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Prestonsburg 26 Breathitt Co. 25
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Channing Fugate had over 200 yards rushing, averaged 10+ yards a carry, 2 interceptions, and like 3 total touchdowns.

He is a division 1 player and played like it.

He has been compared to Jeremy Caudill by many. Alot of ability. Just no work ethic and soft. For him to be this hyped up and come in out of shape AGAIN is not a good sign. On the other hand Jeremy had a good football career. I would like him to represent the mountains and have a good career at tennessee.
Matman Wrote:He has been compared to Jeremy Caudill by many. Alot of ability. Just no work ethic and soft. For him to be this hyped up and come in out of shape AGAIN is not a good sign. On the other hand Jeremy had a good football career. I would like him to represent the mountains and have a good career at tennessee.

I've heard from many people that Channing has an asthma problem. People that have asthma and allergies are being effected the most this time of the year. The current weather is causing allergies to act up and that triggers asthma for people that have both asthma and allergy problems. I'm guessing that is what's effecting Channing's fatigue over the last couple of games. If Fugate does have asthma like some people have been saying, he should be good to go as the season goes along and the weather continues to get cooler.
Wow, Prestonsburg is much better than I thought. I have been called negative and all the above since the Blackcats have pulled out two big wins to start the season. Keep it up Blackcats.
Ky313 Wrote:Breathitt is for reel. Dont let these series of unfortunate events give you the wrong idea about the bobcats. They are not down at all, lost 2 games to 2 good teams. Not as good as breathitt, jus things didnt go their way. Look for breathitt not to lose again this season.

I don't know if I read this right or not but correct me if I am wrong. I really don't know how 2 teams beat 1 team and get no respect. The game was played on the field and breathitt didn't win against Sheldon Clark or Prestonsburg and you still say neither one of them are as good as Breathitt. Proof is in the pooding and the pooding seems to favor the other 2 teams. Yeah we all like the team that we root for better then others but give credit where credit is do. and for this year you have to say that in the head to head match-ups Breathitt is on the loosing end.
Sounds like this was a heck of a game!
outdoorsman43 Wrote:I've heard from many people that Channing has an asthma problem. People that have asthma and allergies are being effected the most this time of the year. The current weather is causing allergies to act up and that triggers asthma for people that have both asthma and allergy problems. I'm guessing that is what's effecting Channing's fatigue over the last couple of games. If Fugate does have asthma like some people have been saying, he should be good to go as the season goes along and the weather continues to get cooler.

I don't know if I buy that or not. Fugate was just simply tired. I seen the game a couple of times and am starting to second guess how he will fair at the University of Tennessee. He is one of the finer high school football players we have ever had here in the Mountains, but if he is this out of shape playing teams like Prestonsburg and Sheldon Clark then he will have trouble at a big D-1 school like UT. Besides, I haven't read of any Breathitt County fans backing this statement up or confirming that Fugate is indeed an asthmatic.

Does anyone have any real information about this?
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:I don't know if I buy that or not. Fugate was just simply tired. I seen the game a couple of times and am starting to second guess how he will fair at the University of Tennessee. He is one of the finer high school football players we have ever had here in the Mountains, but if he is this out of shape playing teams like Prestonsburg and Sheldon Clark then he will have trouble at a big D-1 school like UT. Besides, I haven't read of any Breathitt County fans backing this statement up or confirming that Fugate is indeed an asthmatic.

Does anyone have any real information about this?

He does.
the 1 the only Wrote:and lost

What's your point?
i think pburg is gonna have a great season this year. i went tho the brethitt county game and after pburg charged the field i overheard someone off sports overtime saying "the reason you are seeing all of this is because fugate has a sinus infection". the man ran for over 200 yards. it takes more than one player to win a football game.
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:I don't know if I buy that or not. Fugate was just simply tired. I seen the game a couple of times and am starting to second guess how he will fair at the University of Tennessee. He is one of the finer high school football players we have ever had here in the Mountains, but if he is this out of shape playing teams like Prestonsburg and Sheldon Clark then he will have trouble at a big D-1 school like UT. Besides, I haven't read of any Breathitt County fans backing this statement up or confirming that Fugate is indeed an asthmatic.

