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Question for UK fans
I'm in agreement with the Mike Leach sentiment
I just seen on the news (Lex 18) that the coaches are trying to save the season and their jobs
I agree that Joker is a nice guy but we had a nice guy (Tubby Smith) and he didn't stay either. I do think that Joker should be given at least one more year as I think 2 years just isn't enough to evaluate someone or their system.

As far as a new coach (which appears to be coming unless Joker reaches a Bowl Game next year) would need to be someone from Division IAA (I know it isn't called that anymore) who wants to coach in the SEC. Not sure you could get an established coach to come here. Or, not sure you could get UK to pay that coach to come here.

Also, someone commented on the facilities. They have two practice facilities, and the nutter field house with it's weight room, training room, and outside practice field seems to be first class so I am not sure that is what keeps recruits away. However, that is just my opinion.
If kentucky goes after a new coach it would have to be an unknown. Or another old guy like brooks.
honestjchsfan Wrote:Man, I know you got more class then to call the UK football fans "terrible"! It cost a lot of money for a fan to attend a UK football game! UK is in the TOP 25 in the nation in attendance almost every year all the UK fans want is a decent team maybe a top 25 team in return. Joker may be a decent coach but the team he has put on the the field this year has looked like really bad. Lots of UK fans saw this season coming, it started last season when Joker named Hartline the starter. It was not that Hartline was a bad QB it was that he was a SR and could do nothing for UK's future. UK fans had heard Joker brag and rave about his two 4 Star QB's and how talented they were. We all remember it was a 3 way battle for the QB job last season. It was not hard for anyone to see that UK was losing 99% of its play makers and that the 2011 season was going to feature a GREEN QB, and complete SET of GREEN skill players. Newton had won some big SEC games. Hartline ends up throwing Joker under the bus for the bowl game! Joker doesn't give Moss a chance in the bowl game and now JOKER is left with just Newton and he can't get it done. If he dumps Hartline last season plays Newton and Moss he comes into this year with 2 QB's who have played! Joker has not even been smart enough to find another Wildcat QB to replace Cobb. How important was Cobb running the Wildcat to UK football??? That is just another example of how bad a coach Joker really is. Look at the product on the field! Do you really see them winning more that one more game??? :HitWall:

Im sorry for saying the fans are terrible its not the ones that attend games that I meant. It is the simple fact that our fanbase is so willing to throw Joker phillips aside like trash without a chance after 23 years of dedication to this school. And Two years is not a decent chance in any corner of football. You have to give a new coach three years at the very least to see what he is made of. And usually they get four solid years to get their players in the system. Right now joker has us loaded in the freshman and sophomore classes, they just don't have the experiance yet. These are growing pains that any team in this situation would have. Under any coach.
judgementday Wrote:I agree that Joker is a nice guy but we had a nice guy (Tubby Smith) and he didn't stay either. I do think that Joker should be given at least one more year as I think 2 years just isn't enough to evaluate someone or their system.

As far as a new coach (which appears to be coming unless Joker reaches a Bowl Game next year) would need to be someone from Division IAA (I know it isn't called that anymore) who wants to coach in the SEC. Not sure you could get an established coach to come here. Or, not sure you could get UK to pay that coach to come here.

Also, someone commented on the facilities. They have two practice facilities, and the nutter field house with it's weight room, training room, and outside practice field seems to be first class so I am not sure that is what keeps recruits away. However, that is just my opinion.

What we have is nice....... For Kentucky. But compare commonwealth to what the schools we have to recruit against have and you'll see my point. The Nutter facility is top notch but nothing else we have is.
i hope so too. Rich brooks was starting to bring the program back to the promise lands and then this guy comes in a is taking it right back down. i HATE Joker Philips. he couldn't coach the pee wee green bay packers team to a county championship he sucks so bad. Worst play caller i have ever seen in my life! He really is a joke..
Quote:I agree that Joker is a nice guy but we had a nice guy (Tubby Smith) and he didn't stay either. I do think that Joker should be given at least one more year as I think 2 years just isn't enough to evaluate someone or their system.

As far as a new coach (which appears to be coming unless Joker reaches a Bowl Game next year) would need to be someone from Division IAA (I know it isn't called that anymore) who wants to coach in the SEC. Not sure you could get an established coach to come here. Or, not sure you could get UK to pay that coach to come here.

Also, someone commented on the facilities. They have two practice facilities, and the nutter field house with it's weight room, training room, and outside practice field seems to be first class so I am not sure that is what keeps recruits away. However, that is just my opinion.

