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Belfry and Pulaski Co.
Williamson, WV is only 5 minutes from Belfry High School. Williamson, WV is 25-30 minutes from Mingo Central High School going the opposite direction.
I was curious if the kids are driving 30 min to an hour to go to school to Belfry or if they're in the middle and choosing to go to Belfry.
If they live in the Williamson area and choose to pay tuition and go to Belfry then it would take them 5 minutes to get to Belfry High School. If they choose to attend Mingo Central High School and live in the Williamson area it would take them about 25-30 minutes to get to Mingo Central High School. Not sure what your asking? Belfry High School is a helluva lot closer to the town of Williamson than Mingo Central High school is.
#51PirateFan Wrote:Some of the posts on this thread are hilarious while a few are just down right ignorant! You people that think Belfry High School has recruited/cheated over the past 20 years and hasn't been caught up in it by now are Morons! With all the talk of WV kids being recruited to play football at Belfry and with the Pirates winning 6 State Titles over the past 13 years don't you think the KHSAA would have by now caught Belfry up in some illegal activities? In 2011 four local high schools, Williamson, Matewan, Burch, and Gilbert consolidated to form Mingo Central High school. The school is located on top of a mountain about 30 minutes away from the small town of Williamson, WV which is only about 5 minutes from Belfry,KY. The roads to this new school are not very good and in some places dangerous. With all that said, some parents decided to pay tuition and send their kids 5 minutes up the road to attend Belfry instead of having them ride a bus or drive that distance on terrible roads. While others simply just moved across the river to keep from having to pay tuition. Yes, people move everyday in this area. The Williamson/Belfry communities are not what you would call very rich communities especially now with the coal market almost extinct. A lot of people are renters instead of owners and they just pack up and move. So you see, its not that complicated. Except for maybe people like Escalade! You Sir are a first class dumba$$! I could tell from the African American comment that you made about our community that your nothing more than a low life racist bigot! You said your from Hamptin, VA and just recently moved here and that everybody in the state knows we cheat. Is that so? Then let me ask you this Jimmy the Greek, if everyone in the state of Kentucky knows Belfry cheats then why is our trophy case still loaded down with championship trophies and why hasn't there been any investigations from the KHSAA stripping us of any wins or taking away any of our championships? I'll go ahead and tell you why genius, it's because theres nothing illegal going on down here on Pond Creek! Only thing I see going on is a bunch of jealous people who are tired of seeing their big city schools getting throat punched by a small school from Belfry, KY and cant do a damn thing about it! LMAO!!! I'm glad, and you should be to Escalade, that we dont know each other!
That story is about as fake as your roster. You know damn good and well these kids that play football don't just "wander" over to Belfry from West Virginia hoping to make the team. They're recruited harder than Urban Meyer recruits the state of Ohio. Then the boosters do the rest. Just admit it. And as far as me being glad I don't know you, I've dealt with far more badasses than you during my military career.
It's a culture of cheating. Much like the days of SMU, when they received the death penalty. I guarantee you if anyone.other than lardass Julian Tackett was the Commish, Belfry would be in deep shiite. Crooks.
Uh oh guys. We have an internet badass. Lol. It's always the same, haters gonna hate.
When it becomes clear someone is just being a troll, it is time to ignore them. We've reached that point.

Escalade, now I really know what a weiner you are. By you bringing up your military career on your own tells me that you probably didn't even make it through basic training or was kicked out for not being able to handle it! Only a "POGUE" would bring up or even acknowledge they were even in or still are in (like me, since you'reyou're trying to have a measuring contest) the military without being asked to make themselves look cool or to get free stuff or to have people feel sorry for them! See people like you really make me sick!!! Trying to use the military as a prop! I'll even go a little further tough guy, anytime you want to compare military records, I'm game as hell! I have 20 years worth of bragging to do if you want to play that game! What a joke! How about this, let's step out from behind these fake names Hero? My name is Tommy Wolford. Im from South Williamson, KY. You say you have friends down this way? If you ever visit them look me up! You said, "I've dealt with far more badasses than you in my military career"! LMAO!!!!! What a POGUE! You do know what a "POGUE" is don't you Audie Murphy?
Buc-a-roo Wrote:When it becomes clear someone is just being a troll, it is time to ignore them. We've reached that point.


