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Russell's season in review.
Russell has a winning record against Ashland since McGlone has been the coach. 18 wins 16 losses against the Tomcats.

I do agree that the weight and conditioning program could be pushed a little stronger although you can't technically make it mandatory. Some of that has to be on the players to want to get stronger and faster. They have to want to work for it. Now the coaches can encourage that and should motivate these kids to want to be their best.

As far as the letters go. That has been a rumor for a long, long time. I got letters when I played. Small schools such as Georgetown, Center, Cumberland. I know I always heard the letters were sent that the players didn't get but I can't really say if that happened or not. I just know that I and some of the other guys I played with did get some.
Beetle01 Wrote:Ill agree most kids dream of playing football on the next level. Hwoever, there is no preperation by the Russell coaching staff to prepare them for this. No lifting or conditioning program. And if you think what they have now counts you're sadly mistaken. I played at both Ashland and Russell and the reason 90% of the time Ashland beats us it is because of their intensified lifting and conditioning program. They actually have coaches who also push you to the limit. I have friends who have been through Marine Corps boot camp, and they said it was much easier than the 3 a days we used to have at Ashland. Russell has a good record, but against who? Against the Powell, Flemings, Lewis, East, West, Mason Co's of the world? Greenup and Boyd have been down for quite a few years. Lawrence has been way down. And even Ashland has been sub-par. Heck even OC wasn't very good and they made it to state, although traditionally this class has traditionally been won by the East. I remember state games being won by Boyle, Breathitt and other East teams by 30-40+ pts.

The time in the weight room shouldn't even be in question, it should be mandatory for all kids not involved in other sports, thats how it is in college and this is about preparing kids for the next level, they may not make it, but if they do they need to be ready. It should be about helping kids better their lives through the sport, which requires hard work, and yes sometimes HS boys need some mandatory motivation from their superiors, and if they can't handle it then they need to find other endeavours. Until the Russell fan base and parents can understand this, Russell will neevr be what it truly can be.

Instead letters are not even being given to the students, they are being thrown away by Coach Mcglone himself. Why do you think this year some parents had to goto the AD himself letting him know that if this was the case with their kid action qould be taken? I mean honestly, you're head coach for years has been throwing away college letters and invitations that are being sent to his players. I know this is 100% fact, no denying it. Even sometimes coaches ask for a player to call them but the player is not told. Who woud you recruit if you were a college coach at any level? A kid who's coach is out there pushing him and trying to sell him. Or a kid who's coach won't even let the kid know you're trying to contact him?

If colleges truly want a kid they will get info to the kid. Some coaches may not want to recommend a kid who has a bad attitude and will make the school and coaches look bad if they reccomend them.
While a mandatory program may be the solution your seniors need to be leaders who show up EVERY day the weight room is open not just when it is convenient. This year's team had a group of seniors, for the most part, who just showed up when it was convenient. Then you have them complaining and their families griping about the coaches. Maybe they should look in the mirror.
Fred Sanford Wrote:If colleges truly want a kid they will get info to the kid. Some coaches may not want to recommend a kid who has a bad attitude and will make the school and coaches look bad if they reccomend them.
While a mandatory program may be the solution your seniors need to be leaders who show up EVERY day the weight room is open not just when it is convenient. This year's team had a group of seniors, for the most part, who just showed up when it was convenient. Then you have them complaining and their families griping about the coaches. Maybe they should look in the mirror.

Good comments.

If a college really sees a talent that will benefit them, I have to believe that they will find a way to establish contact. You can find ways to contact just about anyone these days using the Internet.

The fact is that Russell doesn't have that many college caliber players. They never have had that many. That's not a criticism of any of the players who have played there. It's just the facts. None of the schools in our small Northeastern Kentucky communities produce that many elite athletes. You do have your occasional Nathan McPeek or Arliss Beach, but they don't come around very often. Realistically speaking, Russell's best running back ever, Josh Gross, was only good enough to play at Georgetown College. Again, that's great for him and not a criticism of playing at a small school in any way, but at some point you have to be realistic about the type of talent we are watching on the field every Friday night. We're not watching teams from Louisville, Lexington, or Cincinnati who are loaded with gifted athletes.

