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Presidential Debate #2
^^As usual you steer the conversation down a liberal rat hole and then complain when others try to stay with the expanded topic. We started off with my observation about the lunacy of parents asking perfectly healthy children if they feel like a boy or a girl, as if gender is a choice. To which you promptly narrowed the parameters of this society having gone off the rails of normalcy, to retreat into the aforementioned rat hole where you could narrow the debate to the plight of hermaphrodites. The obvious reason was to steer the conversation into a defense of sexual deviancy. I then posted the opinion of an expert in the field of gender confusion, (if there is such a thing) which of course differed with yours, which you merely sidestepped ala Hillary Clinton.

Then you admitted that you do not accept the King James Version as valid, but go on nonetheless to offer grace, mercy and truth to the hapless, (which are the gifts and purview of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost BTW) as if you possessed such things to give. Your job, if you're saved, is to help lead such folks to the One Who can give these things through among other things, your witness and your testimony. But that is the way of the liberal. No subject is to be spared being redefined to the secular view, not even God Himself. So it would seem a few things may have escaped you.

No, His Word stands. It is infallible and frankly our only hope. For as you aptly demonstrate, striving and debate yields absolutely nothing but grandiose sounding rhetoric. If I or you or anybody, veers away from scripture to explain matters of choice, physical predicament and the other woes of this life we're on tenuous footing. If I influence somebody in these conversations, I certainly want my influence to steer them to examine Scripture for themselves. Not adopt some neo-liberal rationalization as to the character and promises of the Living God. God does not make mistakes, therefore His Word is errorless. The age old beguilement of Satan has been to shoot the messenger, thus the self absorbed liberal has fallen for the most ancient of fallacies, "professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." Rom 1:22. Even if that messenger is inspired by God in the form of The Bible.

And liberals persist in their efforts to redefine history, the US Constitution and our system of laws and government, the Holy Bible, and anything else that gets in their way. It is the ultimate thrill ride for man to want to become God (that is to do things as he sees them) and exemplifies the first sin mentioned in the Bible. That sin happened before Eve took that bite out of the apple. Satan led a rebellion in heaven which led to his expulsion:
Isaiah 14:11-15 (KJV)
11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

This is the place, (earth) where men choose. They have complete freedom to either to follow their own star, (a take off on the wise men's journey to Bethlehem) or they can follow the star of Bethlehem. I trust God to get His Word right, accurate, and delivered to me in such a fashion as to be an infallible guide to salvation, strength and understanding. The average man can read the Bible and understand the truth with the guidance of The Holy Spirit. I do not accept that God would in any way make man's journey to the truth confusing or complex.

I don't disagree with much of your post. I just know for a fact that gender confusion is sometimes caused by hormones in disproportion, and that is no "threat" or contradiction to what you've posted above.

You are, however, a Christian Reconstructionist when it comes to certain aspects of American history. If there is a rat hole, that's yours.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:��

I don't disagree with much of your post. I just know for a fact that gender confusion is sometimes caused by hormones in disproportion, and that is no "threat" or contradiction to what you've posted above.

You are, however, a Christian Reconstructionist when it comes to certain aspects of American history. If there is a rat hole, that's yours.

Ah yes the liberal default misdirection, the old "I know you are but what am I ploy." Nobody's better at it than Obama and Hillary, but I'll admit, you've obviously got those training wheels off.

I however tend to think you sometimes manifest symptoms of hormonal imbalance, and rather liked what this guy says about it; "According to former Johns Hopkins Hospital psychiatrist-in-chief Paul R. McHugh, M.D. , a person changing the sex he or she was born with is "biologically impossible." He went on to declare that LGBT advocates who encourage "gender confused" individuals to have "sexual reassignment surgery" are guiding them down the path to suffer from mental illness — and quite possibly, suicide"

I didn't see a reference to hormones in the following article, but I recommend reading it.
TheRealThing Wrote:Ah yes the liberal default misdirection, the old "I know you are but what am I ploy." Nobody's better at it than Obama and Hillary, but I'll admit, you've obviously got those training wheels off.

I however tend to think you sometimes manifest symptoms of hormonal imbalance, and rather liked what this guy says about it; "According to former Johns Hopkins Hospital psychiatrist-in-chief Paul R. McHugh, M.D. , a person changing the sex he or she was born with is "biologically impossible." He went on to declare that LGBT advocates who encourage "gender confused" individuals to have "sexual reassignment surgery" are guiding them down the path to suffer from mental illness — and quite possibly, suicide"

I didn't see a reference to hormones in the following article, but I recommend reading it.

Hold on: I am not suggesting sex change. I am saying that treatment for a medical condition is needed, estrogen reduction with testosterone replacement and the like. I am NOT advocating sex change.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Hold on: I am not suggesting sex change. I am saying that treatment for a medical condition is needed, estrogen reduction with testosterone replacement and the like. I am NOT advocating sex change.

