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We paid for Richie to go to the Sweet 16
tvtimeout Wrote:Really, I showed you corruption brought on by the Fletcher Admin. No response... Really? I point out the Williams/Farmer IS part of that Corrupt Government, no is the dems fault... one word Brilliant!

I do support Moffett because of the reasons you have pointed out, but hey if you like the same old, same old, enjoy supporting Williams, then in four don't complain when things are exactly the same but with higher health premiums, worse education, higher unemployment, and a tax code that makes no sense at all.

The biggest problem with Fletcher was not corruption it was the fact that he is a lousy politician. Even if all of the Democrats' accusations were true, it was barely a blip on the screen of corruption in Kentucky state government. Compared with the allegations against Paul Patton, who should have gone to prison for his escapades, Fletcher was a saintly governor.

The worst thing about Kentucky state government corruption is that most of it is legal and as others have pointed out, Democrats have had many opportunities to change the system than Republicans have. One-party rule breeds corruption - it is much healthier to have a competitive two party political system.
TheRealVille Wrote:I've thought you were pretty much an ignorant person, you proved me right with this post.
Thank you for your attempt to debate. As I may well be ignorant, my point was that Richie isn't a state "employee" but an elected official. If I'm not mistaken or ignorant, elected officials are exempt from taking furlough days. Most state wide elected officials did in fact take so many days pay and donate it to charities and called it furlough. If this is what they did it didn't save the state any money at all. It was simply a jesture and nothing more.

I myself have taken several furlough days the past two years. If I didn't have to I wouldn't. I'll go out on a limb and say that if you had a choice of taking furlough days or not, you would not...That would make you smart, not ignorant like me.

State government is bloated in every state. I see the waste first hand. I have been employed by the KDOT in the engineering department for over twenty years. In the past 18 months I have seen over a dozen people hired in our district alone. And yes, several of them were furloughed before they received their first paycheck.

Again, thank you for your intelligent response.
tvtimeout Wrote:Sorry, but I had a family member working for the state over 20 years now and he was forced to take furlough. I know that you think one or two days without pay is probably a good thing, but it does stretch a budget thin.

My question is why did my family member ( a state employee) take a furlough day but Richie did not? That my friend is not wrong but is a joke in my mind. My family member had to make budget cut decisions, granted small ones, but none the less he did but Richie (a state employee) did not... leading by example... I agree what a joke!!!
Your preaching to the deacon my friend. No one person has taken more furlough days than I have. I have been employed by KDOT for over twenty years and I can tell you first hand that furlough days are not easily dealt with.

My furlough days were deducted from my paycheck. Elected state officials are exempt from furlough days. Most of them did voluntarily deduct some days of pay and donate it to charity though, as Richie did.

I suppose you will also deduct the same amount of pay myself and your family member lost over the past 18 months and donate it to either the state budget or your favorite
charity. Rich has a budget just as you and I do. I don't blame him one bit for not voluntarily taking a pay cut. He had nothing to do with state workers getting furloughed, that was Steve and our representatives...Those are the ones that should have shared the pain.
TheRealVille Wrote:You do know being ignorant means uninformed, not stupid, right? There is no personal attack in my statement.

Williams is a dud, Farmer is a dud, Beshear is a dud, Abramson is a Louisville dud.

Boy, the Commonwealth is hurting.

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