Escalade is a Mega-Troll!!! Dude tried to scare me by bringing up his military career! Hahahaha!!!! I would almost guarantee, if he even was in or lasted long enough to matter, that he was a Fobbit, someone who goes to war or on training exercises but they never leave the base. They raid the PX and play volleyball their entire tour then when they get home they tell all their friends and family how they were this big war hero! Is that what you were Big Bad Military Man?
#51PirateFan Wrote:Escalade, now I really know what a weiner you are. By you bringing up your military career on your own tells me that you probably didn't even make it through basic training or was kicked out for not being able to handle it! Only a "POGUE" would bring up or even acknowledge they were even in or still are in (like me, since you'reyou're trying to have a measuring contest) the military without being asked to make themselves look cool or to get free stuff or to have people feel sorry for them! See people like you really make me sick!!! Trying to use the military as a prop! I'll even go a little further tough guy, anytime you want to compare military records, I'm game as hell! I have 20 years worth of bragging to do if you want to play that game! What a joke! How about this, let's step out from behind these fake names Hero? My name is Tommy Wolford. Im from South Williamson, KY. You say you have friends down this way? If you ever visit them look me up! You said, "I've dealt with far more badasses than you in my military career"! LMAO!!!!! What a POGUE! You do know what a "POGUE" is don't you Audie Murphy?

I ain't got no dog in this fight but you've gotten my curiosity up. I don't know what a POGUE is?
But the only military experience I had was playing cowboys and Indians when I was real young.
Willie Turnover Wrote:I ain't got no dog in this fight but you've gotten my curiosity up. I don't know what a POGUE is?
But the only military experience I had was playing cowboys and Indians when I was real young.

"Pogue is pejorative military slang for non-combat, staff, and other rear-echelon or support units. "Pogue" frequently applies to those who do not have to undergo the risk and stresses of combat as the infantry does."
Willie Turnover Wrote:Thanks::thanks:

Actually, I'm a "POGUE" now! Lol!!! After spending 15 years in the Infantry and in combat units I had to give up the macho stuff. Getting to old to hang with the young troopers. Now I'm a weapons sergeant trying to make it to retirement. When Escalade mentioned he was in the military I was just trying to ruffle his feathers and get him stirred up a little!
#51PirateFan Wrote:Actually, I'm a "POGUE" now! Lol!!! After spending 15 years in the Infantry and in combat units I had to give up the macho stuff. Getting to old to hang with the young troopers. Now I'm a weapons sergeant trying to make it to retirement. When Escalade mentioned he was in the military I was just trying to ruffle his feathers and get him stirred up a little!
Retired Gunners Mate Senior Chief Petty Officer. Last tour NOB (Norfolk) Did 25 years. 5 West Pacs- 3 Fleet Exercises -3 Tours Subic Bay Phillipines -1 Tour Guam. Went to Australia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) Oman, Kenya...I've been to more countries than your little backwoods country ass has EVER dreamed of going son.
Escalade Wrote:Teaches them to become men or teaches them to cut corners? So you'really saying players come to Belfry? Lmao..yeah. right bud. Your coach."encourages" them to come and your boosters take care of the rest. Your championships are ill gotten and tainted.

My son came from a WV school to Belfry. There was not one single coach that ask him to come. Hummm I feel short changed!!
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Bentleys dad will tell you himself.

He is on his third son paying tuition himself

You are swimming in too deep of water, might want to stick to the kiddie pool or put your floaties on.

And I am going to make damn sure my grand kids go and play at Belfry. Just like their mom and dad did.
Escalade Wrote:Retired Gunners Mate Senior Chief Petty Officer. Last tour NOB (Norfolk) Did 25 years. 5 West Pacs- 3 Fleet Exercises -3 Tours Subic Bay Phillipines -1 Tour Guam. Went to Australia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) Oman, Kenya...I've been to more countries than your little backwoods country ass has EVER dreamed of going son.

If that's all you've done, you dont have nothing on me Squid! It's easy to sit in the middle of the ocean for 25 years! Pick up a rifle and get into the fight if you want to come up to my level Popeye!
Escalade Wrote:Retired Gunners Mate Senior Chief Petty Officer. Last tour NOB (Norfolk) Did 25 years. 5 West Pacs- 3 Fleet Exercises -3 Tours Subic Bay Phillipines -1 Tour Guam. Went to Australia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) Oman, Kenya...I've been to more countries than your little backwoods country ass has EVER dreamed of going son.

