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The Virus that is Quitting!
the most important thing about being involved in June is that if your TEAM is doing something you should be involved. Maybe some of these guys that play football and basketball should take July off and rest up for Basketball
I personally think the decision on what to play and when to play it isnt anyones business but the person doing the playing. If football is someones favorite sport, then they should do what they have to do to be ready for it. If that means skipping summer basketball, then that is what needs to be done for that one person.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
thepharmacist Wrote:the most important thing about being involved in June is that if your TEAM is doing something you should be involved. Maybe some of these guys that play football and basketball should take July off and rest up for Basketball
Well if b-ball is ALL you care about and is all you want to see do good at Pikeville then why dont you go to Valley. Where every sport is drained so B-ball almighty can be good. Im sure youll be sorely missed here at Pikeville. LOL!
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Well if b-ball is ALL you care about and is all you want to see do good at Pikeville then why dont you go to Valley. Where every sport is drained so B-ball almighty can be good. Im sure youll be sorely missed here at Pikeville. LOL!

You guys are the ones that suggested that it is okay to miss Summer Basketball but when you suggest missing something concerning football you guys are ready to ship someone outtta there. Speaks volumes about how one sided some folks can be
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:This was not intended and will not be a "Bash Daniel Harmon" thread. Harmon is NOT a quitter and thats what this thread is about. If you B-ball guys are mad cause every player isnt in gym all summer cause they play another sport my suggestion is to go and be SV fans where they hijack every good athlete in the school and scare them into playing b-ball only. Pikeville is a small 1a school where we have to share athletes and the practices sometimes overlap one another. If these kids are only playing one sport then they have more time than someone playing 2 and a heck of alot more time than someone playing THREE. If they arent given a brake you risk burning them out and that will make all the sports here suffer. Harmon will be ready to work and give it his all come july 15 and Im sure he will do the same when b-ball and baseball season starts.
You couldn't have said it any better!!!!! That sums everything up!
thepharmacist Wrote:You guys are the ones that suggested that it is okay to miss Summer Basketball but when you suggest missing something concerning football you guys are ready to ship someone outtta there. Speaks volumes about how one sided some folks can be

Basketball folks are the ones who are one-sided...Basketball starts when at Pikeville now...the basketball players are out running while the football team is practicing...then goes all the way until late march. Then the guys are expected to play summer basketball? That makes it almost a year-round sport. WAY too much. Basketball is NOT a summer game, and summer basketball is a bad idea and shouldn't even be allowed.
thepharmacist Wrote:You guys are the ones that suggested that it is okay to miss Summer Basketball but when you suggest missing something concerning football you guys are ready to ship someone outtta there. Speaks volumes about how one sided some folks can be
When did anyone say anything like that? I havent said anything and I havent heard anyone on here say anything like that. Harmon and a bunch of other kids missed ALL of spring practice because of either baseball or track and not a word was said to them by the coaches. Baker and the Honakers missed because of b-ball and nothing was said to them either. Ive heard Coach J ENCOURAGE all his players to play other sports. So next time you make something up out of thin air try to make it a little more believable. Im pro-Football and everyone knows that but that DOESNT mean Im anti-B-ball or other sports. YOU on the other hand have stated in so many words that you dont care how the football team does as long as the b-ball team gets to practice. So whos one- sided now? Like I said before if youre just intersted in 1 sport doing good at the expense of the others go to Valley. You guys are going to keep on to Harmon until he decides 3 sports are too many and drops one. My guess is you wont like the one he chooses to drop.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:When did anyone say anything like that? I havent said anything and I havent heard anyone on here say anything like that. Harmon and a bunch of other kids missed ALL of spring practice because of either baseball or track and not a word was said to them by the coaches. Baker and the Honakers missed because of b-ball and nothing was said to them either. Ive heard Coach J ENCOURAGE all his players to play other sports. So next time you make something up out of thin air try to make it a little more believable. Im pro-Football and everyone knows that but that DOESNT mean Im anti-B-ball or other sports. YOU on the other hand have stated in so many words that you dont care how the football team does as long as the b-ball team gets to practice. So whos one- sided now? Like I said before if youre just intersted in 1 sport doing good at the expense of the others go to Valley. You guys are going to keep on to Harmon until he decides 3 sports are too many and drops one. My guess is you wont like the one he chooses to drop.
I think he is already from Valley. You can tell from what he posts that he is. Jackson and the other football coaches always tell their kids that if they want to play another sport then go do it. I know this for fact. Basketball has been over since March but have they really ever quit? NO they haven't. They try to make basketball some holier than thou thing, but in reality 2 region championships in 33 years doesn't do much for your argument. Football brings in the money and the notoriety. Heck basketball isn't even the number 2 sport at Pikeville. That would be baseball. Hey thepharmicist, if we took your advise and kicked off the team all of the kids who play football Pikeville doesn't make it out of the first round of region. But then again if they didn't play maybe your kid would be the basketball superstar. I think this whole argument is a load of BS. Basketball has no argument at all. It just sounds like a bunch of whiney kids. I have nothing against basketball, I played basketball. But that doesn't account for me only rooting for one sport. Maybe thepharmacist should rowe, rowe, rowe his boat back the SV. LOL
This thread makes it sound like that the football and basketball programs at Pikeville do not get along, which is as far from the truth as it could be.