That being said, I agree with Fred Sanford in that in order for Russell to be successful, it requires a considerable effort from a decent number of players each year to train year round. If the coaches can't make them do it, then the leaders of the team need to take it upon themselves to do it.
A new coach at Russell who demands a lot from the kids may struggle. Russell kids may not like a year-round regimen. Be careful what you wish for.
ryanparker Wrote:Good comments.

If a college really sees a talent that will benefit them, I have to believe that they will find a way to establish contact. You can find ways to contact just about anyone these days using the Internet.

The fact is that Russell doesn't have that many college caliber players. They never have had that many. That's not a criticism of any of the players who have played there. It's just the facts. None of the schools in our small Northeastern Kentucky communities produce that many elite athletes. You do have your occasional Nathan McPeek or Arliss Beach, but they don't come around very often. Realistically speaking, Russell's best running back ever, Josh Gross, was only good enough to play at Georgetown College. Again, that's great for him and not a criticism of playing at a small school in any way, but at some point you have to be realistic about the type of talent we are watching on the field every Friday night. We're not watching teams from Louisville, Lexington, or Cincinnati who are loaded with gifted athletes.

That being said, I agree with Fred Sanford in that in order for Russell to be successful, it requires a considerable effort from a decent number of players each year to train year round. If the coaches can't make them do it, then the leaders of the team need to take it upon themselves to do it.

Sorry Ryan but I take issue with this statement. Best ever, I don't think so. Best statistitcs I'll give ya but best ever,..... I just don't know.
DevilsWin Wrote:Sorry Ryan but I take issue with this statement. Best ever, I don't think so. Best statistitcs I'll give ya but best ever,..... I just don't know.
I'll take Ryan's side on that one. Not the best player ever at Russell but IMO the best RB. Gross had vision, cutting ability and acceleration unlike any other running back I can remember. If he had been just a little bigger he could have signed anywhere.

Also wouldn't knock going to Georgetown. Gross had offers from some bigger schools and the offer as a preferred walk on at UK, Louisville and Wake Forrest. He chose Georgetown for the education.
FBALL Wrote:I'll take Ryan's side on that one. Not the best player ever at Russell but IMO the best RB. Gross had vision, cutting ability and acceleration unlike any other running back I can remember. If he had been just a little bigger he could have signed anywhere.

Also wouldn't knock going to Georgetown. Gross had offers from some bigger schools and the offer as a preferred walk on at UK, Louisville and Wake Forrest. He chose Georgetown for the education.

Which has worked out well for him. Last I heard he was going to medical school.
Midee1 Wrote:Which has worked out well for him. Last I heard he was going to medical school.
Midee1 Wrote:Which has worked out well for him. Last I heard he was going to medical school.

Again, I didn't mean to belittle him for going to Georgetown. I think it is terrific that he is going to be a doctor. I hope every former Russell player does something positive with their life. I was just pointing out that the best running back in Russell history (statistically speaking) didn't even go to a major college to play football. He might have been invited to walk-on or what have you, but again, my point is that the very best Russell has produced does not remotely compare to players who are truly coveted by top level college programs.

I said that because it seems like some of the posts on here are referring to all of this "wasted talent" that has come through the Russell program and how college recruiters are blocked off from contacting players. In reality, I don't think Coach McGlone is as bad as he is made out to be by some of the posts on here. In fact, it seems he has done a pretty good job given the real amount of talent that it appears Russell has on a yearly basis.