The good doctor in the article cited said that gender confusion is a temporary mental disorder. You say gender confusion is biological.

But you were speaking about knowing some teens with the problem, were you not? Which in and of itself is remarkable seeing that only 1 in 2,000 suffer from mixed sex organs, which BTW had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Where did you find "some' of them? But I digress, what was said still applies to 1,999 people out of every 2,000. And even if you are 100% correct in what you said, it would still only apply to 1 in 2,000. In any case, you highjacked the conversation and ran it down a liberal rat hole. Do you work at Pathways?
TheRealThing Wrote:The good doctor in the article cited said that gender confusion is a temporary mental disorder. You say gender confusion is biological.

But you were speaking about knowing some teens with the problem, were you not? Which in and of itself is remarkable seeing that only 1 in 2,000 suffer from mixed sex organs, which BTW had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Where did you find "some' of them? But I digress, what was said still applies to 1,999 people out of every 2,000. And even if you are 100% correct in what you said, it would still only apply to 1 in 2,000. In any case, you highjacked the conversation and ran it down a liberal rat hole. Do you work at Pathways?

I work with an organization that embraces Matthew 25:31-46. I do not personally know these folks, but I do know a few medical practitioners who report these cases. I am not suggesting it is the norm, even within this small percentage of the population.

Gender confusion can be biological. It is one of any number of factors. Sin warped the cosmos. That warping manifests itself in multitudinous ways, ways enough to spend a lifetime in mourning for this fallen, decaying planet.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I work with an organization that embraces Matthew 25:31-46. I do not personally know these folks, but I do know a few medical practitioners who report these cases. I am not suggesting it is the norm, even within this small percentage of the population.

Gender confusion can be biological. It is one of any number of factors. Sin warped the cosmos. That warping manifests itself in multitudinous ways, ways enough to spend a lifetime in mourning for this fallen, decaying planet.

Just to be clear, I disagree. But we're dealing with the tiniest fraction of the population, and gender confusion is somewhat rare even among them, right? What did that have to do with parents encouraging perfectly healthy children to choose their sex? That in light of the Scripture quote which said we're created in the very image of God, male and female. Cause I get the hit that you're saying abnormal and depraved sexual behavior should be looked over and accepted as being a condition of the fallen state of man. Sort of like catching a cold, and it's really nobody's fault.
TheRealThing Wrote:Just to be clear, I disagree. But we're dealing with the tiniest fraction of the population, and gender confusion is somewhat rare even among them, right? What did that have to do with parents encouraging perfectly healthy children to choose their sex? That in light of the Scripture quote which said we're created in the very image of God, male and female. Cause I get the hit that you're saying abnormal and depraved sexual behavior should be looked over and accepted as being a condition of the fallen state of man. Sort of like catching a cold, and it's really nobody's fault.

Adultery is a result of the fallen state of Man; it is also a decision. Gender confusion is a very small percentage. We do agree. To exchange natural relations for unnatural misses the mark of God, as does changing gender.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Adultery is a result of the fallen state of Man; it is also a decision. Gender confusion is a very small percentage. We do agree. To exchange natural relations for unnatural misses the mark of God, as does changing gender.

Latter Day Saint?
I think Hilary has already done enough damage as it is. God help us all if she becomes the next president!
We still have over 2 weeks of good campaigning days left. WikiLeaks has not shirked on their threat to release devastating emails thought to have been buried deep. In a comparison of the negatives associated with each candidate there is just no contest, Trump's wisecracking, versus international and domestic scandal the like of which this earth has never seen. With literally thousands of emails left to be exposed, there just is no good news for the Dems.

BTW, Hill's command of the topics wasn't quite as robust as was seen in the first two debates. It's a little harder when one doesn't have the questions to use during the debate prep.
TheRealThing Wrote:We still have over 2 weeks of good campaigning days left. WikiLeaks has not shirked on their threat to release devastating emails thought to have been buried deep. In a comparison of the negatives associated with each candidate there is just no contest, Trump's wisecracking, versus international and domestic scandal the like of which this earth has never seen. With literally thousands of emails left to be exposed, there just is no good news for the Dems.

BTW, Hill's command of the topics wasn't quite as robust as was seen in the first two debates. It's a little harder when one doesn't have the questions to use during the debate prep.
All the good news that Democrats needed was that Donald J. Trump had won and had accepted the Republican nomination. Had a serious Republican candidate emerged from the GOP convention, Hillary Clinton would have already withdrawn for "health reasons" or some other face saving excuse. Republicans knew in advance that the Democrats were running a very bad, criminally flawed candidate, and they offered up the weakest available alternative.

