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Paranormal Activity Was Fake
ComfortEagle Wrote:And neither am I, but when others complain, and it's obviously hard to read, then something needs to be said. Fact is, you shouldn't have to be an English teacher to use proper grammar. That's called being a normal human being who speaks and writes the English language. Again, they teach grammar all through elementary school, so unless you dropped out in 2nd grade, there's really no excuse for bad grammar other than laziness, dyslexia, or some other mental disorder.

A post is useless if it can't be read. Not to mention, it doesn't do anything for the reputation of this site. We want everyone to have an enjoyable experience on BGR and that includes making posts and READING posts. Could you imagine if we just let everyone basically create their own language and type however they wanted? No one would know what half the people were saying.

Personally, I see bad grammar as an act of selfishness. By using bad grammar, you are saying, "I don't care if you have a hard time reading it or not."

Also, there is a big difference between occasional mistakes and constant use of bad grammar. Occasionally omitting a comma, or forgetting to add a period at the end of a sentence is fine, and happens to all of us. But when several of your posts are hard to read and lack no grammar at all, that's a different story.

Yes, I'm sure you have seen worse grammar and/or posts on here. Fact is, I don't read every single post or even every single forum. Certain moderators have different forums they read. Personally, I spend most of my time in the General Discussion and College Sports. Others concentrate on other forums because that's what they're interested in. Unless you're Stardust, then you post and read in every single forum 400 times a day. Smile

It's impossible for a handful of staff to read every single post, and to an extent, we rely on you all. If you see something that is a violation of the rules, or should otherwise be moderated or removed, let us know. There are a handful of staff, and thousands of regular members, thousands of posts.

ComfortEagle Wrote:At the very least, you could put a period at the end of each thought.

For example:

Iam serious that is the way i am im sorry i can spell pretty good but me and punctuation dosent get along to well so i guess i will just quit posting

Should be this:

I am serious, that is the way I am. I'm sorry. I can spell pretty good, but me and punctuation don't get along too well, so I guess I will just quit posting.

These are basic things learned in elementary school. We're not going to crucify anyone over misusing a comma, but when multiple people complain that they have a hard time reading your posts, you need to attempt to use better grammar.

Again, at the very least, just put a period or comma after each though. Don't make it all one, big run-on sentence.

ComfortEagle Wrote:If you're going to be a smart aleck about it then I will inform you that any future posts with such atrocious grammar will be deleted. Let me refresh everyone on BGR Rule #12:

12. We ask that you, the user, attempt to use correct spelling, grammar, and capitalization when posting in the public forum. Posts that cannot be easily read will be removed by the Staff. Numerous unreadable posts can be grounds for an infraction or suspension from BGR.

..........and slowly BGR turned into the "other" Kentucky Sports Forum...........

At least this forum is free to use and people are not asked to leave or be suspended from a site that they have to pay for. I learned REALLY fast from the "other" site to consult an MLA handbook before posting, lol.
Sorry, but I agree. I hate reading his post. You have to read them, then decipher them.
Honestly if you know zero about punctuation, how did you make it through high school? Or grade school for that matter?
How do u guys know that some members on here doesnt have reading or writing problems? So quick to judge,
lwc Wrote:..........and slowly BGR turned into the "other" Kentucky Sports Forum...........

At least this forum is free to use and people are not asked to leave or be suspended from a site that they have to pay for. I learned REALLY fast from the "other" site to consult an MLA handbook before posting, lol.

That rule has been in effect for as long as I can remember. It's nothing new. We're not going automatically suspend people for forgetting a period at the end of a sentence, but if you repeatedly make hard to read posts, something will be said so that everyone can enjoy the site.

Wildcatk23 Wrote:How do u guys know that some members on here doesnt have reading or writing problems? So quick to judge,

If you truly had reading or writing problems, then why would you join a site that requires reading and writing to use it?

How would you even be able to type in the web address or type in a phrase to look it up in Google?
ComfortEagle Wrote:That rule has been in effect for as long as I can remember. It's nothing new. We're not going automatically suspend people for forgetting a period at the end of a sentence, but if you repeatedly make hard to read posts, something will be said so that everyone can enjoy the site.

I believe that is fair. I thought you were talking automatic suspensions. That is what I thought was unfair.

Admins and Moderators, like you, do a great job at being patient with people. I do agree that at some point you have use the iron fist. Keep up the good work. Just remember that you want to moderate not dominate. That is what some sites forget. They get their new found power and they start booting left and right. That is why I love this site so much. I know that if I respect the posters and the site, keep my words clean, and don't do anything stupid, I will be fine. AND if I do get booted, they will tell me why. :biggrin:
crazytaxidriver Wrote:It's still real to me dammit

HAHA, I Love That!!!
next thing you'll say is the Blair Witch project wasn't real
What about Santa? Please dont tell me....!
ComfortEagle Wrote:That rule has been in effect for as long as I can remember. It's nothing new. We're not going automatically suspend people for forgetting a period at the end of a sentence, but if you repeatedly make hard to read posts, something will be said so that everyone can enjoy the site.

If you truly had reading or writing problems, then why would you join a site that requires reading and writing to use it?

How would you even be able to type in the web address or type in a phrase to look it up in Google?

So we shouldn't allow a person to try and post on the forums? Just because u have problems with it doesn't mean your completely illiterate. At least that person is attempting to better themselves by practicing. Instead of using it as an excuse in life.
I think its more lazyness than anything.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:[/B]

So we shouldn't allow a person to try and post on the forums? Just because u have problems with it doesn't mean your completely illiterate. At least that person is attempting to better themselves by practicing. Instead of using it as an excuse in life.

There is no "practicing" as you put it. The person we are talking about here has made no attempt to use any better grammar at all after several requests from myself and others.

BGR is not a training ground for people to practice their grammar and typing skills. It is a place for people to enjoy discussion about things they are interested in. It is inconsiderate and selfish to expect others to decipher what you are trying to say by using poor grammar.

This thread has very much run it's course and if anyone else wishes to discuss the matter, it can be discussed via PM.

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