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Hinder playing November 10th at East Kentucky Expo
Well I broke down and bought a couple today so I could treat myself to a birthday present. I got lower level in the seats, not much of a fan for the festival seating on the floor. I just really like Papa Roach and am anxious to see 12 Stones.
Braves_Fan_26 Wrote:I am like alot of other people on here, I cant stand Hinder but I do like Papa Roach and 12 Stones seems to be a pretty good band as well. I bought Papa Roach's first album when it came out and loved it, it was awesome. I have heard a few songs by 12 Stones and they seem ok, but as for Hinder, if they are the last ones to play as im guessing they will be, It will be amazing if I stay to see them. If it wasnt Papa Roach and 12 Stones being scheduled with them I wouldnt even waste money on the show. I like more hard rock sounding bands like when Godsmack was there with Soil and the ever so bad Crossfade. Godsmack was awesome as expected as was Soil, but you couldnt give me free tickets to a Crossfade show after I saw them that night.

THANK YOU!!! I am so thankful that others thought the same of that pitiful showing by CrossSUCK!
Yeah the Godsmack performance was awesome as expected and Soil leading off more than made up for Crossfades pitiful act. I am a huge fan of Godsmack, actually they are my favorite band, and Soil made me a fan of them that night as well. I had listened to them before but only a couple songs, after that night though I have listened to them alot more and bought some of their stuff. I will never get anything by crossfade though, ever. They were absolutely horrible. I still dont know yet though if I want to go to this show with Hinder, Papa Roach and 12 Stones. Like I said before, I really like Papa Roach alot, and 12 Stones seems like a pretty good band as well, but I just dont know that Hinder is worth the time or money spent. I know they will probably be the last ones to go on, so maybe I can get out of there before they do, but if they were to play before Papa Roach then I dont know if I could sit through Hinder to see P. Roach. Just doesnt seem worth it to me.
Just can't justify paying money to see a show and leaving before the main attraction. If anyone goes to this concert, I hope you enjoy it!

Meanwhile, I'll be in Huntington on Nov. 2 to see Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, and Seether! This show should absolutely rock!!! :rockon:

yeah its Hinder, papa Roach and 12 stones. Buckcherry was with them at Xfest in Huntington and it was an awesome show.
A funny observation I have made, and I don't mean to offend anyone on BGR who likes Hinder, but has anyone been listening to the local radio stations and these contests where they are giving away tickets to the concert? It seems like every time they announce the daily winner of a pair of tickets, that the call-in winner is always a female. Has anyone else noticed this?

Just thought it was kinda odd...

I also hate Hinder...I just want to see Papa Roach...I'm thinking about selling my ticket because I don't know if I really want to go or not...

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