I'd like to see some information on how many Russell players have played college football since Coach McGlone has been there as opposed to how many Ashland, Raceland, Greenup, Boyd, or even Belfry players have played. That would be interesting.
Waiting to exhale,,,,,,,,,,,,, WOW what words are hear for all to read,, different points of view,, different aspects of the game....And from what I have read maybe different schools altogether....... I find it funny and sad that the posts on here about kids are thought to be grond in stone.....
I agree with FBALL about JOSH GROSS,, speed, cut-ability, vision and having his head in the game. No trash talking, no taking plays off, no EGO... I hardly ever heard the kid say a word.. And when he did it was a "Thank You Sir" type of response.
Now we can sit an argue all day who was the best, by stats, by personal reflection or by some kind of computer program....
The comparison for most RB at Russell is like apples and oranges, look at Clark and Gross, totally different. Both good , very good backs...but different.. John Groves in the early 80's is another, Tim Hammonds after him, the list could continue and preceed this list....
The fact of the matter is this, until the fan base changes and we are cheering for our team,, instead of thefans complaining about the coaches......
You know,, you try to get out there and give what they do, all the time, listening to parents run their mouth,, being disrespected by kids to your face on the field.
Ya know - I dont care if I ever played football EVER, and I was a coach and had a kid talk to me like some of these kids did these coaches this year,,,, There would be more to talk about on the sidelines.
HEADCASES and bad attitudes are a CANCER that spreads in the system, and pretty soon it affects even the people in the stands that pay money to come watch a game they love.........
I run my mouth and cheer louder than most during games, but I have to tell you...My number one fan status decreased this year after I listened to kids onthis team talk to one another and listened in person to kids comments about football. How much they know about football, how much they know better than the coaches... Like I said these comments come from 16,17 and 18 year old kids....... Let me tell you, the coaching staff at Russell have more time on the commode than any of you guys on a football field... The point being is this....until you are there in their shoes your point of view remain how you FEEL it should be... You deal with these types of attitiude everyday, you tend to grow very cold...

I have taken the attitude of not saying anything to coaches anymore knowing how much CRAP they have to deal with. ,,,,, They run the show and it is their call, if they could not do it, then they would not be in the position allowed them....... As I sit and write these words down I can hear my inner voice telling me what I have done in the past, things I have said,,,,,,
And My head is clear now......Man people can be so stupid and especially if they put in writing on a forum for all to read........

I wish the fans of Russell football the best in the future and support your coaches, right or wrong,, it is their job not ours to coach. They should be rewarded for their time and efforts with these kids,........... Like it or not, thats the way it is.......\man this Has been good for Psychee'...........
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
I say that the parents and kids who do not like what the coaches are doing....who sit and judge the coaches for calling certain plays...should pull out their game systems...pop in Madden and call the plays there if they want to but leave Russell's to Ivan and his staff.
I have to echo the same sentiments as Devilogist. I too have been guilty of asking myself 'why' when one of the coaches called a certain play on offense or switched into a certain defense or called for a long-shot special teams play.

And as I have found out from having a kid that 'strapped it on' every Sat AM in JFL for 6 years and every friday night for 4 years and every saturday this year, I needed to just sit down and be quiet, because what we see from Row T Seat 101 is not always what was supposed to happen.

Whenever I would question him about calls after the game, on most occasions he would tell me that "it would have worked dad, if________", and fill in the blanks with (RB would have picked up the blitzing LB like he was supposed to, or if the DB would have stayed with his man and not "thought" it was supposed to zone coverage, or if the kicker would have hit more of the top half of the ball and got it to squib into of just dribble straight to the other guy, etc etc etc) I do underline the word "most" because every once in a great while he would AGREE with me as to 'why' a play was called, BUT NOT TOO OFTEN.

Point being, a coach can only call the play, the 11 on the field must run it. One missed block,assignment etc. can make the "perfect' play call a flop. Now that is not to say that all coaches make the perfect call every time, but I dare say that more often than not it is a better 'play call' than we could have made from our seat in the stands.

I also want to say to those who have been bashing our coaching staff, need to only look about 10 miles down the road to LLoyd and see what happens when parents/fans get involved and try to 'run' the football team/program.

I am not saying that every coach on our staff is the 'best' in this region for the job/assignment they coach, but I wouldn't trade their love, pride and passion for the maroon/gold that they show and try to instill into the boys that pass through those locker rooms every year.

(Side note: To the football program in LLoyd, I wish you good luck in finding your next head coach. Being an alum from days gone by and being in the stands when those glory teams of the 70's and 80's were playing by Coach Trent's rules only. I hope that your next choice is one that like him in that way and they rebuild a proud tradition to the Green/Black and Gold. I will always cheer you on for every game but the 1st one each year) - Again Good Luck
People that criticize Russell's offense kill me. Yes it is simple to learn. But it is not an easy offense to run well. Yes its predictable but the deception is based on execution not misdirection or formation.

