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Central 60 Belfry 21
I’m speechless I was pulling for Belfry 100%. TongueirateSho
HOFER Wrote:I'll have mine fried...with some ketchup

I’ll take mine with a side salad, thousand island dressing.
Well, you know Central had been letting this build for years. Now they got that monkey off their backs.

Also, I bet there are 3 DeSales Colts players that are now wishing they stayed at Central.
Guys, I don't think you can really comprehend what these young men and their parents are going through tonight. Trust me, you have really achieved a great feat when you have made it to the big dance 7 years and a row and won 4 straight. Others tend to hate you for what you have achieved but, you have to remember it is almost unheard of to do what Belfry did. Take it from someone who saw his own son's dreams crash last year in the semis after the same run. I would like to say the pain and numbness will end, but, I would be lying. Just focus on the fact that you were great and every streak meets its end.
Belfry turned the ball over four different times. It wasn't mishandled snaps or handoffs, it was Central knocking the brown out of Belfry and causing the fumbles. Belfry's o-line was big and physical, but when they tried to pass Central's d-line was in the backfield before their quarterback could set his feet set. This wasn't the game I was expecting it to be, but I was glad to see two great teams play.
mysonis55 Wrote:Guys, I don't think you can really comprehend what these young men and their parents are going through tonight. Trust me, you have really achieved a great feat when you have made it to the big dance 7 years and a row and won 4 straight. Others tend to hate you for what you have achieved but, you have to remember it is almost unheard of to do what Belfry did. Take it from someone who saw his own son's dreams crash last year in the semis after the same run. I would like to say the pain and numbness will end, but, I would be lying. Just focus on the fact that you were great and every streak meets its end.

Thanks for the kind words. Yes....I have a crushed son.....and it’ll take some time to pick up the pieces. He has some championship rings....and Lord willing will have the opportunity to earn a couple more before he’s done. But he’s hurting....and as a Father....of course you hurt with him. Sometimes you just don’t have the words....and you just try and dry up the tears.

First off....I want to congratulate the Central players and their staff. Coach Dantlzer put together a well executed game plan. They kept Belfry on our heels....and due to a slew of turnovers by the Pirates....Central played virtually stress free all night. When you give a team with great athleticism that type of advantage....on their home’s gonna be a tough row to hoe.

On top of the that.....I don’t care who you are....when you lose 3-4 starters...including an All Stater like Derek Wellman....your room for error is nil. To Centrals’ credit, they attacked Belfry’s Achilles heel (defensive line play) to perfection.....and once we got down.....our troubles continued to build like a snowball rolling down a hill. Just no answers....and not enough personnel to try and address it on the fly.

So for all the naysayers and the folks who’ve gotten tired of seeing Belfry hoisting State championship trophies....yes....someone else will do that honor this year. Will it be Central? I have no idea. Can they Beat Boyle Co or Corbin? No guess. All I know is they were the best team tonight.

As for the Pirates.......go ahead and revelle now.....because Belfry will be back on the prowl next season. The Belfry Staff did a Herculean job rebuilding this Offensive line after the massive losses from last year....and’s been the best OLine in 3A. That line returns. Skill kids galore. The biggest question surrounding this team next year will be defensively. I said it before the season and during ....the D-Line was a huge issue. Tons of heart....just not a lot of size and strength. Ultimately it caught up with us tonight against a well coached, well disciplined team.

Good luck to the remaining teams.....
The Spread Wrote:To be the man, you've got to beat the man. Central is apparently full of men!!!!

Without a doubt.
very classy comments in this thread.. that's a welcome change!! belfry will beback
Thank you, Central.
Not that it would have made a difference but it seems the injury bug bit the Pirates this time. I'm no Belfry fan, but I never want to see a team go out over that.

Looks like my Redhounds have a week to get ready for a red hot Central club.
The perfect storm reared it’s ugly head up against Belfry. 1. No Derek Wellman playing put us in a hole before we left Pike Co. 2. We suck on natural grass, we slid on the field several times 3. Cross bracketing should’ve never happened but the KHSAA got what they wanted..... a new champ in 3A although I feel it will be a familiar Team hoisting the trophy, just not having to play their familiar foe. Central is DAMN good and will be LOADED again next year. 4. Belfry playing after a 4 hour bus drive is a tough task. Just ask a 6’3 300 pound lineman sitting in those cramped seats for that long. 5. The turnover bug got us too many times in costly situations. 6. Central exposed our weak spots on defense and those spots were being played by backup players, it would’ve been tough to stop them with our starters on the field. 7. We just didn’t run our offense like our normal selves. We ran 3rd down plays on first and vice versa, the reads on plays were off and a lot of the time our second man through never got the ball! Taveon should’ve got more carries in the first half. We all knew at some point it would come to an end and I guess we just didn’t want it to end like this. Belfry will be fine offensively next year but we’ve got holes to fill on defense. Either way we had a great season and I’m proud of our boys. We will be back in the mix for a title run next year just wait and see. We don’t rebuild, we just reload!
HOFER Wrote:I'll have mine fried...with some ketchup

pjdoug Wrote:All you arrogant fans line up and get your crow.

