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What coach?
"sf_football" Wrote:sf needs a new coach it doesnt matter who it is cant be any worse
i also agree wit that i think that a 10 yr old can do a much better job than he can and would probly bring in more fans too
"*True*Cougar*" Wrote:Actually the girls do complain about the coaches. I played for the lady warriors this year and ended up quitting because the coaches really have no idea what they are talking about

Let me put it to you this way honey. I am a *SENIOR* starter for the East Ridge Lady Warriors and YOU have NO IDEA of what you're talking about. You probably just quit because of other personal problems that have nothing to do with the coaches. Unlike you, I support my team and coaches, whether we are winning or losing. Obviously you are the one with the problem, not the Morgans. Anything else PM me.
I do hear the girls complain alot they do all the time even in the hallways during school.And why I quit is none of your bussiness. Yes it was person reasons and I dont feel like I have to tell everyone.
I never said I even wanted to know why you quit. Quite honestly I don't care. This thread isn't about you quitting or whatever. Nobody complains. Believe me I would know if they did. So just drop it. Nobody said you had to play for them.
Champ321- yea i think u said what i was about 2...some people cant take the heat caz they dont get to play because there to young 2 play they get mad and quit!! o well.... on big loss
Just curious....What makes Tony Isaac a bad coach?? I never really watch him.
Henry Webb had a losing record there when he started with the girls and they didn't have many fans then. Melinda Hopkins had a good team and won the district and there were not alot of fans. I don't see where the fans coming in has anything as to who the coach is. This team is extremely young and the girls are trying to build a team to be proud of. Give Isaac some credit for doing what he thinks needs to be done. Opinions are fine and everyone is perfectly right in stating them but look at the whole picture in being honest. Raider Arena seats 2200 and I haven't seen it full yet in 11 years for any game period. I don't know if Isaac will even want the job again next year but I did hear the some guy named Spurlock was interested and it wasn't Kevin.
I agree with you Wyatt Earp. People shouldn't be ragging on Issac as much as they are. I think you make an excellent point. Oh, and the Spurlock you are referring to, could it be James Spurlock LMAO!!! Those of you from South Floyd know who I'm talking about! LOL!! But seriously, the girls need to get it together. Tony can only do so much.
"volley_coach14" Wrote:Just curious....What makes Tony Isaac a bad coach?? I never really watch him.

Just say you watched little Ashley Castle play in varsity games, & never watched the coach.
Just curious...didn't you play last season for SF & won 9 games on a very, very weak, weak, schedule and you don't know what makes a bad coach?Confusederved:
"spectator4bball" Wrote:Just say you watched little Ashley Castle play in varsity games, & never watched the coach.
Just curious...didn't you play last season for SF & won 9 games on a very, very weak, weak, schedule and you don't know what makes a bad coach?Confusederved:

Yeah I have watched Ashley Castle play in like three games because she's my cousin. No, I didn't play for South Floyd last year. I live in Rowan County. So you need to get your facts straight. I didn't watch the coach because I was there to watch my cousin. I know the coach through a friend of the family, but I don't watch him coach. But I do know that when a team is losing people always blame the coach instead of looking for the problem that exisits within the TEAM! So, yeah there you go!Confusederved:
tony does not know how to make his team run plays, or how to get into a game he could care less if they win or lose. he is only worried about the $$ and not the girls.IMO unlike u Wyatt Earp u can make the boys run plays and u care if u win or lose u also have tons more displine than him. thats what makes u a good coach IMO

he has none of that
You people crAck me up, you wine and cry becasue your little team is so young, yet not sound as if they are seasoned palyers.
I don't know coach issac but he must be a good man to put up with the crap you guys are laying on him.
Yes i have seen SF play over the years and i dont know where anyone can comeoff by saying get them back to the glory days. yes they got hot one year and made a run at the region one time in the history of the school.

Give him a chance, better yet for all of those who want rid of him so bad who is going to be the coach to come in and turn things around?
If Denise was coaching Er then they would be a contender for the 15th region this year! Bad move on the part of ER's leadership.
I wanna see Bobby Spears coach..
i would like to have dickie adams or randy napier

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