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Time to spice things up: Abortion, choice or no choice?
If there's a heartbeat, then let the heart keep beating.
^ I agree, but I have had a family member who went through this during her early 20's. Though no one in the family knew anything about it, we did notice that something in her changed. She has three beautiful daughters, but now, she can not let go of the guilt from making the decision she made.

I'm pretty sure that 90% of us who are posting have not had any Personal experience with this. I'd like to know how those who were either the father or mother feel about abortion afterwards. It's easy to sit here and cast stones, but it seems like those who cast the stones the hardest are those who have went through it.
toussaints Wrote:If there's a heartbeat, then let the heart keep beating.
At what point can it keep beating outside of the woman, if she wants it out of her body?
Stardust Wrote:^ I agree, but I have had a family member who went through this during her early 20's. Though no one in the family knew anything about it, we did notice that something in her changed. She has three beautiful daughters, but now, she can not let go of the guilt from making the decision she made.

I'm pretty sure that 90% of us who are posting have not had any Personal experience with this. I'd like to know how those who were either the father or mother feel about abortion afterwards. It's easy to sit here and cast stones, but it seems like those who cast the stones the hardest are those who have went through it.
But, on the same token Dusty, I know a couple of women who had one, that are still glad they had it. Like you say though, most of us here have no real idea how we would feel, because we've never been in that position, as the mother or father. That's why I express my feeling of no abortion except in incest, rape, or health of mother and baby, but qualify that with as long as it's legal, I believe it should be the woman's choice. She needs to pay for it though, not taxpayers.
wrong thread.
^ Realville, I think that is an awesome post. I am an extremely opinionated person ( I know, I know, that comes as a HUGE surprise to everyone.... Smile ), so my opinion is not in support of abortion. I was adopted, so, I personally am extremely happy that the biological mother who gave birth to me (whom I have never met) had no legal choice of her own at that time. For that decision, I have a beautiful bride and two children of my own. I posed no physical risk to her, I have no idea if she was raped, nor anything else. But, her ability to give life has allowed that life to make more lives. So, I'm biased....
Stardust Wrote:^ Realville, I think that is an awesome post. I am an extremely opinionated person ( I know, I know, that comes as a HUGE surprise to everyone.... Smile ), so my opinion is not in support of abortion. I was adopted, so, I personally am extremely happy that the biological mother who gave birth to me (whom I have never met) had no legal choice of her own at that time. For that decision, I have a beautiful bride and two children of my own. I posed no physical risk to her, I have no idea if she was raped, nor anything else. But, her ability to give life has allowed that life to make more lives. So, I'm biased....
You come into the topic with knowledge, and that's what we need in these talks. I have never been for abortion, other than the reasons I've stated. My wife works in the business of where babies end up being adopted(social worker), and she can tell you that there is no shortage of people wanting to adopt unwanted babies. I only ask the questions, like I've asked a couple of times in this thread to get discussion going, and trying to bring all angles into it.

Yea, I'm not a very opinionated person, so I can't relate with you on that part of your post. :biggrin:
Thanks Realville, I only discuss it as a point of discussion and to to cast judgement. I love my family member who did go through with it and I hold no negative opinion of her for her choice. I was given up in the hospital from a woman who was sharing a room with the woman who would become my lovely sister. The woman who had me, did not want a baby, thus, she handed me over to my soon to be parents. I was given away like clothes on a clothing drive. My guess is that had the laws been different in the mid 60's, Somebody like Strikeout King would be your Posts leader Smile
TheRealVille Wrote:At what point can it keep beating outside of the woman, if she wants it out of her body?

I don't know, but why not find out?

I understand having a baby takes an incredible toll on a woman in all aspects. It's a lengthy, painful process and will change her life in ways that she would have never imagined. I can understand when someone doesn't want to make that type of commitment. But my mother, your mother, and everybody's mama made that commitment and we are all grateful for having that chance.

So why take that chance away from somebody else? If you have a .000001 percent chance of making it, then there is still a chance.