I don't know if I will be able to follow through on my Never Trump pledge or not, but nobody is to blame for this fiasco but Trump, Fox News Channel, and those who did not oppose Trump in the primaries. They will own the results of this election and the calamities that befall this nation over the next four years.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:All the good news that Democrats needed was that Donald J. Trump had won and had accepted the Republican nomination. Had a serious Republican candidate emerged from the GOP convention, Hillary Clinton would have already withdrawn for "health reasons" or some other face saving excuse. Republicans knew in advance that the Democrats were running a very bad, criminally flawed candidate, and they offered up the weakest available alternative.

I don't know if I will be able to follow through on my Never Trump pledge or not, but nobody is to blame for this fiasco but Trump, Fox News Channel, and those who did not oppose Trump in the primaries. They will own the results of this election and the calamities that befall this nation over the next four years.

You know Hoot, there's only one guy whose actions you can at least partially control, yourself. The people of this land have finally come out of the fogbank and their reaction was to nominate DJT. I understand your frustration, but that ship has sailed.

I first realized the media had become proactively involved in the American political process during the Reagan years. Since that time their propagandist activities have widened significantly and now we see that every news story has two sides. One, to flatter Democrats. And two, to disgrace, impune, mock to scorn and otherwise vilify Republicans. This is a factual situation which has been now validated in recovered emails which prove collusion between the press and the DNC. And although many people don't care about that, many do and have openly rejected the deceit along with establishment Republicans lacking the spine to oppose it all. The ability to judge at the personal level what is right and what is wrong, the real guiding force to America's past success, has been lost and in it's place is a very confusing alternative. Nowadays, if one takes the opinion of the press, there are two points of view and the qualifier isn't discernment based on the principles of Christian ethics, it is whether that view is Republican or Democrat.

Voters have therefore taken things into their own hands because after all, how does one separate the insider good guys from the figuratively bad guys? As you know I put the blame for the recent unraveling of our political system of election onto the Church. I believe there would surely have been a viable candidate to be had from within the Freedom Caucus. But most of America is swayed by secular arguments in this day, and mainstream America tends to reject candidates of an evangelical origin. So, the Dems trotted out Hillary and the Republicans sent out yet another Bush, plus a cast of other characters, and DJT announced, who was and is a clear outsider. Republicans were so sure that the Dems were right and needed a candidate like Marco Rubio to turn their White House fortunes. And in typical forest for the trees disillusionment, completely overlooked the fact that the voter had just swept them into the majority in both Houses of the Congress.

Say what you want, but if the Republican Party really does have Paul Ryan's face on it, I can easily understand why this has happened. But we are waaaay post the why of it now. The American voter wields enormous power and they've been taken advantage of and taken for granted now for decades. The establishment if you ask me, have become a bunch of illegitimate pinch nosed aristocrats of dubious origins with delusions of grandeur instead of public servants. At least in DJT there seems to be a shred of acceptance for the concerns of those who seek to send him to the White House.
TheRealThing Wrote:You know Hoot, there's only one guy whose actions you can at least partially control, yourself. The people of this land have finally come out of the fogbank and their reaction was to nominate DJT. I understand your frustration, but that ship has sailed.

I first realized the media had become proactively involved in the American political process during the Reagan years. Since that time their propagandist activities have widened significantly and now we see that every news story has two sides. One, to flatter Democrats. And two, to disgrace, impune, mock to scorn and otherwise vilify Republicans. This is a factual situation which has been now validated in recovered emails which prove collusion between the press and the DNC. And although many people don't care about that, many do and have openly rejected the deceit along with establishment Republicans lacking the spine to oppose it all. The ability to judge at the personal level what is right and what is wrong, the real guiding force to America's past success, has been lost and in it's place is a very confusing alternative. Nowadays, if one takes the opinion of the press, there are two points of view and the qualifier isn't discernment based on the principles of Christian ethics, it is whether that view is Republican or Democrat.

Voters have therefore taken things into their own hands because after all, how does one separate the insider good guys from the figuratively bad guys? As you know I put the blame for the recent unraveling of our political system of election onto the Church. I believe there would surely have been a viable candidate to be had from within the Freedom Caucus. But most of America is swayed by secular arguments in this day, and mainstream America tends to reject candidates of an evangelical origin. So, the Dems trotted out Hillary and the Republicans sent out yet another Bush, plus a cast of other characters, and DJT announced, who was and is a clear outsider. Republicans were so sure that the Dems were right and needed a candidate like Marco Rubio to turn their White House fortunes. And in typical forest for the trees disillusionment, completely overlooked the fact that the voter had just swept them into the majority in both Houses of the Congress.

Say what you want, but if the Republican Party really does have Paul Ryan's face on it, I can easily understand why this has happened. But we are waaaay post the why of it now. The American voter wields enormous power and they've been taken advantage of and taken for granted now for decades. The establishment if you ask me, have become a bunch of illegitimate pinch nosed aristocrats of dubious origins with delusions of grandeur instead of public servants. At least in DJT there seems to be a shred of acceptance for the concerns of those who seek to send him to the White House.