Does anyone have any real information about this?
yes channing has asthma. and i think it was something like this that coach Holcomb said. Sheldon Clark didnt beat Breathitt. Breathitt beat there self. as for prestonburg offense being un stoppable i highly doubt. breathitt has atleast 3 starter's on defense injured right now. one being ben allex. most know him as #77 he is a beast on the defensive side of the ball. he should be back friday. darrell deaton as far as i know is out for the season as for kody pritchard.
bobcatlunatik Wrote:yes channing has asthma. and i think it was something like this that coach Holcomb said. Sheldon Clark didnt beat Breathitt. Breathitt beat there self. as for prestonburg offense being un stoppable i highly doubt. breathitt has atleast 3 starter's on defense injured right now. one being ben allex. most know him as #77 he is a beast on the defensive side of the ball. he should be back friday. darrell deaton as far as i know is out for the season as for kody pritchard.
:eyeroll: Always an excuse. And Prestonsburg lost their entire team last year to graduation and only have 28 total players, the majority of which play on both sides of the football. You don't hear any excuses on our side though.
It was a fun game to watch
BCF4L Wrote::eyeroll: Always an excuse. And Prestonsburg lost their entire team last year to graduation and only have 28 total players, the majority of which play on both sides of the football. You don't hear any excuses on our side though.

No excuses, we simply were beat by a team that wanted it more. We didn't get beat based on talent because we are far more talented but we didn't have the heart P-burg had on friday and that is why we are 1-2.
Cat Daddy Wrote:No excuses, we simply were beat by a team that wanted it more. We didn't get beat based on talent because we are far more talented but we didn't have the heart P-burg had on friday and that is why we are 1-2.

Outside of Channing Fugate, Michael Burchett was the best player on the field. Jade Haddix is better than every other Prestonsburg IMO. Austin McKinney is up there as well for Pburg.

Breathitt County did have the line advantage, but Prestonsburg also got into the backfield just couldn't wrap Fugate up. Too many attempts at arm tackles. I do believe that Prestonsburg & Breathitt where equal athletically. Size advantage does go to Breathitt County. But saying that Breathitt County is far more talented is just crazy.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Outside of Channing Fugate, Michael Burchett was the best player on the field. Jade Haddix is better than every other Prestonsburg IMO. Austin McKinney is up there as well for Pburg.

Breathitt County did have the line advantage, but Prestonsburg also got into the backfield just couldn't wrap Fugate up. Too many attempts at arm tackles. I do believe that Prestonsburg & Breathitt where equal athletically. Size advantage does go to Breathitt County. But saying that Breathitt County is far more talented is just crazy.
Exactly. Fugate wouldn't have had nearly as many yards had Prestonsburg gone for his waist and below for a tackle. Too many times were they trying to hit him high, and with a power back like Fugate, he will just spin out of it. One play he spun at least 6 times breaking tackles with each spin. Had P-burg just wrapped up his ankles, they'd brought him down. They didn't have problems getting into the backfield, they just had problems bring Fugate down.
Channing played like Channing suppose too against a very Good P'burg team,this game didnt hurt me nearly as bad as the SC loss,Why because we are a much better team than the Cardinals,Now P'burg is a much improved team and always play Bobcats tough,Bobcats didnt/couldnt get to their Qb which made him much better,and his reciever caught the ball and we all know P'burg is a good team,and has a good coach and he seems to have the Bobcats #,we (Bobcats) have to step up and help each other and get in better shape to play 4 Qters of football,our team has very few in #'s and loosing 4 starters didnt help against a very Good P'burg team.Now taking nothing from these two losses but it should make Bobcats better because we are not playing as good without the services of DaKota Ritchie,Big Ben Alex,Darrell Deaton,and running back Cody Prichert not many mountian teams will win with 4 starters out but to the Breathitt Bobcat Fans it dont matter we still think we can beat anyone we play but it dont always happen.Congrats to Blackcats they played well!!
Fugate looked like it was going to be his type of nite and he played up to Par for sure,his spinning and breakin tackles made him look like the Big Horse he really is,dont think anyone that paid to see him(Channing Fugate) tonite was disappointed and if you are a fan of High School football you gotta see two good teams play only thing that could have been better was Bobcats win the "Honey Bowl Game"!!But it didnt happen tonite more wins will be coming as others get healthy!!!Go Bobcats!!
no excuses from me. p'burg won and deserved the win. they fought even when they was down 25-7. miles and miles of heart that is what they played with. i was jus simply stating that someone said p'burg offense cant be stopped and i put if we had our healthy team they would have been lucky to score. but they win because they play with heart congrats to p'burg but i do say breathitt has a huge advantage over them size wise and talent
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Outside of Channing Fugate, Michael Burchett was the best player on the field. Jade Haddix is better than every other Prestonsburg IMO. Austin McKinney is up there as well for Pburg.