If it is run correctly and EVERYBODY does their job it is a very good offense. It is not flashy though. Never will be. You have to have athletic linemen and backs that can read their blocks and then hit the hole hard. Take what yards you can get. If anyone is looking for the big play the offense will not be as effective. Stay with the plan and the big plays will happen.

If everybody this past year would have just done their jobs instead of worrying about the plays that were or were not callled, it would have been a much more productive year for everybody.
If colleges truly want a kid they will get info to the kid. Some coaches may not want to recommend a kid who has a bad attitude and will make the school and coaches look bad if they reccomend them.
While a mandatory program may be the solution your seniors need to be leaders who show up EVERY day the weight room is open not just when it is convenient. This year's team had a group of seniors, for the most part, who just showed up when it was convenient. Then you have them complaining and their families griping about the coaches. Maybe they should look in the mirror.

DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:Waiting to exhale,,,,,,,,,,,,, WOW what words are hear for all to read,, different points of view,, different aspects of the game....And from what I have read maybe different schools altogether....... I find it funny and sad that the posts on here about kids are thought to be grond in stone.....
I agree with FBALL about JOSH GROSS,, speed, cut-ability, vision and having his head in the game. No trash talking, no taking plays off, no EGO... I hardly ever heard the kid say a word.. And when he did it was a "Thank You Sir" type of response.
Now we can sit an argue all day who was the best, by stats, by personal reflection or by some kind of computer program....
The comparison for most RB at Russell is like apples and oranges, look at Clark and Gross, totally different. Both good , very good backs...but different.. John Groves in the early 80's is another, Tim Hammonds after him, the list could continue and preceed this list....
The fact of the matter is this, until the fan base changes and we are cheering for our team,, instead of thefans complaining about the coaches......
You know,, you try to get out there and give what they do, all the time, listening to parents run their mouth,, being disrespected by kids to your face on the field.
Ya know - I dont care if I ever played football EVER, and I was a coach and had a kid talk to me like some of these kids did these coaches this year,,,, There would be more to talk about on the sidelines.
HEADCASES and bad attitudes are a CANCER that spreads in the system, and pretty soon it affects even the people in the stands that pay money to come watch a game they love.........
I run my mouth and cheer louder than most during games, but I have to tell you...My number one fan status decreased this year after I listened to kids onthis team talk to one another and listened in person to kids comments about football. How much they know about football, how much they know better than the coaches... Like I said these comments come from 16,17 and 18 year old kids....... Let me tell you, the coaching staff at Russell have more time on the commode than any of you guys on a football field... The point being is this....until you are there in their shoes your point of view remain how you FEEL it should be... You deal with these types of attitiude everyday, you tend to grow very cold...

I have taken the attitude of not saying anything to coaches anymore knowing how much CRAP they have to deal with. ,,,,, They run the show and it is their call, if they could not do it, then they would not be in the position allowed them....... As I sit and write these words down I can hear my inner voice telling me what I have done in the past, things I have said,,,,,,
And My head is clear now......Man people can be so stupid and especially if they put in writing on a forum for all to read........

I wish the fans of Russell football the best in the future and support your coaches, right or wrong,, it is their job not ours to coach. They should be rewarded for their time and efforts with these kids,........... Like it or not, thats the way it is.......\man this Has been good for Psychee'...........

I agree with you 100%. I along with many others know right where the cancer started this year. That individual has been a problem for some time now. When I played way back in the 60's and 70's the players cut the cancer out. Now on a team with no leadership on the field it is hard to make this happen. No one wants to step up and confront the cancer. When you do have student leadership and I will us Jones as an example just his presense keeps the idiots in cheak. I support the Russell coaches and feel they do a great job. I do although feel they may have dropped the ball on this one. Had they cut that cancer from the team early on when it was apparent that he was doing more harm than good, I think things would have been better. It did not happen and it is what it is. We all make mistakes. I have faith in the coach and feel that lessons have been learned from this problem and we will not see this as an issue in 2009.

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