I think you have hit upon something in your excellent post. I think it is in viewing Donald Trump as a public servant that is a struggle. A candidate with the policies put forward by Trump, but with the demeanor of, say, the first George Bush or Ronald Reagan, and that candidate, in my opinion, wins key battleground states and the Presidency, in my view. I don't for a minute buy that Trump is racist or sexist or hates immigrants. That's all Vince Lombardi politics. Rather, I think it's in coming across as a bit of a bully, and a bit of a business cheat, and a bit of a novice politically that are costing him.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I think you have hit upon something in your excellent post. I think it is in viewing Donald Trump as a public servant that is a struggle. A candidate with the policies put forward by Trump, but with the demeanor of, say, the first George Bush or Ronald Reagan, and that candidate, in my opinion, wins key battleground states and the Presidency, in my view. I don't for a minute buy that Trump is racist or sexist or hates immigrants. That's all Vince Lombardi politics. Rather, I think it's in coming across as a bit of a bully, and a bit of a business cheat, and a bit of a novice politically that are costing him.
A good Republican candidate would be well on his or her way to a landslide election with a thunderous mandate. A candidate must be really weak to allow a criminal like Hillary Clinton to even manage to stay in the race. I may scratch my head at how anybody can enthusiastically support Trump, but it is disgusting to see people tout Hillary as anything but a criminal who has evaded justice way too many times.

I know that it has not received much coverage, but there are smoking gun memos among the truckload of Hillary's email leaked messages written by Podesta and Abadin. Hillary sold access to the Sec. of State (i.e., herself) to the king of Morocco for the paltry sum of $12 million.

How can anybody vote for such a transparently crooked candidate and look at themselves in the mirror? She was an incompetent Sec. of State, but even if one believes that she was competent, would a crooked but competent cabinet member have been any less dangerous?
TheRealThing Wrote:You know Hoot, there's only one guy whose actions you can at least partially control, yourself. The people of this land have finally come out of the fogbank and their reaction was to nominate DJT. I understand your frustration, but that ship has sailed.

I first realized the media had become proactively involved in the American political process during the Reagan years. Since that time their propagandist activities have widened significantly and now we see that every news story has two sides. One, to flatter Democrats. And two, to disgrace, impune, mock to scorn and otherwise vilify Republicans. This is a factual situation which has been now validated in recovered emails which prove collusion between the press and the DNC. And although many people don't care about that, many do and have openly rejected the deceit along with establishment Republicans lacking the spine to oppose it all. The ability to judge at the personal level what is right and what is wrong, the real guiding force to America's past success, has been lost and in it's place is a very confusing alternative. Nowadays, if one takes the opinion of the press, there are two points of view and the qualifier isn't discernment based on the principles of Christian ethics, it is whether that view is Republican or Democrat.

Voters have therefore taken things into their own hands because after all, how does one separate the insider good guys from the figuratively bad guys? As you know I put the blame for the recent unraveling of our political system of election onto the Church. I believe there would surely have been a viable candidate to be had from within the Freedom Caucus. But most of America is swayed by secular arguments in this day, and mainstream America tends to reject candidates of an evangelical origin. So, the Dems trotted out Hillary and the Republicans sent out yet another Bush, plus a cast of other characters, and DJT announced, who was and is a clear outsider. Republicans were so sure that the Dems were right and needed a candidate like Marco Rubio to turn their White House fortunes. And in typical forest for the trees disillusionment, completely overlooked the fact that the voter had just swept them into the majority in both Houses of the Congress.

Say what you want, but if the Republican Party really does have Paul Ryan's face on it, I can easily understand why this has happened. But we are waaaay post the why of it now. The American voter wields enormous power and they've been taken advantage of and taken for granted now for decades. The establishment if you ask me, have become a bunch of illegitimate pinch nosed aristocrats of dubious origins with delusions of grandeur instead of public servants. At least in DJT there seems to be a shred of acceptance for the concerns of those who seek to send him to the White House.
Aside from Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump has lied more than any presidential candidate in my lifetime. When people back candidates who blatantly lie to them in the face of clear, incontrovertible video and audio documentation that they are lying, then they get exactly the government that they deserve. (The latest example came during the third debate, when Trump denied that he ever suggested that Japan and Saudi Arabia should develop their own nukes so that they can defend themselves.)

The anti-establishment candidate was Ted Cruz. The GOP establishment decided that they would rather lose with Trump (who inherited Jeb Bush's establishment lane) than to win with Cruz.

Nothing Paul Ryan or any other RINO could have done would have made Trump into a strong candidate. Granted, there is no solid evidence that Trump has committed any felonies, but asking people to vote for you because you are not a criminal is not a compelling reason to vote for somebody.

The only tempting reason to vote for a pathological liar like Trump is that he is not Hillary Clinton. I don't fault people for using that logic in casting their votes, but I do fault people whose cult-like devotion to this buffoon for giving me such a Faustian choice in November.
Most people don't see the true character of either of these candidates.

