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Bell county football
Got no dog in this fight. But I was told today Dudley is coming back. That is from someone who should know. Time will tell.
When will something for sure be told or put out there for a fact
Dud likes to keep everyone on edge welcome back
hchs fan Wrote:When will something for sure be told or put out there for a fact

He has been back for 2weeks.
What you talking about he been back for two weeks inside info
Three things:

1. If Bell and Dudley have an agreement, that says everything that needs to be said about the administration there, as I haven't heard anything about the current coach being let go. Can someone correct me on that?

2. I have heard there was a very nice offer on the table, but nothing had been officially accepted. Verbally possibly, but nothing on paper. Heard that from two sources on completely different sides of the spectrum. Take that for what it's worth. With that said, we all know how much he likes his name out there circulating. I could see him being fully committed to Taylor County through this entire fiasco.

3. Personally, I don't think that bringing Dudley back will put them back at the pinnacle of Kentucky high school football in 3A. Too much time has passed and there's not enough time left in his career to rebuild the way Bell should be rebuilt. He's past his prime. Best thing for Bell to do would be to completely clean out that administration and start from scratch from top to bottom. That's just one outsider's opinion.
i agree with what you said wildcat
Here is an idea, bring back one of the most successful coaches in the state and a younger guy with him that would take over when Dudley is done. Dudley can and will bring Bell back to a very competitive program and maybe help the other guy for the future. Win , Win for Bell. Dudley has spoken with the current coach and everyone is on the same page. Only the outsiders are confused. We will see what happens.
I have stayed out of this for the most part. You never know what to and what not to believe when it comes to Dudley and rumors. But....that comment actually makes more sense than anything I have heard. It will be interesting to see if he comes and who he brings IF he does.
In my opinion, it's very risky for him to return to Bell. Right now, he's a God at Bell County. Folks there have him on the pedestal. They may want the facility named after him. If he returns now and things don't go as planned, all that changes. He's no longer the face of Bell County football. I think that would be the most likely end result if I were a betting man.

Here's the big question. How many assistants may follow him from Taylor? Those are the guys who may be the next in line following a short tenure from Dudley.
Wildcat18 Wrote:In my opinion, it's very risky for him to return to Bell. Right now, he's a God at Bell County. Folks there have him on the pedestal. They may want the facility named after him. If he returns now and things don't go as planned, all that changes. He's no longer the face of Bell County football. I think that would be the most likely end result if I were a betting man.

Here's the big question. How many assistants may follow him from Taylor? Those are the guys who may be the next in line following a short tenure from Dudley.

I believe about half of the staff at Taylor had some form of connection with Dudley. The rest were there previously, or are from the area.

I could be completely wrong, and I'll admit it if I am. But, I think that's about the staff make-up of TC currently. I believe one or two of the coaches have sons who play for TC. I don't know if they would follow him to Bell or what, because those things always have a funny way or working out or not.

I'll admit that there's been more to Dudley going back to Bell than I expected. I fully thought it was just wishful thinking, but I very well could be wrong.
Dudley bought a home in Middlesboro. He's back and ready to roll.
TheHotSnakes Wrote:I believe about half of the staff at Taylor had some form of connection with Dudley. The rest were there previously, or are from the area.

I could be completely wrong, and I'll admit it if I am. But, I think that's about the staff make-up of TC currently. I believe one or two of the coaches have sons who play for TC. I don't know if they would follow him to Bell or what, because those things always have a funny way or working out or not.

I'll admit that there's been more to Dudley going back to Bell than I expected. I fully thought it was just wishful thinking, but I very well could be wrong.

I believe 3 of them have sons affiliated with the program. I don't expect any of those to leave Taylor. Have any of the current assistants followed Dudley to different locations? I would expect at least one of them to go for the TC position if it opens.
IF this is true any speculation on who assistants will be?
Wildcat18 Wrote:I believe 3 of them have sons affiliated with the program. I don't expect any of those to leave Taylor. Have any of the current assistants followed Dudley to different locations? I would expect at least one of them to go for the TC position if it opens.

If TC opens, I think it could be an under-the-radar job. It's not a high profile name or location, but they're going to be good next year. It could be a great opportunity for someone to win 8+ games next season.
Anything official or anything on Dudley coming back to bell county
Scotty Russell's job to accept or decline at this moment
Wrangler Wrote:Scotty Russell's job to accept or decline at this moment

Not true on Russell. Dudley can have it if he wants it. Political powers destroyed it. Leadership and Hilton clash but feel they have dropped the bomb on the program and have backs against the wall with public anger right now. Don't think he's choosing to come back for the right reasons but his own reasons which may not be the best for the program. Nowhere to go but up after last seasons turmoil after successful seasons prior.
Dudley will be back at Bell Co per board members.
Dudley has already signed with bell for about 2weeks now
When will something be official or on the news or in newspaper
I'll be surprised if he goes back...... Nothing is signed yet......... I know a person who knows a person and they know a person who would know....
Hey bcpc private message me the person that knows and when will something be official
bcpc Wrote:I'll be surprised if he goes back...... Nothing is signed yet......... I know a person who knows a person and they know a person who would know....

I can't see him makin that mistake but I hope he does. Dudley is smarter than that. Why would he want to tarnish the Legacy he has on Log Mountain? The Place has his name on it! Not saying he can't turn it around, but he won't do it in a year or 2. The man is 67-68 years old. Let him just back to fishing and talking about himself. Y'all will be wanting to get rid of him in that process. A good up and coming young coach with support would be who I would throw my money and support to. Look at what we got in Corbin by taking a chance and giving him the reigns, support. Haddix is Top notch.
hchs fan Wrote:Hey bcpc private message me the person that knows and when will something be official

That's just the thing. It's all 2nd, 3rd, 4th hand info. Maybe he does go go back. He is one of the best high school coaches to coach the game..I know you can agree to this tho. ...I know him well enuf that DUdley is gonna keep everyone in the dark, he is gonna court, take phone calls, listen to the offers and he is gonna get what he can get... The only ones that truly know what's gonna happen is him and his wife. No way the board members, superintendent or anyone for that matter knows his next step. If they did it would already be official.... posters on here sure don't anything, that's obvious. It's 100% wishful thinking till he actually signs on the dotted line and tells the school to publicize it. Good Luck to Bell, Goodluck to Dud.
I jus can't see the school that's already planning on laying off teachers from what I've heard put him a package together $$$. And letting him bring him in help. Sounds like a lawsuit in waiting from my stance.
I saw Dudley in Campbellsville this morning, he was heading out of town.

Obviously, I wouldn't know where he's going, but is he heading back to Log Mountain as I type this? I think it's a fun story to follow on here.
Dudley has been spotted in Greenville earlier. Then Lancaster. Is he lost? Smile Smile
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:Dudley has been spotted in Greenville earlier. Then Lancaster. Is he lost? Smile Smile

His GPS took him on the scenic route to Log Mountain.
Definitely be interesting if Dudley does return to Bell. Not sure of overall talent level in the current classes...but....he's definitely one of the best in KY. Can't see it taking him very long to turn around a once proud, highly regarded program like Bell Co.

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