Coach J and myself, ironically, have been head coaches at Pikeville for 2 years. Over this period of time we have not had a conflict with anything regarding our two sports. I don't think you could find any high school around where the football and basketball programs "co-exist" like ours. Is it hard sometimes? Sure it is. We have to share a lot of athletes for each of us to be competitive. The way the summer is set up right now makes it very hard on our athletes to participate in both sports not to mention anything else they might be doing. Sometimes I think it would be betterif the whole summer was a "dead period" but it isn't, so we have to live with it. What does help us is that we get together in early spring and try to work around each others' schedules so kids can do both. A big reason for some success the past couple of years in our basketball program has been because of the year around strength and conditioning program that our football team has. Our players always come into basketball from football in great condition which makes for as smooth of a transition as possible.

Contrary to this thread, the state of PHS athletics is very good!!
bigpun Wrote:They don't lift on game days and Bart even said it makes a big difference in the way the kids play. Harmon hasn't been hiding. He has been in weights pretty consistently since baseball was over. He is not hiding, he just needs a little break. Bart may think he is hiding from him but you don't hear that from the football coaches.
As for Daniel, I told him that he could take as much time off as he needed after baseball season ended. I wish he would have gotten to play with us some but I know he got some well deserved time off after a long year of sports. Daniel plays all 3 major sports and still maintains straight A's. If anyone deserved a rest it is him. I know he will be ready to go after football season like always.

I hope this puts to rest a lot of rumors!
bigpun Wrote:I think he is already from Valley. You can tell from what he posts that he is. Jackson and the other football coaches always tell their kids that if they want to play another sport then go do it. I know this for fact. Basketball has been over since March but have they really ever quit? NO they haven't. They try to make basketball some holier than thou thing, but in reality 2 region championships in 33 years doesn't do much for your argument. Football brings in the money and the notoriety. Heck basketball isn't even the number 2 sport at Pikeville. That would be baseball. Hey thepharmicist, if we took your advise and kicked off the team all of the kids who play football Pikeville doesn't make it out of the first round of region. But then again if they didn't play maybe your kid would be the basketball superstar. I think this whole argument is a load of BS. Basketball has no argument at all. It just sounds like a bunch of whiney kids. I have nothing against basketball, I played basketball. But that doesn't account for me only rooting for one sport. Maybe thepharmacist should rowe, rowe, rowe his boat back the SV. LOL

I don't think thepharmacist is from Valley, I've read several posts from him/her before, and they seem to reflect a strong interest in Pikeville H.S. athletics. Maybe thepharmacist can back this up?

Personally, I disagree with anyone who criticizes kids for not participating in offseason activities of football, basketball, or any sport. They're just kids, and it's their life, they can do what they want with it.

More Cowbell Wrote:I don't think thepharmacist is from Valley, I've read several posts from him/her before, and they seem to reflect a strong interest in Pikeville H.S. athletics. Maybe thepharmacist can back this up?