This post was not meant for the non- arrogant fans. I'll try not to rub it in too much :biggrin:
cuppett777 Wrote:Congrats to Central, they was the Champs for a while and Belfry took it from them and now they seem like they could be on the throne again.I say they Win it all because they seem to be rolling at the right time..So Will Corbin Host or will this be at Central?And to my Pirates thanks you for the wonderful run.Will Coach Call it quits or come back?
Corbin will travel to Central .
I tried to do some updates last night and kept getting kicked out of system, so I just gave up. Congrats to ya Central. You all played a perfect game. Good luck the rest of the way.
There must've been a million people on here Bones!! It was super slow and sluggish the entire night, and you weren't the only one that kept getting booted out!
Congrats to Central! Belfry is class program and will be back next year.
Turnovers, that is what I got from watching the game just now. The scoop n score gave central the momentum early and the turnovers after that was like giving them another bullet. Take the turnovers away and this game may still be going on. Belfry moved the ball and had there big gains, there defense never really got settled in also. Now this is my take on watching the game on my iPad, but the score by no means dictates how this game went. Hats off to a Central program that played a flawless game.
mysonis55 Wrote:Guys, I don't think you can really comprehend what these young men and their parents are going through tonight. Trust me, you have really achieved a great feat when you have made it to the big dance 7 years and a row and won 4 straight. Others tend to hate you for what you have achieved but, you have to remember it is almost unheard of to do what Belfry did. Take it from someone who saw his own son's dreams crash last year in the semis after the same run. I would like to say the pain and numbness will end, but, I would be lying. Just focus on the fact that you were great and every streak meets its end.

I feel for them, but YES, everyone that is a football parent can comprehend. Whether it's a Jackson county team with 3 or 4 wins, only, on the season, or an unbeaten team taking their first loss in the playoffs. I feel for any senior. But it isn't exclusive. Buckle up and go to winter weights, and ready for a new season, or on to the next chapter of their lives. All kids, at some point experience this, and at least some of these dudes have got to taste a championship. I sure as crap feel more sorry for the ones that strap up with maybe 17 other teammates and go get their teeth kicked in night in and out, yet they go to practice everyday, anyways, and to the games, never coming close to a championship, or maybe never a win in a playoff. There are different little things going on for sure, in someone we might perceive as it 'meaning more to', but if you're playing this game it means something to them. I feel bad for all kids when I see them fall to a knee after a loss, tears in their eyes. Maybe a negative post/thought by me, but I've seen kids sucking it up for years, then going back to work. Head up, work harder.
It's really quite amazing belfry didn't drop a playoff game long before this just on a bad game or what have you. That kind of run may never happen again. It had to stop some time.
Tica Wrote:I will say Belfry's broadcast announcers are a class act. They just called the game and let the chips fall. They were not critical of anyone, but they were supportive and also objective. I know they were disappointed but they called it down the middle. Better than a lot i have heard this year.