You remember the Teflon Don, where everything the media said about him just sort of ran off him like water off a duck's back. Well, Hillary don't even get the scrutiny from the media. She should be the White Washed Media Queen.

At this point, she could light an orphanage on fire and claim that Trump spoke badly of something/somebody 12 years ago, and the media would ignore her and hang him.
Granny Bear Wrote:Most people don't see the true character of either of these candidates.

You remember the Teflon Don, where everything the media said about him just sort of ran off him like water off a duck's back. Well, Hillary don't even get the scrutiny from the media. She should be the White Washed Media Queen.

At this point, she could light an orphanage on fire and claim that Trump spoke badly of something/somebody 12 years ago, and the media would ignore her and hang him.
I don't disagree with any of this, Granny, but Trump's biggest problem has not been what the media has said about him, it has been what he says about himself. Nobody makes him talk so much about himself instead of sticking to issues and attacking Hillary - that is simply an extreme lack of self discipline. He did it again today, before he outlined his 100-day action plan.

There was no reason for Trump to mention the allegations against him today, yet he did so near the beginning of his speech. Anybody who has taken a basic English class knows that when you want to persuade people, you lead with your most important points, follow with details, and then close by repeating your most important points.

Instead, Trump led with a pledge of retribution for the women who have made false allegations of unwanted sexual advances against him.

In its response to Trump's speech, Hillary's campaign simply recounted Trump's threats to sue women who have accused him of making unwanted sexual advances. Trump opened the door, and Hillary walked through it, and ignored Trump's policy proposals. Hillary should pay Trump for making today's speech out of her political ad budget.
I know! I saw that, too.

I can't defend Trump's public speaking.

So far though, I CAN take Trump over Hillary. I consider her a liar, thief, felon and possible accessory to murder.
^^ Hoot I keep saying this and it keeps going right over your head. Yes Trump has his rough spots. For example, when under the fire of some particular charge he reacts rather the way we might in similar circumstances. He's certainly no polished politician who can effectively lie and smile convincingly. That apart from his opponent who can dodge incredibly overwhelming and damnable charges, for which in many cases, there is some measure of proof thanks to WikiLeaks and others. The thing is-is in all of the deluge and revelations of ever unfolding cases, within the attempts to provide cover or do damage control there is always a shred of truth mixed in with the spin salad in which the facts are couched. Put together, the expanded truth has nonetheless begun to emerge.

If not for Trump we wouldn't even be talking about things like Globalism and illegal immigration, our weakened military, or the corruption being revealed within government circles. Much less to have seen those things brought fearlessly out into the open, even to the point of becoming campaign issues. No we would be going the Paul Ryan route, embracing the diverse even if they are criminal gate crashers, and allowing the Dems to define Republicans and blow up a sand storm of political correctness meant to completely cloud the real issues from the eyes of a sleeping electorate. I have been saying the protestors at the various Trump rallies were hired to create havoc, and recent revelations have shown that to be the truth. That alone should have been a Watergate eclipsing story.

Instead we see that the establishment of both sides, the media and other talking heads are completely content to continually concentrate their fire on the messenger and in your case, hold contempt for the record setting millions who have thus far voted for Trump. We are 14 days away from voting day. I still say Trump will install the best minds out there as cabinet members, SC judges and agency heads to try and unravel the damage done and govern more like traditional statesmen. 'This is a binary choice,' has been the overworked catch phrase for this election. But it is true that we face a fork in the road, the left fork is more of the same, the right one offers some chance for a return to normalcy. Given the fact that the voter has been run over by activist judges willing to overturn legal referendums and such, I am not one who accepts that what has happened to this country of late qualifies as having been 'moved forward.' Give me the fork to the right and let's see what happens.

The left was in denial and incredulous after they were swept out of the House in 2010. So, what did they do? Double down on the same old-same old. They were stunned and shaken in 2014 when they were swept from the Senate, and again doubled down more forcefully. This election season has seen the mother of all double downs however, as the no holds barred analogy falls laughably short of capturing the politics of the moment. I say this not in support of Republicans who've been equally unable to recognize the mood of the people; But to point out that it is the people who're rising. That rise gave us DJT, and this election day we will see if it was enough to carry him to the White House. IMHO the people hold enormous power and recognition of that fact has the establishment and the media (who have believed for decades they could sway public opinion completely), a bit wide eyed.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ Hoot I keep saying this and it keeps going right over your head. Yes Trump has his rough spots. For example, when under the fire of some particular charge he reacts rather the way we might in similar circumstances. He's certainly no polished politician who can effectively lie and smile convincingly. That apart from his opponent who can dodge incredibly overwhelming and damnable charges, for which in many cases, there is some measure of proof thanks to WikiLeaks and others. The thing is-is in all of the deluge and revelations of ever unfolding cases, within the attempts to provide cover or do damage control there is always a shred of truth mixed in with the spin salad in which the facts are couched. Put together, the expanded truth has nonetheless begun to emerge.

