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Rose Hill Transfers
LIB MRDux Wrote:Well, I'll bow out of this thread now. Calimari has me convinced he's smarter than I am so I'm off to Ironton to enroll in some classes to further my education at O.U. and see if I can elevate my I.Q. to his lofty status. Again, I hope for the kids sake that all of them get eligible. I also wish that all of the schools who openly participated in the "Rose Hill Sweepstakes" reap what they've sowed. (See, I need my learnin' increased) Can't wait until we tip it up. Hope I can get out of class in time to catch a few games. :rockon:

Study hard.

Remember - a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
I've been gone since early Friday afternoon but, from a review of this thread, i sure haven't been missed. I don't know how Squid spent his weekend but it is obvious that he had his computer with him at all times. A lot can be gathered from all the posts and one thing for certain is that Squid has revealed his loathing for Rose Hill. I'll bet he, like many of his cohorts, still has nightmares about Mayo.

I'm going to make a few statements and observations which will include both fact and opinion. You can be sure that any facts presented can, just like my earlier facts, be substantiated . I invite anyone to try to disprove any of my facts (character assassination doesnt count because it is meaningless).

1. I enjoyed my trip to the Cincinnati area. Seeing Simon Kenton-Booone County on Friday night and Highlands-Covington Catholic on Saturday afternoon was a real experience in good high school football. When we spend so much time in the Ashland area, we tend to forget how the top teams perform. Having seen one crown jewel (Highlands) of Kentucky football, I hope to see the other two (St. Xavier and Trinity) soon. Of course, eating again at the Montgomery Inn is also special.

2. Squid has been effective. When one doesn't have any facts to rebut with, he usually resorts to character assassination and belittling. Squid has done so in a typical Ashland manner. When you have no facts, just yell real loud to cloud the issues.

3. I have nine (maybe ten) other examples of gleaning, courting, enticing, persuading (you choose the word you like best). Three deal with Fairview, three with Ashland, and three with Rose Hill (the tenth is a "wildcard" from several years ago). However, since I really want all of these athletes to be declared eligible and since only Terry has been so ruled, I need to hold off. I suspect that KHSAA reades these forums and I don't want to contribute to having anyone declared ineligible. I do understand that KHSAA has a couple that they would like to dump on.

4. My purpose in posting was to give concrete examples indicating that all the 64th District schools openly, intentionally, and blatantly violate Bylaw 6 of the KHSAA. I think that has been accomplished since even the supporters of other schools tend to admit "some wrongdoing" in the "past".

5. I'll make some further Factual Posts after these eligibility questions are resolved. I don't want to do the investigator's job for him. If you are familiar with his "procedures" you would have to agree that he, as one local individual stated, is obviously no Perry Mason.
LIB MRdux,

Time will not allow me to disclose the wrong doings of Rose Hill beginning with the OJ era, so I will move on to the present infractions that is hovering over Winslow Road.

First, I will say that most of the kids that went to Rose Hill were there from a very early age and grade, not alot of recruiting violations but that is not the real source of the problems at Rose Hill. I stated in an earlier post that all of us have recruited, yes, even us from Floyd Street.

Ernie was great at that as was Patterson. Many trips to Westwood from good ole Ernie during Jeff Hall's Junior year. A car for a CK product went a long way. We (I Diomedes does not deny the wrong doing of recruiting from several local schools.)

What is vexing to me is that Rose Hill has had one opportunity after another to relegate the entire situation but instead they make it worse than before. I really dont care if Rose Hill recruits. What is bothersome is how Rose Hill manages to "waive" the cost of attending the school for certain students "deemed" star athletes. This is the truth and is part of the 18 month investigation.

Rose Hill has allowed the appointment of people with coinage to dictate every move and decision that goes on at Rose Hill. People, I might add, that have their own self/family secret agendas. What has happened at Rose Hill is not the doings of the KHSAA.

It would be a wise move at the next school board meeting if Moe, Larry, and Curly would resign and allow true Educators to run the school.

Bottom line is that Rose Hill has three stooges that have operated under quizzical unethical practices that is not becoming of a Christian school. Whether you like or not, Rose Hill is called to a higher standard far more than any public school whether it is in our district, region, state, or country.

I hope you take this as a personal jab. You are very childish and you are vermin to post a picture of that kid's car on the internet. I hope one day to meet you in person, and if you are who I think you are, I will be meeting you as soon as 8th Grade Basketball starts up!

Sincerley Not Yours,
Ashland Diomedes
Gosh, I was gonna bow out, now I've got to go to the veterinarian because I'm a vermin.
Oh, and I found a set of these laying around that are terrific for getting maroon panties out of a wad.
[Image: http://www.ncmedical.com/items/fullsize/...704_MD.jpg]
hey, :blondnursthat's funny no matter who you are! I hope she has ky jelly so it don't hurt much!
Truth Wrote:I'm going to make a few statements and observations which will include both fact and opinion.
Finally - a little "Truth" in advertising.

Truth Wrote:I suspect that KHSAA reades these forums and I don't want to contribute to having anyone declared ineligible. I do understand that KHSAA has a couple that they would like to dump on.
Which is it? Are they so inept that they can't conduct a thorough investigation, or are they combing every site on the internet, looking for innuendo from deranged fans to add to their in-depth probe?

If I didn't know better, I'd say that it looks like you have simply made another innuendo filled post, with absolutely no evidence to support your claims of having the inside scoop. Surely you didn't waste all of this bandwidth to tell us that you just can't bring yourself to reveal the "facts".

Truth Wrote:My purpose in posting was to give concrete examples indicating that all the 64th District schools openly, intentionally, and blatantly violate Bylaw 6 of the KHSAA. I think that has been accomplished since even the supporters of other schools tend to admit "some wrongdoing" in the "past".
Excellent work, detective. It took you 7 pages, and two weeks to discover something that absolutley no one has denied.

Truth Wrote:I'll make some further Factual Posts after these eligibility questions are resolved.
"Further Factual Posts"? What did you put in this one? Earlier, you said you would be including both fact and opinion - and yet, after having read the entire post, you seem to have omitted the "factual" aspect.

Truth Wrote:I don't want to do the investigator's job for him. If you are familiar with his "procedures" you would have to agree that he, as one local individual stated, is obviously no Perry Mason.
If there is an investigator out there that is relying on the tripe that you have posted in this thread, he's in the wrong field of work. Then again, I am beginning to understand why it has taken the KHSAA 18 months, and they still haven't issued a decision about Rose Hill and the charges leveled against them. You guys appear to be incapapble of understanding the difference between "fact" and "opinion", as well as "proof" and "evidence".

Reading one of your long winded posts that, essentially says nothing reminds me of the quote by Abraham Lincoln - "He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but to be honest, you've actually made me feel sorry for the KHSAA investigator that has the unenviable (and probably impossible) task of trying to find the truth of what is going on at Rose Hill.
GET REAL! The KHSAA cares less what is on these boards. That's like a real Doctor watching Dr. Phil and using it to take care of a pt.. Jerry springer says it's okay that we are different and I for one believe in SPRINGER!!!
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