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50K Tax Refunds and 80 Million Dollars Sent to Ten Addresses
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
The republicans need to grow a pair.
Unfortunatly to many of them are so old they just drag the floor with no use.

I would say that that sums it up pretty well. Most of the younger Republicans show similar tendencies.

It is difficult to determine who has a limper wrist- the Republicans in Congress or Obama.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't take "proof" from right wing sites. If you don't like my assertions, don't read or respond to them.

So far, your best and only defense on this matter has been to cast aspersions on the source. Basically, play number one from the DNC playbook;
DEBATE TACTIC #1 - Call names, make fun of.
Like I have said before. Though you are likely an irretrievably bought and paid for liberal drone who gets his opinion given to him by morons, you do serve a purpose. For a picture to achieve any real amount of interest there must be sufficient contrast. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:So far, your best and only defense on this matter has been to cast aspersions on the source. Basically, play number one from the DNC playbook;
DEBATE TACTIC #1 - Call names, make fun of.
Like I have said before. Though you are likely an irretrievably bought and paid for liberal drone who gets his opinion given to him by morons, you do serve a purpose. For a picture to achieve any real amount of interest there must be sufficient contrast. :biggrin:

That's out of your guys playbook. You know, the "liberal media" mantra.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I will agree that, if it is true, the Republicans need to grow a backbone and start an offensive. The fact that they aren't leads one to believe the story is not as reported or that Republicans are neutered. Either or both may well be true.
An IG in the Obama administration is not going to put his name on an audit such as this one if the allegations are not well founded.

Yes, the majority of Republicans in Washington are as untrustworthy and lacking in courage as the Democrats. Tonight's vote on the so called immigration "reform" bill is a perfect example. Nobody who supports that bill either now or after the conference (assuming the House passes its own bill) will ever receive my vote for any office. I will abstain first. I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I wish that I could take my vote for McCain back. I expect that Boehner will produce a tough on illegal immigration bill in the House and then let a minority of Republicans help pass the conference version into law.

The IRS has become a cog in the Democratic political machine.
TheRealVille Wrote:That's out of your guys playbook. You know, the "liberal media" mantra.

"That's out of your guys playbook. You know, the "liberal media" mantra" Pee Wee said. :please:
Kind of hard to dodge a bullet issued by the Inspector General in a report dated July 16, 2012, and try to claim for the sake of argument here, right wing media bias, wouldn't you agree? J Russell George is being heralded as a national hero by some on the left.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:An IG in the Obama administration is not going to put his name on an audit such as this one if the allegations are not well founded.

Yes, the majority of Republicans in Washington are as untrustworthy and lacking in courage as the Democrats. Tonight's vote on the so called immigration "reform" bill is a perfect example. Nobody who supports that bill either now or after the conference (assuming the House passes its own bill) will ever receive my vote for any office. I will abstain first. I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I wish that I could take my vote for McCain back. I expect that Boehner will produce a tough on illegal immigration bill in the House and then let a minority of Republicans help pass the conference version into law.

The IRS has become a cog in the Democratic political machine.

Right, and that by design along with OSHA and the EPA. And your point is very well taken on the IG as well. He works for Obama and there is no way he is going to publicly endorse the report unless he knows beyond doubt it is real and he can prove it is real.

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