Breathitt County did have the line advantage, but Prestonsburg also got into the backfield just couldn't wrap Fugate up. Too many attempts at arm tackles. I do believe that Prestonsburg & Breathitt where equal athletically. Size advantage does go to Breathitt County. But saying that Breathitt County is far more talented is just crazy.

As I have said before Prestonsburg beat Breathitt and I am not making excuses. Prestonsburg outplayed Breathitt and nothing more can be said about the game. I simply said that Breathitt is more talented and if you didn't see that you are just biased. Breathitt is faster, stronger, and more athletic than Prestonsburg. Prestonsburg is a better conditioned team and they played with more heart. Prestonsburg is a better coached team as well. When Central beat Breathitt last year I admitted they were a better team and if Breathitt would have won I would have said the same thing. Lesser talented teams beat teams with more talent and this is why it is called an upset.
Cat Daddy Wrote:As I have said before Prestonsburg beat Breathitt and I am not making excuses. Prestonsburg outplayed Breathitt and nothing more can be said about the game. I simply said that Breathitt is more talented and if you didn't see that you are just biased. Breathitt is faster, stronger, and more athletic than Prestonsburg. Prestonsburg is a better conditioned team and they played with more heart. Prestonsburg is a better coached team as well. When Central beat Breathitt last year I admitted they were a better team and if Breathitt would have won I would have said the same thing. Lesser talented teams beat teams with more talent and this is why it is called an upset.

I never said anything about anyone making excuses. BCF4L did.

But if you want to call me biased, I can call you the same after you saying that Breathitt is faster, stronger, and more athletic. Also, how was this an upset? Prestonsburg was ranked higher in the mountain top 10 and had nearly as many votes to win as Breathitt did in the prediction thread.

I'm not meaning to come off as a smart alec, because I'm not. Just a simple football debate.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I never said anything about anyone making excuses. BCF4L did.

But if you want to call me biased, I can call you the same after you saying that Breathitt is faster, stronger, and more athletic. Also, how was this an upset? Prestonsburg was ranked higher in the mountain top 10 and had nearly as many votes to win as Breathitt did in the prediction thread.

I'm not meaning to come off as a smart alec, because I'm not. Just a simple football debate.

Well, we are both not going to change eachother's minds about the talent level of both teams so lets just leave it at that.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I never said anything about anyone making excuses. BCF4L did.

But if you want to call me biased, I can call you the same after you saying that Breathitt is faster, stronger, and more athletic. Also, how was this an upset? Prestonsburg was ranked higher in the mountain top 10 and had nearly as many votes to win as Breathitt did in the prediction thread.

I'm not meaning to come off as a smart alec, because I'm not. Just a simple football debate.

II will definately buy Breathitt as the stronger team, and would even possibly concede the athletic part if the proper arguement was brought forth, but there is no way in Hades that Breathitt is faster than Pburg. Also what Pburg loses in strength, size, and athleticism I think they make up in versatility, balance, and execution over the Bobcats.
I will agree that Breathitt Bobcats will be a better team from having played SC and P'burg now if they would have won all Bobcat fans would be happier,but by us loosing it makes us more weary and unstable about our team but we always expect our team to be the best when the pigskin is kicked off and maybe we wasnt the best team tonight but we as Bobcat Fans think so,and thats reason we hurt when we loose!!Go Bobcats!!
EKUAlum05 Wrote:II will definately buy Breathitt as the stronger team, and would even possibly concede the athletic part if the proper arguement was brought forth, but there is no way in Hades that Breathitt is faster than Pburg. Also what Pburg loses in strength, size, and athleticism I think they make up in versatility, balance, and execution over the Bobcats.

I will go along with this with the following caveat: Prestonsburg had no one on the entire team as fast as Fugate or Haddix. However, in OVERALL team speed and quickness, I think Prestonsburg had the advantage.

It was a great game. Both teams had plenty of opportunities to win. In the end, I think it was a combination of 3 things that led to the Prestonsburg win:

(1) Heart and desire of the Blackcats. This group could have quit when it was 25-7, but they did not. The current Blackcat team has more grit than any in recent memory.

(2) Prestonsburg, even though short in numbers and having the majority of their players play both ways, was obviously in better condition.