If not for Trump we wouldn't even be talking about things like Globalism and illegal immigration, our weakened military, or the corruption being revealed within government circles. Much less to have seen those things brought fearlessly out into the open, even to the point of becoming campaign issues. No we would be going the Paul Ryan route, embracing the diverse even if they are criminal gate crashers, and allowing the Dems to define Republicans and blow up a sand storm of political correctness meant to completely cloud the real issues from the eyes of a sleeping electorate. I have been saying the protestors at the various Trump rallies were hired to create havoc, and recent revelations have shown that to be the truth. That alone should have been a Watergate eclipsing story.

Instead we see that the establishment of both sides, the media and other talking heads are completely content to continually concentrate their fire on the messenger and in your case, hold contempt for the record setting millions who have thus far voted for Trump. We are 14 days away from voting day. I still say Trump will install the best minds out there as cabinet members, SC judges and agency heads to try and unravel the damage done and govern more like traditional statesmen. 'This is a binary choice,' has been the overworked catch phrase for this election. But it is true that we face a fork in the road, the left fork is more of the same, the right one offers some chance for a return to normalcy. Given the fact that the voter has been run over by activist judges willing to overturn legal referendums and such, I am not one who accepts that what has happened to this country of late qualifies as having been 'moved forward.' Give me the fork to the right and let's see what happens.

The left was in denial and incredulous after they were swept out of the House in 2010. So, what did they do? Double down on the same old-same old. They were stunned and shaken in 2014 when they were swept from the Senate, and again doubled down more forcefully. This election season has seen the mother of all double downs however, as the no holds barred analogy falls laughably short of capturing the politics of the moment. I say this not in support of Republicans who've been equally unable to recognize the mood of the people; But to point out that it is the people who're rising. That rise gave us DJT, and this election day we will see if it was enough to carry him to the White House. IMHO the people hold enormous power and recognition of that fact has the establishment and the media (who have believed for decades they could sway public opinion completely), a bit wide eyed.
I can assure you, TRT, nothing that you write goes over my head.

It does not take a seasoned politician to know that when you run for office against a criminal, it is important to provide a sharp character contrast with your opponent. Trump has needlessly placed himself on the defensive by making easily refutable statements. That makes it easier for voters, particularly independents and moderate Democrats to see Trump and Hillary as moral equivalents.

Every time Trump denies saying something that he said on video, he lowers himself into the mud in which Hillary wallows. That makes absolutely no sense.

This campaign is not between on honest candidate who "tells it like it is" and a dishonest candidate. It is a campaign between two dishonest candidates, one of whom is surely a criminal, and the other whom clearly does not have a reputation for honesty or trustworthiness.

There is no good reason for Republicans not to be poised for a landslide in two weeks. Even if Trump manages to pull off a miracle finish, he has run an absolutely horrible campaign against a woman who should should have been unelectable.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I can assure you, TRT, nothing that you write goes over my head.

It does not take a seasoned politician to know that when you run for office against a criminal, it is important to provide a sharp character contrast with your opponent. Trump has needlessly placed himself on the defensive by making easily refutable statements. That makes it easier for voters, particularly independents and moderate Democrats to see Trump and Hillary as moral equivalents.

Every time Trump denies saying something that he said on video, he lowers himself into the mud in which Hillary wallows. That makes absolutely no sense.

This campaign is not between on honest candidate who "tells it like it is" and a dishonest candidate. It is a campaign between two dishonest candidates, one of whom is surely a criminal, and the other whom clearly does not have a reputation for honesty or trustworthiness.

There is no good reason for Republicans not to be poised for a landslide in two weeks. Even if Trump manages to pull off a miracle finish, he has run an absolutely horrible campaign against a woman who should should have been unelectable.

Oh there's no question in my mind you think you're smarter than I, and humble. And you already suggested you think you're smarter than the 15 million or so that voted for Trump in the primaries and caucuses. Trump is not a particularly articulate guy; I have not liked how he has run his campaign and I said I couldn't defend his crudeness. But what we saw this election season was a reaction by the voter.

Trump could have worn Elisha's mantle and the media would have been just as vicious to him. A lot of this stuff was manufactured by them anyway. Romney was eloquent and articulate. Added to that was his very good record as Governor of Massachusetts, and the fact that he served in that capacity without taking any money for his pay. He left a bunch of money in the various funds and slam dunked the Al Smith Memorial Dinner. The media still crucified him. And need I point out yet again the fact that I predicted Trump would be slimed in epic fashion by all concerned? Ted Cruz would have fared no better with the media and the debates would have been just as skewed.
TheRealThing Wrote:Oh there's no question in my mind you think you're smarter than I, and humble. And you already suggested you think you're smarter than the 15 million or so that voted for Trump in the primaries and caucuses. Trump is not a particularly articulate guy; I have not liked how he has run his campaign and I said I couldn't defend his crudeness. But what we saw this election season was a reaction by the voter.

