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Shelby Valley's Historical Night
Blueheat Wrote:I really wouldn't call this a historical night. I mean they put up 600 yards rushing on a team that a decent jv squad could play with. I think all the valley fans and even you Mr. Tackett would agree upsetting P-burge would be a more historical night than putting up 600 yards against a team that will possibly not win a game this year. That's all im saying i wasnt trying to be harsh i hope you all do pull the upset off that would be a huge win for your alls program.

Well Blueheat, i can agree with you to some extinct. I would Lovee to beat Pburg, and if we do. I do think it could be called a "historical" night as some people say. But i also call breaking #5 and #17th state HISTORY records since kentucky football has been going on, is a historical night also. I know what people think, "Bath county is not a very good team". But you all dont understand that these numbers of yards, was put up in the first half. And i do call 600+ rushing yards and total yards in a single 1st half, Is indeed something to be proud of. But i can see where your coming from though!
This place in the record books is something to be proud of.

SV is an up and coming program, that needs positive things to help the proscess.
I have no problem with this being reconized.
Now Tanner I didn't say anything about the music lol
That pizza was good.
I'm still wondering where Tanner playing JV come into play.

But anyways, congrats cats on making the record books. I do not seem to understand why numerous people can not get on here and support the young men when they do something great. A place in the record books is something to be proud of so don't listen to all the negative stuff. You did it aginst a district rival. Be proud.

phs1986 Wrote:Sweetie, if you are one of the varsity backs then why does your coach let you dress and play on the JV team? I'm just curious?

This is really bothering me for some reason. I don't know what it is. But anyway, do you have proff he played? Video proof? Pictures or anything? Other than hear say? Or what people was saying in the stands? I mean this is gettig ridiculous.
One thing I have learned quick by reading this forum is SV gets no respect. I can't understand why! These boys have been on a roller coaster ride since early summer, not knowing where their future was headed. They had an interm coach, their head coach was hired early July, and were intoduced to an entirely new system. All the while they never stopped working hard and have proved week after week they are willing to fight for what they want! I applaude you Shelby Valley Football!! I've been to some games, you play with class, you show the other teams respect, the young guys get better and better each are on the right path for success!

And Tanner Tackett DOES NOT play JV...if he was out there it would be undeniable!
Wow. That's a lot of rushing yards.
pillsburythrowboy Wrote:This is really bothering me for some reason. I don't know what it is. But anyway, do you have proff he played? Video proof? Pictures or anything? Other than hear say? Or what people was saying in the stands? I mean this is gettig ridiculous.

Of course he didn't play. Some fans get a little excited sometimes and get their facts mixed up.:biggrin:TongueirateSho
HAHA if Tanner played in JV, we wouldnt have lost a game. But just because we put these stats up in the "FIRST HALF" does NOT mean its something we shouldnt be proud of. Im not 100% sure, but i really dont think all the records was put up on amazing teams, most good stats come from teams thats down and you dont play down to their level. Im sure whoever got the #1 most rushing yards in a game wasn't playing Saint X when they done it =o
QBFan Wrote:One thing I have learned quick by reading this forum is SV gets no respect. I can't understand why! These boys have been on a roller coaster ride since early summer, not knowing where their future was headed. They had an interm coach, their head coach was hired early July, and were intoduced to an entirely new system. All the while they never stopped working hard and have proved week after week they are willing to fight for what they want! I applaude you Shelby Valley Football!! I've been to some games, you play with class, you show the other teams respect, the young guys get better and better each are on the right path for success!

And Tanner Tackett DOES NOT play JV...if he was out there it would be undeniable!
Haha thank you people for clearing up that i dont play JV, of all the things to say about me i never would have thought it would be that i played JV haha. But anyways, Im sure that breaking state records is something to be proud of no matter who we played. But thanks for the people supporting us, but there will always be "Valley Haters". And thats fine haha.!
Congrats to Shelby Valley, enjoy your success and best of luck for the rest of the season...
Please know that not all Belfry fans are against you guys!
Seems that some of the "kids" on here could teach the "adults" a few lessons on how to be mature and respectful to others...
Although SV beating P-burg this year would be huge for the program it still would not be historical due to the fact SV has beaten them before.2000 if my math is correct,Jeremy Caudill's senior year was when SV beat them.
Congrats to the Wildcats of Shelby Valley. These are indeed some great numbers, no matter who the opponent was. People come on, just congratulate this Valley team for what they accomplished. Valley fans and players, don't make it such a big deal that everyone gets riled up.

Although a great Lawrence County team put a thumping on Valley, I still believe this is a solid 2A team. Beating Prestonsburg may be stretching it a bit, but anything is possible.

Congratulations once again Wildcats!
new o Wrote:Although SV beating P-burg this year would be huge for the program it still would not be historical due to the fact SV has beaten them before.2000 if my math is correct,Jeremy Caudill's senior year was when SV beat them.

Actually it was in like 02 or a couple years later due to forfiet or some thing but the last time Valley REALLY beat them was the 99' team. I'm suprised you didnt know
LET me clarify!!!

Evidently my post riled up a few feathers on here. First off, Congrats Valley on your accomplishment.

With that out of the way, Tackett, I was curious as to IF you played on JV and IF you did, why would your coach risk playing you in a JV game if you started on varsity. Evidently I worded my post completely wrong and for that I apologize. BUT, I do have to say that there were several valley fans who made the comment that there were Jr's and Sr's out on the field the night SV's JV played at Belfry. WHY risk your upperclassmen unless you just want to get them additional playtime?

BF, not everyone is against SV! (I have a family member who plays Basketball for them) and I support the team as well as any other team within our county. They have many accolades in which are not even questionable to the ability the young men and women have. IMHO, the entire county is filled with a remarkable amount of talent within our youth!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Blueheat Wrote:Sounds like they kept the starters in the whole game, not much class.

Sounds like you're flat wrong. Sounds like you made a baseless accusation without having any facts to back it up. Sounds like you have an ax to grind with Shelby Valley...

Sounds like someone else needs to learn a little class.

QBFan Wrote:One thing I have learned quick by reading this forum is SV gets no respect.

That is very true. If the football team wins a game in a blowout, they get criticized for it, even though they are hardly the only team around here that has won games like that. Even though the starters were pulled in the second quarter, and SV didn't score in the second half, that's not good enough.

Honestly, no matter what sport, Shelby Valley gets ripped on here. I saw where the JV team won a big game earlier this week, and what happened? They got ripped. The basketball team won a lot of games this past year, including taking the All-A crown, and what happened? They got ripped. You can't congratulate any SV team on here without someone making a negative comment about it.

And for those who might claim that SV is tooting their own horn with this thread, please read the above post where the thread starter states that he is indeed a Belfry fan, not SV.


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