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Hazard 2009
Why can't you see the point of why you can't make exceptions. It never ends if you do, and it's unfair to all those in years past who were unable to play because of the rule.

The rule is already incredibly lenient. You can be almost 20 and still be eligible to play against 14 year olds in spring sports.
palmer Wrote:Why can't you see the point of why you can't make exceptions. It never ends if you do, and it's unfair to all those in years past who were unable to play because of the rule.

The rule is already incredibly lenient. You can be almost 20 and still be eligible to play against 14 year olds in spring sports.

yes i understand if you are that old you shouldnt be allowed to play. The kid will be turning 19 on july 26. He is no older than the kid who is being allowed to play ball at jbs who was a freshmen 5 years ago then he should be allowed to play with his senior class.
I can't see the KHSAA ruling the player you mentioned if he is 19 before Aug. 1. As far as I know, that has never happened under the current rule.
palmer Wrote:I can't see the KHSAA ruling the player you mentioned if he is 19 before Aug. 1. As far as I know, that has never happened under the current rule.

He may not be. But i am sure practice starts at the end of july during the same time his birthday is and I think if practice starts earlier than the dead-line then you should be eligible to play. That is just my opinion.
Parents would never know what the rule would be when they were deciding when to start their children in school or if they should be held back or not.

The rule must be consistent and it's been Aug. 1 for years. People like to complain about it not being fair to this individual or that individual who is close to the date, but they don't think about the thousands of other athletes around the state who should not have compete against players who are too old. It could get dangerous if you don't have limits. If you are still in high school at that age, football probably shouldn't be the top priority.
I Rule The World Wrote:Austin Blanton is ineligable for next year. I saw Hazard play JV at Leslie Co. last year, and Combs was running for his life. That's actually where he sustained his injury that kept him out for a couple of weeks.

KHSAA should let Austin Blanton play. There was a boy at whitesburg when i play was a 5 year player. If they let him play they should let Austin play, his b-day is a few days last.
I also believe that when he moved here he was forced to stay back a grade but not sure and i will find the information out about this.
I believe the dawgs will be pretty solid on defense next season but the main thing for the dawgs to work on will be offense.
Isnt allen fugate leaving?
These kids stay back mostly for one reason, to dominate in grade school. I think this is a good rule, eventually, age should matter. Kids, get through school, stop staying back.
I don't think that kids just stay back because of grade school domination. I think that it will benefit them there, but also in high school too. I've heard a lot of people complain about kids staying back, in the end it's up to the parents. I think it does help, especially with the boys, it lets them mature more and grow up before they eventually leave home. It also allows their body to develop more and be more competitive.
It is up to the parents, but if they don't protect the age rule then you have a huge and dangerous mess. You can be almost 20 years old when you graduate and still be eligible under the rule. If you are too old for the rule, there is no good excuse to still be playing. It's not fair to the students they compete against.
king360 Wrote:Isnt allen fugate leaving?

Alan Fugate is will be a 17 year old senior when he is done. I agree on the age but back to the austin blanton deal. I found out when he moved here they kept him back a grade but i do not know the reasoning. I agree with the age rule but there is no need to punish a kid anymore than what they have too. Its bad enough he doesnt even get to graduate with a class that he is suppose to been with. I could see it if he stayed back on his own but being forced or put back because of moving in just plain out wrong. I'm sure they are going to court for this and i believe in the long run he will be able to play. Its almost similar to the Chad Jackson and Dakota Euton. I can understand Dakota being eligible but Chad Jackson no. Eutons dad lost his job and found one in georgetown or whatever. But i do not know the reasoning while chad jackson left but its pretty evident though.

I also having kids held back is wrong because it knocks people who are the apporiaite age for the grade there suppose to be in. My highschool career was the same way because as a freshmen i was 14 and some of the kids that played ball with me were already 16 or turning 16. Holding kids back for sports is ridiculous but it happens and nothing can stop it.
bac2369 Wrote:Alan Fugate is will be a 17 year old senior when he is done. I agree on the age but back to the austin blanton deal. I found out when he moved here they kept him back a grade but i do not know the reasoning. I agree with the age rule but there is no need to punish a kid anymore than what they have too. Its bad enough he doesnt even get to graduate with a class that he is suppose to been with. I could see it if he stayed back on his own but being forced or put back because of moving in just plain out wrong. I'm sure they are going to court for this and i believe in the long run he will be able to play. Its almost similar to the Chad Jackson and Dakota Euton. I can understand Dakota being eligible but Chad Jackson no. Eutons dad lost his job and found one in georgetown or whatever. But i do not know the reasoning while chad jackson left but its pretty evident though.

I also having kids held back is wrong because it knocks people who are the apporiaite age for the grade there suppose to be in. My highschool career was the same way because as a freshmen i was 14 and some of the kids that played ball with me were already 16 or turning 16. Holding kids back for sports is ridiculous but it happens and nothing can stop it.