Trump could have worn Elisha's mantle and the media would have been just as vicious to him. A lot of this stuff was manufactured by them anyway. Romney was eloquent and articulate. Added to that was his very good record as Governor of Massachusetts, and the fact that he served in that capacity without taking any money for his pay. He left a bunch of money in the various funds and slam dunked the Al Smith Memorial Dinner. The media still crucified him. And need I point out yet again the fact that I predicted Trump would be slimed in epic fashion by all concerned? Ted Cruz would have fared no better with the media and the debates would have been just as skewed.
It's to late for false modesty, TRT. You are the one who claimed that your tomes about Trump go over my head. I do not engage in false modesty. I will take credit where it is due. You were wrong about Trump being a worthy candidate and I was not. It really is that simple.

Nominating Trump made it easy for the media to "slime" Trump because Trump has slimed himself for years. Unlike Romney, McCain, and Bob Dole, Trump is running against the weakest Democratic candidate in history and he trails badly because of his own character flaws. In Trump, the media was presented with a sitting duck. Any other Republican candidate would have made a more challenging target.

You were not among those of us who warned of what a monumentally weak opponent Trump would make in the general campaign. You may continue to blame everybody but Trump for his desperate situation, but the truth is Democrats have never run any candidate besides Hillary Clinton who Trump would have stood any chance of beating. As candidates, not even Mondale, Dukakis, or McGovern were as weak. Both Trump and Hillary are products of a dumbed down electorate.
Trump continues to be slammed by the media for not saying that he would "accept" the results of the election. A few things come to my mind.

1) What difference does it make? (quoting Hillary there) Trump isn't currently holding any office that would effect the fluid transition of the position. Obama to Clinton; what could Trump do about that of any significance?
2) Trump's election (YES, election) wasn't accepted by everybody; especially the media. Add the coverups by the Clinton campaign and the #NeverTrumpers; yet Trump gets so much negativity for not promising to accept the result of the final election.

Given what "I" believe, and all of it cannot be proven, I'm surprised that there hasn't been an attempt on Trump's life. Perhaps if he closes the gap in the polls anymore, that may happen.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It's to late for false modesty, TRT. You are the one who claimed that your tomes about Trump go over my head. I do not engage in false modesty. I will take credit where it is due. You were wrong about Trump being a worthy candidate and I was not. It really is that simple.

Nominating Trump made it easy for the media to "slime" Trump because Trump has slimed himself for years. Unlike Romney, McCain, and Bob Dole, Trump is running against the weakest Democratic candidate in history and he trails badly because of his own character flaws. In Trump, the media was presented with a sitting duck. Any other Republican candidate would have made a more challenging target.

You were not among those of us who warned of what a monumentally weak opponent Trump would make in the general campaign. You may continue to blame everybody but Trump for his desperate situation, but the truth is Democrats have never run any candidate besides Hillary Clinton who Trump would have stood any chance of beating. As candidates, not even Mondale, Dukakis, or McGovern were as weak. Both Trump and Hillary are products of a dumbed down electorate.

Well I'm not saying I know what a tome is, but you really aren't as skilled in sidestepping as you might think. But to indulge you for just a second before moving on to highlighting the truth again, I don't know whether you've heard or not but the election isn't quite over and it's a bit early for you to claim victory.

I have been on the media's case since I came on this forum, pointing out their methods in trying to manipulate and marginalize the citizenry. Obviously I couldn't prove what I was saying and then along came WikiLeaks and not only were the press engaged in trying to manipulate the vote, they actively colluded with the DNC. Further, they have a playbook which details methods to oversample certain groups to produce false polls. You mocked me for suggesting the polls were messed with as I recall. I don't trust the media or the polls, and I certainly am not ready to concede the election to the Dems yet. But you I believe, would rather be right, even if that meant the transformation will go forward.

You are right to say that I was never among the #NeverTrumpsters. It really is laughable to read your continuing attempts to act like you inhabit the moral and intellectual high ground as you tell me it's too late moderate my position of support for Mr Trump as if I were making a prodigal and penitent approach to your good graces. All while ignoring the gist of my factual post which was to point out there was no dodging the tsunami of lies I had predicted the media would spew out like a flood. As far as I'm concerned you're part of it as your posts on here clearly demonstrate. I have offered an alternative view for which you have gone into obit for my questioning whatever clairvoyant force you use to make all these dire predictions about Trump. I am content to wait and see what happens on Nov 8th.

I would posit that HRC is a far more formidable opponent than Mondale or Dukakis or McGovern, with cultural changes and emerging demographics being the reasons. The email stuff and Clinton Foundation stuff, in my view, strike the average voter as typical politics and not crimes.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well I'm not saying I know what a tome is, but you really aren't as skilled in sidestepping as you might think. But to indulge you for just a second before moving on to highlighting the truth again, I don't know whether you've heard or not but the election isn't quite over and it's a bit early for you to claim victory.