(3) Holcomb got outcoached (again). I know this sounds odd, but Coach Allen calling the plays from the press box executed a masterful second half. I respect Holcomb, and he is a Hall of Fame coach for sure, but this is the second year in a row when Breathitt has played Prestonsburg that his play calling has left me scratching my head. He had last year's game won if he had not kept trying to throw a screen pass to Fugate in the flats on the short side of the field. This year, with Fugate obviously tiring, it was almost like he forgot there were other playmakers on the team. Haddix is a weapon unto himself. The Fletcher kid was impressive, if they could find ways to get him the ball more often. I think Holcomb is a great coach, and Breathitt is always tough and hard nosed, but it is almost like for the past 2 years he has frozen up against Prestonsburg in the second half.

Breathitt will be fine and will probably make it to Bowling Green this year, just like last year when everyone was writing them off early in the season.

It was a great game, and BOTH teams need to be congratulated.
There is no doubt in my mind that Breathitt was the bigger team, height, weight, and strength. But with that size, comes a slower speed. This is where I think Prestonsburg was the quicker team. P-burg is much smaller which makes them more mobile.

Now, if these two played each other 10 times, I could see each winning 5. These two teams are both fantastic teams and should make it far come playoff time. Good luck to the Bobcats.
cat86 Wrote:I will go along with this with the following caveat: Prestonsburg had no one on the entire team as fast as Fugate or Haddix. However, in OVERALL team speed and quickness, I think Prestonsburg had the advantage.

It was a great game. Both teams had plenty of opportunities to win. In the end, I think it was a combination of 3 things that led to the Prestonsburg win:

(1) Heart and desire of the Blackcats. This group could have quit when it was 25-7, but they did not. The current Blackcat team has more grit than any in recent memory.

(2) Prestonsburg, even though short in numbers and having the majority of their players play both ways, was obviously in better condition.

(3) Holcomb got outcoached (again). I know this sounds odd, but Coach Allen calling the plays from the press box executed a masterful second half. I respect Holcomb, and he is a Hall of Fame coach for sure, but this is the second year in a row when Breathitt has played Prestonsburg that his play calling has left me scratching my head. He had last year's game won if he had not kept trying to throw a screen pass to Fugate in the flats on the short side of the field. This year, with Fugate obviously tiring, it was almost like he forgot there were other playmakers on the team. Haddix is a weapon unto himself. The Fletcher kid was impressive, if they could find ways to get him the ball more often. I think Holcomb is a great coach, and Breathitt is always tough and hard nosed, but it is almost like for the past 2 years he has frozen up against Prestonsburg in the second half.

Breathitt will be fine and will probably make it to Bowling Green this year, just like last year when everyone was writing them off early in the season.

It was a great game, and BOTH teams need to be congratulated.

Couldn't agree more! :Thumbs:
cat86 Wrote:I will go along with this with the following caveat: Prestonsburg had no one on the entire team as fast as Fugate or Haddix. However, in OVERALL team speed and quickness, I think Prestonsburg had the advantage.

It was a great game. Both teams had plenty of opportunities to win. In the end, I think it was a combination of 3 things that led to the Prestonsburg win:

(1) Heart and desire of the Blackcats. This group could have quit when it was 25-7, but they did not. The current Blackcat team has more grit than any in recent memory.

(2) Prestonsburg, even though short in numbers and having the majority of their players play both ways, was obviously in better condition.

(3) Holcomb got outcoached (again). I know this sounds odd, but Coach Allen calling the plays from the press box executed a masterful second half. I respect Holcomb, and he is a Hall of Fame coach for sure, but this is the second year in a row when Breathitt has played Prestonsburg that his play calling has left me scratching my head. He had last year's game won if he had not kept trying to throw a screen pass to Fugate in the flats on the short side of the field. This year, with Fugate obviously tiring, it was almost like he forgot there were other playmakers on the team. Haddix is a weapon unto himself. The Fletcher kid was impressive, if they could find ways to get him the ball more often. I think Holcomb is a great coach, and Breathitt is always tough and hard nosed, but it is almost like for the past 2 years he has frozen up against Prestonsburg in the second half.

Breathitt will be fine and will probably make it to Bowling Green this year, just like last year when everyone was writing them off early in the season.

It was a great game, and BOTH teams need to be congratulated.

Great Post:Thumbs:
i thought this breathitt team was supposed to be the real deal...0-2 isnt a very good start...but this is how they started last year and they went to the state championship game...time will tell how good this team is
congrats p-burg....this is a really good p-burg team
POCO HISTORY #70 Wrote:i thought this breathitt team was supposed to be the real deal...0-2 isnt a very good start...but this is how they started last year and they went to the state championship game...time will tell how good this team is

Breathitt is 1-2 to start the season.
Good game for the cats they got a real good team and they can be up in the top 10 teams in the state

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