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Hatfield-McCoy Bowl
the game was 30 to 12.
Who won?
The WV side won easy.

The score was 30-6 when I left with 5 minutes to go in the 4th quarter. The WV side was much bigger and more athletic than they KY team.

I was disappointed with the KY boys because I have seen them play better than that with their respected teams. The KY boys did have a disadvantage with being somewhat smaller, but I thought they could have gave a little better effort. Charlie Banks tried to do all he could and Allen Craynon gave a good effort as well. The rest I thought could have done a little better.
Best All-Star football game in the country. I am an alumni of the game played in '63 in old Kiwanii's bowl out of Whitesburg High we lost 6-0 on a fluke play! It should have been a 0-0 Tie! Have been trying all these years trying to figure out why Ky can't beat WVa even when they have superior talent? Is it the Supernatural?
I was told that the WV team had been practicing for about three weeks. It took the KY team a week just to get everyone out.
OldTymer Wrote:I was told that the WV team had been practicing for about three weeks. It took the KY team a week just to get everyone out.


Many KY players turned the opportunity down. The Phelps coaching staff had a hard time getting players to come out.
I went to this game. And this was the first one that I have ever attended. And I was very surprised. It was a very exciting atmosphere. There was Cheerleaders and there was also a Homecoming at Half-Time. It felt like I was at a regular ole' football game on a Friday Night. And I had a great time.
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Someone misinformed you about that. Both teams always start at the same time. Each one has one week of practice to get ready for this game. This years game was of the best all around game played by both teams. Both had great sportsmanship and played the game hard.

OldTymer Wrote:I was told that the WV team had been practicing for about three weeks. It took the KY team a week just to get everyone out.
Glad you enjoyed the game. This game has a better attendance than the North-South game that is played in Charleston, WV every year for the best seniors in the state. If you don't mind me asking where are you from?

MisterPerfect Wrote:I went to this game. And this was the first one that I have ever attended. And I was very surprised. It was a very exciting atmosphere. There was Cheerleaders and there was also a Homecoming at Half-Time. It felt like I was at a regular ole' football game on a Friday Night. And I had a great time.
ib4mtigers Wrote:Someone misinformed you about that. Both teams always start at the same time. Each one has one week of practice to get ready for this game. This years game was of the best all around game played by both teams. Both had great sportsmanship and played the game hard.

I'm not going to disagree with you about the practice time for each squad but I do know that KY did have a hard time getting players. The boys (and this is fact out of one kids mouth) are tired of getting a few days of practice and having to compete with a vast area WV gets compared to the small area they are allowed to chose from. I do know that not ALL names of available graduated players were given to KY coach as I myself provided a few extra to see if they had been mentioned. Ivan came out at the last minute and only got 1 practice maybe??? 2. With that being said, I do think this years game was called much better than other years I have witnessed. Always before it has been so lopsided that it was a total joke! Not being mean just stating the fact! LOL...... I wish they would move it to a "neutral" location as basically to me the crowd was WAY down to what I have seen it before... I remember when the people would be parked back near the old Dr. office/playground area and heck, when we got there, (about 5 minutes before gametime) we pulled right up to the side of the school and parked with ease. I hope this game/event continues to thrive as it helps the area children who attend Matewan High School with the funding of some of the athletics I do believe. I just wish that some of the pick and choose would be done differently! Kudo's on a much better called game once again though!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Too hard to get information about the Hatfield-McCoy game ever year have to practically beg for information, especially rosters. It's the best All-Star game going!
WV doesn't have a vast area to choose from the Counties represented were Mingo,Logan,Wayne and Boone. As far as Ivan only having a couple of practices that was his fault for not showing up earlier.Both teams have the exact same time to practice every year it is 1 week. Also as for the crowd it wasn't down this year if anything it was up a little from last year. Why move it to a neutral field??? The game set idle for a few years after the Kwianis let it go and Matewan was fortunate enough to pick it up and run with it. How do you suggest they pick the players any better? It is up to the coach who is coaching that year.

phs1986 Wrote:I'm not going to disagree with you about the practice time for each squad but I do know that KY did have a hard time getting players. The boys (and this is fact out of one kids mouth) are tired of getting a few days of practice and having to compete with a vast area WV gets compared to the small area they are allowed to chose from. I do know that not ALL names of available graduated players were given to KY coach as I myself provided a few extra to see if they had been mentioned. Ivan came out at the last minute and only got 1 practice maybe??? 2. With that being said, I do think this years game was called much better than other years I have witnessed. Always before it has been so lopsided that it was a total joke! Not being mean just stating the fact! LOL...... I wish they would move it to a "neutral" location as basically to me the crowd was WAY down to what I have seen it before... I remember when the people would be parked back near the old Dr. office/playground area and heck, when we got there, (about 5 minutes before gametime) we pulled right up to the side of the school and parked with ease. I hope this game/event continues to thrive as it helps the area children who attend Matewan High School with the funding of some of the athletics I do believe. I just wish that some of the pick and choose would be done differently! Kudo's on a much better called game once again though!!
ib4mtigers Wrote:Someone misinformed you about that. Both teams always start at the same time. Each one has one week of practice to get ready for this game. This years game was of the best all around game played by both teams. Both had great sportsmanship and played the game hard.

Thank you, ib4mtigers. And I'm from down here in Eastern Kentucky.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
ib4mtigers Wrote:WV doesn't have a vast area to choose from the Counties represented were Mingo,Logan,Wayne and Boone. As far as Ivan only having a couple of practices that was his fault for not showing up earlier.Both teams have the exact same time to practice every year it is 1 week. Also as for the crowd it wasn't down this year if anything it was up a little from last year. Why move it to a neutral field??? The game set idle for a few years after the Kwianis let it go and Matewan was fortunate enough to pick it up and run with it. How do you suggest they pick the players any better? It is up to the coach who is coaching that year.

Not doubting you but from what I've been told that some of the players come from a little farther off..... maybe not this year, but they have in previous years. As far as Ivan goes, I personally gave the KY coach the number to get in touch with him. He had called and left messages and ME.. I, gave him Ivan's cell number and in turn, Ivan played.

As far as a neutral field, I think if maybe it were to be held somewhere else for a couple of years that there might be some more gained interest in participating by the boys. Too many different rumors running around and a lot of the young men believe everything they hear.

Your correct that Matewan was fortunate to pick up the game and rename it Hatfield/McCoy. The Kwianis Senior bowl was always something to consider an "honor" to get to play in yet, with this game (H/Mc) the boys feel more like it's a chore?? Have they lost interest? There is just something not right with it! Too many young men have the talent to get out there and have a good time and enjoy themselves for one last time if they are not attending school to play on scholarship. I just wish it would go back to the way it used to be with unreal attendance, kids lining up to be able to get on the field, and a great rapport with everyone on the field... EVERYONE!!! Smile

OH... as for the attendance, I was commenting on what the attendance was when I came in. Yes, the crowd got bigger as the night wore on BUT I have seen a much larger crowd at the Tiger Den!!

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