If that's all you've done, you dont have nothing on me Squid! It's easy to sit in the middle of the ocean for 25 years! Pick up a rifle and get into the fight if you want to come up to my level Popeye! Impressive vacation spots you've traveled too! LMAO! Like I said, those peaceful vacation spots you are bragging about are cute. You really should stop bragging, your making yourself look stupid!
Escalade have you ever been to Bowling Green with your team to play a state championship. You have traveled so much just curious.
Escalade Wrote:Retired Gunners Mate Senior Chief Petty Officer. Last tour NOB (Norfolk) Did 25 years. 5 West Pacs- 3 Fleet Exercises -3 Tours Subic Bay Phillipines -1 Tour Guam. Went to Australia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) Oman, Kenya...I've been to more countries than your little backwoods country ass has EVER dreamed of going son.

Maybe since you are retired you should take few minutes and read the khsaa bylaws on eligibility.
#51PirateFan Wrote:If that's all you've done, you dont have nothing on me Squid! It's easy to sit in the middle of the ocean for 25 years! Pick up a rifle and get into the fight if you want to come up to my level Popeye! Impressive vacation spots you've traveled too! LMAO! Like I said, those peaceful vacation spots you are bragging about are cute. You really should stop bragging, your making yourself look stupid!
You mad bro?
Iam4thecats Wrote:Maybe since you are retired you should take few minutes and read the khsaa bylaws on eligibility.
Actually I have read up on the bylaws. Do the words BONA FIDE mean anything to you cheatin' fools?
So what if they pay tuition? All that means is Belfry can't rely on homegrown talent to win titles. They have to bring in kids from West Virginia. Even if it is legal, it doesn't make it right. Grow some talent of your own like the rest of the state does.
Escalade Wrote:You mad bro?

Not made at all Brah! Just not impressed with your career. All I see is a 25 year sight seeing tour with a lot of schools in there to avoid deployments. What I don't see is any travels to Iraq, Afghanistan, etc like mine! Like I said before, your nothing more than a Navy POGUE who seems like to me wore out a few pair of knee pads throughout his career just to stay in the safe zone! So no brother, not mad, just not impressed!
The military people I know would not be crying around and whining and calling everyone cheaters. Military people have more class than that. This is just some troll high school kid that got butt hurt once or twice by Belfry, probably in the playoffs, and only knows how to hide behind a screen name. Now added to my ignore list. I don't have to read his drivel again.
Belfry folks calling others "trolls" and getting all butt-hurt over this ignorance is hilarious. A Belfry guy is the one who started this thread to begin with trolling and taunting Pulaski. You never see Trinity, Bowling Green, or any other program's fans I would consider "elite" doing this. Leave it to Belfry to be the one.
Escalade Wrote:Actually I have read up on the bylaws. Do the words BONA FIDE mean anything to you cheatin' fools?

You apparently cant read or are willfully ignorant of initial eligibility.
Wildcat18 Wrote:Belfry folks calling others "trolls" and getting all butt-hurt over this ignorance is hilarious. A Belfry guy is the one who started this thread to begin with trolling and taunting Pulaski. You never see Trinity, Bowling Green, or any other program's fans I would consider "elite" doing this. Leave it to Belfry to be the one.

Hey buddy I told the truth they was asked to play they didn't want to play us I just want two good mountain teams to play
SORRY no one believes the little town of belfry has that much talent year after year in their town ,
Belfry, Kentucky is located in Kentucky
Belfry, Kentucky
Belfry, Kentucky
Coordinates: 37°37′13″N 82°16′09″WCoordinates: 37°37′13″N 82°16′09″W
Country United States
State Kentucky
County Pike
• Land 54.9394 sq mi (142.292 km2)
Elevation 712 ft (217 m)
Population (2000)[2]
• Total 3,478
Time zone Eastern (EST) (UTC-5)
• Summer (DST) EDT (UTC-4)
ZIP code 41514
Area code(s) 606
GNIS feature ID 486781[3]
Belfry does get players to transfer in but evoeryone else does also

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