Their facility is pretty decent but before coach brooks left he wanted more, so he could lure better, more talented recruits in. UK didn't approve so rich got tired of it and stepped down. compare their facilities to other schools like Florida, ect. teams who actually compete at a higher level. If UK could bring in a well known good coach that loves to win games then regardless of their facilities they shouldn't have any problems bringing top talent to Kentucky. Nobody wants to play for a joke though.
Quote:Im sorry for saying the fans are terrible its not the ones that attend games that I meant. It is the simple fact that our fanbase is so willing to throw Joker phillips aside like trash without a chance after 23 years of dedication to this school. And Two years is not a decent chance in any corner of football. You have to give a new coach three years at the very least to see what he is made of. And usually they get four solid years to get their players in the system. Right now joker has us loaded in the freshman and sophomore classes, they just don't have the experiance yet. These are growing pains that any team in this situation would have. Under any coach.

yeah i just love how his new freshman receiving core can't catch a ball. Way to be loaded is these guys cant catch.
Please keep in mind of what we lost. Cobb, Hartline, Mathews, and Locke. Any team with that loosing that much, and the program that we have will have a hard time getting a decent record the next year. I give him one more year, and I will be looking now, and remember that we still have a few more games to go. I do agree that if Bookie Cobbins wants to play now, let him use the wildcat in short yardage and in the redzone. No one knew how good Cobb was until we was playing a non conference team. They put him in there and the rest is history. I say let him play. One red shirt lost isn't going to make that much difference.
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PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Im sorry for saying the fans are terrible its not the ones that attend games that I meant. It is the simple fact that our fanbase is so willing to throw Joker phillips aside like trash without a chance after 23 years of dedication to this school. And Two years is not a decent chance in any corner of football. You have to give a new coach three years at the very least to see what he is made of. And usually they get four solid years to get their players in the system. Right now joker has us loaded in the freshman and sophomore classes, they just don't have the experiance yet. These are growing pains that any team in this situation would have. Under any coach.
It's great that you are loyal to the coach of your team, but your not looking at the body of Joker's work. Go back to the Auburn game that UK won at Auburn a couple of years ago, UK's O-line knocked Auburn off the ball and committed ZERO penalities and took the game over in the 4th period. That unit led the SEC in fewest sacks allowed, they were coached by Jimmy Heggins who was Bobby Bowdens O-line coach. What did Joker do????? He fired Heggins :HitWall: Now Jokers line can't block WKU. Take a look at the WR & TE postions which were always Strong postion under Brooks. I can name a list of guys who played under Brooks at either WR or TE that are playing in the NFL now they couldn't catch the clap is a Russia whore house:HitWall:. That's a sure sign of poor coaching! Another thing you are forgetting is that Joker didn't change the system at UK he had recruited most of the player UK has now. He had a losing season last year and he is looking at 3-9 this season. Two years were plently enough to find out this guy can't do the job in the SEC! Brooks took over a program that was on probation. Joker took over a program that had went to 4 bowl games in a row. I honestly think if someone else had been calling the plays for Brooks he would have beat UT and SC. I will never forget SS telling the press how glad he was the UK didn't give Cobb the ball on that 2-point try. We all remember Cobb moving UK down the field vs UT and the JOKE decides he is going to trick them and puts the game in the hands of a true Freshmen QB! Ever wonder why Cobb made the jump to NFL with the lockout looming? WHEN THE SHIP IS SINKING TIME TO JUMP OFF!!!!!!
comeback_kidxXx Wrote:i hope so too. Rich brooks was starting to bring the program back to the promise lands and then this guy comes in a is taking it right back down.

i do remember a few years ago (i think 2005) when everyone and their sister wanted Rich Brooks fired because UK had 3 straight losing seasons.
toussaints Wrote:i do remember a few years ago (i think 2005) when everyone and their sister wanted Rich Brooks fired because UK had 3 straight losing seasons.

Our fans have a short memory. They don't realise how hard it is for a coach to actually win at kentucky.
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:But UK is in the SEC!!!! That should get a boatload of recruits to play vs Florida, Alabama, Georgia, LSU, SCar, et al.

This is where you're wrong. The elite recruits don't want to come to the SEC and play AGAINST Florida, Alabama, LSU, etc. They want to come to the SEC to play FOR those teams. Big difference.

I don't think being in the SEC helps recruiting much at all. I know sometimes you hear recruits say that, but I don't believe that's actually why they are interested in Kentucky in the first place.

In the end, recruits have a choice between going to a school where FOOTBALL is king, vs. going to a school where BASKETBALL is king. The reason why UK will never be able to be a major player in the SEC, is the same reason why schools like LSU and Alabama will never be able to sustain any kind of long-term success in basketball either.

toussaints Wrote:i do remember a few years ago (i think 2005) when everyone and their sister wanted Rich Brooks fired because UK had 3 straight losing seasons.

Thats the problem though.
We had decent seasons, 7-5 and so on, but my point is how many SEC championships or SEC east titles did we bring home? None.
How many times did we beat beat Tenn or Florida? None.
I think UK fans are finally getting tired of the "hes gonna turn it around" or the "were on the right path" when we every other year were losing to 90% of the SEC teams we play.
Its about recruiting and competeing and UK hasnt had a football coach there that can do that.

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