I also believe the "consensual & known" father has the same rights if they want to keep the child.

Also, this is not accounting for rape victims and health issue that could likely result in the death of the mother and/or baby. I'm still torn on those circumstances. And for anybody out there reading this. If you're not ready to have kids, then don't put yourself in that position.
toussaints Wrote:I don't know, but why not find out?

I understand having a baby takes an incredible toll on a woman in all aspects. It's a lengthy, painful process and will change her life in ways that she would have never imagined. I can understand when someone doesn't want to make that type of commitment. But my mother, your mother, and everybody's mama made that commitment and we are all grateful for having that chance.

So why take that chance away from somebody else? If you have a .000001 percent chance of making it, then there is still a chance.

I also believe the "consensual & known" father has the same rights if they want to keep the child.

Also, this is not accounting for rape victims and health issue that could likely result in the death of the mother and/or baby. I'm still torn on those circumstances. And for anybody out there reading this. If you're not ready to have kids, then don't put yourself in that position.
Medical science says 24-26 weeks. It says before that a kid can't live. By medical science, that's when a fetus is viable. I'm not arguing for abortion, I've already stated my stance. I'm just stating at what time a baby is viable, according to medicine.
I do not have any personal experience on this issue but I use to be pro-choice and really didn't give it much thought. I once had someone tell me "if you are going to take a stand, know what you are standing for". I took that to mean if you oppose/support something you should know the in/outs before trying to debate the issue. My wife is a pro-life supporter and we have had numerous conversations about this issue which lead me to really understand what abortion entails, etc...

From what I personally found out, I now oppose abortion.
Pro Life every time.
Because had your mothers had an abortion, you would not be here, whether they were having a tough time or not....something to think about...
I have a beautiful 4 year because his birth mother made the right choice. Enough said
^ God bless you NKY
nky Wrote:I have a beautiful 4 year because his birth mother made the right choice. Enough said
Did she consider abortion?
TheRealVille Wrote:Did she consider abortion?
the birth father suggested to her to have one, she said no. It was actually a family member and she didn't tell anyone until about month and a half before he was born. We found out on a Friday at the end of June and they told us that adoption was the route they were going. By Monday my wife and I said no your not we're talking the baby, so we adopted him. Came home straight from the hospital in the middle of August with us. It was a wild summer that's for sure.

Funny thing is we had promised my other two sons we'd get a dog that summer instead they got a little brother.
nky Wrote:the birth father suggested to her to have one, she said no. It was actually a family member and she didn't tell anyone until about month and a half before he was born. We found out on a Friday at the end of June and they told us that adoption was the route they were going. By Monday my wife and I said no your not we're talking the baby, so we adopted him. Came home straight from the hospital in the middle of August with us. It was a wild summer that's for sure.

Funny thing is we had promised my other two sons we'd get a dog that summer instead they got a little brother.
It's good to see people like you. :Thumbs:
nky Wrote:the birth father suggested to her to have one, she said no. It was actually a family member and she didn't tell anyone until about month and a half before he was born. We found out on a Friday at the end of June and they told us that adoption was the route they were going. By Monday my wife and I said no your not we're talking the baby, so we adopted him. Came home straight from the hospital in the middle of August with us. It was a wild summer that's for sure.

Funny thing is we had promised my other two sons we'd get a dog that summer instead they got a little brother.
:Thumbs:wonderful story
nky Wrote:the birth father suggested to her to have one, she said no. It was actually a family member and she didn't tell anyone until about month and a half before he was born. We found out on a Friday at the end of June and they told us that adoption was the route they were going. By Monday my wife and I said no your not we're talking the baby, so we adopted him. Came home straight from the hospital in the middle of August with us. It was a wild summer that's for sure.

Funny thing is we had promised my other two sons we'd get a dog that summer instead they got a little brother.

Great thing you did NKY.
Many people could say they would do that, but doesnt know what thatd be like, including myself.

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