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God's Existence
If anyone wants to see a true micracle by God go and watch this and watch him in other videos on there.

KINGJAMES#1 Wrote:If anyone wants to see a true micracle by God go and watch this and watch him in other videos on there.

http://www.jacobberryministries.org here is his site to read about him more
Homer Simpson Wrote:Ye athe scientific community also says alot of stuff the scientific community created nuclear bombs the scientific community is responsible for cancer IF ITS NOT OF GOD ITS OF THE DEVIL..that what i believe i have no answers if you want answers read the Bible.. try preying and doing God's willl insted of your own see how that works out for you

I did and it didn't work out
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:I did and it didn't work out

that is because im guessing you didnt believe in God, you just tried it as an experiment. but the Bible says, all things work together for the glory of God. so im praying that one day it wont be just an experiment for you.
TheBluesBoys Wrote:Wow! It's unthinkable to think of God being nonexistant. The world was going to be perfect for us until Adam & eve came along. God is perfect and he knew what he was doing when HE created the world.

amen.. praises jesus; dances for god!!!!:letsparty
For those of you who don't believe in God, why don't you? Just curious.
fanatic11 Wrote:that is because im guessing you didnt believe in God, you just tried it as an experiment. but the Bible says, all things work together for the glory of God. so im praying that one day it wont be just an experiment for you.

i did believe in god for the first 15 years of my life. When i prayed, i prayed for real not as an experiment like you propose. so don't be making assumptions that i never was a christian because i was.

i just don't believe in god because i think if he existed he would've sent a sign to me by now...but he hasn't so i have no reason to believe in him.
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:i did believe in god for the first 15 years of my life. When i prayed, i prayed for real not as an experiment like you propose. so don't be making assumptions that i never was a christian because i was.

Not to judge anyone or anything.. but seems like a hypocrite to me.
Aslan Wrote:For those of you who don't believe in God, why don't you? Just curious.

because when i prayed they never got answered. When i was in need (for whatever reason) he wasn't there for me...so i came to the conclusion he either doesn't exist or just doesn't care
KINGJAMES#1 Wrote:Not to judge anyone or anything.. but seems like a hypocrite to me.

KINGJAMES#1 Wrote:Not to judge anyone or anything.. but seems like a hypocrite to me.

That is judging someone :p
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:That is judging someone :p

I didn't say you were one.. I said you seem to act like one..Smile
KINGJAMES#1 Wrote:I didn't say you were one.. I said you seem to act like one..Smile

how am i acting like one? point this out for me? Big Grin
KINGJAMES#1 Wrote:I didn't say you were one.. I said you seem to act like one..Smile

oh. i think i know why you said that.it's because i told him not to assume that i wasn't never a christian. the reason i said i used to be christian is because just because I'm an atheist now doesn't mean i never believed in god like fanatic11 thought.
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:i did believe in god for the first 15 years of my life. When i prayed, i prayed for real not as an experiment like you propose. so don't be making assumptions that i never was a christian because i was.

i just don't believe in god because i think if he existed he would've sent a sign to me by now...but he hasn't so i have no reason to believe in him.

God doesn't 'send signs' to prove he's there. We have to believe he's there, to have faith in God. Besides, he kind of already did something for you and me by sending his only perfect son to die on the cross so that we could have a chance to meet him someday.

About the part where you said he stopped answering your prayers, God always answers your prayers as long as you're saved, at least to my understanding of it. It just might not be the answer you want. Such as, when one of my family members was dying, I prayed they would be healed, but they never were. Yet, I know they are in heaven thanks to God.

Also, God may just hesitate to answer your prayer. When I was going to get into trouble for losing a book and a folder that was important to one of my teachers, I was afraid to tell him. For days I prayed in order to find it, but I still couldn't find the book or the folder. Finally, another teacher approached me and gave me the book and folder and told me I had left it in their classroom and they wanted to teach me a lesson by hiding it for a while.

In summary, I'm just saying God most likely answered your prayers, just not the way you would want him to.
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:because when i prayed they never got answered. When i was in need (for whatever reason) he wasn't there for me...so i came to the conclusion he either doesn't exist or just doesn't care

I'm sorry that you're prayer were not answered and it has apparently swayed your beliefs.

God has not always answered my prayers either, but he never promised that he would. He has answered my prayers with many things though in my life. I've prayed for a fulfilling life, one that he wants for me. That has worked well in my life. Good luck and thanks for sharing.
Stardust Wrote:I'm sorry that you're prayer were not answered and it has apparently swayed your beliefs.

God has not always answered my prayers either, but he never promised that he would. He has answered my prayers with many things though in my life. I've prayed for a fulfilling life, one that he wants for me. That has worked well in my life. Good luck and thanks for sharing.

Your welcome. i thought i should tell how i thought didn't think it would cause such a stir lol .Thanks for replying Big Grin

some profanity...o well....hes awsome
If there is a god why would he cause so much suffering and pain?
FenrisGrim Wrote:If there is a god why would he cause so much suffering and pain?

Wow!! You really need some major help but with god all things aare possible. That is why I will be praying for you.
KINGJAMES#1 Wrote:Wow!! You really need some major help but with god all things aare possible. That is why I will be praying for you.

what you just posted had nothing to do with what he posted. do you mean that with god all pain and suffering is possible? :confused:
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:what you just posted had nothing to do with what he posted. do you mean that with god all pain and suffering is possible? :confused:

I wasn't posting to what he posted. I was posting to his view on things.. sorry you mistaken on what I meant.. I'll be praying for you as well. Smile
KINGJAMES#1 Wrote:I wasn't posting to what he posted. I was posting to his view on things.. sorry you mistaken on what I meant.. I'll be praying for you as well. Smile

oh..well thanks for caring Smile
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:oh..well thanks for caring Smile

my bad sorry about that Smile

*i forgot to say this in my previous post Big Grin
if god does exist explain test tube babies? and explain why people have to starve to death? is this all the great plan of "god"? really research it and be open minded and i think you will se that there is no such thing. and if there is it is not what most christians picture it to be. :biggrin:
FenrisGrim Wrote:If there is a god why would he cause so much suffering and pain?

Its because when Adam and Eve sinned, the curse entered the world. As a result of that the curse is death, famine, disease, suffering. None of that stuff was in the world until sin entered the world.
Genesis chapter 3:16-19
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:i did believe in god for the first 15 years of my life. When i prayed, i prayed for real not as an experiment like you propose. so don't be making assumptions that i never was a christian because i was.

i just don't believe in god because i think if he existed he would've sent a sign to me by now...but he hasn't so i have no reason to believe in him.

What kind of sign are you looking for?
Romans 1:20
20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Gods sign for his existence is in His creations.
FenrisGrim Wrote:If there is a god why would he cause so much suffering and pain?

any pain or suffering we have is deserved. because everyone has sinned we all deserve to burn in ****. God promises though that if we believe that his son died for our sins on the cross that we will still have suffering in our life but we can take comfort in the fact that Jesus is our savior and that one day we will be with him in the paradise of heaven.
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:Your welcome. i thought i should tell how i thought didn't think it would cause such a stir lol .Thanks for replying Big Grin

PHS#1 Wrote:if god does exist explain test tube babies? and explain why people have to starve to death? is this all the great plan of "god"? really research it and be open minded and i think you will se that there is no such thing. and if there is it is not what most christians picture it to be. :biggrin:

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