Personally, I disagree with anyone who criticizes kids for not participating in offseason activities of football, basketball, or any sport. They're just kids, and it's their life, they can do what they want with it.
Judging from his posts on here all he cares about is B-ball. He and some others made this a B-ball vs. Football thread. This thread was supposed to be about the "Virus" of quitting sports. It wasnt intended to be a B-ball thread or a Football thread or even a Pikeville thread. It wasnt about a kid who plays three sports and NEEDS a well deserved break. It was about some kids being too sorry to play ANY sport.
Could the administators PLEASE get this one back on topic.
CoachW Wrote:As for Daniel, I told him that he could take as much time off as he needed after baseball season ended. I wish he would have gotten to play with us some but I know he got some well deserved time off after a long year of sports. Daniel plays all 3 major sports and still maintains straight A's. If anyone deserved a rest it is him. I know he will be ready to go after football season like always.

I hope this puts to rest a lot of rumors!
Welcome to BGR coachW and GO STEELERS!!!!LOL!
I am glad to have Coach W on here to put this stuff to rest. But let's not forget this is about quitting at all schools not just Pikeville. the pharmicist made this a Pikeville beasketball vs. football thread. How juvenile was that? The worst thing for kids in today's society is to grow up not playing sports. And not just one sport but trying out many sports. If Coach W says that the two "co-exist" then it is obvious they do. So why can't these parents stay out of it and let the coach's handle these sports. Not playing sports gives kids a lot of free time to do "whatever." "Whatever" is not what these kids need. They structure and discipline that will help lead them to more successful lives instead of jail or the cemetary. PLay all sports like Harmon and give it 100%. Don't forget to give it 100% in the classroom as well. Don't be a quitter be a player.
thepharmacist on bgr is not a rowe!!! However, The Pharmacist who is a Rowe has a son who has played football and basketball since the third grade (now a freshmen) and is therefore not opposed to either or both sports. Also, he has another son who enjoys playing baseball and basketball. Although he himself will admit he prefers basketball, he stands behind his kids in all choices. I just wanted everyone to know the real facts about the Rowe from Virgie. Furthermore, he has never read nor posted on this site EVER!!!
pnthr pride Wrote:thepharmacist on bgr is not a rowe!!! However, The Pharmacist who is a Rowe has a son who has played football and basketball since the third grade (now a freshmen) and is therefore not opposed to either or both sports. Also, he has another son who enjoys playing baseball and basketball. Although he himself will admit he prefers basketball, he stands behind his kids in all choices. I just wanted everyone to know the real facts about the Rowe from Virgie. Furthermore, he has never read nor posted on this site EVER!!!
The key word is played meaning past tense. From what I have heard daddy dearest had buikt his son up to being some basketball savior at Pikeville. The guy is pro basketball. When he should be pro school and pro kids. To make both the school and the kids better at a small 1A school the good athletes need to play more than one sport. I also think that is adorable that you are taking up for him. Sooooooooo cute.
Once again Big Pun has gotten off topic. Someone please close this thread about people "Quitting Sports" so that Big Pun can start a thread titled "Bash Pikeville Basketball".
Get this thread back on topic or it will be closed. If you're too thick to remember what it's about read the original post.

This is about quitting high school sports and your views/opinions on it. It is not about any one player. Back on topic or we're closed.
I don't mean to bash anyone. I have nothing against basketball. I played basketball and so did my dad and brother and uncles. So anyone that says I bash basketball has no clue. I encourage people to play multiple sports and not just multiple sports but basketball in particular. I want kids to play multiple sports because that is what makes these smaller schools successful. I don't want to see a kid quit anything especially sports. I just wish that all the kids wanted to win so bad that they would make up their own minds instead of being persuaded by other. Just play, I don't care what but just play. Playing one sport makes you better for the next is all I am saying.
pnthr pride Wrote:thepharmacist on bgr is not a rowe!!! However, The Pharmacist who is a Rowe has a son who has played football and basketball since the third grade (now a freshmen) and is therefore not opposed to either or both sports. Also, he has another son who enjoys playing baseball and basketball. Although he himself will admit he prefers basketball, he stands behind his kids in all choices. I just wanted everyone to know the real facts about the Rowe from Virgie. Furthermore, he has never read nor posted on this site EVER!!!

Thanks so much for clearing this up for some people Pnthr pride. It's one thing to read posts at home and assume you know who people are, but you should never assume in your posts that you know someone just might be wrong!

The #1 rule states that you should use common sense and be considerate and respectful toward ALL users. Maybe the staff should make a rule that shouldn't try to identify anyone... because thepharmacist is just a streetball name and nothing more.Wink

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