious observance.
3. 1st president to remain on vacation after a terrorist attack.


The Chicago Machine led by B. Hussein Obama (the annointed one :kingSmile is public enemy #1 to the American way of life.
Joe Friday Wrote:How in the world could we as a nation allow this to happen----worse to let it continue

Exactly which part of the world is he playing up to by making these moves, or lack of them?

President Obama just completed the UNHOLY and ANTI-AMERICAN TRIFECTA:

1. 1st president in 110 years to miss the annual Army-Navy Football Game.
2. 1st president in history who did not attend any Christmas religious observance.
3. 1st president to remain on vacation after a terrorist attack.


The Chicago Machine led by B. Hussein Obama (the annointed one :kingSmile is public enemy #1 to the American way of life.


Something should be done.
[ame=""]YouTube- Obama's LIES about Health Care debate LIVE on CSPAN[/ame]

shame Shame
That video is false, because Im sure CM said that there were some meetings shown on CSPAN, of course I dont remember any meetings being shown where politicians are meeting with lobbyists from Big Pharma and the insurance companies, we need to see what is being said and being offered to politicians in those meetings. Of course that will never happen.
Every President is, and Tiger Woods!
Old School Wrote:Hey CM.....since your one of the remaining few who still worship Obama. Why don't you take the time to defend him? Look at it as your chance to add balance to the thread.

I believe that "estbalish justice" and "promote the general welfare" should be understood, circa 2010, to mean basic healthcare is a right. I believe that "provide for the common defense" should be understood, circa 2010, to mean targeted pursuit of terrorist organizations, not a middle finger stuck up to the rest of the world. Your phrase ("worship Obama") is just that, your self-serving, empty phrase. I take it you didn't worship Bush II, but rather favored, in general, his policies over the opponents? Of course, you and your other flirty buddies are fair and balanced and wise and righteous.
thecavemaster Wrote:I believe that "estbalish justice" and "promote the general welfare" should be understood, circa 2010, to mean basic healthcare is a right. I believe that "provide for the common defense" should be understood, circa 2010, to mean targeted pursuit of terrorist organizations, not a middle finger stuck up to the rest of the world. Your phrase ("worship Obama") is just that, your self-serving, empty phrase. I take it you didn't worship Bush II, but rather favored, in general, his policies over the opponents? Of course, you and your other flirty buddies are fair and balanced and wise and righteous.

If you or anyone else has a right to health care at my expense then that makes me a slave. As a slave is someone who works but doesn't receive any benefit from his labors. It says promote not provide welfare.
notamoocher Wrote:If you or anyone else has a right to health care at my expense then that makes me a slave. As a slave is someone who works but doesn't receive any benefit from his labors. It says promote not provide welfare.

You are expanding terms (promote/provide) "slave," to limits that stretch them to the ridiculous. In the early NT, folks that had a lot sold some of what they had to provide for those that had not as much... not that any would be hard pressed but that there would be more equality. Were the early disciples socialists? Were the wealthier amongst them slaves? OR, did they have a bit of a notion about living in community? What you state above is foolishness.
thecavemaster Wrote:I believe that "estbalish justice" and "promote the general welfare" should be understood, circa 2010, to mean basic healthcare is a right. I believe that "provide for the common defense" should be understood, circa 2010, to mean targeted pursuit of terrorist organizations, not a middle finger stuck up to the rest of the world. Your phrase ("worship Obama") is just that, your self-serving, empty phrase. I take it you didn't worship Bush II, but rather favored, in general, his policies over the opponents? Of course, you and your other flirty buddies are fair and balanced and wise and righteous.

Once again you defer defending Obama.

When it comes to the elderly and disabled, I think healthcare should be provided to those who cannot afford it. However I have little sympathy for those who refuse to work and support their family. As for basic healthcare being a right, I guess that we agree to disagree.

So how has Obama's traveling all over the World apologizing for the USA for the last 100 years worked out for him? Didn't Obama say that he would sit down and talk to Iran, North Korea and others, that's worked out well hasn't it.
thecavemaster Wrote:You are expanding terms (promote/provide) "slave," to limits that stretch them to the ridiculous. In the early NT, folks that had a lot sold some of what they had to provide for those that had not as much... not that any would be hard pressed but that there would be more equality. Were the early disciples socialists? Were the wealthier amongst them slaves? OR, did they have a bit of a notion about living in community? What you state above is foolishness.

My, my, my. For an atheist you sure are doing a lot of scripture referencing today.
thecavemaster Wrote:You are expanding terms (promote/provide) "slave," to limits that stretch them to the ridiculous. In the early NT, folks that had a lot sold some of what they had to provide for those that had not as much... not that any would be hard pressed but that there would be more equality. Were the early disciples socialists? Were the wealthier amongst them slaves? OR, did they have a bit of a notion about living in community? What you state above is foolishness.

This is in Acts 4: 32-37 during the establishment of the first church. This is totally different than the government redistributing wealth. It was voluntary sharing and it was not a membership requirment in order to be a part of the church.

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread....

As stated above, I have no problem with giving healthcare to the elderly or those that are physically unable (Medicare/Medicaid), BUT I have a problem with giving anything to those that are too lazy.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:My favorite political columnist and economist, Dr. Thomas Sowell, on Obama's threat to our way of life. This video was taped in 2008 but Sowell's predictions about the damage that Obama would do to this country were right on the money.

[YOUTUBE="Thomas Sowell - Obama's Vision"]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Saw him on Beck's show. Very interesting.
Joe Friday Wrote:Saw him on Beck's show. Very interesting.
Sowell is a good friend of Rush Limbaugh's and used to guest host for him a few years ago. He group up in Harlem, attended a segregated school, and is from the same neighborhood as Harry Belafonte. Yet, Sowell is more conservative and just as outspoken as Rush. Sowell is my all time favorite guest host.
It is the working poor and the lower squeezed middle who end up going bankrupt due to medical bills, who end up paying the light bill instead of getting needed medicine. All this yada, yada about the lazy and elderly, who already have coverage, diverts the argument. I have posted on BGR many, many times that sweeping "something for nothing though able" reform is needed. However, the folks you guys love to hate because you're behind them at the grocery when they flash the card already have medical coverage.
thecavemaster Wrote:It is the working poor and the lower squeezed middle who end up going bankrupt due to medical bills, who end up paying the light bill instead of getting needed medicine. All this yada, yada about the lazy and elderly, who already have coverage, diverts the argument. I have posted on BGR many, many times that sweeping "something for nothing though able" reform is needed. However, the folks you guys love to hate because you're behind them at the grocery when they flash the card already have medical coverage.

You know, you just really dont have a clue to anything. You are either as naive as they come, in complete denial, or just plain dumb as a rock. It's those that live in a mobile home, with a 4 wheel drive Denali, a Ranger Bass boat, and a Harley Fatboy that you see a lot of times at the supermarket flashing those cards and then with whatever cash they have buying those long rolls of scratch off tickets. Then on the way home they stop off at the Quick Mart for those cigarettes and the 24 packs of Bud. You have no idea of the people I have coming to my place wanting a job, BUT THEY WANT PAID IN CASH because they would loose those government checks that says they are not physically able to work. Then you have those that work for you that dont want to make too much money. They want their hours cut back just to the bare minimum. If they make too much they get taken off the state medical card, they loose subsidized housing, or they will loose their food stamp cards. That's what burns most people up.

You just live in your own little world.

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