Idk how all this got brought up from my question..lol..but i just heard that Allen would be moving to lexington to play for LCA so he could Workout with UK..anyone know..and i could see this happening..the kids a BEAST!!!..i played against him 2 years ago and he still ate my soul..lol
king360 Wrote:Idk how all this got brought up from my question..lol..but i just heard that Allen would be moving to lexington to play for LCA so he could Workout with UK..anyone know..and i could see this happening..the kids a BEAST!!!..i played against him 2 years ago and he still ate my soul..lol

I hope not if he does then Hazard will be hurting next year. Seems to me like LCA is wanting to ensure they chance at state next year if this is true.
I hope Fugate isn't leaving. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Ask the Meehan kid. LCA was suppose to dominate class A this year and roll into Louisville and destroy Beechwood or whoever else was playing them. Didn't happen. Also people aren't giving the bulldogs a shot this coming year, but really who knows. I think they have the very strong potential of making it to the finals again. It will take some work, but the defense that they started showing in the playoffs will be for the most part returning minus 2 middle linebackers and an end. Plus they have some good talent coming up from the middleschool who, like Z. Blanton I think will make an impact immediately.
bac2369 Wrote:I hope not if he does then Hazard will be hurting next year. Seems to me like LCA is wanting to ensure they chance at state next year if this is true.

If what i hear is true i dont think the decision would be based on playing for LCA as it will be for training with UK
king360 Wrote:If what i hear is true i dont think the decision would be based on playing for LCA as it will be for training with UK

He most defiantely has the d-1 size.
bac2369 Wrote:He most defiantely has the d-1 size.

No Doubt...he also has the speed to be so big..and hes a brute
king360 Wrote:No Doubt...he also has the speed to be so big..and hes a brute
I agree. He most defiantely needs to go to some of these national combines to get some notice.
bac2369 Wrote:Alan Fugate is will be a 17 year old senior when he is done. I agree on the age but back to the austin blanton deal. I found out when he moved here they kept him back a grade but i do not know the reasoning. I agree with the age rule but there is no need to punish a kid anymore than what they have too. Its bad enough he doesnt even get to graduate with a class that he is suppose to been with. I could see it if he stayed back on his own but being forced or put back because of moving in just plain out wrong. I'm sure they are going to court for this and i believe in the long run he will be able to play. Its almost similar to the Chad Jackson and Dakota Euton. I can understand Dakota being eligible but Chad Jackson no. Eutons dad lost his job and found one in georgetown or whatever. But i do not know the reasoning while chad jackson left but its pretty evident though.

I also having kids held back is wrong because it knocks people who are the apporiaite age for the grade there suppose to be in. My highschool career was the same way because as a freshmen i was 14 and some of the kids that played ball with me were already 16 or turning 16. Holding kids back for sports is ridiculous but it happens and nothing can stop it.

I am holding my son out a year. He is too young to even show if he will take part in athletics, but that dont matter to me. I will not allow him to graduate at 17. I feel I have the responsibility to give him every advantage I can. I want him to be more developed and ready for a world that just gets tougher every minute. As a bonus, if he does want to play, then he wont be the youngest in his class every year.
Johnny Tyler Mad Cap Wrote:I am holding my son out a year. He is too young to even show if he will take part in athletics, but that dont matter to me. I will not allow him to graduate at 17. I feel I have the responsibility to give him every advantage I can. I want him to be more developed and ready for a world that just gets tougher every minute. As a bonus, if he does want to play, then he wont be the youngest in his class every year.

But you don't want him to be the oldest in his class either. I was the oldest in my class ever year but my JR and SR year. The boy was 4 days older then i was.
Johnny Tyler Mad Cap Wrote:I am holding my son out a year. He is too young to even show if he will take part in athletics, but that dont matter to me. I will not allow him to graduate at 17. I feel I have the responsibility to give him every advantage I can. I want him to be more developed and ready for a world that just gets tougher every minute. As a bonus, if he does want to play, then he wont be the youngest in his class every year.

Who is you son? does he attend hazard?
Johnny Tyler Mad Cap Wrote:I am holding my son out a year. He is too young to even show if he will take part in athletics, but that dont matter to me. I will not allow him to graduate at 17. I feel I have the responsibility to give him every advantage I can. I want him to be more developed and ready for a world that just gets tougher every minute. As a bonus, if he does want to play, then he wont be the youngest in his class every year.

It would have been easier not to start school early.
palmer Wrote:It would have been easier not to start school early.

That is the normal age of graduating if your not held back or stayed back. I graduated at the age of 17 and just turned 17 the day before my graduation.
I was 17 when I graduated from high school, too. I always thought it was because I was uncommonly smart. Big Grin
Blue-N-Gold Wrote:I was 17 when I graduated from high school, too. I always thought it was because I was uncommonly smart. Big Grin

LOL. Thats a good point.
bac2369 Wrote:That is the normal age of graduating if your not held back or stayed back. I graduated at the age of 17 and just turned 17 the day before my graduation.

I'd say 75 percent of high school graduates are 18. Most turn 6 in kindergarten, so they should turn 18 as a senior.
If you birthday is June or July you could graduate at 17. If it's later you should have started kindergarten a year later than you did. My daughter would have turned 18 in the July after her senior year, so she started school a year later and will turn 18 before her senior year.
All it takes is a little math to avoid the problem.
palmer Wrote:I'd say 75 percent of high school graduates are 18. Most turn 6 in kindergarten, so they should turn 18 as a senior.
If you birthday is June or July you could graduate at 17. If it's later you should have started kindergarten a year later than you did. My daughter would have turned 18 in the July after her senior year, so she started school a year later and will turn 18 before her senior year.
All it takes is a little math to avoid the problem.

I am pretty sure i was 17. I graduate in 2004 and i am now 22. Turned 22 in May.
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