We try to be as impartial as possible while still giving more support for our team and always giving credit to both teams.
Hats off to Central. Heck of a team. Best of luck Corbin. I think you’ll need it. This was prob the worst turnover game Belfry has had in a while. And with the injuries it was gonna be a tough task. We will reload and go back at them next year. Thank you seniors for 4 great years. 3 out of 4 rings are not bad at all. Best of luck to the rest of the teams. Maybe pikeville and JC will still bring home the gold. God bless.
Lots of good teams went down last night, ask Bowling Green.
I have to say I'm amazed at how this thread has went. After all the trash talking and arrogance that some of our fans show on hear you guys have been a class act. I try my best to be professional, respectful, and nice as I possibly can on here and I was expecting just total smashing of Belfry today and it's quite the opposite. Thank you guys. I couldn't get on last night after the game because I just didn't want to here it. But after reading most of these comments from you guys, it's really helped the hurt. Again, thank you guys. It hurt when we lost. But what hurt the most was seeing my son, who is the starting Center and just a Sophmore coming out of the locker room and I could tell he had been crying just broke my heart. What can a man say to his son at that moment? I just didn't know. I'm in the Army and have taught my boys to be strong as I am but at times like that we all are very humbled. He told his Mom that what hurt the most was that he felt he let the Seniors down. I was so proud of him for thinking of others instead of himself at a time like that. So very proud of you #55, you've made your mom and dad very proud of the young man you've become. Back to the game, congrats Central. No excuses here you guys wanted it more and beat us. Plain and simple. Good Luck the rest of the way although now I've become a Corbin fan the rest of the year. I love mountain football and nothing would please me more than to see the Hounds win the title. Good Luck to all teams left. May God bless you young men with a great injury free run at the championship. Finally, just one more time I want to thank all you classy fans here on this site. Belfry fans opened the door for you guys to hammer us after a defeat and haven't done that. Thanks BGR.
Belfry lost by 39, that's shocking. At home, I imagine?
#55PirateFan Wrote:I have to say I'm amazed at how this thread has went. After all the trash talking and arrogance that some of our fans show on hear you guys have been a class act. I try my best to be professional, respectful, and nice as I possibly can on here and I was expecting just total smashing of Belfry today and it's quite the opposite. Thank you guys. I couldn't get on last night after the game because I just didn't want to here it. But after reading most of these comments from you guys, it's really helped the hurt. Again, thank you guys. It hurt when we lost. But what hurt the most was seeing my son, who is the starting Center and just a Sophmore coming out of the locker room and I could tell he had been crying just broke my heart. What can a man say to his son at that moment? I just didn't know. I'm in the Army and have taught my boys to be strong as I am but at times like that we all are very humbled. He told his Mom that what hurt the most was that he felt he let the Seniors down. I was so proud of him for thinking of others instead of himself at a time like that. So very proud of you #55, you've made your mom and dad very proud of the young man you've become. Back to the game, congrats Central. No excuses here you guys wanted it more and beat us. Plain and simple. Good Luck the rest of the way although now I've become a Corbin fan the rest of the year. I love mountain football and nothing would please me more than to see the Hounds win the title. Good Luck to all teams left. May God bless you young men with a great injury free run at the championship. Finally, just one more time I want to thank all you classy fans here on this site. Belfry fans opened the door for you guys to hammer us after a defeat and haven't done that. Thanks BGR.

It’s hard to talk smack to Belfry when they have been at the top of the mountain for seven years straight and then winning four of those consecutive. Once they thought about the overall scheme of things, what Belfry has done is legendary and nothing but respect can be shown to them.
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#55PirateFan Wrote:I have to say I'm amazed at how this thread has went. After all the trash talking and arrogance that some of our fans show on hear you guys have been a class act. I try my best to be professional, respectful, and nice as I possibly can on here and I was expecting just total smashing of Belfry today and it's quite the opposite. Thank you guys. I couldn't get on last night after the game because I just didn't want to here it. But after reading most of these comments from you guys, it's really helped the hurt. Again, thank you guys. It hurt when we lost. But what hurt the most was seeing my son, who is the starting Center and just a Sophmore coming out of the locker room and I could tell he had been crying just broke my heart. What can a man say to his son at that moment? I just didn't know. I'm in the Army and have taught my boys to be strong as I am but at times like that we all are very humbled. He told his Mom that what hurt the most was that he felt he let the Seniors down. I was so proud of him for thinking of others instead of himself at a time like that. So very proud of you #55, you've made your mom and dad very proud of the young man you've become. Back to the game, congrats Central. No excuses here you guys wanted it more and beat us. Plain and simple. Good Luck the rest of the way although now I've become a Corbin fan the rest of the year. I love mountain football and nothing would please me more than to see the Hounds win the title. Good Luck to all teams left. May God bless you young men with a great injury free run at the championship. Finally, just one more time I want to thank all you classy fans here on this site. Belfry fans opened the door for you guys to hammer us after a defeat and haven't done that. Thanks BGR.
Unbelievable run. But if you are any team in the state and have 4 or 5 D1 kids, playing 3A football, you damn sure better win. I am more, or just as impressed, when Belfry would make the championship game without D1 talent, and would give Central everything they've wanted. So I do agree with the sentiment of respecting what Belfry has done, for years, not just the last 4. You give many coaches in 3A D1 kids, or lucky enough to develop them yourself, and it's gonna change a program. Belfry was doing that, even before the title runs though, that's where my respect lies the most.
When was the last time Belfry lost by 39? Does this make Central the favorite to win the Championship? I would think so. They are my choice. Any school who beats a Phillip Haywood coached Belfry team earns my respect! Especially by 39, good grief. Nice job Central!
No matter how great you are,no matter how great a coach you have(and yes pirates you do have the best in the country)no matter how great the players are,and no matter how great the fans are,there comes a point and time where it just wasn't meant to be.congrats pirates on a great season and all the memories we have over the past several years.

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