I have been on the media's case since I came on this forum, pointing out their methods in trying to manipulate and marginalize the citizenry. Obviously I couldn't prove what I was saying and then along came WikiLeaks and not only were the press engaged in trying to manipulate the vote, they actively colluded with the DNC. Further, they have a playbook which details methods to oversample certain groups to produce false polls. You mocked me for suggesting the polls were messed with as I recall. I don't trust the media or the polls, and I certainly am not ready to concede the election to the Dems yet. But you I believe, would rather be right, even if that meant the transformation will go forward.

You are right to say that I was never among the #NeverTrumpsters. It really is laughable to read your continuing attempts to act like you inhabit the moral and intellectual high ground as you tell me it's too late moderate my position of support for Mr Trump as if I were making a prodigal and penitent approach to your good graces. All while ignoring the gist of my factual post which was to point out there was no dodging the tsunami of lies I had predicted the media would spew out like a flood. As far as I'm concerned you're part of it as your posts on here clearly demonstrate. I have offered an alternative view for which you have gone into obit for my questioning whatever clairvoyant force you use to make all these dire predictions about Trump. I am content to wait and see what happens on Nov 8th.
The outcome of this election will not be a victory for anybody, as I have said repeatedly. With two horrible candidates vying for the presidency, how could anybody be in a celebratory mood on election night?

Clairvoyance is not required to understand that Trump and Hillary are the two worst political candidates of our lifetime, just a little common sense and some understanding of human nature. At there core, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have changed very little over the course of their adult lives. To think that one of them underwent a complete personality makeover when he declared himself a religious, conservative, Republican presidential candidate was nothing more than wishful thinking by his ardent supporters.

The gap between the two candidates in the polls will very likely narrow over the next two weeks because pollsters are judged on the accuracy of their final polls. What won't change is that Republicans should have won the upcoming election in a cakewalk, and they would have done so if they nominated almost anybody other than Donald Trump.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️⬆️

I would posit that HRC is a far more formidable opponent than Mondale or Dukakis or McGovern, with cultural changes and emerging demographics being the reasons. The email stuff and Clinton Foundation stuff, in my view, strike the average voter as typical politics and not crimes.
The fact that you believe moving classified documents off of a secure network (SIPR net) onto a totally unsecured basement computer connected to the internet and accepting bribes totaling tens of millions of dollars in exchange for face time with an American Secretary of State are not crimes just demonstrates the depths to which the Democratic Party and its followers have sunk.

Mondale, Dukakis, and McGovern were misguided liberals but none of them engaged in criminal behavior. The Democratic Party of 30 years ago would have done their part in holding a criminal like Hillary Clinton accountable for her crimes. Neither party of that era would have considered Donald Trump fit for any elected office - but Hillary Clinton? Anybody suggesting such a thing would have been mercilessly ridiculed.
Granny Bear Wrote:Trump continues to be slammed by the media for not saying that he would "accept" the results of the election. A few things come to my mind.

1) What difference does it make? (quoting Hillary there) Trump isn't currently holding any office that would effect the fluid transition of the position. Obama to Clinton; what could Trump do about that of any significance?
2) Trump's election (YES, election) wasn't accepted by everybody; especially the media. Add the coverups by the Clinton campaign and the #NeverTrumpers; yet Trump gets so much negativity for not promising to accept the result of the final election.

Given what "I" believe, and all of it cannot be proven, I'm surprised that there hasn't been an attempt on Trump's life. Perhaps if he closes the gap in the polls anymore, that may happen.
The gap in the polls will almost certainly narrow, Granny, but it is very unlikely that Trump will overcome the large projected deficit he faces in the electoral votes.

Trump is right that many pollsters are deliberately exaggerating the gap between Hillary and him, but the polling companies will only be held accountable for their final polls before the election. Those polls are for bragging rights and will determine the success of the pollsters between now and the next election cycle.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The fact that you believe moving classified documents off of a secure network (SIPR net) onto a totally unsecured basement computer connected to the internet and accepting bribes totaling tens of millions of dollars in exchange for face time with an American Secretary of State are not crimes just demonstrates the depths to which the Democratic Party and its followers have sunk.

Mondale, Dukakis, and McGovern were misguided liberals but none of them engaged in criminal behavior. The Democratic Party of 30 years ago would have done their part in holding a criminal like Hillary Clinton accountable for her crimes. Neither party of that era would have considered Donald Trump fit for any elected office - but Hillary Clinton? Anybody suggesting such a thing would have been mercilessly ridiculed.

What I said was this: to a lot of voters those things seem like the kind of stuff that politicians do, not something so egregious as to enter an entirely different category. To many independents, in my view, the partisans of both sides yell "high crimes and misdemeanors" at the other side for behaviors not unique or peculiar to either side.

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